A/CONF.101/10 REPORT OF THE SECOND UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON THE EXPLORATION AND PEACEFUL USES OF OUTER SPACE Vienna, 9-21 August 1982 UNITED NATIONS [Original: English] [31 August 1982] CONTENTS Paragraphs Page ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS • viii PART ONE: DECISIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CONFERENCE ..... 1 7 438 1 INTRODUCTION 1 f 15 1 I. STATE OF SPACE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 16 ~ 144 6 A. Space science 20-47 6 B. Experiments in space environment . 48-61 12 C. Telecommunications 62 - 77 15 D. Meteorology 78 - 90 20 E. Remote sensing 91 ~ i07 23 F. Navigation, global positioning and geodesy 108 * 126 27 G. Space transportation and space platform technologies . 127 - 144 30 II. APPLICATIONS OF SPACE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 145 - 312 35 A. Current and potential applications of space technology 145 - 189 35 1. Telecommunications 146 - 153 35 2. Mobile communications 154 37 3. Land-mobile communications 155 - 156 37 4. Maritime communication 157 - 158 38 5. Aeronautical communication 159 39 6. Satellite-to-satellite links 160 39 7. Future communications applications 162 39 8. Satellite broadcasting 162 - 164 39 9. Remote sensing 165 - 174 40 10. Meteorology 175 -r 182 43 11. Navigation, global positioning and geodesy 183 - 188 45 12. Future applications 189 47 B. Choices and difficulties in the use of space technology 190 - 206 47 1. Choices 190 - 194 47 -iii- CONTENTS (continued) 2. Difficulties 195 - 206 48 C. Possibilities and mechanisms for enabling all States to benefit from1space technology 207 - 233 52 D. Facilitating access, use and development of space technology 234 - 246 59 E. Use of space technology for education 247 - 259 62 F. Compatibility and complementarity of satellite systems 260 - 276 66 1. Meteorology 261 - 264 66 2. Remote sensing 265 - 272 67 3. Communication 273 68 4. Navigation and other services 274 68 5. Over-all considerations 275 - 276 68 G. The geostationary satellite orbit 277 - 288 69 H. The nature and protection of the near-earth environment 289 - 300 71 I. Implications of projected developments in space technology 301 - 312 74 1. Space solar power systems 302 - 304 75 2. Space manufacturing • 305 - 307 75 3. Communications and remote sensing 308 - 309 76 4. Search for extra-terrestrial intelligence 310 76 5. Space settlements 311 76 6. Conclusion 312 76 III. INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION AND THE ROLE OF THE UNITED NATIONS 313 - 438 78 A. Multilateral co-operation 313 - 353 78 1. International Telecommunications Satellite Organization 314 - 319 78 2. Programme on International Co-operation in the Study and Peaceful Utilization of Outer Space (INTERCOSMOS programme) • 320 - 325 79 3. International system and Organization of Space Communications 326 - 329 80 4. European Space Agency 330 - 336 81 -iv- CONTENTS (continued) Paragraphs Page 5. International Maritime Satellite Telecommunications Organization .................. 337- 343 82 6. Arab Satellite Communications Organization ....... 344 - 346 83 7. African Remote Sensing Council 347 - 348 83 8. European Telecommunications Satellite Organization 349 84 9. Other multilateral co-operation 350 - 353 84 B. Bilateral co-operation 354 - 359 8 5 C. An assessment of multilateral and bilateral co-operation 360 - 368 87 D. Co-operation between developing countries 369 - 380 89 E. The role of the United Nations system: a review 381 - 421 92 1. Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space .... 382 - 384 92 2. Outer Space Affairs Division 385-387 93 3. Office of Legal Affairs 388 94 4. Natural Resources and Energy Division 389 - 390 94 5. Regional commissions 391 - 395 95 6. Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Co-ordinator 396-397 95 7. United Nations Environment Programme ............. 398 - 400 96 8. United Nations Development Programme 401 96 9. International Telecommunication Union 402 - 405 96 10. world Meteorological Organization 406 - 408 98 11. Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations 409 - 411 98 12. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 412 - 413 99 13. International Maritime Organization 414 100 14. International Civil Aviation Organization 415 - 417 100 15. World Bank 418 101 16. Other agencies 419 101 17. Co-operation and co-ordination 420 - 421 101 F. The role of the United Nations: an assessment and recommendations 422 - 438 102 -v- CONTENTS (continued) Paragraphs Page PART TWO; PROCEEDINGS OP THE CONFERENCE 439 - 657 107 I. ORIGINS OP THE SECOND UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON THE EXPLORATION AND PEACEFUL USES OF OUTER SPACE 439-454 107 II. ATTENDANCE AND ORGANIZATION OF WORK 455 - 500 111 A. Date and place of the Conference 455 111 B. Pre-Conference consultations 456 111 C. Attendance 457 - 465 111 D. Opening of the Conference and election of its President 466-491 113 E. Adoption