A SMMXJBlROl **)* »••! sUattv. CHAMPION KILLED TWO CITIZENS WILL All nxmben of the K. of P., ooto- Mscmbenof ib* AUantte Ctty bruxb. •—^ wHMa> Je mitla* from Ocamn <Vy Lodge. If a. an. No. JTO. of the Nallooal Letter Car- Knsxhl r*r PjrtnJa*. la company with rksr*' A—ncrallno. wUI pay a vtatt to w7. M. Kewswa telts of aa anmstTal tbe dkauset dwpaty fxrmnd cbaocmUor. the lattas- carriers of thl* city next Bat- DEER IN MAINE WOODS STAND BT MAYOR will go to PlamamntrUie oo Batorday 1 ti. Mini Is wUVb • uaad dock *&*• orday svsolDg. The object I* to be- V7V' n>orw acti* uj t Uaa srooJd a Bva evening. IforamhtT SO. to meet a come acquainted and discus* matters R* Curtis Robinson Th* tmrUcul to as foUowK stmllsJ coaasmaa from tba different of Interest to Ib* men who serve ib* •Ten mklmke lo call tola OMettac of lbe| •«( saw a small do^k afbawadafla) lodges m tha district, tor theparposa apprxsschlng. Thcjcaosydtrectty tWaa. of mall Ing Onal arranaamant for a BOOT D. Koorc's Boaid of Trad*, lie would M the bat uufseiunstetv d>l oot stop far oar BAPTISTS WILL other rneboldin to nOtrroce to iba grand rally to ba held to Iba Cestsl decors. As ibsy arrtred almost «*wr Hall of Pall Kemray Lodge. NO.CI.OD OMlter aod bo e«a<in»1 tba mrwtlof a* w**tuud tu> and flred, I polssd oa la Ib* window of In* reel rstsie Conveyancing and Ma«at Jeaapk O. that DO Occao CUy prbooeta woutd bej e nice plump loukios drsxa. Ha at*xV the a-renisc of Dwoembae 7. office* of Josepb I. BcaU A Co. U dis- OCEAN CITY SENTINEL af flew etr*. killed two watda IAKB BI6 HOYB i ilia ajil to tola way In tba tamta. •d to tail, so I turotu my sweoaa swat played a lot »f farm aod garden track, Ueretaroed from Ptaaidtrot 8UTCO* «Ut«d tbal ba wa» loos* rmtnrr pr»uiisroauaty aad Cbsm tnciodlos core, apples, potatoes, beets, rrktayoarbt, aod said Insurance aaked to call tbla meatloc. Ha waaataitsd to load uj>. Dceiad m* etc O. P. Heodrtckaoa. Ib* Joo- Radical Alteration TWaxliililiig with D*xt Huodsy mo- m pertect ayvpaiby with Iba more, Than Joaaay k«r member of the-Arm. decided tothas Inf the CttrswJan Endeavor Bucatty of Ttocary PaMIc aa4 C*mrars slope* at Deads _ fait-, wktek kOM Karaiaj Services Under aabeeooaldered U a proper oo*. aod show Ib* spirit of 'In* day w* cel*- voii-xxxn. OCEAN CITY, N. J^ THUBSDAY, DECEMBER 5. 1912. the Praabyterimn Charcb has arranged Haary D. Moan, Wm. trtbm Uaay bUw b» U Iba ooa to oa tbe beck of mjr oack. wbcswspoa I brmia." tried to clcso a big book of stoo* of to award a dim Christian Kodemtor Vtaak Tornlln. An- •booldcilt. Tba Immanne! Baptist Cbnreb eer- Its bamsck* bj mranaof jsy oosacad pin aa a reward to all who attend tb* Noa. 7-4-4-^w«S Aabury -Avenues d Mana Arcbar. of Jobo Maru «aJd tt la oot » mocb a • aa amasu**) a*. Csuaesaw. Mattes. llaaitiiiHiM.aad Chati** Bunkl*. of vita* have aaffcrad a form of RU(M. front