Map 61 Ephesus Compiled by C

Map 61 Ephesus Compiled by C

Map 61 Ephesus Compiled by C. Foss and G. Reger (islands), 1994 Introduction The continental part of the map comprises three distinct geographic regions: the coasts of Ionia and Caria, the Maeander valley, and the mountainous hinterland of Caria. The coastal region, settled by Greeks in their first great expansion in the Iron Age, became the site of major cities and many smaller settlements along its deeply indented coastline. The excavators of Ephesus and Miletus have long surveyed the regions of those cities, and other classical scholars have investigated the rest of Ionia. The Ionian coast has seen great physical changes since antiquity. The vast quantities of alluvium deposited by the R. Maeander have made the ancient port of Ephesus an inland town, and turned the former Gulf of Latmos near Miletus into a lake (inset and E2). The Carian coast, with its numerous small ports, is well known thanks to the researches of Bean and Fraser. The broad Maeander valley, which divides Ionia from Caria, always played a major role in the economy of the region with its fertility and the communication it provided between coast and interior. It has not been systematically surveyed. The river’s tributaries offered an outlet for the scattered settlements in the basins and plateaus of the heavily forested interior of Caria. Much of this region, as well as many parts of neighboring ones, was carefully explored by Louis Robert. The map omits Carian sites for which no Greek name is attested; for these, see Radt (1970). For unnamed village sites also not marked, see Marchese (1989, 147-54). Islands The Aegean islands here pose difficult problems. The number of poleis (city-states) and other sites is considerable. Ancient sources such as Pliny the Elder and some of the later geographers offer a welter of names. These are often corrupt, and in some instances they can be associated with a specific island only with the greatest hesitation. Research and archaeological exploration have treated the different islands very unevenly. For example, it is still unclear where the main polis site was on Kalymna, whereas the territory of Ialysos on Rhodes (Map 60 G3) has been so thoroughly documented by Papachristodoulou (1989) that only a selection of the sites identified there can be marked at this scale. Future work is sure to improve our knowledge of the topography of many islands. Individual farms (choria) attested by the Diocletianic inventories are omitted both from the map and from the Unlocated Toponyms; most of their locations are in any case not known. Tholaria are also omitted; again, the locations of many remain uncertain. Single graves and small groups of graves are omitted likewise; it is a matter of judgment when “graves” become a “cemetery,” but in general only those that their discoverers or excavators term a necropolis are marked. Sherd scatters discovered in surveys are generally not indicated unless other, more substantial evidence (for example, walls) suggests a settlement. In the same connection note that the rich results of several surveys cannot be reflected at this scale because the areas covered were too small (for example, Erard-Cerceau 1993; Brunet 1988). Towers–such a common feature on the islands–are marked as forts; choice of this symbol, however, is not meant to prejudice views on the purposes of these structures, which continue to be debated. In general, only the relatively well-preserved towers are marked. 