植物研究雑誌 J. J. Jpn. Bo t. 80: 80: 323-333 (2005) Taxonomic Notes on Vascular Plants in Japan and Its Its Adjacent Regions (1). -New Combinations and New Names of Japanese Plants- K 吋i YONEKURA Botanical Botanical Gardens ,Tohoku University ,12-2 ,Kawauchi ,Sendai 980 ・0862 JAPAN E-mail: E-mail: yonekura@ma 幻ai l.tぬ凶 a幻i泊nS.tωohoku.a 配吋Cι .j (Received (Received on May 凶16,2005) Eighty-one Eighty-one new combinations , five new names and one new form for mostly J apanese seed plants , which are needed during prep 紅 ation of database of Japanese vascu- lar lar plants 紅 e proposed. Some taxonomi and nomenclatural comments are made on Geranium onoei (Geraniaceae) , Calystegia pubescens (Convolvulaceae) , Kalimeris yomena (Asteraceae) and Ixeridium dentatum (Asteraceae). Key words: Database ,Japan ,new combinations ,new names ,vascular plants. During prep 紅 ation of a database of (3) Picea alcocquiana (Veitch ex Lind l.) J apanese and scientific n倒 nes of indigenous , C 訂 ri とre f. chlorocarpa (Hayashi) Yone k., naturalized naturalized and cultivated vascular plants in comb. nov. - P. bicolor (Maxim.) Mayr f. Japan (BG Plants- YLis t: Japanese plant chlorocarpa Hayashi in Bull. Gov t. For. name index; http:/ /b ean.bio.chiba-u.jp/ Exp. Sta t. (77): 25 , photo 12 (1 955). bgplants/) bgplants/) numerous new names and new Nom. Jap.: Midori-iramomi. combinations 訂 e needed for the publication. Here 1 propose 81 new combinations , five (4) Picea torano (Siebold ex K. Koch) new names and one new form. Koehne f. rubriflora (Y oshio Kobay.) Yone k., comb. nov. - P. polita (Siebold & Gymnospermae Zucc.) Carri とre f. rubriflora Y oshio Kobay. Taxaceae in J. Jpn. Bo t. 40: 191 (1 965). (1) (1) Torreya nucifera Siebold & Zucc. f. Nom. Jap.: Benibana-harimomi. sphaerica (K.i mura) Yone k., sta t. nov. - T. nucifera nucifera v訂 . sphaerica K.i mura in Oinuma in Angiospermae - Dicotyledoneae Jpn. Jpn. J. Bo t. 13: 519 , in adno t., f. 1,2 & 7 Crassulaceae (1 949). (5) Hylotelephium verticillatum (L.) H. Nom. Jap.: M 訂 umi-gaya. Ohba f. viviparum (N. Yonez.) Yone k., comb. nov. - Sedum verticillatum L. f. Pinaceae Pinaceae viviparum N. Y onez. in J. Phytogeog r. (2) (2) Larix kaempferi Carri とre f. pendula Taxon. 34: 69 , photos 1-2 (1 986). (Sugim.) (Sugim.) Yone k., comb. nov. - L. leptolepis Nom. Jap.: Komochi-mitsuba-benkeiso. (Siebold (Siebold & Zucc.) Gordon f. pendula Sugim. in in J. Geobo t. (Kanazawa) 6: 27 (1 957). Rosaceae Nom. Jap.: Shidare-karamatsu. (6) Aria alnifolia (Siebold & Zucc.) Decne. -323- 324 植物研究雑誌第80 巻第6号 平成17 年12 月 f. f. lobulata (Koidz.) Y onek. ,comb. nov. - Okuyama in J. Jpn. Bo t. 30: 44 (1955). Micromeles alnifolia (Siebold & Zucc.) P. sargentii f. nagaokae Tatew. ex Koji Koehne var. s. lobulat αKoidz., in J. Coll. It o in J. Geobo t. (Kanazawa) 13: 2 (1964) , Sci. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo 34(2): 69 (1913) - syn. nov. Sorbus Sorbus albifolia (Siebold & Zucc.) K. Koch var. var. lobulata (Koidz.) Rehder in Sarg. , P l. (1 2) Cerasus xtakinoensis (Kawas.) Wilson. Wilson. 2: 275 (1 915). Yone k., comb. nov. - Prunus t α, kinoensis Nom. Jap.: Fugire-azukinashi. Kawas. in J. Jpn. Bo t. 45: 137 ,figs. 1-2 (1 970). (7) (7) Aria japonica Decne. f. chlorocarpa Nom. Jap.: Takino-zakura. (Rehder) (Rehder) Yone k., comb. nov. - Sorbus j, α- ponica ponica (Decne.) Hed l. var. chlorocarpa (13) Filipendula glaberrima N akai f. alba Rehder in S 紅 g. , Pl. Wilson. 2: 276 (1915). (Nak 泊) Yonek. ,comb. nov. - F. multijuga Nom. Jap.: Ki mi-no-urajironoki. Maxim. var. alba Nakai in Reper t. Spec. f. f. denudata (Nakai) Yone k., comb. Nov. Regni Veg. 13: 274 (1 914) - F. nov. nov. - Sorbus japonica var. denudata Nakai yezoensis H. Hara f. alba (Nakai) T. Shimizu in in Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo (33): 11 in J. Fac. Tex t. Sci. Tech. Shinshu Univ. no. (1 953) - S. japonica f. denudata (Nakai) 26 , se r. A. Bio l. (1 0): 9 (1 961). Hiyama in J. Jpn. Bo t. 35: 309 (1 960). Nom. Jap.: Shirobana-ezo-no-shimo- Nom. Jap.: Komono-urajironok i. tsukeso. (8) (8) Cerasus chichibuensis (H. Kubota & (1 4) Rosa luciae Franch. & Rochebr. ex Moriya) Moriya) H. Ohba nothovar. aizuensis Crep. f. ohwii (Oishi) Yone k., comb. nov. - (Kawas.) (Kawas.) Yone k., comb. nov. - Prunus R. wichuraiana Crep. f. ohwii Oishi in J. chichibuensis chichibuensis H. Kubota & Moriya nothova r. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 28: 62 (1 980). aizuensis aizuensis Kawas. in J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. Nom. Jap.: Togenashi-teriha-no-ibara. 49: 49: 3 ,fig. 1 & 2 (2001). f. plena (Honda) Yonek. ,comb. nov. - R. Nom. Jap.: Aizu-shidare. wichuraiana Crep. var. plen αHonda in Bo t. Mag. Tokyo 50: 435 (1936). (9) (9) Cerasus tamaclivorum (T. Oohara , Nom. Jap.: Yae-teriha-no-ibara. Seriz. Seriz. & Wakab.) Yone k., comb. nov. - Prunus tama ・clivorum T. Oohara , Seriz. & (1 5) Rosa mu It iflora Thunb. v紅. mu It iflora Wakab. in J. Jpn. Bo t. 79: 343 ,figs. 1,3 f. rosipetala (Honda) Yonek. ,comb. nov. - (2004). (2004). Rosa poly α ntha Siebold & Zucc. f. Nom. Jap.: Hoshi-zakura. rosipetala Honda in Bo t. Mag. Tokyo 52: 518 (1 938). (10) (10) Cerasus moniwana (Kawas.) Yonek. , Nom. Jap.: Usuaka-no-ibara. comb. nov. - Prunus moniwana Kawas. in J. Jpn. Jpn. Bo t. 38: 94 ,figs. 1-2 (1 963). (1 6) Rosa onoei Makino var. oligantha Nom. Jap.: Moniwa-zakura. (Franch. & Sav.) H. Ohba f. rosea (Hayashi) Yone k., comb. nov. - R. luciae Franch. & (1 1) Cerasus sargentii (Rehder) H. Ohba Rochebr. ex Crep. f. rosea Hayashi in J. V ぽ. sargentii f. pendula (Honda) Yonek. , Geobo t. (Kanazawa) 25(3): 55 (1 977). comb. nov. - Prunus sα rgentii Rehder var. Nom. Jap.: Akebono-o-fuji-ibara. pendula pendula Honda in Bo t. Mag. Tokyo 54: 2 (1940) (1940) - P. sargentii f. pendula (Honda) Fabaceae (Leguminosae) December 