teeth. Tbla may b* pafwurt B» Bating* tesjalaxty dnrliT* tbe next Ocean Cit*f Sentinel qoeatlon of oo* caaa. bat th* praepect* Mrs. rl. A. Lambert, of lh* rUerllng do* probably to (b* enrichment of arr- look opoo. bat U Is oot an en>ryahB> too* earmlhe and all who attend for OCUAN crrv, IM. j. HAND, J N. GR1SCOM, M. D. MOTOR BOAT CLUB HAS STIRRING TALKS MARRIED LAST SUMMER, : of a croefmltoo of crtmlntla. All»taod psrttmr HoUl. baarenUtl frotn Miss OofT In* ncea la otbtr ebarcoe* as well a* to ooayaat and laka part eacb Urn* will appallad at tbe coodalooa that eon- -I had alsraja tlksd Joaaay. bet th* 8t. Charles Hotel, adjoining tnw tMert- ATTORNEY and tbe email membership of tba Baptist rewarded wtth e Christian Kn- • oaiey ta l^sca om Boas' and J&artprs* KIUUTU OX. AMD WEULCV AVE. Mx.M*oai*eaaap lath* woods. fraot UMOV Lartamcy U a fuod thine taoaght that b* bad btt ma oa tb* tng. for tn* coming year. Tb* m. OOCAN OITV. *w. J. COUN8ELLOR-AT-LAW. UoU> POOOA-IUU. Ui l RE-ELECTED ITS OFFICERS Church. Tba pastor. Ib* B*v. Arthur daavo* (old pin. Tb* attendance of ON MISSION WORK SECRET JUST REVEALED If Dot carried too Cu. WbeoUUemr] tskrk or tbe neck and sra* now tmgn- Cnsilcs wlil b* known aa th* Klcrllnc :oar»- Unill U«.s. rroea lunp^n. Gwf.awHa somewhat discouraged and yoong peopl* last Bondsy evening Btt — - -• rlcd too t*M n Iweooiea tha Umur- Isg was too moth- I •tartcd fur him Anncx. bt said that Ua timln—s noUof waa rm nan illy Urge. I. J. At UUb^rd Tiwunwra. »Nkk«*iao. 4JU lo motbrr of ertm* Ua wu aarpnard, with mordcr tn my «J* aad a bust d tW dnftwuud stick ta my hand. Jouanj. K. CURTIS ROBINSON Snccesafal Has Member*) of iWotaea's West WartlfJl HtgtW* Dr. Called for Wednesday ereolog. D*- baaaJd. to htaro a raw daya ago of i will acrloasly a atiil In fits of uio^htrr. polntsd behind MOtto* sad Proprietor Big Ftsvns for Next Jersey Freatrytcrial Sodery tba walKdaveiopad crtmlaala of uodt* Isttnst ts> Oaaptl Ustlra. TheannnaJ meeting of tb* paxUb- aiteratioo to Ibe Boodsy morn o>0 snd oaatoDlco sum* arards aboot OFFICES LETTER CARRIERS OPERING RIGHT Champion (at a a<e. Mo»ing plctarea aod books tell- -do.m/ I k>otrd srooml and Users b*- Tber* ba* been a very manifest In- looen of Holy Trinity Church will Hold mttxiiag Sere. la AUtwUe City. io&* service. There I* ev«o more Im- P*r V*ar. atoicUy la A4rsac*. 1 lea. each wsaratesj in aoaad*. ing of Umlo robot fie* en to M«^* and blml DK oo il>r rucss was Ib* sam* Urest abosra tnlba aerie* of studies oo tak* pise* next Monday evening, st «*xi Clt> Mtto Buet (tab rs- A mesttnj of Ib* WooDsn * West Mr. Champtoo aay* there were «ix portant riinlnasa to be coosidered at Apsar & Bcswell. lit Wulrr Annas B fc» time to call a ball oo Una* plump l--l.li..