Index Aaron , Henry , 158, 178, 217- 219 , 352 Base on balls , 15 , 37 , 44 , 45 , 73,85-90, Adair , Jerry , 197 94 , 173 , 299 , 304 , 314 Alexander , Grover Cleveland , 124 and double play , 85 , 87 , 88 Alou , Felipe , 352 in minor league play , 211 All -Star Teams , 177 - 182 , 209 - 270 , 272 , 303 and total base hits , 67 Alston , Walter , 202 Batting , 130 - 154 , 277 , 301 American Association , 3 , 212 averages , 40 , 130 , 133 - 137 American League , 3, 10, 212, 221- 222 order , 213 - 219 expansion of , 240 " slumps , " 139 - 145 , 150 - 151 1961 games , 225 see also Bragan , Bobby ; Runs , batted and New York Yankees , 308 in Aparicio , Luis , 23, 78, 176, 179, 180, 235, Bauer , Hank , 188 , 216 236 , 352 Berg , Morris , 72 Applied Experimental Psychology, 114n Berra , Yogi , 72 , 174 , 188 , 190 , 216 Ashburn , Richie , 352 Big Inning , 94 , 168 , 288 " At bats " 40 - 41 , Blasingame , Don , 352 Athletics , Philadelphia ; see Philadelphia Boddington , Clem , 97n Athletics Boston Red Sox , 67 , 9 ( 3 , 157 Bostons , 3 Baker , J . Franklin (" Home Run " ) , 169 Bouton , Jim , 259 Balderschun , Jack , 119 Boyd , Bob , 206 Baltimore Evening Sun , 236 Boyer , Ken , 178 , 188 , 263 , 352 Baltimore Orioles , 53 , 96 , 130 , 152 , 168 , Boy ' s Own Book , The , 2 177 , 191 , 234 - 236 Bragan , Bobby , 147 - 148 , 213 - 219 , 302 , 304 and New York Yankees (19GO), 199- 209 Brandt , Jack , 199 , 206 , 352 Banks , Ernie , 158 , 176 , 178 Braves , Mil " , , - aukee ; sce Milwaukee Barber , Steve , 199 Braves Barzun , Jacques , 292 Brecheen , Harry , 197 Baseball (ball ) : Breeding , Marv , 20 ( 3 , 352 dynamic balance of , 103 Brodie , Steve , 153 and homerun production , 25- 26, 162- Bruton , Billy , 352 171 Bunker , Wally , 147 and power factor , 27 Bunning , Jim , 105 , 107 resilience of , 17 , 22 - 37 , 103 , 116 , 160 , Burdette , Le \ v , 127 277 , 301 , 304 Burke , Leo , 197 trajectory of , 100- 102 Baseball (game ) : Callison , Johnny , 238 , 352 and elementary probability theory , Carey , Andy , 188 , 190 , 216 38 - 60 Cash , Norman , 178 , 285 , 352 fundamental circumstances of , 4 Cepeda , Orlando , 158 , 352 greatest offensive players of , 277- 287 Chapanis , Alphonse , 114n historical background , 1- 4 , 288- 293 Chicago White Sox , 3 , 72 , 192 , 224 and laws of chance , 5- 21 in 19 ( 30 pennant race , 204 Cincinnati " Reds " 7 transitional probabilities of , 20 , Baseball 's Book of Official Records , 277n Clarke , William J . , 153 - 15 ' 1 Baseball Writers Association , 178 Cleveland Indians , 165 , 191 Base hit , 138 " Clutch hitting , " 193 , 232 413 414 INDEX Cobb , Ty , 20 , 24 , 36 - 37 , 130 , 138 , 146 , Foul fly , 73, 94 158 , 180 , 250 , 277 , 303 , 305 Fox . Nellie . 178 . 179 career statistics of , 279 - 283 , 285 Foxx , Jimmy , 32, 36 , 158 , 160, 166, 277, Colavito , Rock ) " , 158 , 159 , 160 , 179 , 181 , 303 , 305 235 , 285 career statistics of , 279 , 283 , 284 Colts , Houston ; see Houston Colts Francona , Tito , 179 , 194 Comiskey , Charles , 3 FTeese , Gene , 352 Conley , Gene , 127 Frisch , Frank , 284 Daley , Arthur , 119 , 122 Gallagher , Jim , 25n Davis , T . , 352 Garner , W . R . , 48 , 114n , 12G- 128 , 271 , 308 Davis , Willy , 352 Gauss , Carl Friederich , 2G3 , 270 , 312 Deford , Frank , 65 - 66 , 175 , 217 Gehrig , Lou , 24 , 32, 3G, 158, 277, 303 , 305 Demeter , Don , 238 career statistics of , 279 , 283 Detroit Tigers , 180 Geiger , Gary , 352 Di Maggio , Joe , 138 - 139 , 158 , 2i7 , 303 Gentile , Jim , 158 , 159 , 160 , loG , 197 , 199 , 201 '1- 2 ?'