lvfarch 22, 1983 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 6669 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS NATIONAL PRAYER BREAKFAST human freedom and the solidarity of man­ many national honors, and I'm sure all of us kind. agree they were highly deserved. I know you Human freedom and solidarity, as a politi­ all want to join with me in expressing our HON.ARLANSTANGELAND cal ideal, leads to democracy, for this is gov­ appreciation to the choir for their outstand­ OF MINNESOTA ernment for the people and by the people; ing performance this morning. <Applause.) IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES as a humanitarian expression, it inspires us At this time I'd like to call upon the Hon­ Tuesday, March 22, 1983 to embrace the cause of human rights.· orable Senator, David Durenberger, of Min­ Unless the rights of every human being are nesota to give the welcome and statement e Mr. STANGELAND. Mr. Speaker, I protected, the rights of none are secure; as a from the U.S. Senate, and I'd like to also at would like to insert in the CoNGREs­ principle of social peace and social justice, this time, then, recognize Mrs. Durenberger SIONAL RECORD, the transcript Of the solidarity binds labor and capital in a as well. <Applause.) National Prayer Breakfast which was common cause for domestic well-being; as Senator DURENBERGER. Mr. President, Mrs. held on February 3. the foundation for world harmony, human Reagan, sisters and brothers, and to some of freedom and solidarity promote mutual re­ you, de colores, my message today is my per­ NATIONAL PRAYER BREAKFAST, FEBRUARY 3, spect and equality of treatment for every sonal message-four years with the United 1983, INTERNATIONAL BALLROOM, WASHING­ nation. States Senate Prayer Breakfast. It is that TON HILTON HOTEL, WASHINGTON, D.C. This is our dream, 0 Lord, of a world that our faith in God brings us together to open <Participants: President Ronald Reagan; shatters barriers of hatred, self-pride and ig­ at least once each week in a phrase that I Representative Arlan Stangeland, Co­ norance which undermine the unity of man­ think will be understood by our President Chairman; Representative Charles Whit­ kind; that builds a new city of man on the and by our main speaker today-to open our ley, Co-Chairman; Senator Harold brotherhood of all peoples and of all na­ individual windows of vulnerability, a vul­ Hughes; Secretary General Alejandro tions; that moves toward the future along nerability that comes only with the cogni­ Orfila, Organization of American States; the difficult path of true dialogue, a dia­ zance that the offices that we hold do not Senator David Durenberger; Edwin Meese logue in which all seek to listen and every endow us with omniscience, much as our III, Counsellor to the President; Dr. and human being and every nation are open to constitutents might presume that to be the Mrs. Derq Howlett, Shelton College, New the other, all accept and respect the differ­ case; vulnerability that comes with the ac­ Jersey; Representative Marjorie Holt; ences found in the human condition but knowledgement that to be a good Senator or Governor William Winter of Mississippi; also recognize the things mankind shares in a good President or a good leader of any in­ General John Vessey, Jr., Chairman, Joint common, all pursue the good of humanity, stitution in a society such as ours, one must Chiefs of Staff; Representative William not through conflict, but through coopera­ first be a good father or mother, a good hus­ Gray III; Dr. Billy Graham) tion and consensus. band or wife, and a good neighbor. Senator HARoLD HUGHES, former Senator We will not fulfill this dream overnight, So the value of vulnerability is in reducing from Iowa. We thank you now for the Almighty Father, but help us to begin now, the ego to realistic and manageable propor­ bounty of the earth which you have given to respond with boundless spirit to the out­ tions. And in recognizing, as our President us this morning to eat, and we ask you bless­ cries from the developing nations for a did in his moving example to us two years ing upon it in the name of Jesus Christ, greater and more just share of the riches ago, of the footsteps in the sand, and I Amen. and bounty of nature, to help the inter­ quote his allegory, "During your times of <The Campbell University Choir then American family of nations to move forward trials and suffering, when you see only one sang.) as a universal symbol of neighbors deter­ set of footprints, it was then that I carried Representative STANGELAND. Good morn­ mined to live in friendship and harmony, you." ing and welcome. I am Arlan Stangeland, and to search for peace, not from time to To acknowledge that loving means giving