
Dr. Victor Rizescu Born in 7969 at Bucharest Professional experience: Associate professor at the University of Bucharest, Department of Political Science Teaching since 1998 Member in the Senate of the University and in the Commission for Programmes of Study of the Senate since 2015 Member in the Council of the Department in 2008-2015 Associate teaching at the University ol Bucharest, Department of History in 2009-2010 Member in the Society for Romanian Studies Member rn the advisory board of tlte Romanian Reuieu-.t of Young Scholars Deputy chief-editor at the cultural journal Cuudntul in 2008-2009 Member in selection committees of the Romanian Cultural Institute December 13, 2013, "Nicolae Iorga" fellowships for Romanian researchers living abroad June 12, 2009, "Seton-Watson" fellowships for foreign researchers Studies: 2003: PhD graduation from the Central European University, Department of History Dissertation: Debating Modernization as a Debate on the Moderniz,ing Elite: an Approach to the Historg of Social and Political Thought in Romania, 1 868- 1947 1997 : MA graduation from the Central European University, Department of History 1997: gradtation without BA thesis defense from the University of Bucharest, Department of Philosophy 1996: BA graduation from the University of Bucharest, Department of Hlstory 1989-1991: unfinished BA studies at the Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest, Department of Mechanics Fellowships: POSDRU, New Europe College/Romanian Academy, 2Ol7-2O12 Central European University, 2006-2007 Curriculum Resource Center, 2O06 Higher Education Support Programme, 2005-2006, 2OO7 -2009 Hospitality Scheme/OSI, Oxford University, 2004 New Europe Co11ege, 2OO2-2OO3 Civic Education Project, 7998-7999 Chevening/OSI, Oxford University, 1997 -1998 Projects underway: Three Faces of Liberalism: a Romanian Story (book) Munca. O dezbatere romaneascd (book\ Deuelopment, Left and Right: Ideological Entanglements of Reformist Projects in Pre-communist Romania (book; proposed for Ed. Universitalii din Bucureqti) Riualii lui Manoilescu. Ideea corporatista tn Romania (book) Books: Canonul gi uocile uitate. Secuenle dintr-o tipologie a gandirii politice romdnegti, Bucureqti, Ed. Universitalii din Bucuresti, 2015 Id.eotogg, Nc.tion and. Modernization: Romanian Deuelopments in Theoretical Frameworks, Bucureqti, Ed. Universitdlii din Bucureqti, 2013 Review tn Anuarul Institutului de Istorie "A. D. Xenopol" 51, 2OL4 Tranzitii discursiue. Despre agende culturale, istorie intelectuala 9i onorabilitate ideologica dupa comunism, Bucure$ti, Cortnt, 20 72 Review in Reui.sta istoricd- 24: 5-6, 2013 Review in Sfera politicii 21: 4 , 2013 Ideologii romdnegti gi est-europene, Bucureqti, Ed. Cuv6.ntul, 2008 (editor) Review in Studii gi materiale de istorie modetnd" 29, 20Oq Articles: ,,Social Policy and the Corporatist Design: a Romanian Experience of Reluctant Intermingling", in Sfer a p oliticii (submitted) "Liberal Socralism in Romania: an Interpretation of Social Justice", in Victor Neumann, Armin Heinen, eds., Modentitg in Central and South-Eastern Europe: Ideas, Concepts, Dlscourses (in print) ,,Developmental Ideologz or Regenerative Nationalism? Competing Strands of the Romanian Right before World War II", part II: "Fascist Modernism across the Lags of Development", in Reuista istorica 26: 1-2, 20 I 5 (in print) ,,Developmental Ideologr or Regenerative Nationalism? Competing Strands of the Romanian Right before World War II", part I: "Corporatism between Liberalism and the Right", in Reuista istoica25: 5-6,2014, PP. 557-592 "The Nation of the Westernizers: Mainstream and Minority Varieties of Romanian Liberalism", in Reuista istoica 24: 5-6, 20 13, pp. 405-426 ,,Historical Canons and Eccentric Voices: a Typological Approach to Romanian Ideological Development", synthesis report presented to New Europe College and the Romanian Academy for the 2O1l-2O72 POSDRU programme "ldeologies and Trends of Thought in the XXth Century and Their Historical Roots" ,,ldeologii Si istorii conflictuale: tradilii romdneqti qi est-europene", in Victor Rizescu, coord , Ideologii romanegti $i est-europene, Bucureqti, Ed. CuvAntul, 2OO8, pp 5-26 ,.A Divide over the Oligarchy: Marxism in the Romanian Setting", in Pontes. Reuieu of South-East European Studies (Kishinev) 3-4, 2006-2007, pp 155-169 ..De la preistoria teoriei modernizArii la istoria ideologiilor perlferice", in Reuisla istorica 17: 1.