287 Re. Bnrtd kflling of AUGUST 91, 1991 Re. Brutal kflllng of 2w HarlErns HaNm 12-00 hrs. inflicted on Harijans in my own RE. BRUTAL KILLING OF Constituency of Tenali in Andhra HARIJANS IN TSUNDUR VTLLAGE Pradesh. OF GUNTUR DISTRICT Sir, the incident occurred in village [Trmrska tion] Tsundur, is a naked attack on the SHRI RAM VILAS PASWAN very social order of the country. On (Roscra) : Mr. FSpeaker, Sir. I have the Sixth of this month, the upper given a notice that more than 20 caste people have organised an attack people belonging to Scheduled on the Harijans. (Interruptions) Castes have been killed in Tsundur MR. SPEAKER : That is not to village of Guntur district in Andhra be shown like that. Please fold it. Pradesh . (Interruptions). Even This is not done. yesterday our colleagues from Andhra Pradesh wen very much agitated. (Interruptions) People belonging to Scheduled Castes including 40 Dalirs have fled away PROF.VENKATESHWARLU UM- from the village. The State Govern- MAREDDY : Sir, in Guntur district ment was alre;.d? aware of the possi- about twenty Harijans have been bility of such an incident. If the Gov- cruelly murdered. The sequence of ernment wanted, it could avert events is that one Mr. Yocob, a Fair such a happening. The subject mat- Price Shop dealer was summoned by ter concerning the protection of the MRO. While Mr. Yocob was Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes going to MRO's Office, there was an is the responsibility of the Central attack on him by the upper caste Government. But I find that since the people. This has resulted in a clash new Government took over, the num- between these two groups; served ber of atrocities is continuously on the people have gathered from both the increase. A few days back three sides; and there was a clash. Several people belonging to Scheduled Castes people have been injured in the in- were killed in Unnao district of Uttar cident. After some time. the upper Pradesh. Recently more than 20 caste peoplc-who arc' Congress work- pasons were killed in Andhra Pradesh. ers of that locality-have mustered According to my information, mem- strength not only from that village, but bers of almost all the political parties also from neighbouring villa es. They have:dcrnanded a judicial enquiry into have come in lorries an d tractors the incident. A delegation of op- with all the lethal wcapons and they position members is going thm today. have massacred about twenty Harijans Home Minister, Shri Chavan is present in that village. It is an organised one hac. I would like to know from him for the reason that they have not whether the Govmment is concerned only murdered. but they have also by growing incidents of killings of the wrapped all the dead bodies in gunny members belonging to Scheduled bag and thrown them in the Tun Castes and Scheduled Tribes and badn drain which is flowiy near &: what measures are king takm by the It is a small drain. Sir, so far--till Oomnmtnt in this regard? this morning-scven bodies have been recovered and the whereabouts of abut (Int~rions) twenty otlier Harijans are not known. 1figlfrkl MR. SPEAKER : 1 have allowed We have been feeling that more than tlre Hon. Member from Andb 20 people have been murdered and Rsdcsh. operations arc going on to restrict water flow in that canal and they haw (fntmuptlon) been searching for the bodies. Sir. PROF, VEfJKATESHWARLU UM' this is not for tbd Atat time that at MAREDDY 0: Mr. speaker, tscks on the down-trodden, the Scba *, 8 sbuPclbl iodddPt hU btm daled Cum, the Scheduled Mh 289 Re :Brulal kiflfng of SRAVANA 1F, 191 3 (SAKA) Re :Bmial killing of 290 Hed/anz Harib women and minorities have been boy was killed in a cinema hall. Thir inflicted in Andhra Pradesh in the past is the punishment they have given for one and a half years. There were the Scheduled Caste Harijans. Sir, several other occasions where such we have always been talking of anti- attacks had been inflicted in Andhra apartheid in this country. What moral Pradesh and even our leader, Shri N, right has this country got to talk T. Rama Rao as the Leader of Op- about anti-apartheid'! We can set position, had reported all the in- apartheid in every nook and corner cidents to the Prime Minister and the of this country in the form of untou- President of India. The law and order chability. How many people have situation has completely deteriorated been convicted in this country for ex- in Andhra Pradesh. Dacoities. high- ploiting the Scheduled Caste Harijans? way robberies, rapes and murders and Therefore Sir, I demand that this communal clashes have been going Government should hold a judicial for political gains-wen for changing inquiry and puniih the culprits. the Chief Minister. Communal cla- shes have increased very much and now Sir, it has hecome the order of the day. There i\ no security for life and property of the people. The people, pnrticulitrly the Harijans, SHRl BASU DEB ACHARIA have been victimid.. .