Manhood Peninsula Destination Management Plan 2011-2015 Manhood Peninsula Destination Management Plan ManhoodThe Manhood Peninsula Peninsula Partnership Appledram CP Donnington CP Hunston CP North Mundham CP West Itchenor CP Birdham CP West Wittering CP Sidlesham CP East Wittering CP Earnley CP Selsey CP Ordnance Survey Crown Copyright © Licence no LA100018803 - 2 - Manhood Peninsula Destination Management Plan ‘“With so much happening on the Peninsula, and with tourism so crucial here, it feels the perfect moment to have a plan that will help balance the all-important needs of the local community, economy and environment.”’ Adrian Thomas, RSPB Pagham Harbour - 3 - Manhood Peninsula Destination Management Plan ‘East Head is the fastest moving sand and shingle spit in the UK and has to cope with up to 30,000 visitors a day. Visitor management strategies are imperative to allow this valuable and vulnerable LJVZ`Z[LT[VKL]LSVWHUKÅV\YPZO» Andrew Lawrence, National Trust Warden, East Head East Head - 4 - Manhood Peninsula Destination Management Plan Foreward Contents On the south coast of England lies a Peninsula of blue skies, open countryside, beaches and clean water, loved by local people and those who visit. Traditional coastal industries such as IVH[I\PSKPUNHUKÄZOPUNY\IZOV\SKLYZ^P[OUL^LYVULZZ\JOHZZHPSPUNZ\YÄUNHUKKP]PUN 1. Introduction p. 6 and coastal towns and villages sit alongside some of the best wildlife habitats in Europe. 2. The Destination Management Plan Framework p. 7 But - as with all coastal communities and landscapes – time, tide and Man have reshaped The Local Context p. 7 the Peninsula constantly, and now climate threatens to change it even more dramatically. 3. Developing a Sustainable Visitor Economy p. 8 And yet these changes also offer exciting opportunities. Change, if handled sensibly Wise Growth for Tourism p. 8 and sensitively, can have a silver lining. The coastal realignment at Medmerry creates an Place Making Charter p. 9 opportunity to enhance tourism on the Peninsula – and boost the local economy – in a way Developing Local Distinctiveness p. 10 that preserves what people care about but that accentuates the special sense of place here. 4. Understanding the Manhood Peninsula p. 12 The Peninsula Partnership – embracing change, loving nature. The Changing Coastline p. 12 Carolyn Cobbold Going Dutch II - Conclusions and Recommendations p. 13 Project Leader Manhood Peninsula Partnership Integrated Coastal Zone Management p. 17 The Visitor Economy p. 17 Background and Using this DMP =PZP[VY7YVÄSLZHUK,_WLYPLUJL p. 18 This Destination Management Plan (DMP) is intended to dovetail with the wider DMP for Chichester District, and in doing so Places p. 22 provides an overview of the Manhood Peninsula making reference to the key issues relating to the long-term development and sustainability of the visitor economy. The DMP has been commissioned by the Manhood Peninsula Partnership, Walking, Cycling, Horse-riding p. 24 working with Visit Chichester and the University of Chichester. Food and Drink p. 26 The DMP has involved a lengthy consultation process, where local stakeholders have had an opportunity to input their ideas into the strategy process. The project team is grateful to those that attended the planning workshop at the Witterings, Accommodation p. 26 HUK^LOVWL[OH[[OPZ+47Z\P[HIS`YLÅLJ[Z[OLPZZ\LZHUKPKLHZ`V\YHPZLK0[[HRLZWHY[PJ\SHYHJJV\U[VM[OL\UPX\LULLKZ of this special area and seeks to achieve a balance between protecting the environment and enabling a thriving visitor Attractions, Activities, Transport p. 26 economy. Landscape and Environment - Chichester Harbour AONB p. 28 As well as consulting with local stakeholders, the DMP has also drawn from a range of strategy documents to ensure it suitably dovetails with existing policy and management frameworks across the Manhood Peninsula and wider Chichester Landscape and Environment - Pagham Harbour p. 32 District. The DMP has deliberately not sought to duplicate the content of these documents. They have been included as reference points and can be accessed by following the hyperlinks embedded in the publication. Leader Programme p. 34 Finally, the DMP concludes by providing a series of action points intended to provide a basis for effective destination Action Planning p. 35 management. The success of these action points will be determined by those with an interest in the visitor economy, and the future of the Manhood Peninsula coming together to create effective change. The emphasis within the action points 5. References p. 38 PZVUJYLH[PUNH:LUZLVM7SHJL^OPJO\S[PTH[LS`PZVULVM[OLPUOLYLU[Z[YLUN[OZHUKX\HSP[PLZVM[OL4HUOVVK7LUPUZ\SH which needs to be promoted more effectively. 