Federal Aviation Administration, DOT Pt. 121 (vi) A signed statement indicating PART 121—OPERATING REQUIRE- that: your company will comply with MENTS: DOMESTIC, FLAG, AND this part and 49 CFR part 40; and you SUPPLEMENTAL OPERATIONS intend to provide safety-sensitive func- tions by contract (including sub- contract at any tier) to a part 119 cer- SPECIAL FEDERAL AVIATION REGULATION NO. 50–2 [NOTE] tificate holder with authority to oper- SPECIAL FEDERAL AVIATION REGULATION NO. ate under part 121 or part 135 of this 71 [NOTE] chapter, an operator as defined in SPECIAL FEDERAL AVIATION REGULATION NO. § 91.147 of this chapter, or an air traffic 97 [NOTE] control facility not operated by the FAA or by or under contract to the Subpart A—General U.S. military. Sec. (2) Send this information to the Fed- 121.1 Applicability. eral Aviation Administration, Office of 121.2 Compliance schedule for operators Aerospace Medicine, Drug Abatement that transition to part 121; certain new Division (AAM–800), 800 Independence entrant operators. Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20591. 121.4 Applicability of rules to unauthorized operators. (3) This Drug and Alcohol Testing 121.7 Definitions. Program Registration will satisfy the 121.9 Fraud and falsification. registration requirements for both 121.11 Rules applicable to operations in a your drug testing program under sub- foreign country. part E of this part and your alcohol 121.15 Carriage of narcotic drugs, mari- testing program under this subpart. huana, and depressant or stimulant drugs (4) Update the registration informa- or substances. tion as changes occur. Send the up- Subpart B—Certification Rules for Domestic dates to the address specified in para- and Flag Air Carriers [Reserved] graph (f)(2) of this section. [Doc. No. FAA–2008–0937, 74 FR 22653, May 14, Subpart C—Certification Rules for Supple- 2009; Amdt. 120–0A, 75 FR 3154, Jan. 20, 2010, mental Air Carriers and Commercial as amended by Amdt. 120–1, 78 FR 42005, July Operators [Reserved] 15, 2013] Subpart D—Rules Governing All Certificate § 120.227 Employees located outside Holders Under This Part [Reserved] the U.S. Subpart E—Approval of Routes: Domestic (a) No covered employee shall be and Flag Operations tested for alcohol misuse while located outside the territory of the United 121.91 Applicability. States. 121.93 Route requirements: General. (1) Each covered employee who is as- 121.95 Route width. 121.97 Airports: Required data. signed to perform safety-sensitive 121.99 Communications facilities—domestic functions solely outside the territory and flag operations. of the United States shall be removed 121.101 Weather reporting facilities. from the random testing pool upon the 121.103 En route navigation facilities. inception of such assignment. 121.105 Servicing and maintenance facili- (2) Each covered employee who is re- ties. moved from the random testing pool 121.106 ETOPS Alternate Airport: Rescue under this paragraph shall be returned and fire fighting service. 121.107 Dispatch centers. to the random testing pool when the employee resumes the performance of Subpart F—Approval of Areas and Routes safety-sensitive functions wholly or for Supplemental Operations partially within the territory of the United States. 121.111 Applicability. (b) The provisions of this subpart 121.113 Area and route requirements: Gen- eral. shall not apply to any person who per- 121.115 Route width. forms a safety-sensitive function by 121.117 Airports: Required data. contract for an employer outside the 121.119 Weather reporting facilities. territory of the United States. 121.121 En route navigation facilities. 61 VerDate Sep<11>2014 12:03 Aug 27, 2021 Jkt 253048 PO 00000 Frm 00071 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\253048.XXX 253048 spaschal on DSKJM0X7X2PROD with CFR Pt. 121 14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–21 Edition) 121.122 Communications facilities—supple- 121.198 Cargo service airplanes: Increased mental operations. zero fuel and landing weights. 121.123 Servicing maintenance facilities. 121.199 Nontransport category airplanes: 121.125 Flight following system. Takeoff limitations. 121.127 Flight following system; require- 121.201 Nontransport category airplanes: En ments. route limitations: One engine inoper- ative. Subpart G—Manual Requirements 121.203 Nontransport category airplanes: Landing limitations: Destination airport. 121.131 Applicability. 121.205 Nontransport category airplanes: 121.133 Preparation. Landing limitations: Alternate airport. 121.135 Manual contents. 121.207 Provisionally certificated airplanes: 121.137 Distribution and availability. Operating limitations. 121.139 Requirements for manual aboard air- craft: Supplemental operations. Subpart J—Special Airworthiness 121.141 Airplane flight manual. Requirements Subpart H—Aircraft Requirements 121.211 Applicability. 