() career statistics of , 279 , 284 - 285 Double , 45 Giants , Ne \v York , see New York Giants Double day , Abner , 19 Gilliam , Jim , 263 , 352 Double play , 20 , 43 , 45 , 54 Ginsberg , Joe , 197 and base on balls , 85 , 8i - 89 Gonzales , Tony , 238, 352 and fielding , 175 ( Gopher ball ," 32 , 98, 160 Downing . AI . 259 see also Baseball , resilience of " Drag hit ," 144 Gordon , Joe , 190 , 194 Dr)'saule, Don, 259, 2G3 Green , Gene , 352 Dunn, Jack, 197 Greenberg , Hank , 36, 158, 160, 166, 277, Dykes, Jimmy, 185, 190 303 career statistics of , 279 , 284 Eckfords of Brooklyn , 3 Groat , Dick , 178 Elliott , Bob , 190 Grove , Lefty , 124 Encyclopedia of Baseball (Turkin and Thompson ) , 164 Hall of Fame , Cooperstown , New York , Error , 45 , 175 - 178 73 , 158 , 174 , 277 , 280 in minor league play , 211 Hansen , Ronnie , 197 , 199 , 20 (3 and scoring index , 68 Harris , Lumen , 197 Extra - base hit , 42 , 44 Harshman , Jack , 127 vs . po \ \ ' er factor , 67 Haymakers of Troy , 3 Held , Woody , 176 Farm system , 211 Henderson , R . W . , 1 Fashion Race Course , Long Island , 2 Hinton , Chuck , 351 Fatigue , 114 - 115 , 118 , 123 Hit -and -run play , 15, 20 , 73, 91- 95, 299- Feller , Bob , 147 300 . 304 . 314 Fence , 27 - 32 , 35 , 3 ( 3 - 37 Hit batsman , 44 , 45 and home run production , 162 - 171 and scoring index , 68 Fernandez , Chico , 351 Hoak . Don . 238 . 262 Fielder : s choice , 44 , 45 Home run , 45 , 155 - 161 Fielding , 175 - 182 and power factor , 25 - 26 , 35 , 67 - 68 Finigan, Jim, 197 probability of . 27. 35 Fireside Book of Baseball, The, 97, 292 production , analysis of , 162- 171 Fitzgerald, Ed, 106 and stadium area , 30 , 35 Florida State League, 212 and weight of bat , 34- 35 Flyball , 43-44 Hornsby , Ilogers , 24, 32, 36, 158, 277, 303 , Football, 273-276 .";o .~ Ford, Whitey, 205, 259, 2G3, 269 career statistics of , 279 - 280 , 283 Fore3t Citys of Cleveland, 3 Houston Colts , 121 , 123 , 153 Forest Citys of Rockford, 3 Howard , Elston , 188 , 216 INDEX 415 Howard, Frank, 263 159 , 160 , 166 , 174 , 178 , 188 , 190 , Howser, Dick, 176,352 216 , 218 , 249 , 263 , 277 , 303 , 305 , 354 Hubbell, Carl, 124 career statistics of , 279 , 283 , 285 Maris , Roger , 34, 157, 158, 159, 160, 166, Indians , Cleveland ; see Cleveland Indians 178 , 285 Mathews , Ed , 158 , 160 , 178 , 352 " Iron Fireman , " 96 , 196 Mathew son , Christy , 124, 250 Mauch , Gene , 238 Javier , Julian , 351 Mays , Willie , 158, 178, 218, 303 , 352 Jennings , Hughie , 94, 153, 202 career statistics of , 279 , 284 Johnson , Walter , 250 Miller , Stu , 117 Jones , Bobby , 224 Milwaukee Braves , 213 Joss , Addie , 106 Minnesota Twins , 224 Jurges , Billy , 190 l\Ilnor leagues , 147, 211- 212 Minoso , Minnie , 179 , 352 Kaline , AI , 78 , 146 , 178 , 179 , 180 , 351 Moon , Wally , 352 Kasko , Eddie , 176 , 351 Morgan . C . T .. 