Page 6 The Retriever November 18, 1969 Rolling Stones hit town • • tllis Tllanlcsgivin'g eve • • by Paul Watson • • Brian Jones is gone but the appearance in Baltimore. Their • stones keep on rolling. The de- last appearance on June 26, 1966 • voted legions of fanatical stO- ended rather abruptly as Mick • • nes followers who were disap- Jagger, the living proof of the • • pointed by a cancelled tour of existence of the fabled Indian • • the states in the early Srping Rubber Man, sent the audience • • finally have their chance to re- into a frenzy that culminated in joice. Magic Mick Jagger and a mass rush onto the stage. • • his four companions Uncluding Three years have passed and • • newcomer Mick Taylor, former since absence makes the heart • • member of John Mayll's Blues- grow fonder, the Civic Center • • bre~kers) have invaded the Uni- officials had best recruit a pri- • ted states, and whether it be vate army and station it in the • heaven or hell, the fact remains orchestra pit or Mick and the • • that they are here. stones may physically feel the • • Their five week, twenty-five extreme extent of their fans' city tour which began in Los admiration. • • Angeles on October 26 includes The group is riding high off • • a big date at the Baltimore Civic of "Begger's Banquet", which • • Center on this Thanksgiving Eve. many consider their best album • INCREDIBLE -STRING BAND - here next Uiee~ • Everyone and anyone who to date, and "Through The Past knows anything about the world Darkly", a collection of some of pop musk calls this concert of their most powerful perfor- the- event of the year and their mances. Incre·dible String Band perform here; point is well taken. Their next album promises to The Stones have been a do- be even better, as it contains min ant force in the work of rock a ten minute version of "You one free ticket for every UMBC'er since 1964 when their version Can't Always Get What You Want" of the Lennon-Mc Cartney com- and their 1967 hit "We Love by Bob Goald position "I Wanna Be Your Man" You." here in the States. Their popu­ interview in Rolling Stone: "We are not our music but a sum­ became their first top ten single Ever since the controversial "piping lute madrigals whis­ larity, however, seems always to mation of our experiences. The in England. Satanic Majesties Request, the pering lush be increasing. They have per­ music is a magic gift that per­ The Rolling Stones, and es- fantastic Stones have turned out near plush satin straw dulci- formed numerous times at Lon­ meates our existence, and though pecially Mick Jagger, have been three of the best songs they've mer don's Royal Albert Hall (with people can't fully comprehend anxious to tour the States for ever done: Jumpin' Jack Flash, raga undertones so incestu­ Judy Collins and Tom Paxton), our songs, they can share our some time. They had a tour Street Fighting Man and Honky ously groping with rock the Fillmore East and West, experiences. II And he add s scheduled for early spring but Tonk Woman. By complementing monster desire and it's cou­ and recently made an appear­ the untimely drug bust of Brian these hits with a live concert sin sun" •.. IS!! ance at the Woodstock Music "every artist must master the Jones prevented their gaining a tour, the Rolling Stones could Festival at Bethel. tools of his medium. Playing a working permit for this coun- very well be vaulted to the top The Incredible String Band (or The ISB sings of magic, lov­ variety of instruments insures try. of the Rock Pile. And mostlikely, ISB for abbreviated simplicity) ers, unicorns, amoebae, crea­ the musical texture - to breath Now, springing from the free the sell out crowd of 12,000 plus is the title under which Robin tion and life. The following are constant movement into the ly­ concert that drew 250,000 people who will attend their long-await- Williamson, Mike Heron and two samples of the lyrics to their rics. We set no limitations. Our to London'S Hyde Park on July ed concert on Thanksgiving Eve chicks named Licorice ank Rose songs (Keep in mind (head) that songs are not preconceived - 5 as a tribute to their late gui- at the Civic Center will come perform an amazing blend of all of the poetry is accompan­ they just flow." tarist comes their first United away wondering why the Rol- musical styles which range from ied and reinforced by music). The Incredible string Band will states Tour in three years. ling Stones were never at the folk- rock to ragas and calypso. From a song called "Ducks on be in concert in our gym