938 MAP 61 EPHESUS Directory All place names are in Turkey unless otherwise noted Abbreviations IK 17.1 R. Meriç et al., Die Inschriften von Ephesos VII.1, Bonn, 1981 IK 28 W. Blümel, Die Inschriften von Iasos, Bonn, 1985 IK 30 E. Varinlioglu, Die Inschriften von Keramos, Bonn, 1986 IK 35 W. Blümel, Die Inschriften von Mylasa II, Bonn, 1988 IK 38 W. Blümel, Die Inschriften der rhodischen Peraia, Bonn, 1991 IK 41 W. Blümel, Die Inschriften von Knidos, Bonn, 1992 IPriene F. Hiller von Gaertringen (ed.), Inschriften von Priene, Berlin, 1906 Robert, Hell. L. Robert, Hellenica,13vols.,Paris,1946-65 Robert, OMS L. Robert, Opera Minora Selecta, 7 vols., Amsterdam, 1969-90 TIB Phrygien K. Belke and N. Mersich, Tabula Imperii Byzantini 7, Phrygien und Pisidien,DenkWien211, 1990 Names Grid Name Period Modern Name / Location Reference G2 Acharaka HR Salavatlı PECS C1 Aegaeum Mare See Map 57 E4 Ag. Ioannis ACHR on Nisyros GRE Jacopi 1932 D2 Ag. Ioannis ACHR on Samos GRE Shipley 1987, 254 B4 Aigiale ACHRL Tholaria, on Amorgos RE 1 GRE D3 Akrite Ins. Arkoi GRE RE A5 Akrotiri AH on Thera GRE Sperling 1973, 11-12 F2 Alabanda/ CHRL/ Araphisar RE Antiocheia Chrysaoron H Robert 1973, 448-66 F2 Alinda/ CHRL/ Karpuzlu PECS Alexandria ad Latmum H F1 Almoura R Eskioba IK 17.1, 187 D3 Amazonion Pr. Geranos, Patmos GRE RE Patmos, col. 2179 G4 *Amnista H Sögüt Bean 1957, 61 B4 Amorgos Ins. Amorgos GRE RE G4 Amos CHR Hisarburnu IK 38.95 D2 Ampelos M. Karbounis, on Samos Shipley 1987, 279 GRE D2 Ampelos Pr. Aspro Kabo GRE Shipley 1987, 279 F3 Amynanda C Alakilise? Bean 1955, 165 F2 Amyzon/ HRL/ Mazın Kalesi RE *Mydon C ATL I, 521 E2 Anaia CHRL? Kadikalesi Müller-Wiener 1961, 66 B5 Anaphe ACHRL Kastelli GRE Hiller 1899, 351-58 B5 Anaphe Ins. Anaphe GRE RE G2 Anineta RL Bögdelik Robert 1980, 325-34 E1 Anokome L near Kozpınar Foss 1979, 56 (n. 20) E4 Antimachia ACHRL Antimakhia, on Kos GRE Herzog 1899, 165-66 H2 Antiochia ad Maeandrum HRL Aliagaçiftligi See Map 65 Antiocheia Chrysaoron = Alabanda B4 Anydros? Ins. R Amorgopoulo GRE RE G4 Apeiros H region N and W of Fraser 1954, 68-69 Physkos F4 Aphrodisias Pr. R Boz Burun Fraser 1954, 63 Aphrodite?, T. = Eileithyaia, T. A3 Aplomata L on Naxos GRE Orlandos 1976, 154-57 MAP 61 EPHESUS 939 Grid Name Period Modern Name / Location Reference Apollo,T.