v WEATHER MIDDLETOWN- Cloudy tadajr, tonight aad la- morrow, with a chanea of shew* BAYSHORE EDITION en tomorrow. High both days, SMS. Low tonight, 41. See page 2. Ked Mink 1MIM4 dally, lloadir through rrtdajr. mtertt u Meon4 Clan WW.IIM.Mi MIDDLETOWN, N. J.. MONDAY. NOVEMBER 23, 1959 PAGE ONE VOLUME LXXXII NO. 71 010c* u Mlddlttown. N«w Juny. undar Mditloau tntnr urmlt 4«U4 A«S. It, Ml. 7c PER COPY Labrecque Issue n Slides, Floods Still Unresolved Enforces Cause Havoc No Agreement Tavern Fire Sale Ban Seen as Senate Prosecutor Joins Goes in Finale Damage Put In Northwest Gloucester; 15 Train Trapped, Theodore J. Labrecque, Fair At $20,000 Haven resident and Red Bank at- Are Arrested Ike Probably torney, seems to be no closer to Man Awakened Faring Vacated; being approved by the state Sen- By Smoke; Five HACKENSACK (AP)- Bergen ate for a Superior Court vacancy County Prosecutor Guy W. Calissl Will Extend Worse to Come then he ever was, Firemen Injured utilized his entire 24-man staff yesterday to enforce the Sunday And whether he ever will be WEST KEANSBURG - The up- closing law. It resulted in the A-Test Ban SEATTLE (AP)—Massive remains a good question as the per story of Lakeview Inn, Rt. arrest of IS persons. rain-caused slides blocked Legislature's upper house goes 6, was destroyed by fire early Those arrested were owners, Would Go Along into its final session of the year major rail and highway today. Fire Chief William Hill managers and clerks who alleg- With UN Resolution today. estimated damage at $20,000. edly sold merchandise on the routes across Washington's Once again the issue boiled Anthony Delaney. 60, who lived banned list. This includes cloth- Pending Talks Cascade Mountains today down to two important facts; i the three-room apartment ing, appliances, furniture and ibove the tavern, was awakened and trapped 90 passengers 1. There is a split in county building materials. WASHINGTON (AP) - Presi- for 10 hours in a stalled Democratic ranks over whom ibout 4: SO, gasping in the smoke. Hardest hit in the crackdown dent Eisenhower now seems cer Gov. Robert B. Meyner should He telephoned Union Beach Pa- was the 2 Guys From Harrison tain to'order an extension of the train until they got out by bus have nominated for the judiciary trolman Andrew Kubiack who dis- chain. Nine employees of this U. S. ban on nuclear weapons on a one-way road. patched apt. Walter A. Hutton firm were arrested. tests-but for a few weeks only. post — Mr. Labrecque, whom he A woman was killed In a moun- to the scene. Tho Sunday closing law was Further extensions could follow. did, or County Court Judge John HIT AND RUN —Red lank police ar. s.tkin, a driver who loft the scan*, tain pass highway accident. C. Giordano, West Long Branch. Capt. Hutton brought Mr. De- given pvbDc endorsement Nov. Administration leaders are pre- Some ot the leaden favor Mr. laney out of the building and say. after his ear skidded 25 feat Sunday morning into the wolding shop «? CiW- S la a referendum. A court la- pared to go along with a United Flooding rivers forced evacua- Labrecque, others Judge Gior- called fire companies from Union Grimmer, 9 Wast St. Tho car flattened a fence and smashod an ojfht-foot hole Joaete earner this mean Nations resolution, adopted Sat- tion of scores of farm families in Beach, West Keansburg, North hold up enforcement of the urday, opposing any resumption northwest Washington valleys. dano. in tho building. Tho ear was described as a I.Mlor 1950 tuiclc, dart colored, with CentervOle and Hazlet. law until Us constitutionality of •nuclear tests during negotia- Three railrosds diverted traf- Second Reason State police, Keyport barracks, white-wall tirai. Ono headlight is broken out. Capt. Frank J; Maixa it inveiti- eauld be decided. tions for a permanent, policed fic over a combined route south 2. State Sen. Richard R. Stout reported the cauie of the fire is gating. •' ' , ' With the arrests came word test ban. of the trouble zone. (R-Monmouth) - the key to the still undetermined. It started in from John J. Clancy, attorney But the1 negotiations themselves The Milwaukee Road's nine- whole matter — said last night the bedroom or living room of the for 2 Guys, who told the prose- are expected to come to a cli- car Olympian-Hiawatha passen- apartment, he will not move Mr. Labrecque's cutor he would start contempt max at Geneva in the first half ger train was caught between nomination untii county Demo- It took firemen nearly an hour Todd Crash proceedings against him and the of I960 and a breakdown of the slides yesterday afternoon