of the rules of procedure 492 118 F. Adoption of the agenda 493 118 G. Establishment of the Main Committees and organization of work 494 120 H. Election of officers other than the President 495 - 498 120 I. Appointment of the members of the Credentials Committee 499 121 J. Implications of Conference decisions for the programme budget of the United Nations 500 121 III. SUMMARY OF THE GENERAL DEBATE 501 - 533 122 IV. REPORTS OF SUBSIDIARY BODIES AND ACTION TAKEN ON THESE REPORTS BY THE CONFERENCE 534 - 578 129 A. Report of the First Committee 534 - 543 129 B. Report of the Second Committee 544 - 553 130 C. Report of the Third Committee 554-565 131 D. Report of the Credentials Committee 566 - 578 133 V. ADOPTION OF THE REPORT OF THE CONFERENCE 579 - 585 136 VI. CONCLUDING STATEMENTS 586 - 604 137 A. Statement by the Secretary-General of the Conference 586-594 137 B. Statement by the President of the Conference 595 - 604 138 -vi- CONTENTS (continued) Paragraphs Page VII. RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY THE CONFERENCE . 605 141 VIII. ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATED WITH THE CONFERENCE 606 - 657 142 A. Demonstrations of space applications 609 - 638 142 B. Technical presentations and poster session 639 - 641 146 C. Evening lectures 642 - 644 148 D. Background papers 645 148 E. Regional and inter-regional seminars 646 148 F. Other seminars and meetings 647 148 G. Essay and poster contests 648 149 H. Other public awareness activities 649 - 650 149 I. Exhibitions 651 - 653 149 J. COSPAR/IAF Forum 654 - 655 150 K. Activities of the non-governmental organizations .... 656 - 657 150 Annexes I. MESSAGES FROM HEADS OF STATE OR GOVERNMENT 153, II. LIST OF DOCUMENTS 162 -vii- ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ACC Administrative Committee on Co-ordination (United Nations) AFROSAT African regional communications satellite APT automatic picture transmission ARABSAT Arab Satellite Communications Organization ARSC African Remote Sensing Council ASEAN Association of South-East Asian Nations BSS Broadcasting Satellite Service CCIR International Radio Consultative Committee (ITU) CCITT International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee (ITU) CCT computer compatible tape CFC chlorofluorocarbon CNES Centre national d'etudes spatiales (France) COPUOS Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (United Nations) COSPAR Committee on Space Research (ICSU) DBS direct broadcast satellite DCP data collection platform ECS European Communications Satellite EIRP equivalent isotropically radiated power ELDO European Space Vehicle Launcher Development Organization ESA European Space Agency ESRO European Space Research Organization EUTELSAT European Telecommunications Satellite Organization FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FES fluid experiment system (SPACELAB) FGGE First GARP Global Experiment (WMO) FPM fluid physics module (SPACELAB) GARP Global Atmospheric Research Programme GEMS Global Environment Monitoring System GPS Global Positioning System GSO geostationary orbit HDDT high density digital tape IAF International Astronautical Federation ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization ICSU International Council of Scientific Unions IFRB International Frequency Registration Board (ITU) IGCP International Geological Correlation Programme -viii- IGOSS Integrated Global Ocean Services System IHP International Hydrological Programme (WMO) IMO International Maritime Organization IPDC International Programme for the Development of Communication INMARSAT International Maritime Satellite Telecommunications Organization INTELSAT International Telecommunications Satellite Organization INTERCOSMOS Programme on International Co-operation in the Study and Peaceful Utilization of Outer Space INTERSPUTNIK International System and Organization of Space Communications IOC Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (UNESCO) ITU International Telecommunication Union MAB Man and the Biosphere MONEX Monsoon Experiment (WMO) NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (United States) NNSS Navy Navigation Satellite System (United States) NPS nuclear power source RF radio frequency SARSAT search and rescue satellite aided tracking SETI search for extraterrestrial intelligence SITE Satellite Instructional Television Experiment (India) SPS solar power satellite SSTO single stage to orbit UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNDRO Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Co-ordinator UNEP United Nations Environment Programme UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization VLBI very long baseline interferometry WARC World Administrative Radio Conference WEFAX weather facsimile WMO World Meteorological Organization WWW World Weather Watch (WMO-ICSU) -ix- PART ONE DECISIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CONFERENCE INTRODUCTION
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