Co-Chairman of this event, this 31st Annual time, but in our every waking and living and a family does not exist without sharing, National Prayer Breakfast. My other Co­ moment. that parenting is a responsibility best ex­ Chairman is to my left, the Honorable Con­ We are grateful, 0 Lord, for this opportu­ pressed as follows: "The real measure of gressman Charles Whitley of North Caroli­ nity to praise Your goodness, and we thank success as a parent is something you cannot na. the people of the United States for helping spend, it is the way your child describes you At this time I would like to call on His Ex­ us through this National Prayer Breakfast when talking to a friend." cellency, Alejandro Orfila, Secretary Gener­ of the Congress, to express mankind's total And so, each Wednesday morning these al of the Organization of American States, dependence upon You. In doing so, they Senators spend an hour together with the for the opening prayer. I would like to rec­ provide a model for men and women every­ power of the spirit of God moving them, we ognize at this time Mrs. Orfila with His Ex­ where who cherish Your truth and Your shove open our individual windows of vul­ cellency. peace. nerability. And sometimes the windows Secretary General ORFILA. Let us pray. Finally, 0 Lord, we pray for the President close quickly under the pressure of our daily We bow our heads in prayer in Your kind and Mrs. Reagan, and leaders and people of schedules, the pressure of our staff, and the presence, 0 Lord, men and women from the this generous and magnificent country, the pressure to perform an act of political cour­ nations of mankind, created free and equal United States of America, which has given age into the gale of contrary public opinion. in Your image and likeness, brothers and beyond its bounty and its substance to feed But each Wednesday opening makes it that sisters whose lives do not always reflect the the hungry, to cure the sick, to house the much more difficult to close our little win­ noble dignity of man. homeless, and to forge peace across this dows of vulnerability. Our imperfections lead us again and again planet. We 'lSk you to bless them and all of And every so often we experience the into discord and strife. We recognize that those who, each in their own way, seek to wisdom of Sir Kenneth Clark in his moment conflict between individuals and nations praise Your creation and Your goodness. of vision when he said, "Most errors of judg­ arises from denial of love and from the ab­ Amen. ment arise from an absence of love, a lack of sence of compassion. Where there is con­ Representative STANGELAND. Please be fine perception, and an inability to with­ flict, oppression and exploitation soon seated and enjoy your breakfast. stand the pressure and prejudices of time." follow. <Breakfast.) Or as Russell Long has taught us, from We ask your pardon, Almighty Father, for Representative STANGELAND. If I could the message from the former Chaplain of our doubts and fears, our failures and hesi­ have your attention, please? Could I have the Senate, Peter Marshall, "God help us to tation in the face of evil and injustice. Yet, your attention, please? stand for something lest we fall for every­ Your truth continues to inspire us with a We are going to begin our program this thing." dream of a better world, a world perfected morning, but please continue eating. First The story is told that during World War I by a spirit of universal justice and lasting of all, the choir this morning came from a chaplain stopped on a road in France after peace. Campbell University, Buies Creek, North a bloody battle to minister to a dying sol­ The prophet said that without vision the Carolina. This group under the direction of dier, who looked up, recognized the symbol people perish. We have a vision, to enlarge Dr. Paul Yoder has in the past received of the religion, and said, "But Father, I e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. 6670 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS March 22, 1983 don't belong to your church." To which the visiting member of a legislative body of an­ he was a little on the impudent side, a.nd he chaplain responded, "That may be true, other nation. was teasi!lg her a little bit, and he asked her young man, but you do belong to my God." Our international guests are always called after she got home from church what the It is through that sense of belonging that upon to share with us information about sermon was about and she couldn't remem­ in the Senate Prayer Breakfast we have groups similar to ours back in their home ber; and what the scripture was, and she come to appreciate our own vulnerability as countries.
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