1 厨师精选茶点套餐(两人份) chef’s selection of high tea set (2 persons) 335 茶苑招牌牛肉面 signature beef noodle soup 140 招牌鲜虾肉馄饨(含猪肉) shrimp wonton soup (contains pork) 130 沪式鲜肉锅贴 pot-sticker dumpling, minced pork 95 鸡丝开洋葱油拌面 noodle, dried shrimp, shredded chicken, shallot oil, soy sauce 95 茶苑自制小食 tea house home-made snacks 95 东海香辣鱿鱼丝,咖喱牛肉干 szechuan spice dried shredded squid, homemade dried curry beef 苔菜焗腰果,南塘原味油赞子 crispy cashew nut with seaweed, fried dough twists 甬城蟹粉小笼包 steamed crabmeat dumpling 85 杨枝甘露 chilled mango sago cream with pomelo 85 木瓜蜂蜜枸杞炖雪梨 boiled pear, papaya, wolfberry, honey 85 所有价格以人民币计算,已包含服务费及相关政府税费 all prices are in cny and inclusive all service charge and government tax 2 茶苑手工干菜酥饼 baked minced pork and dried preserved vegetable puff 70 红糖麻糍 crispy glutinous rice cake, brown sugar 70 芒果雪媚娘 glutinous rice ball, mango cream 70 农家绿豆酥 mung bean cake 70 茶苑自制苹果干 homemade dried apple 55 时令鲜果盘 seasonal fruit platter 120 所有价格以人民币计算,已包含服务费及相关政府税费 all prices are in cny and inclusive all service charge and government tax 3 精选混合茶 RECOMMENDED TEA 位/PERSON 意柔香 fragrance 115 重瓣红玫瑰,大枣,玉竹, roses, chinese date, radix 茉莉花,桂圆,木瓜 jasmine, dried longan, papaya 醉饮香 charming 菊花,淡竹叶,决明子, chrysanthemum, lophatherum gracile, cassia seed 金银花,枸杞,葛根 honeysuckle, medlar, the root of kudzu vine 窈窕香 sylphlike 重瓣红玫瑰,荷叶,玫瑰茄, roses, lotus leaf, roselle 菊花,牛蒡根,青钱柳叶 chrysanthemum, burdock root, cyclocarya paliurus leaf 和味香 sweet 佛手,茯苓,丹凤牡丹花, fingered citron, poria, peony flowers 山楂,大枣,茶树花 hawthorn, chinese date, tea flower 钱湖香 mild 麦芽,枸杞,山楂,红茶 malt, chinese wolfberry, hawthorn, black tea 所有价格以人民币计算,已包含服务费及相关政府税费 all prices are in cny and inclusive all service charge and government tax 4 花茶类 FLORAL TEA 位/PERSON 小球菊 chrysanthemum 100 茉莉银针 jasmine 乌龙茶类 OOLONG TEA 位/PERSON 武夷大红袍 “wuyi” da hong pao 175 蜜兰香单枞 honey camellia sinens 175 东方美人 oriental beauties 135 清香铁观音 tie guan yin 100 冻顶乌龙 tung-ting oolong 100 所有价格以人民币计算,已包含服务费及相关政府税费 all prices are in cny and inclusive all service charge and government tax 5 绿茶类 GREEN TEA 位/PERSON 特级安吉白茶 “anji” white tea 125 太平猴魁 taiping kowkui 125 黄山毛峰 “yellow mountain”maofeng 115 特级西湖龙井茶 premium west lake “longjing” 100 白茶类 WHITE TEA 位/PERSON 老寿眉 lao shou mei 100 所有价格以人民币计算,已包含服务费及相关政府税费 all prices are in cny and inclusive all service charge and government tax 6 中式红茶类 CHINESE BLACK TEA 位/PERSON 金骏眉 jin jun mei 345 滇红 dian hong 175 正山小种 lapsang souchong 100 普洱熟茶类 PUER TEA 位/PERSON 大益原生态乔木熟饼 dayi fermented puer 150 金孔雀熟饼 fermented puer 125 菊普 chrysanthemum puer 115 普洱生茶类 PUER TEA 位/PERSON 冰岛 iceland 345 中茶 · 7542 the china tea of 7542 175 易武古树 premium puer 115 所有价格以人民币计算,已包含服务费及相关政府税费 all prices are in cny and inclusive all service charge and government tax 7 咖啡 COFFEE 65 咖啡,意式特浓, coffee, espresso 玛奇朵,低因咖啡, macchiato, decaffeinated coffee 卡布奇诺,拿铁 cappuccino, café latte 矿泉水 STILL MINERAL WATER 70 依云,法国 evian, france 330ml 普娜,意大利 acqua panna, italy 500ml 汽泡矿泉水 SPARKLING MINERAL WATER 圣培露,意大利 san pellegrino, italy 500ml 70 巴黎水,法国 perrier, france 330ml 60 所有价格以人民币计算,已包含服务费及相关政府税费 all prices are in cny and inclusive all service charge and government tax 8 软饮 SOFT DRINK 55 可乐,零度可乐,雪碧 coca cola, coke zero, sprite 干姜水,汤力水,苏打水 ginger ale, tonic water, soda water 红牛 red bull 加多宝 chinese herbal tea 啤酒 BEER 瓶 BOTTLE 艾丁格黑啤酒,德国 erdinger dunkel, germany 80 艾丁格啤酒,德国 erdinger hell, germany 80 福佳白啤酒,比利时 hoegaarden, belgium 70 科罗娜,墨西哥 corona, mexico 55 朝日,日本 asahi, japan 55 百威,美国 budweiser, usa 55 喜力,荷兰 heineken, holland 55 青岛,中国 tsingtao, china 50 所有价格以人民币计算,已包含服务费及相关政府税费 all prices are in cny and inclusive all service charge and government tax 9 汽泡酒和香槟 SPARKLING WINE & CHAMPAGNE 杯 GLASS 瓶 BOTTLE 蒙多坎谱普洛赛克汽泡酒 montecampo, prosecco doc 