114n Kekiongas of Fort Wayne , 3 Most \ Taluable Player Award , 149, 178- Kell , George , 149 180 , 303 Keough , Marty , 351 l\ Iusial , Stan , 249 Killebrew , Harmon , 158 , 159 , 160 , 166 , l \ Iutuals of New York , 3 179 , 235 Kirkland , Willie , 351 National Association of Professional Knickerbocker Baseball Club of New Baseball Players , 3 York , 2 National Football League , 272 , 274 " Knuckle ball " 99 , National League (of baseball clubs ) , 3 , Koufax , Sandy , 249, 259, 262 , 269 212 , 222 Kubek , Tony , 188, 216 expansion of , 240 Kuenn , Harvey , 23, 178, 179, 181 1961 games , 225 19G3 g (limes , 231 Landis , Jim , 351 Ne \v York Giants , 4 , 97 , 168 Larsen , Don , 106 pitching staff of , 120- 121 Lavagetto , Cookie , 190 New York Mets , 185 , 222 - 223 La \v , \-Ternon , 127 New Yoric Times , 119 League standing , 10 Kew York Yankees , 4 , 25 , 132 , 184 , 234 , Lije Magazine , 170n 237 , 308 - 309 Linz , Phil , 263 and the Orioles (1060) , 190- 209 Long Ball , 22, 24- 26 Nicholson , Dave , 197 and base -stealing , 78 Nicklaus , Jack , 159 and Big Inning , 94 Northern League , 212 Lopez , AI , 190 Lopez , Hector , 188, 190, 216 O ' Connell , D ~tnny , 352 Los Angeles , 7 Official Baseball Guide , 180 Lumpe , Jerry , 188 Olympic Club of Philadelphia , 2 Orioles , Baltimore ; see Baltimore Orioles McCardell , Roger , 197 Ott , Mel , 158 , 277 McDougald , Gil , 174, 188, 190, 216 O ,,' ens , Jim , 237 McGraw , John , 4 , 94 , 97 - 98 , 153 , 168 , 202 , 277 , 303 Pascual , Camilo , 127 offensive ability of , 283 Pearson , Albie , 197 , 351 Mack , Connie , 4 , 94 Pepitone , Joe , 263 McMahon , Don , 121 Perfect (no -hit , no -run ) game , 53- 51, MacPhail , Lee , 175n , 201 104 . 128 Manager , average tenure of , 184- 185 Perkinson , Bill , 236 rating of , 183- 198 Perranoski , Ron , 119 Mantle , Mickey , 23, 78 , 132, 138, 146, 158, Philadelphia Athletics , 3, 4, 7, 169 416 INDEX Phi Iadelphi a Phillies, 232-233, 237-238, Runnels , Pete , 178 , 179 , 235 247 Runner , 44 - 50 Pierce, Billy, 105-106 Runs , 130 - 132 Piersall, Jim, 352 batted in , 132 - 133 Pilarcik, AI, 197 defensive scoring of , 15 Pinch-hitters, 108 oftensive scoring of , 14- 15 Pinson.- Vada.- 352 see also Home run Pirates , Pittsburgh ; see Pittsburgh Ruth , Babe , 20 , 24 - 25 , 32 , 33 , 36 , 107 , Pirates 124, 130, 138, 146, 155- 161 passim , Pisoni , Jim , 188 166 , 180 , 249 , 250 , 277 , 303 , 305 Pitching , 11, 34, 35, 9G-129, 301 career statistics of , 279 - 280 , 283 , 284 control , 118 - 119 and fatigue , 114- 116, 123 Sacrifice plays , 15, 20 , 40 , 42- 44 , 45, 55, and innnings pitched , 109-112, 115 73 , 80 - 84 , 94 - 95 , 298 , 303 , 304 , 305 and motivation , 115 and scoring index (DX ) , 67, 70 mound , 98 - 102 and total runs , 81 , 90 and platooning of pitchers , 112-114, St . Louis Browns , 157 , 168 117 - 129 , 302 - 303 , 304 , 305 Saverine , Bob , 197 and recovery time , 116 - 117 Scores , probable distribution of , 226- 232 and sacrifice play , 81 Scoring index (DX ) , 16, 17, 63- 72, 73, and scoring index , 80 296 , 312 " " ' arm -up ," 118 and American League pitchers , 107 Pitchout , 94 and batting averages , 136 Pittsburgh Pirates , 213 , 217 and batting order , 213-219 Platoon system and the players , 131, 175- 182 and Baltimore (1960) , 205- 210 and sacrifice plays , 80 , 83, 298 and managers , 183 - 198 and score distribution , 231 and pitchers , 112- 114, 117- 129, 207- 208 , and stolen base , 64 - 65 , 68 , 73 , 78 , 298 302 - 303 , 304 of the team .
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