CHESHIRE RUGBY FOOTBALL UNION , SEASON 1998/99 COMMITTEE COUNTY CHAMPIONS 1997/98 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Notice is hereby given ta ail INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS that the Annual General Meeting of the Cheshire R.F.U. will be held at the Chester Rugby Football Club, Hare Lane, Vicars Cross, Chester on Thursday 1st July, 1999 at 6.30 p.rn. Cheshire Rugby Football Union MEMBERSHIP CARD SEASON 1998/99 Name .... ............................ ... ........... ................. Club ............... ... ... .. ........................... .. ............ PAST PRESIDENTS: H. M. BLYTHE (1880/83) J. W. H. THORPE (18883/1904) J. BAXTER (1904/42) R. R. RICHARDS (1942/47) T. WALTON (1947/49) R. D. NESBIT (1949/51) W. H. PEMBERTON (1951) N. McCAlG (1951/53) C. H. OFFLAND (1953) A. S. CAIN (1954/56) J. MONTADOR (1956/58) P. H. DAVIES (1958/60) W. M. SHENNAN (1960/61) D. R. WYN-WILLIAMS (1961/62) W. G. HOWARD (1962/63) H. V. MIDDLETON (1963/65) W. J. THOMPSON (1965/67) G. C. NODEN (1967/69) N. A. STEEL (1969nl) J. E. STARK (1971n3) E. J. LOADER (1973n5) H. M. CURPHEY (1975n7) A. F. KOENEN (1977n9) P. G. TURNER (1979/81) A. H. RUSHTON (1981/83) W. S. PLATT (1983/84) G. C. COX (1984/86) A. 1. HART (1986/88) M. COHEN (1988/89) W. GOTT (1989/91) J. M. YOUNG (1991/93) F. R. POVALL (1993/95) N. H. MIDDLEBROOK (1995/97) C. J. COVENTRY (1997/98) 2 OFFICERS FOR YEAR 1996/97 President: D.P. WRIGHT Tynron Cottage, West Road, Noctorum, Birkenhead, W"uraI, Merseyside lA3 9UH 0151-6520402 (Home) 0151-2366090 (Bus.) Senior Vice-President: D.I.ADAMS 7 8eaumaris Drive, Thingwall, Wiml Merseyside L61 7XP 0151-648 1681 (Home) Vlce-Presldents: J.N.LENTON 27 Fox Cover Road, Heswa11 Hills, Wiml, Merseyside L60 liB 0151-342 3923 (Home) D.EWING 24 Cholmondeley Rise, Nomans Heath, }\.tO~\œ Nr. Malpas SYI4 800 o5.!J'5 14K'" 01948820746 (Home) '305 M. J. LORD 68 Hoole Road, Chester CH2 3NL 01244 312702 (Home) A. G. OE B. MARRS 24 Westwood Road, Noctorum, Birkenhead, Wiml, Merseyside lA3 9RQ 0151-652 1536 (Home) 0151-236 3191 (Bus) 3 Past Presidents: P. G. TURNER Bakery Cottage, 20 Hollins Road, Macclesfield SKll 7~ 01625611012 (Home) A. H. RUSHfON 25 Labumam Grove, lIby, Winal, Merseyside L61 4UT 0151-6485353 (Home) G.C.COX 47 Latbam Avenue, Helsby, Warrington, Cheshire WA6 ODY 01928722108 (Home) A. 1. HART The Hermitage, 7 Ingestre Road, Birkenhead, Merseyside lA3 5UY 0151-6520375 (Home) M.COHEN 10 Marlborough Drive, Tytherington, Macclesfield, Cheshire SKIO 2JX 01625424317 (Home) W.GOTI 4 Llys Ent)ts, Gwemymynydd, Mold, Flintsbire CH7 SNB 01352757857 (Home) J.M.YOUNG 2 Vandelbyl Avenue, SpitaJ, Wirral, Merseyside L62 2AP 0151-3345834 (Home) F.R.POVALL 13, Mostyn Avenue, West Kirby, Wirral, Merseyside lA8 3HN 0151-6258321 (Home) 0151-707 1221 (Bus.) N. H. MIDDLEBROOK 27, Clarendon Road, Sale Ml3 2DU 0161-9622957 (Home) C. J. COVENTRY 6 Wincham Road, Sale M33 4PL 0161-973 2732 (Home) 4 HOD. Seeretary: D. 1. ADAMS 7 Beaumaris Drive, Tbingwall, Wirral, Merseyside L61 7XP 0151-648 1681 (Home) Asst. HOD. Seeretary: A. G. de B. MARRS 24 Westwood Road, Noctorum, Birkenhead, Wirral, Merseyside L43 9RQ 0151-6521536 (Home) 0151-236 3191 (Bus.) HOD. Treasurer: M.COHEN 10 Marlborough Drive, Tytherington, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK 10 2JX 01625 424317 (Home) Asst. HOD. Treasurer: N. H. MIDDLEBROOK 27 Clarendon Road, Sale, Che"hire M33 2DU. 0161-9622957 (Home) HOD. Match Secretary: L.GALEY 34 Mill Hill Road, Irby, Wirral. 