-4, 2006,pp. 1,5-27. Also aversion in Sorin Antohi, coord, Modernism gi antimodernism. Noi perspectiue interdisciplinare, Bucuregti, Ed. Cuvdrntul, 2008, pp lBT-206 "Populismul qi cele1a1te marxisme romdneqti", in Constantin Stere, Scrleri poLitice qifilozofice, ed. de Victor Rizescu, Bucuregti, Dominor, 2005, pp. 5-57 "Protectionismul qi liber-ul schimb, dincolo de granile1e economiei", in Eugen Demetrescu, Influen(a qcoalei economice liberale tn Romdnio tn ueacul al XIX-lea, ed. de Victor Rizescu, BucureEti, Dominor, 2005, pp. 5-1O "$tefan Antim gi cele doud feluri de liberalism romdnesc", in $tefan Antim, Scneri poLitice, ed. de Victor Rizescu, BucureEti, Dominor, 2O05, pp. 5-12 "Marxism qi oligarhie, sau sociologia inapoierii inainte de comunism", in Lotar RadAceanu/$erban Voinea, Oligarhia romdndf Marxism oligarhic, ed. de Victor Rizescu, Bucuregti, Dominor, 20O5, pp. 5-23 "Cum poate fi citit Kogalniceanu? Radu Dragnea qi gAndirismul democratic", in Radu Dragnea, Mihail Kogalniceanu, BucureEti, ed. de Victor Rizescu, BucureEti, Dominor, 2005, pp. 5- 33. Also a version in Victor Rizescu, coord., Ideologii romd-negti gi est-europene, Bucureqti, Ed. CuvAntul, 2008, pp.257-296 "subverting the Canon: Oligarchic Politics and Modernizing Optimism in Pre-communist Romania", in Netu Europe College Yearbook 2OO2-2OO3 , pp . 2 B 1 -32 B "intelepciunea nebunului sau gAndirea politica a 1ui Henric Sanielevici", in Studia PoLitica. Romanian Political Science Reuiew 2: 3, 2OO2, pp. 725-760 "Postfat5", in Daniel Chirot, Schimbarea socialaintr-o societate peiferica, trad. de Victor Rizescu, Bucureqti, Corint, 2OO2, pp. 287-3O8. "Some Distinctions within a Classical Dlstinction: on the Civlc and Ethnic Conceptrons of the Nation", inStudiaPolitica.RomanianPoliticolScienceReuieul:4,2OO7, pp. 1091-1102 "Un critic al Partidului Liberal: primul $tefan Zeletin", in Studla Politica. Romanian Political Science ReuieLu 1: 3, 2001, PP.841-872 "Romania as ?eriphery': Social Change and Intellectual Evolution", in Bogdan Murgescu, ed., Romania and Europe: Modernization as Temptation, Moderniz.ation as Threat, Bucharest, ALLFA & trdition Korber Stiftung, 2OOO, pp. 29-40 "Modernitatea nationalismului: o dezbatere istoriograficd.", in Polis. Reuista de gtiinle politice 4:2, 1997,pp.118-136 Conference papers and participations: at international events abroad "Overlapping Perspectives on Bureaucratization: a Romanian Theory in Various Contexts of Scholarship" The annual conference of the British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies (BASEES), organized at Cambridge University, Fitzr,villiam College and Churchill Coilege March 28-30,2015, Cambridge (United Kingdom) "The Radical Right across the Lags of Development: a Romanian Perspective on the Modernist, Modernizer and Anti-modern Strands of Fascist Ideolory" The conference "Global Inequalities: Hegemonic Shifts and Regional Differentiations", organized by the Political Economy of the World System section of the American Sociological Association and the Instrtute of Latin American Studies of the Free University in Berlin, followed by the roundtable "Romania in the World System", organized by the Free University in Berlin and the Romanian Cultural Institute March 19-21, 2OI5, Berlin (GermanY) ,,Gentry politics and Revolutionary Liberalism: Two Departures of Romanian Ideological Development" The conference "Balkan Worlds II: Balkan Perceptions of War and Revolution {1789- 1918)", organized by the Department of Balkan, Slavic and Oriental Studies of the University of Macedonia and the Association Internationale d'Etudes du Sud-Est Europeen November 27-3O, 2014, Thessaloniki (Greece) ,,Neoliberalism and the welfare state Vision: Intertwined Romanian Pedigrees" The conference "Crises and Resistance in Central and Eastern Europe", organized by Debatte. Journal of Contemporary CentraL and Eastern Europe (London), the "Rosa Luxemburg" foundation and the University of Warsaw November 22-23, 2014, Warsaw (Poland) "Marxism and the Left in Pre-communist Romania: a Study on Ideological Syncretism and Cultural Diffusiveness" The conference "Living after the Fa11 (?): Past-Present in South-Eastern Europe", orgamzed by the American Research Center in Sofia June 12-13, 2014, Sofia (Bulgaria) ,,Critical Cultures and Sociologies of the tr1ites: Two Romanian Departures" The conference "Peri1 from the Periphery? The Politics of International Inequality. A Symposium in Honor of Andrew C. Janos", organized by the Institute of Slavic. East Euro-pean and Eurasian Studies and the Department of Political Science at the University of California, Berkeley and the Center for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies at the Unive rsitY of Toronto Aprll 22-23, 2010, Berkeley, California (USA) ,,Modernization Theory and the Historical Evolution of trast-Central trurope" The cross-regional conference for AFP (Higher Education Support Programme) fellows in Anthropologr, Cultural Studies, Gender Studies, History, Sociolopy May 7-11, 2008, Alushta (Ukraine) "How Many Types of Liberalism Existed in Pre-communist Romania?" public lecture at the History Department of the
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