(lnt~rrup- (Bankura) : Sir. more than 20 Harijans . Wc demand that the Go- were killed by the so-called upper caste lions). people in Guntur district Andhra vernment of Andhra Prade5h should of dismissed forthwith for the Pradesh. After lulling them merciles- be reason sly, they put the dead bodies in that there i\ no law and order in the gunny State. Sir, not that I am not telling bags and threw them in a canal. that the Congress people have done it. This is a wry serious matter. All the The Mini.;ter of AP who had gone politic31 parties demanded a judicial there himself owned the responsibility inquiry into this incident. We have claimin3 that their own people have precedents in the past also and we done it. He said that the upper caste have discussed this kind of incidents in people belong to the Congress Party.. this House. Since the killing of more than Harijans ib Yery serious matter, (Interruprions).. .Sir. wu demand that 25 a a judicial inquiry should be ordered this should be discussed in this and high compensation *hould he Housc . ( Infcrrirpfions! given to the victim\. MR. SPEAKER : There are many others who want to .peak. Please be hrief and quick. SHRl V. SREENlVASA PRASAD SHRl BASU DEB ACHARIA : (Chamarajanngar) : Sir. the country This kind of killing4 are taking place is going to celebrate itc 45th Inde- in Tripura as also in Uttar Pradesh.. pendence Ihy just next week. I (Interrrrprions) We demand that you know that long speeches, colourful allow a discussion on this under Rule cultural programmes, etc. will be 193. Or you may admit an adjournment there. Really speaking Sir, certainly it motion. (Interrupfions) is not a day to b: celebrated joyfully. 1 would like to hr~ngto your notice MR. SPEAKER : Loknathji, I as to what is actually happening in will give you a chance. Please wait. this free country. .. .(hferruptiom). 1 have called nim Even today, the Scheduled Caste Harijans have been killed brutally in AN HON. MEMBEk : Sir, arc Chundur village of Guntur district. you going to admit it under Ruk 1937 Many of them have been kidnapped and haw been missing. What is the reason MR. SPEAKER : 1 do not decide it for these killings? A Scheduled Caste ha. 1 decide it in the Chamber 291 Re. Brutal killing of AUGUST 9, 199 1 Re. B~~ctlkillink 01 292 Hdlrmr Xa?pva)u SHRI K. P. REDDlAH YADAV MR. SPEAKER : You have made (Machhiiipatnam) : Sir, I also hail your point. Please take your seat. from the same constituency. It is my native place. All the facts have SHRl MUKUL BALKRISHNA been brought before your notice WASNIK : Sir, the Harijans are not and I am not going into those details. going back to their villages. They are The fsct is that the sub-inspector and lying on the streets. the circle inspector were very much MR. SPEAKER : This is not cor- there. These brutal killings went rect. Please sit down. on for fi\r hours from 11 AM to 4 PM. in their very presence. No SHRI MUKUL BALKRISHNA Government machinery works there. WASNIK : The Home Minister should I request the Hon. Home Minister intervene. .(hferri~pfions);* that he should immediately send a MR. SPEAKER : What Shri Wasnik CBI team-as was done by Shrimati Indira Gandhi in 1%9-to arrest those says. will not go on record. people, the Reddys and Telag as of that (Interruptions) + village. I do not call them the upper castes. They are the Reddys and Tela- gas of that villap They have per- petuated 211 these brutalities. The Con- MR. SPEAKER : This is not going psleaders in connivance with the on record. Ycc, Mr. Chandra Jeet Chief Minister. are not going to bring Yadav. these people to book. SHRI CHANDRA JEET YADAV : SHRI CHANDRA JEET YADAV I think the entire House will agree with (Azarngarh) : I want to bring a very this and condemn this kind of brutal important factor before you. killings of Scheduled Cacte and people who are helpleqs and poor. As soon SHRI MUKUL RALKRISHNA a\ we gat this information yesterday. WASNIK (Buldana) : Sir. thic is a very Shri Ram Vila$ Pa$wan. Rajuji and I important izsue. .(Inrerruprionrl submitted the full Facts to the leader MR. SPEAKER : I have allowed of the House. Shri Ar~unSingh. Shri Yadav. Piease sit down. SHRI BASU DEB ACHARIA : SHRI MUKL'L BALKRISHNA 1 was also with you.
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