60 270 维纳图 意大利 veneto italy 酩悦香槟 moet & chandon imperial 160 780 香槟区 法国 champagne france 巴黎之花特级干型香槟 perrier-jouët grand brut nv 180 850 香槟区 法国 champagne france 白葡萄酒 WHITE WINE 银色高地世纪勇士 silver heights the last warrior white blend 70 260 宁夏 中国 ningxia china 露森雷司令 dr.loosen dr.l riesling 85 290 摩泽尔 德国 mosel germany 杰卡斯酒庄珍藏莎当妮 jacob's creek reserve chardonnay 105 385 阿德莱德 澳大利亚 adelaide hills australia 歌崇莎当妮 domaine corinne and jean-pierre grossot 130 480 勃艮第 法国 chardonnay burgundy france 茱莉雯普伊芙美莎当妮 pascal jolivet pouilly fume 140 525 卢瓦尔河谷 法国 loire valley france 所有价格以人民币计算,已包含服务费及相关政府税费 all prices are in cny and inclusive all service charge and government tax 10 红葡萄酒 RED WINE 杯 GLASS 瓶 BOTTLE 银色高地世纪勇士 silver heights the last warrior red blend 70 255 宁夏 中国 ningxia china 吉佳乐世家 e. guigal, côtes du rhône aoc 75 280 罗纳河谷 法国 rhone valley france 朗日城堡 chateau lagrange 95 350 波尔多 法国 bordeaux france 杰卡斯酒庄珍藏色拉子 jacob's creek reserve barossa shiraz 105 395 巴罗萨谷 澳大利亚 barossa valley australia 坎贝尔赤霞珠 campbells limited release cabernet sauvignon 130 490 坎贝尔 澳大利亚 campbells australia 嘉雅教区果园普罗迷斯 gaja promis toscana igt 175 675 托斯卡纳 意大利 tuscany italy 所有价格以人民币计算,已包含服务费及相关政府税费 all prices are in cny and inclusive all service charge and government tax 11 茶苑精选特饮 SELECTION OF DRINKS 杯 GLASS 芒饮 mango riffic 95 芒果,椰奶,西米,西柚 mango, coconut milk, sago, grapefruit 饴菊 fruity chrysanthemum 小球菊,雪梨 chrysanthemum, pear 红枣,冰糖 chinese dates, rock candy 椰滋 coconut snow 椰奶,红枣,桂圆, 蜂蜜 coconut milk, chinese dates, dried longan, honey 果韵 tea warmth 正山小种,百香果 lapsang souchong, passion fruit 糖浆,橙子 syrup, orange 酸趣 cranberry enthusiasm 苹果,蔓越莓 apple, cranberry 肉桂,西柚 cinnamon, grapefruit 热饮 HOT DRINKS 杯 GLASS 玉米汁 corn juice 100 红枣薏米汁 barley juice, chinese dates 所有价格以人民币计算,已包含服务费及相关政府税费 all prices are in cny and inclusive all service charge and government tax 12 精选茶 SELECTION TEA 位/PERSON 凤凰单枞 camellia sinens 175 小青柑 flavedo puer 115 贡眉 “gongmei” white tea 115 祁门香螺 “keemun” black tea 115 所有价格以人民币计算,已包含服务费及相关政府税费 all prices are in cny and inclusive all service charge and government tax 上海名小吃 (12:00-16:30) SHANGHAI SNACK AND DIMSUM 上海双档 braised vermicelli soup, bean curd roll with pork 55 油墩子 deep-fried cake, sliced radish, “shanghai” style 50 老上海葱油饼 pan-fried green onion pancake 30 所有价格以人民币计算,已包含服务费及相关政府税费 all prices are in cny and inclusive all service charge and government tax 福泉山 “东海龙舌”明前 精品 115/杯 “fuquan” mountian superior spring green tea 115/cup 福泉山 “东海龙舌”明前 特级 100/杯 “fuquan” mountain premium spring green tea 100/cup 福泉山 “东海龙舌”产于天台山余脉东钱湖福泉山。福泉山有着“一 山观湖海,万翠拥福泉”之美誉。山中云蒸雾蔚,春秋不辨,“晴天 遍地雾、雨天满山云”,数来是优质茶树生长的理想之所。 “东海龙舌”选用福泉山优质茶树品种之细嫩原料,经摊青、杀青、 回潮、理条、烘干等多道工序。干茶外形扁平光润、窄长秀丽、嫩绿 显毫;内质汤色清澈明亮、芽叶肥壮,叶底完整,且幽香持久,回味 无穷。问世以来,屡获殊荣。 mount “fuquan” green tea is picked from “fuquan”mountain of dongqian lake. tea bushes in fuquan mount are nourished by mist all year round. the soil is fertile, the air is fresh and clean. it is a perfect place for tea growth. made of fine original materials selected from the high-quality tea bushes on fuquan mountain, donghai longshe needs to pass through multiple production processes such as fresh leaves tedding, fixation, moisture regaining, tea strip hand-tidying, basket baking, etc. thus make the dried tea flat and smooth, thin and long, fine and beautiful with its bright green tips hairy. with the long-lasting fragrance and aftertastes, the tea is becomes clear and bright in color with whole-shoot bud leaves and well-mixed infused leaves in it. it has won various special honors since the advent. 所有价格以人民币计算,已包含服务费及相关政府税费 all prices are in cny and inclusive all service charge and government tax.
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