this Heron and Williamson (two 25 This will be the Stones' third top before. a Pond' : Saturday, Nov. 22 at 9 p.m. year old Scots) compose the Moving pieces on the plains The following is the ticket ar­ group's material and play an of Troy rangement: assortment of instruments which Carving faces on the rocks of Each UMBC student is entit­ include: guitars, keyboards, or­ joy led to one FREE ticket with the gan, flute, oud, violin, gimbri, Pretty lady washing the tiles, presentation of an I.D. card at sitar and harmonica. Rose and Soapy pictures like croco- Ticket booth <at present tic­ Licorice per for m on electric diles" kets will be sold (distributed) I bass, organ, drums and occas- On Teenage Love: either in the Theatre Building ionally sing. __ "though I never slept with you or outside the cafeteria). The Incredible string Band has We must have made love a A student may purchase a se­ been together in one form or thousand times" cond ticket at $1.50. another for about four years. On Knowledge: You must obtain tickets in ad­ The ISB is one of England's "you know all the words and vance in order to take advan­ most popular recording acts. At you sung all the notes tage of your student privileges. times they have been compared the song you sung' All tickets at the door are to the Beatles as an innovative On Time: $3. music force. Yet none of their "There is absolutely no strife, The ISB is coming from Great five albums (all on Elektra Re­ living the timeless life" Britain to play at our school. ROLLING STONES- When Brian Jones was still around. cords) have sold extremely well As Mike Heron states in an Try to get out and see them. Winter makes big hit at Civic Center . \ by George Kitchen suit, hair slicked down with a and the Civic Center will be a tween Edgar and Johnny's own tion - not an angry mob - a pur­ First the bad Baltimore is not quart of oil, saying "Let's hear lot more than quarter filled. red haired, bearded drummer. ging of emotions not a venting a Rock and Blues town. The Civ­ it for Pacific Gas and Electric." Finally, after a long wait to The crowd down front. You can't of them - just standing in th~ ic Center was not even a quar­ The Gas went off mad. "Thanks get set up, Johnny Winter came sit back and twiddle your thumbs aisles peacefully, not destruc­ ter filled. When Pacific Gas and for telling us when to stop," out - an albino. How can one to this music. You have to stand tively. One more song and they Electric was on, the crowd would and a finger as they left. If it describe him adequately? Pic­ to it, get out in the aisles and would be sent home happy. But not li;;ten quietly through the si­ -",as late, okay management, that ture an old dead man lying in dance. Push forward, squeeze no! The management and po­ lent junctures in their blues num­ would be understandable. But to his caskey - eyes forever shut, into the crowd, as close to the lice were scared. They had the bers. Instead they insisted on stop them at 9: 10 when they got milk - white skin, yell ow- white stage as possible. Can't see the lights turned on and the power catcalling and w his per in g on at 8:45 and letting the weak fine hair flowing to his shoul­ Winters - up on the seats, then out off the stage. They tried to throughout these desired silen­ Baltimore group, lUuminati, play ders and sometimes blown over the arm rests. All heads ~way­ shut the curtains. The Winters ces. Furthermore, the manage­ for a half hour? his face like a gossamer veil. ing with the music. All hands both pI eading to a short fat man ment was thinking way ahead The Grand Funk Railroad was Let the man come undead to clenched and shaking, all feet in business suit for one more to the midnight curfew and stop­ next. The only adequate analogy scream out his blues to the rocking to the rhythms. Then song. The crowd, each person ped Pacific Gas and Electric is to Cream; the drummer with world. This is Johnny Winter into a song where the Winters with one finger raised, asking only 25 minutes into their set. tight snares, the mountains of on stage - a male Janis Jop­ alternately wailed out the blues for one more song. But the man It took the magnific ent stage sound being produced, the lead lin - the disciple of B.B. King­ at each other. Johnny on gui­ kept shaking his head, the po­ crew longer to set up for Win­ singer guitarist with a voice and "RoHin and Tumblin'." Playiq.g tar - Edgar back on the organ lice mixing in the crowd push­ ter than the Gas was on.
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