121.213 [Reserved] 121.151 Applicability. 121.215 Cabin interiors. 121.153 Aircraft requirements: General. 121.217 Internal doors. 121.155 [Reserved] 121.219 Ventilation. 121.157 Aircraft certification and equipment 121.221 Fire precautions. requirements. 121.223 Proof of compliance with § 121.221. 121.159 Single-engine airplanes prohibited. 121.225 Propeller deicing fluid. 121.161 Airplane limitations: Type of route. 121.227 Pressure cross-feed arrangements. 121.162 ETOPS Type Design Approval Basis. 121.229 Location of fuel tanks. 121.163 Aircraft proving tests. 121.231 Fuel system lines and fittings. 121.233 Fuel lines and fittings in designated Subpart I—Airplane Performance fire zones. Operating Limitations 121.235 Fuel valves. 121.237 Oil lines and fittings in designated 121.171 Applicability. fire zones. 121.173 General. 121.239 Oil valves. 121.175 Airplanes: Reciprocating engine- 121.241 Oil system drains. powered: Weight limitations. 121.243 Engine breather lines. 121.177 Airplanes: Reciprocating engine- 121.245 Fire walls. powered: Takeoff limitations. 121.247 Fire-wall construction. 121.179 Airplanes: Reciprocating engine- 121.249 Cowling. powered: En route limitations: All en- 121.251 Engine accessory section diaphragm. gines operating. 121.253 Powerplant fire protection. 121.181 Airplanes: Reciprocating engine- 121.255 Flammable fluids. powered: En route limitations: One en- 121.257 Shutoff means. gine inoperative. 121.259 Lines and fittings. 121.183 Part 25 airplanes with four or more 121.261 Vent and drain lines. engines: Reciprocating engine powered: 121.263 Fire-extinguishing systems. En route limitations: Two engines inop- 121.265 Fire-extinguishing agents. erative. 121.267 Extinguishing agent container pres- 121.185 Airplanes: Reciprocating engine- sure relief. powered: Landing limitations: Destina- 121.269 Extinguishing agent container com- tion airport. partment temperature. 121.187 Airplanes: Reciprocating engine- 121.271 Fire-extinguishing system mate- powered: Landing limitations: Alternate rials. airport. 121.273 Fire-detector systems. 121.189 Airplanes: Turbine engine powered: 121.275 Fire detectors. Takeoff limitations. 121.277 Protection of other airplane compo- 121.191 Airplanes: Turbine engine powered: nents against fire. En route limitations: One engine inoper- 121.279 Control of engine rotation. ative. 121.281 Fuel system independence. 121.193 Airplanes: Turbine engine powered: 121.283 Induction system ice prevention. En route limitations: Two engines inop- 121.285 Carriage of cargo in passenger com- erative. partments. 121.195 Airplanes: Turbine engine powered: 121.287 Carriage of cargo in cargo compart- Landing limitations: Destination air- ments. ports. 121.289 Landing gear: Aural warning device. 121.197 Airplanes: Turbine engine powered: 121.291 Demonstration of emergency evacu- Landing limitations: Alternate airports. ation procedures. 62 VerDate Sep<11>2014 12:03 Aug 27, 2021 Jkt 253048 PO 00000 Frm 00072 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\253048.XXX 253048 spaschal on DSKJM0X7X2PROD with CFR Federal Aviation Administration, DOT Pt. 121 121.293 Special airworthiness requirements 121.351 Communication and navigation for nontransport category airplanes type equipment for extended over-water oper- certificated after December 31, 1964. ations and for certain other operations. 121.295 Location for a suspect device. 121.353 Emergency equipment for operations over uninhabited terrain areas: Flag, Subpart K—Instrument and Equipment supplemental, and certain domestic oper- Requirements ators. 121.354 Terrain awareness and warning sys- 121.301 Applicability. tem. 121.303 Airplane instruments and equip- 121.355 Equipment for operations on which ment. specialized means of navigation are used. 121.305 Flight and navigational equipment. 121.356 Collision Avoidance System. 121.306 Portable electronic devices. 121.357 Airborne weather radar equipment 121.307 Engine instruments. requirements. 121.308 Lavatory fire protection. 121.358 Low-altitude windshear system 121.309 Emergency equipment. equipment requirements. 121.310 Additional emergency equipment. 121.359 Cockpit voice recorders. 121.311 Seats, safety belts, and shoulder har- 121.360 [Reserved] nesses. 121.312 Materials for compartment inte- riors. Subpart L—Maintenance, Preventive 121.313 Miscellaneous equipment. Maintenance, and Alterations 121.314 Cargo and baggage compartments. 121.361 Applicability. 121.315 Cockpit check procedure. 121.363 Responsibility for airworthiness. 121.316 Fuel tanks. 121.365 Maintenance, preventive mainte- 121.317 Passenger information require- nance, and alteration organization. ments, smoking prohibitions, and addi- 121.367 Maintenance, preventive mainte- tional seat belt requirements.
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