- draL*. that I hid shot tb* four gospel* which tb* Rev. Chss. 8 o'clock, tor tb* election of offlten elcctcd Us msia orBdsis at a in—IInj Xerary Prsafayfrtstai J MlawcaaryBocwttj BRILLIANT E?BNT early teat trail Urn*. II beta*, ptrtty generally at^rrssa i* cuscur. Ocoan City Now J envoy HAD SOCIAL TUB President HUnoi dccland thai at tb*.- Dr-l tlrix- It waa hard lo rx*l- and Ib* transaction of other bu«liica* BOOaUUB BUII.DIHO, atlb* dab bou>e tts4ord»y rrsoluf. la* known that tba B>rlbu of OamUlj 8. Boboerhas been conducting dor- • ewSt of lba •parataia down to IS a Ibrra U a crowtoa; Uodcncy lo a lack Ux* Uul »*» b « auull 1'lrtl Had aoca * to be presented for oooalderalloa. AVsUI|jBsa4BUUHTHHTBUt are oot rallying to (ba work a> U ^*e* mlgntj iait tog tb* past weeks In Ibe regular mid- CITY DIRECTORY. ocmsja uiTT. t). J. as felloes: Wtrdetl Hsrkaa, eow af A. O. bewa* aniuileat, a* well as of rj»t<tt aod rrranoca tboe tlmca. Dxnmodcie. CUreoo* U. W. WUAtUatl- c dtw Bojs BnUr- Hew BeAdrjaaitera of Pro-«ad trtla, of IMi «•(*• ••* aflwJ hoped,or a* tba success of tbla pu -Wbro J^Almuj tuMl cou>* oot of hi*week prayer servic* at th* Prtsby- to Had each delightful Probably Iba roodlUoo* bcra ar» oo would org* a* tb« wisest pulley to cmT-ol*fcjaa nod I had psrkvd tb*Urtan Church. Tbe attendance has OFFICES W. P. HAINES aoo; >tos onmodon, J. Pnuikila tmlned by M<mbcis\ of gtc«wl«« lVcaTcae Filled at Baeoo. daaybtar af feat, aa* a* be atrack boa a poo bu re- WOTWJ Ib&n lo other plscea. box wa crrv OFFIOAJ-S Mjars. Jr.; rear ocvmpndnra. Joaapb tag C«y. UatUaciwaad, PtswasarrtU* Baalbrt Baa*w,of Isr*MwsO*assU adopt. OM fact becomes mocaaod festncr« oui uf mj t^^k b^lY w* look- reached bigb-walcr mark and many | Tbe Honxti I'.lnlUie ll.u~<! is Vint aUceptioa. aee that the coco them art rea COR. NINTH AMD wiCOLCV AWt buni; secrclary. Daolsj UssT OcCsVa City Brtuicb. aad oaa»«r* patats. Mra. 9. i. OaUstr, mon rvtdant wub ithrarw* to Uu ed anxrod a bit and fuaad thrr* wer* words of appremHoo have besro kept baay turning out job Mark, Lul It Senlifiel Piintiag House Godfrey & Godfrey. obey Iba Uw. Tba law has to ba rm- OCItR CITV. at. i. g«nj: treasorcr. Wllltato i of Brsosb SOI of th* ofUaUasiawaod. prswkiwrt ef Iba ao Tb* epaqlac raarplsjo at Iba oev Jotawl ta wwftoaaat ttaa growth of Oeaao CHy and tha saalo- four dead bruadnliu. su I rbrerrd op spokeo coocvmlng th* Instructive and will be picaaeU U>do yiKira. I'uua In Hoocna tu. OS sad DT I at taw i .• WAMT PRRB UOHT apactad. aod erery mm oojtht to be a bU. Jotmnj ilUol osed anj cbaer- S U> N3S. la. fleet csplain, Ur H C. Leedo.ii; Osef I Letter Carriers' AssocUtioo, ay.badebafiaoi-ltMCaisBwtax. De- aad b*od*oaa*ty farassbad otafc rooaaa B*». Mr. Wotf. raster af u Ic&anc* of tha bsrb etaodard of tba w aplrttnal character of th* talks. and talk It over. ' adv. UUUKJi: back of tt- If w» aay wa aj» coin« to bix up.

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