6. Appendix p. 39 Dr Andrew Clegg 7. University of Chichester - 5 - Manhood Peninsula Destination Management Plan 1. Introduction Aims Objectives Targets The aim of the Manhood Peninsula Destination To encourage the development of a sustainable To increase total visitor spend but not at the expense of the Management Plan (DMP) is to set out, at a strategic and green tourism economy, which recognises the environment. The Plan may differ from these targets but as level, the aspirations, key issues and actions for wider issues facing the Manhood Peninsula such a starting point the target is set at an annual growth of 2% stakeholders with a responsibility or interest in the as climate change and sea-level rise WLYHUU\TV]LY[OLÄ]L`LHYZ[V;OPZ^PSSVUS`IL local visitor economy. Set against a background To provide a business development environment achieved through extending the season and targeting appropriate of climate change, sea level rise, and the need to in which the tourism economy is supported and market segments and not from increased visitor number numbers WYV[LJ[[OLZWLJPHSLU]PYVUTLU[HSX\HSP[PLZHUK JHUÅV\YPZO in the high season distinctive character of the Manhood Peninsula, the Establish an agreed framework between the key 0UZ[H`PUN]PZP[VYZWLUK^HZT;VPUJYLHZL[OPZZWLUK principal aim of the DMP is to promote sustainable Z[HRLOVSKLYZMVY[OLKLSP]LY`VMOPNOX\HSP[`]PZP[VY [VTI` tourism development, and provide a suitable vehicle experiences 0UKH`]PZP[VYZWLUK^HZT;VPUJYLHZL[OPZZWLUK[V to ensure that both the private and public sectors Develop and promote eco/green tourism through TI` work collaboratively to support the wider visitor the appropriate development of access to the To increase the annual volume of trips but not at the expense of economy and protect its environmental assets. natural environment and the outstanding wildlife the environment. The target is therefore set at an annual growth 4VZ[ZPNUPÄJHU[S`^OPSL[OLZ[YH[LN`ZLLRZ[V areas within the project area VM WLYHUU\TV]LY[OLÄ]L`LHYZ[V;OPZ^PSS enhance the value of the visitor economy, it is Produce a framework which has the support only be achieved through extending the season and targeting recognised that additional visitor numbers to the of stakeholders and that seeks to sustain the appropriate market segments and not from increased visitor Manhood Peninsula during the high season is ZWLJPHSX\HSP[PLZVM[OLHYLH^OPSZ[Z\Z[HPUPUNHUK numbers in the high season not sustainable, and greater emphasis is needed enhancing local communities 2006 staying trips totalled 217,000. To increase this total to on supporting the visitor economy by extending Develop new opportunities to market the area 238,000 by 2016 the season through the effective and sensitive Stimulate development of new and existing 2006 day trips totalled 2.2m. To increase this total to 2.4m by development and marketing of new and existing businesses, in line with the principles outlined in 2016 ;VLZ[HISPZOZWLJPÄJ4HUOVVK7LUPUZ\SHLTWSV`TLU[LZWLJPHSS` products, such as walking and cycling, local the DMP tourism) data by 2013 MVVK^PSKSPMLZJLUPJX\HSP[`HUK[OLHJJLZZ 7YVK\JLUL^ZL[ZVMX\HSP[`KH[H[VHZZPZ[[OL ,Z[HISPZOZWLJPÄJ[V\YPZTQVI[YHPUPUNHUKI\ZPULZZTHUHNLTLU[ and recreational opportunities presented by the planning process opportunities by 2015 realignment of the coastline at Medmerry. To increase occupancy levels in tourist accommodation across a wider season - 6 - Manhood Peninsula Destination Management Plan 2. The Destination Management Plan Framework The Local Context Reference Enhancement Themes Tourism spending on the Manhood Peninsula accounts for 49% of total tourism spending across Chichester District. Given the VisitChichester ZPNUPÄJHUJLVM[OL]PZP[VYLJVUVT`[OLÄYZ[ZLJ[PVUVM[OL+47 Enhancement Theme 2: KL[HPSZOV^[OL4HUOVVK7LUPUZ\SH+47YLÅLJ[Z^PKLYWVSPJ` Industry Competitiveness frameworks for tourism, sustainability and economic development. View The DMP for Chichester District provides the strategic context for the Manhood DMP, which itself integrates with the existing policy Enhancing Excellence framework adopted by Chichester District Council, and is designed Destination Management Plan for Chichester and District 2010-2015 to capitalise on the strengths and develop the weaknesses of the destination, and concentrates on three key areas or Enhancement Enhancement Theme 1: Themes, which are central to the development of the visitor economy The Visitor Experience VISIT CHICHESTER (2010), Enhancing on the Manhood Peninsula: Excellence - Destination Management Plan for Chichester and District, Visit Chichester, Chichester. The visitor experience is about the areas our customers engage ^P[OHUKPUJS\KLZJ\Z[VTLYZLY]PJLX\HSP[`THUHNLTLU[HUK research Destination marketingMVJ\ZLZVUJYLH[PUNH\UPX\LKLZ[PUH[PVU Enhancement Theme 3: Destination Marketing proposition, attracting
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