= Asklepieion, T. B5 Apollo Asgelatos, T. ACHR on Anaphe GRE Hiller 1899, 352-53 D3 Apollo Lepsios, T. ACHR on Lepsia GRE Bean 1957, 136 A3 Apollo, T. ACHR on Delos GRE Bruneau 1983, 19-60 D4 Apollo, T. ACHR Khristos Ierusalem, on Newton 1865 I, 304-12 Kalymna GRE B3 Apollonas AC on Naxos GRE Sauer 1892, 46 (no. 47-48) A3 Apollonion H on Mykonos GRE Svoronos 1893, 487 Aquae See Aqueducts E3 Ar(ai)ai Inss. RE Arai A3 Archilocheion?, T. ACHR Elitas, on Paros GRE Berranger 1992, 108-12 C2 Arethousa C on Ikaria GRE Zapheiropoulos 1963, 273 D2 Arethousa? spring, on Samos GRE Shipley 1987, 279 D3 Argiai Inss. Strongili and Airilousa RE Hyetussa GRE E4 Argos H?R?L? Stauros, on Nisyros GRE Bean 1957, 119 B4 Arkesine ACHRL on Amorgos GRE Rougemont 1993 E4 Arkonnesos Ins. R Kara Ada RE 1 Arkonnesos Ins. = Aspis Ins. C4 Armenokhori ACH on Astypalaia GRE Hope Simpson 1973, 161-62 G2 Aroma R Kavaklı von Diest 1913, 28 Arsinoe(ia) = Ephesus D3 Artemis Parthenos, T. ACHR on Leros GRE Bean 1957, 134 C2 Artemis Tauropolos, T. ACHR on Ikaria GRE Polites 1939; Papalas 1983 A3 Artemision CH on Rheneia GRE Charre 1993, 133-42 A5 Ascania Ins. Christiana GRE Pliny, NH 4.71 E1 *Asia A lower Cayster valley Kirk 1985, 164 E4 Asklepieion, T. CHR on Kos GRE Herzog 1932 A3 Asklepieion, ACHR on Paros GRE Berranger 1992, 90-93, 104-105 Thesmophorion?, Apollo, T. Asklepieis = Therma E4 Aspat H fortified site Foss 1988, 161 D1 Aspis/ R Doganbey Adası RE Arkonnesos 2 Arkonnesos Ins. D4 Aspripetra AC on Kos GRE Levi 1925 G3 Astragon H Elmacık? Marchese 1986, 237 C4 Astypalaia ACHRL on Astypalaia GRE Hope Simpson 1973, 159-61 C4 Astypalaia Ins. Astypalaia GRE RE D2 Astypalaia M. on Samos GRE Shipley 1987, 279 E3 Astypalaia Pr. R Kızıl Burun Bean 1955, 162 D4 Astypalaia/ ACHRL on Kos GRE Bean 1957, 122-23 Isthmos A3 Athena Poliouchos, T. C on Naxos GRE IG 12.5.41 A5 Athena, Zeus?, T. CHR on Thera GRE Sperling 1973, 35-37 Athymbra=Nysa G4 Aulai CR near Orhaniye IK 38.118 A3 Aulon H on Naxos GRE RE Naxos, col. 2082 Aurelia Neapolis = Neapolis Automate Ins. = Hiera Ins. G2 Bargasa HR Haydere PECS Bargasa = Pargasa F3 Bargylia CHRL Varvıl RE Bargylietikos Sinus = Iasi(k)os Sinus E3 Basilicus Sinus R Akbük Limanı RE E4 Bathos H on Kalymna GRE Koukoule 1982, 56-57 E2 Batinetis H opposite Samos RE Samos, col. 2182 E1 Belevi ACH mausoleum, tumulus Praschniker 1979, 170-71 940 MAP 61 EPHESUS Grid Name Period Modern Name / Location Reference E1 Belevi A? quarries Praschniker 1979, 169 E1 *Boneita R Küçükkale IK 17.1, 165 E4 Bourina H spring on Kos GRE Gow 1950, 133 Branchidai = Didyma D3 Brouzi H on Leros GRE Benson 1963, 9 G4 Bubasius Sinus R Hisarönü Bay Fraser 1954, 62-63 G4 Bybassos CHR Hisarönü district Fraser 1954, 63-65 F2 Caria ACHRL region S R. Maeander KlPauly Karer E1 Cayster fl. See Map 56 G3 ‘Cedreaticum’ Sinus R Gökova Körfezi Bean 1957, 63 F5 Chalke CHR GRE See Map 60 F5 Chalke Ins. Chalke GRE See Map 60 F3 Chalketor CH Karakuyu IK 35, 107-13 E4 Chelone Pr. on Kos GRE Bean 1957, 126 G4 Chersonesos CHR Daraçya Fraser 1954, 65-67 D2 Chesios fl. on Samos GRE Shipley 1987, 290 G2 Chrysaoras fl. R? Mastavra Dere RE G3 Chrysaoris C Şahinler? Marchese 1986, 97 E4 Cnidus HRL Tekir RE 1 F4 Cnidus AC Burgaz? IK 41.1-2 E1 Colophon AC Degirmendere RE Kolophon 2 E1 Colophon/ HRL/ S of earlier foundation RE Notion 1 Colophon ad Mare/ H/ Notion ACHR A5 Columbus C? on Thera GRE Della Setta 1924 D4 Cordylusa Ins.

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