0151-648 1730 (Home) 0151-605 1313 (Bus.) R.F.V. County Representative: G. C. COX 47 Latham Avenue, Helsby, Warrington, Cheshire WA6 ODY 01928 722108 (Home) BOD. Press Secretary: A. 1. STRATTON 148 Meols Parade, Meols, Wirral L4 7 6AN 0151-6325261 (Home) 5 R.F.U. Colts Association Representative: D.A.EWING 24 Cholmondeley Rise, Nomans Heath, Nr. M~lpas, Cheshire SY14 8DD 01948820746 (Home) R.F.S.U. County Representative: J.M.YOUNG 2 Vanderbyl Avenue, Bromborough, Merseyside L62 2AP 0151-3345834 (Home) Divisional Representatives: D. I. ADAMS, G. C. CO~ D. P. WRIGHT Thwaltes Clubs Championship Representative: M. J. LORD 01244 312702 68 Hoole Road, Chester CH2 3NL Honorary Solicitor: M.J.HAMLIN 6 Foxley Close, Lymm 01925756050 (Home), 01:H-969 3131 (Bus.) R.F.U. Senior Coaches: M. BRIERS, L. DAVIES, D. HUGHES R.F.U. Co~ching Award Holders: M. ALLEN, S. BURNAGE, P. CROWLEY, R. DAVIES, A. DONKER, P. FRANCIS, J. GREEN, C. HUGHES, V. MURPHY, S. LANDER, D. THOMSON, P. SHERRATT Honorary Life Members: M. COHEN, E. W. FLETCHER, W. GOTT, AIR-COMMODORE R. H. G. WEIGHILL, C.B.E., D.F.C. J.M.YOUNG, Auditor: W. POITS, F.C.C.A. Medical Contact: Dr. W.T. DUNNE 6 The Royal, Hoylake, Merseyside L47 1HB Tel: 0151-6323507 (Home) 6 COMMfITEE Altrincham Kersal: P. BLAKEMAN, 32 Glebelands Road, Knutsford, Cheshire WAI6 9DZ. 01565634276 (Home) Ashton-on-Mersey: M. R. WILLIAMS, 2 Wayside Close, Lymm, Cheshire WA13 ONG. 01925754510 (Home) Birkenhead Park: E.lZABETH BRISCOE, 22 Prenton Dell Avenue, Prenton, Birkenhead, Wirral L43 3DA. 0151-608 5070 Bowdon: T. SLOAN, 7 Leigh Road, Hale, Cheshire WA15 9BG. 0161-941 5865 (Home) 01244 895428 (Bus) Caldy: T. 1. F. PRICE, 3 West Boume Grove, West Kirby, Wirral L484DJ. 0151-6256159 (Home) Capenhurst: M. THELWELL, 71 Shelley Road, Blacon, Chester CHI 5TZ. 01244 372722 (Home) 0151-4734317 (Bus) Castletown (I.O.M.): M. J. LORD, 68 Hoole Road, Chester, CH2 3NL. 01244 312702 (Home) Cheshire Regiment: Hon. Secretary, The Dale Barracks, Liverpool Road, Chester CH2 4BP. 01244 372797 (Bus.) Chester: B. W. DAVIES, 9 Willow Hayes, Ashton, Chester, CH3 8BT. 01829752050 (Home & Bus.) Chester University College: P. REID, Chester University College, Cheyney Road, Chester, CHI 4BJ. 01244 375444 (Bus.) Chrisleton: D. SHEPHERD, Flannog Farm, St. Martins, Oswestry SYll 3DR. 01691 772483 (Home & Bus.) Congleton: A. J. G. SENN Cloùd Park Farm, Dial Lane, Congleton CWI23QJ. 01260272407 (Home); 01782 522316 (Bus.) 7 Crewe & Aisager College: Hon. Sec., cio Students' Union, Alsager College, Hassall Road, Alsager ST7 2HL. 01270 882580 (College) Crewe & Nantwich: J. M. FARR, 117 Audlem Road, Nantwich, Cheshire CW5 7EB. 01270626857 (Home) Douglas (LD.M.): M. J. LORD, 68 Hoole Road, Chester CHl 3NL 01244 312702 (Home) Dulcinfield: E. TAYLOR, 52 Gower Road, Hyde, SK14 SAD. 0161-366 9541 (Home); 01706 647422 (Bus.) Helsby: B. McLEAN, Mayfield, Hazel Hurst Road, Frodsham WA6 6EX. 01928 734744 (Home) Holmes Chapel: J. LEARY, 7 Swallow Avenue, Wmsford CW7 1PB. 01606 554614 (Home); 01606 5934111 (Bus.) Hoylake: D. WESTERN, White Cottage, 1181rby Road, Heswall, Wirral. Merseyside L61 6XQ. 0151-6483208 (Home). LD.M. Police: M. J. LORD, 68 Hoole Road, Chester CH2 3NL. 01244 312702 (Home) Lymm: G. KENNEDY, 30 Sunningdale Drive, Bramhall, Stockport SK7 2U. 0161-4398274 (Home) Macclesfield: J. TAYLOR, 47 Ivy Lane, Macclesfield SKI18NU. 01625427930 (Home); 01625 422277 (Bus.) Marple: N. HAWKLEY, Bottom Lock Cottage, Marple Bridge, Stockport. 