VOL. XXIX, No. 25 [PBICE TWELVE CENTS] MARCH 24, 1927 Published weekly during the college year and monthly in July and August. Subscription $4 per year. Entered as second class matter, Ithaca, N. Y. Postmaster: Return postage guaranteed. .Use form 3578 for undeliverable copies. CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS PROVIDENCE HARTFORD Lehigh Valley Service ESTABROOK δδ CO. for Sound Investments New York Boston SPRING RECESS 24 Broad 15 State ROGER H. WILLIAMS '95 to New York Resident Partner SPRINGFIELD NEW BEDFORD V STATION ) FRIDAY, APRIL 1st—SPECIAL TRAINS Hemphill, Noyes C&, Co. Lv. Ithaca 12:30 P.M. 1:30 P.M. 11:30 P.M. Ar. Newark (Eliz. & Meeker Aves.) 7:20 P.M. 8:25 P.M. 6:40 A.M. 37 Wall Street, New York Ar. New York (Penn. Station) 7:45 P.M. 8:50 P.M. 7:10 A.M. Investment Securities Parlor Cars, Sleeping Cars, Philadelphia Albany Boston Baltimore Diner and Club Car, Pittsburgh Rochester Buffalo Syracuse Coaches Coaches Jansen Noyes ΊO Clifford Hemphill SATURDAY, APRIL 2nd—SPECIAL TRAIN Stanton Griffis >10 Harold Strong Walter S. Marvin Kenneth K. Ward Lv. Ithaca 12:50 P.M. Ar. Newark (Elizabeth and Meeker Aves.) 7:30 P.M. J. Stanley Davis L. M. Blancke '15 Ar. New York (Pennsylvania Station) 7:55 P.M. Members of the New York Stock Exchange Parlor Cars, Dining Car and Coaches To PHILADELPHIA Quality Baltimore and Washington Service SPECIAL TRAINS Friday Friday Saturday E. H. WANZER April 1st April 1st April 2nd Incorporated Lv. Ithaca 12:30 P.M. 1:30 P.M. 12:50 P.M. Ar. Philadelphia (Reading Ter'l). 8:08 P.M. 8:10 P.M. 8:10 P.M. The Grocers Ar. Baltimore (B. & O. R. R.) 10:20 P.M. 10:20 P.M. 10:20 P.M. Ar. Washington (B. & O. R. R.) 11:27 P.M. 11:27 P.M. 11:27 P.M. Parlor Cars, Dining Cars, and Coaches Aurora and State Streets From New York (PTτl™ΓA) SUNDAY, APRIL 10th—SPECIAL TRAINS Lv. New York (Pennsylvania Station) *2:45 P.M. **11:15 P.M. Lv. Newark (Eliz. and Meeker Aves.) 3:15 P.M. 11:45 P.M. Ar. Ithaca 10:15 P.M. 7:00 A.M. R. A. Heggie & Bro. Co. * Parlor Cars, Dining Car, and Coaches. **Club Car and Sleepers—Open for occupancy at New York, 10:00 p, m. From Washington, Baltimore Fraternity and Philadelphia SUNDAY, APRIL 10th—SPECIAL TRAIN Jewelers Lv. Washington (B. & O. R. R.) 7:00 P.M. Lv. Baltimore (B. & O. R. R.) 8:00 P.M. Lv. Philadelphia (Reading Terminal) 11:00 P.M. Arrive Ithaca 7:00 A.M. Ithaca New York Through sleepers from Washington, Baltimore, and Philadelphia. Dining Car, Washington to Wayne Junction. Coaches. Additional Special Train Service to Other Points All Regular Train Service in Addition NOTICE TO For details see Lehigh Valley Poster or Circular EMPLOYERS Railroad and Pullman tickets should be purchased at once to insure accommodations. Lehigh Valley City Ticket Office, 300' East State St., The Cornell Society of Engineers main- Phone 2306-2307. Depot Ticket Office, Phone 2697. tains a Committee of Employment for Cor- nell graduates. Employers are invited to consult this Committee without charge when in need of Civil, Electrical or Mech- anical Engineers, Draftsmen, Estimators, Sales Engineers, Construction Forces, etc. Lehigh Valley Railroad 578 Madison Avenue, Corner 57th Street, New York City. Telephone Plaza 2300. CΊhe Route of The BlackDiamond C. M. ChuckΓOW, C. E. '11 Chairman CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS VOL. XXIX, No. 25 ITHACA, N. Y., MARCH 24, 1927 PRICE 12 CENTS ROFESSOR Otto Kinkelday of the politan press. Why did the news editors J2j of St. Paul, Minn., and Richard M. Music Department has resigned and so readily accept this item? The fact that McLaughlin '28 of White Plains. P will return to New York to be again our crew has a new coaching launch is of MODERN THEATRE PRODUCTION was dis- chief of the Music Division of the New no broad human appeal. But the fact that cussed by Professor Alexander M. Drum- York Public Library. This is bad news it is named "The Old Man" awakens in mond Ί 5 at the Sunday Evening Hour in indeed for Cornell. In his three years here many a reader's mind the epic figure of Willard Straight Hall on March 13. The Professor Kinkeldey has had an influence Charles E. Courtney; and those who do following Sunday Mrs. Rose C. Broughton, radiating far beyond the limits of his de- not know the significance of The Old Man teacher of elocution at the Ithaca High partment. His informal preparatory talks read the item to find out. Thus the School, gave readings from American on University concert programs have, Athletic Association finds that good deeds Literature, which included selections by though unannounced, attracted many a bear their fruit in