near crats tell him he's the man they to bring the blaze under control. Psychiatric Center local police department which conference, now more than Hyak, M miles east ef Seat. The upper floor was gutted. want. co-operated in the arrests. year old, would bring a quick tie. Bases from EBsaabarg, Smoke and water, damage to the Widows Get The senator said, barring some Clancy has the right to do resumption of underground nu- Wash., cut of the Cascades 11th hour word of Democratic ground floor was reported as ex- whatever he wants," Calissl re- reached the stalled train early ensive. Drive Is Launched clear test explosions by the Unit- harmony, he would continue to $40 a Week sponded. "But he'd better check ed States. today and took the paanagsri Five firemen were treated for his grounds." to Spokane for tnasfsr to • put up a blockade in the path ot FREEHOLD — The widows of A campaign to have 1.000 center with • three-year operat- Elsenhower alresdy has extend- the court selection. minor injuries. says ha toa't makeup train for Chicago. The Raritan Township First Aid two crew members killed when county residents become founders budget. ed for two months—until Dec. 31 Whether there would be any of the proposed Children's Psy- by, tba uhwetiaa because "as —the one-year U. S. respite he The busses got through on Squad treated John NlchoUen and film producer Mike Todd's air- , To Rest tar as I'm concerned, the tow's harmony remained up in the air John Calmarl, both of West plane crashed March 22, 1958. in chiatric Center was launched last Mr. White, the' group's board originally put into effect at the U.S. Highway 10, restricted to — at least until late last night. en the basks approved by my end of October, 1958. He thus one-way traffic near the slide Keansburg, for smoke poisoning, New Mexico, Friday were award- night in the home of Mr. and trustees pnsident, said plans county." The people arrested Mrs. Katharine Elkus White, and Clem McQueen, Union Beach, ed the maximum allowable in Mrs. Arthur J. White, Harding call for the center to move into has more, than a month during area where the train was caught Red Bank, the county's senioi wen given sammenes, beaked, The Milwaukee, Great Northern for a foot puncture. Dr. Edward Workmen's Compensation Court: Rd., Red Bank. rented quarters soon after Jani aad released in $29 ball »i which he can act to keep the ban member and vice chairman ol and Northern Pacific Railnads Bernhard, Haslet, treated Frank $40 per week. A $23,000 fund drive has been charges of balag dlsafdeny.. in effect. the state Democratic Committee, all halted trains on regular routes Cozens, Union Beach, for a cut For the widow of the pilot, Wil- launched by the organization^ A i home has not been selected After the arrests, 2 Guys of- , Pressure spent a busy week-end trying to foot. 11am S. Verner of SOBattln Rd., which seeks to aid emotionally across the Cascades. They com- as yet. he added. It will be In a ficials roped off restricted mer- >Gne tactical objective of the bring her party members into The fifth injured volunteer, who Fair Haven, the total award will disturbed children in tho county. bined to divert traffic on a south- centrally located section of the chandlse and no more of it was 'administration at the present time line on the Labrecque appoint- also had t cut foot, was not amount to $36,000. That la based ern route by way of Pasco and $, Founders Week, as the final county. sold during the day. is to try to maintain the pressure ment — apparently without suc- identifiedfid . h f h hld Vancouver, Wash. on tha age of hot youngestchild, ataia of tboaMBth-loag drive is Mr. White uid enough funds Callssi's men visited the Roo- on the Soviet; government to keep _ . ... ._ cess. William Orton, 45 Main St., and who was five yam old at tbs oOJ«J. rspwaontt a "wadal on- Highway traffic rpiled up on now unavailable to Insure the ert Hall clothing store hen which the Geneva neogitations moving both sides of the Cascades aa the Mrs. White, who la for Mr. Lawrence Nolan. 42 Main St.. time of tha crash. Tho $40 per Su^Wosapn C. ^oaaland, openin~- -* g O**Mf thaaV &e center- -A—.,— * ./ • m _ _ ^ _* • *• __• «- __.___*_ had opened, threatened arrests, along. major cross-state passes - Sno- Labrecque, said: both of Ktyport, own the build- weak will be paid until that child jrjRid«» l^RwnsoaTgenerai The psychiatric center Is de- andi saw the place close up. ; The latest word on administra- quatmle, Stevens, White and "I've done all I can," reaches tha ago ot II.
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