0161-4499985 (Home) Monteil Ca"ington: S. LAPINSKAS, 78 HalfEdge Lane, Eccles, ManchesterM309BA. 0161-7889826 (Home) The Gentlemen of Moore: E. DEAN, Hollybank, 28 Runcorn Road,Moore, Wanington WAI46TZ. 01925740911 (Home) 8 New Brighton: J. C. B. PINNINGTON, The Dalberry, 91 Telegraph Road, Heswall, Wirral L60 OAE. 0151-342 7773 (Home) Northwich: R. McLAVERTY, 7 Pear Tree Drive, Wincham, Northwich CW9 6EZ. 01565733997 (Home). 01606 74481 (Bus.) Old Anselmians: D. J. MASON, 3 Brimstage Avenue, Higher Bebington, Wirral L63 5QH. 0151-6087027 (Home). Old Birkonian: D. EWlNG, 24 Cholmondeley Rise, Nomans Heath, Nr. Malpas, SY14 8DD. 01948 820746 (Home) Old Salians: R. REDMOND, 15 Beeston Road, Sale, Cheshire. 0161-9766115 (Home) Oldershaw: A. GRABE, 91 Beresford Road, Wallasey, Wirral, Merseyside. 0151 513 1470 (Home) Parlronians:N. MORRIS, 16 Heath Drive, Upton, Wirral L49 6LF. 0151-6779774 (Home). PorI Sunlight: P. ASCROFT, 13 Kent Close, Bromborough, Wirral L630EF. 0151-3347592 (Home) Prenlon: J. PERCIVAL, 24 SaI acre Crescent, Upton, Wirral L49 OUZo 0151-606 0944 (Home) Ramsey (I.0.M.): M. J. LORD, 68 Hoole Road, Chester CH2 3NL. 01244 312702 (Home) Reaseheath College: A. SPROSTON, Reasemere, Reaseheath, Nantwich, Cheshire CW5 6DG. 01270-625156 (Home); 01270625131 (Bus.) Runcorn: J. GORE, 26, Tarnbeck, Norton, Runcorn WA76SF. 01928-712284 9 Sale: J. A. GARDINER. Blossoms Fann, Woodfo~ Cheshire SK71RF. 0161-4408293 (Home) 0161-9736348 (Bus) Sandbach: J. WYATT, 4 St. Peter's Rise, Elworth, Sandbach CWII3EP. 01270760525 (Home). Shell (Stanlow): D. B. PYE, 41 8roadlands Road, Great Sulton, South Wirral, Cheshire L66 2JR. 0151-3552973 (Home). Southern Nomads (l.O.M.): M. J. LORD, 68 Hoole Road, Chester CH2 3NL.. 01244 312702 Stockport: R. HASLEHURST, Harcourt, 217 Dickens Lane, Poynton, Cheshire SK12 ISS. 01625874485 (Home); 0161- 406 6086 (Bus.) Vagabonds (I.0.M.): S. WILSON, 49 St. Catherines Close, Douglas, Isle of Man 1MI 418. 01624673029 (Home & Bus.) Wallasey: M. CHATHAM, 55 Bayswater Road, Wallasey, Winal, Merseyside L4S aNF. 0151-6386595 Western Vikings (I.0.M.): M. J. LORD, 68 Hoole Road, Chester. CH23NL. 01244 312702 (Home). Wilmslow: R. GREEN, 93 Gravel Lane, Wilmslow SK9 6LZ. 01625 523093 (Home) Winnington Park: B. PARKEY, 1, Chilham Close, Winsford, Cheshire CW7 ILS. 01606551188 (Home); 0151-495 9825 (Bus.) Winsford: K. METCALFE, 86 Nixon Drive, Winsford CW7 2HJ Wirral: C. GERRARD, 22 Thomfield Hey, Bebington, Wirral L639JT. 0151-3344144 (Home). 10 Referees' Society: W. BUCKLAND, 28 Dinmore Road, Wallasey, Wirral L44 5XF. 0151-6382051 (Home). A SIMPSON, 14 Appletield, Hartford. Northwich CW841E. 01606782943 (Home) Schoo/$: D. THOMSON, 21 Kettleshwne Way, Poynton SK12 lIB. 01625 871505 (Home); 01625 871811 (Bus.). B. DAVID, 1 Welbeck Close, Middlewich, Cheshire CW 10 9HT. 01606835506 (Home). 01606852120 (Bus.) 11 COMMITIEE MEETINGS Committee Meetings will be held at the Chester R.U.F.C. Clubhouse at 6.30 p.m. on the following Thursdays: 1998 3rd September, 12th November 1999 7th January, 4th March, 2OthMay, IstJuly(aftertheA.G.M.) ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The Annual General Meeting ofthe Cheshire Rugby Football Union will be held at the Chester R.U.F.C.
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