publicity. Dunbar, Reilly, Field, and Henry Van music-lover through their combination of ELECTIONS TO THE Cornell Law Quar- Dyke, and a number of poems included in deep scholarship and sensitiveness of terly have been announced. Clifford C. Louis Untermeyer's "Anthology of Modern esthetic response. In less formal ways, in Pratt '28 of Elmira will be editor-in-chief Poetry." fraternity social evenings, for instance, he next year. Harry J. Pasternak '28 of has communicated, with the aid of his INFORMAL GRADUATE STUDENT gather- New York will be managing editor, and genial personality, a great deal of his own ings are being held twice a month at the Alfred Appel '28 of New York, business musical enthusiasm to the student body. homes of Faculty members. There is no manager. Recently elected to the present PROFESSOR KINKELDEY, it will be re- definite organization of graduate students, editorial board are William G. Shoemaker called, is trained as a scholar of music, a and at the first meeting held at the home '27 of Buffalo and George H. Kenny '27 of musicologist. He was Royal Prussian of Professor and Mrs. Riverda H. Jordan New York. Professor of musicology in the University it was decided to take this means of of Breslau from 1910 to 1914. The Sun THE WOMEN'S BASKETBALL team de- getting together without forming an has found authority for the statement that feated Elmira College last week by 31 to association. he stands on an eminence in his subject 20 in a game played in the Old Armory. DUSOLINA GIANNINI, world-famous so- occupied by but two others, Carl Engel of Elsie M. Schneider '28 of Warsaw scored prano, presented a program of folk-songs the Library of Congress, and Oscar G.T. 26 of the 31 points. After the game mem- and light operatic arias at the fifth of the Soneck, editor of The Musical Quarterly. bers of Penthama, the W. A. Council, the University concert series held in Bailey Cornell Gymnasium Department, and Hall on March 15. RESIDENTS WITH LONG memories will members of the basketball squad enter- recall that when Professor Quarles, Pro- tained about eighty Elmira girls at a tea in THE SIXTH LECTURE in the Science and fessor Kinkeldey's predecessor, resigned Risley Hall. Life Series was on "The Growth of the his position, the Sun set up a cry of Idea of God". It was given by Dr. despair, a lament for Cornell's vanished LAMBDA CHI ALPHA won the inter- Joseph A. Leighton '94, of Ohio State greatness, which must have been annoying fraternity basketball championship for the University, who sketched the origins, to the administration. We can see now year by defeating Kappa Delta Rho with growth, and progress through history of the error at the root of most such bewail- the close score of 18 to 16. Fifty-two the various conceptions of the Deity. ings. A man goes on for years doing his teams originally entered the tournament. work well; he gets a better opportunity A BIG JIG, the first since the building THE GERMAN STUDENTS' Co-operative somewhere else; and suddenly everyone opened, was held in Willard Straight Hall Association and its activities were dis- realizes that he is a great man and that last Saturday evening. Wes Thomas and cussed by the director of the Association, the authorities are culpable for letting him his eleven-piece orchestra furnished the Dr. Herbert Kruppendorf, in an address go. It seems that no teachers worthy of music to which the formally-clad dancers to the Saturday Lunch Club last week. the name will be left on the Hill. But all stepped about. Mrs. Livingston Farrand, He talked particularly of the activities of the time certain others are calmly building Miss Gertrude H. Nye, Miss Grace A. the German students who have visited up their own traditions against the day Seely '04, Mrs. Foster M. Coffin '23, and America since the war. when they shall have a better offer from Miss Emily Voigt '25 were patronesses. abroad and an outburst of appreciation at THE CORNELL OFFICERS' CLUB has Since the demise of the All-Cornell Hops home. elected Hamilton Ward, Jr., '28 of Buffalo there have been no general University president for next year. Henry S. Krusen dances of similar nature. But this dance THE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION, which '28 of East Orange, N. J., will be vice- wasn't of similar nature either. It was a does nice things in a nice way, has named president, William S. Salisbury '28 of very pleasant and successful party. An- its new coaching launch "The Old Man." Phelps, treasurer, Robert B. Stocking '27 other formal dance willbe held later in the It was christened by Mrs.
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