Regis University ePublications at Regis University Brown and Gold Archives and Special Collections 4-15-1925 1925 Brown and Gold Vol 07 No 7 April 15, 1925 Follow this and additional works at: https://epublications.regis.edu/brownandgold Part of the Catholic Studies Commons, and the Education Commons Recommended Citation "1925 Brown and Gold Vol 07 No 7 April 15, 1925" (1925). Brown and Gold. 57. https://epublications.regis.edu/brownandgold/57 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at ePublications at Regis University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Brown and Gold by an authorized administrator of ePublications at Regis University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Vol. VII, No. 7 Section April, 15 1925 STATE ORATO-RY TOUR ON NOW ORATO RS MAKE STATE Uerling, Vocalist, and Miss Marie Margaret Vinton, Pianist; Miss Adele HIGGINS WINS TIHEN ED UCATIONAL TOUR Fiute, Pianist, represents Loretto; Clements, Vocalist; and Mr. Anthony ORATORICAL MEDAL --R-- and ?11r. Gerald Higgins, Regis stu· Zarlengo, Regis student speaker. -R- dent speaker, represent~ Regis. Rev. Fr. Kelley, S. J., and Rev. State Councils in each city are Fourth Annual Contest Pb~ases B. J. Murray, S. J., Accom­ The following, members of the making arrangements for the meet­ With Educational pany Teams. third team, will tour . the southern ings, and for the entertainment of Theme. -R- part of the state, including Salida, the teams. The visitors will be taken -R- Catholic Institutions of higher Montrose, Grand Junction, Glenwood on sight seeing tours, and received as Before a large and appreciative learning are inaugurating a new Springs, and Leadville: Father Win· guests in local Catholic families. The audience at the Woman's Club of nie, C. M., of the Loretto Heights clergy of each place is also cooperat­ epoch of expansion in Colorado, under Denver, on March 24, the Fourth Faculty; Miss Eileen Barry, Loretto ing with the Knights to make the Annual Oratorical Regis Contest the auspices of the state council of Speaker; Miss Anne New, Vocalist; tours a success. proved a memorable event; for Regis the Knights of Columbus. Teams Miss Allene Meyer, Pianist; and Mr. It is undoubtedly the most potent it was but another step towarda a made up of the best orators of Re!!is Emmet Barry, Regis student Orator. effort that has ever been made in the g<'al whose gaining will mark her in conjunction with Loretto orators Walsenburg, Trinidad, Alamosa and State to further higher Catholic edu­ and entertainers are making a state Durango will be visited by the fourth cation. The effort must necessarily a~ one of the most notable Cath Jlic wide tour in behalf of Colorado team, which is composed of the fol­ bring results. Catholic parents will colleges in the West. Catholic Colleges. During the present lowing: Father Bernard Murray S. be convinced of the beneficence of Gerald I. Higgins, '25, won highest week, the best talent of the respec­ J ., of the Regis Faculty; Miss Mar­ Catholic College training. Mr. Joseph honors and the Bishop Tihen medal tire schools are addressing rna s garet Carrager, Loretto speaker; Miss (Continued on Page Six) with his chastely eloquent appeal for a defense of our meetings in every =================================================== important city in God-given rights the State. in t he educational Team No. 1 is "Crisis" of t oday. composed of Rev­ erend Francis W. 'rhe °Future," as Walsh, Loretto delivered by An­ Heights Faculty thony F. Zarlen­ member; Miss go, '25, merited Mary Sullivan, second place and Loretto Heights the special Joseph student speaker; Miss Isabel 0'­ A. Stanko medal. Drain and Miss R. Paul Horan, Bernice McGroar­ '27, speaking on ty, loretto enter­ the "Present," ainers; and Mr. Emmet M. Barry, Paul Horan, Regis student speaker. '26, recalling the The tour being "Past," an d made by this Arthur L. Ray­ team includes hawk, '25, also Boulder, Long­ speaking of t he mont, Ft. Collins Greeley, an d "Future?" were Sterling. awarded places in The second team t he order named. visits Colorado The first four ar e Springs, Canon now making t he City, Florence, state-wide Regis­ Publo, La Junta, Loretto tour. and Lamar. Very High-lights of Reverend Robert t he respective M. Kelley, S. J., speeches will be leads this team. found in other columns of this Miss Mary Kelly, issue. Loretto student Below, Anthony F. Zarlengo and Gerald I. Higgins. Above, Emmet M. Barry and R. Paul Horan. speaker, Miss Ida Left to right : Page Two THE BROWN .AND GOLD April 15, ~~~i , ANNUAL RETREATS DEAN KROST IN SERIES NOTED WRITER-LECTURER FITZPATRICK ELECTED VOTED BEST EVER HERE NEXT MONDAY OF EDUCATIONAL TALKS - - R - ATH. ASS'N MEMBER -R- -R- Dr. Lincoln Wirt To Talk On -- lt -- '' The Three Best Days- of the Legal, Journalistic, and Profes­ War Prevention Brown & Gold M'g'ng Editor Whole Year"-Rev. sional Careers Lauded as --R-- and Former Ranger Captain President. Worthy Ambitions Dr. Lincoln Wirt, noted writer, Student Representative -R- -R- publicist, and lecturer, will address -R- The amiual retreats of the senior Of much interest to Collegians was the collegians on Monday, April 20, At a meeting held in Room 6 Car. and junior divisions were held during a series of talkJS, three in number, in the Gym auditorium on the sub­ roll Hall, on Wednesday, April Ist, the first three days of Holy Wef'k. :M:r. Charles FitzPatrick was eleeted given during the past month by Rev. ject of War Prevention. Dr. Wirt Rev. Christopher J. Kohne, S. J., Student Representative to the Regis 1 has been notable in many fields of director of the upper classmen, and John G. Krost, S. J., Dean of the Athletic association. !Public endeaiVor, being at various Rev. William V. Doyle, S. J., who College. These talks usually limited Mr. Toner, President of the ass(). times Commissioner of Education, conducted the exercises for the high themselves to fifteen minutes, their ciation, introduced by Very Rev. Rob. .Alaska; Red Cross Commissioner, school, will long be remembered for ert 1\f, Kell ~ y, S. J, President of th ~ subje~t-matter embracing a consider­ France· International Commissioner, their clear and fervent exposition of College, explained the VTganization ation of affairs timely and pertinent Near East Relief; Fellow Royal Geo­ the "perfect way," the high and noble to the vocational aims of the Catholic graphical Society; and now 'Vestern ideals they proposed for our adoption, collegian. Secretary, National' Council for Pre­ and the hearty and gracious sympa­ Journalism and Pedagogy vention of \Nar. thy they manifested for one and all The first Lenten talks were intend­ during their hrief stay at Regis. Among his favorite lecture topics ed to stimulate activity in the fields Father Kohne was fc;Tmcrly vice­ the following are noteworthy: A of journalism and pedagogy. It was president of the College of Arts and New Foreign Policy for the United pointed out that our great necessity Sciences at St. Louis university, States; Our Legacy to Our Children was for Catholic writ.ers and that the from which position he was called to -Law or War? Rebuilding the Tow­ Catholic writer can wield an even 1 the home mission service. His kind­ er of Babel; What & Californian greater influence in some respects Oharles A. Fitzpatrick ly, straightforward manner marks Found on the Ruhr; Behind the than can the priest. .Advancing to him as one of the most noteworthy Scenes in Germany, France, and Eng­ and purpose of the association. He the subject of t eaching, it was ex­ retreat masters in years. land. Returning but re~ently from urged !·very d udent to take an acti ve plained that a present great demand Father Doyle was formerly of the an intimate study of -the econarnic, part in all athletics because of the was for Catholic teachers trained in Regis faculty for a period of five social, and political conditions in benefit such ,participation will be to the s,ciences to relieve the priest years, gaining quite notable local twelve European and. Asiatic coun­ him in after life. "We must learn from specialization in such matters fame for his coaching ability with tries, this latest Regis lecturer prom­ to meet defeat while yet young," as Mathematics, Economics, and Regis teams in the three major ises an entertaining and instructive said Mr. Toner. "I am truly sorry Business .Administration. sports. session. for the man who has never tasted de· ---R--- The subject Clf a course . in peda­ ---R---- feat. It will come some day and will MEDAL ESSAY, MARCH 21 gogy was broached by the Dean in REGIS MAN PRAISED AS be all the more bitter because of its -R- this talk, a course which, he said, tardiness. .A man who engages in On March 21 the upper classmen would be offered if enough. applica­ SYMPHONY SOLOIST -R- athletics is bound to learn how to wrote on the subject, "Movies, Ma­ tions were filed before the next Francis V. Dinhaupt, Regis high accept defeat philosophically." chines, and Morals," for the Sullivan school term. "\Vith their Bachelor de­ In explaining the purpose of the medal. The winning essay will graduate of the class of '25, rose to grees and a course in pedagogy the association l\fr. Toner said that i' be announced at Commencement. the heights of local musical fame as graduates would be well equipped for was formed to support all Regis At.lt "Flashes" from the essays submitted soloist for the Cavallo Symphony the teaching pwfession wl1ich a high­ letics, not football alone, and to in· will be found in other columns of this Orchestra at its final concert · gi;ven er salary seale in •Catholic high tereat business men of Denver and of issue.
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