2005 Journal of Japanese Botany Vo l. 80 No. 6 325 (17) (17) Wisteria japonica Siebold & Zucc. f. The commonest form of Geranium onoei alborosea alborosea (Sakata) Yone k., comb. nov. - in J apan has pale purple flowers and leaves Millettiajaponica Millettiajaponica (Siebold & Zucc.) A. Gray hairy throughou t. The name G. onoei has f. f. alborosea Sakata in J. Jpn. Bo t. 33: 30 been applied to a form growing in alpine re- (1 958). gions of Central Japan , with deep purple Nom. Jap.: Ak ebono-natsu-fuji. flowers and usually less hairy leaves (Nakai 1912). 1912). Nakai (1935) has previously pointed Geraniaceae Geraniaceae out that the type specimen of G. onoei repre- (1 8) New combinations and a new form of sented the commonest fOfffi. 1 recognize the Geranium onoei alpine form as a new form exclusively based Geranium reinii and G. onoei both de- on the difference in flower colour because scribed scribed from Japan by Franchet and Savatier leaf hairiness is variable as pointed out by (1 878) have been treated as infraspecific taxa Hara (1 948). of of G. eriostemon Fisch. ex DC. (1 824) de- Geranium onoei Franch. & Sav. in Enum. scribed scribed from eastem Siberia. The latter name P1. Jap. 2: 303 (1878) ,‘ Onaei'. is , however , a later homonym of G. var.onoel eriostemum eriostemum Poir. (1 811) (Yeo 1992). Distr.: Japan (Hokkaido and Honshu). Accordingly , either G. reinii or G. onoei f.onoe i. should should be used for the name of the species. G. reinii Franch. & Sav. ,Enum. P1. Jap. As Nakai (1 935) synonymized G. reinii with 2: 304 (1 878). G. G. onoei , the latter has priority. Geranium Nom. Jap.: Gunnai-furo , Ibuki-gunnai- japonicum Franch. & Sav. (1878) which was furo. misapplied misapplied to G. krameri Franch. & Sav. at f. alpinum Yonek. ,f. nov. past past is also identical with G. onoei (Hara A typo floris purpureo- violaceis differt. 1955) 1955) although G. onoei is not recorded in Type: JAPAN: Honshu ,Nagano Pref. the the type locality of G. japonicum (Hakone in (Shinano) , M t. Yatsugatake (M. Okamoto s. Kanagawa Pref.) in cu 町 ent floras. n. (TNS exsicc. no. 1565) ,23 Ju 1. 1957 ,TUS Yeo (1 992) regarded continental 22794 -holotype; TNS -isotype). Geranium eriostemon (nom. illeg.) as dis- Misapplied names: tinct tinct from G. onoei and used the name G. G. eriostemon var. y. onoei seusu Nakai in platyanthum platyanthum Duthie (1 906) for the former. Bo t. Mag. Tokyo 26: 255 (1 912) ,non G. However ,a wide range of mo 中hological onoei Franch. & Sav. variation variation in N orth Korea (N akai 1912 ,Hara G. eriostemon var. reinii f. onoei sensu 1948) 1948) makes it difficult to distinguish G. Ohwi , F 1. Japan: 702 (1953); Kitam. & pla 砂anthum from G. onoei at the specific Murata ,Co 1. 11 1. Herb. P1. Jap. 2: 89 (1 961); leve 1. Park and Ki m (1997) included G. Ak iyama in K. Iwats. & a1., F1. Japan 2b: onoei onoei in G. eriostemon apparently unaware 288 , in nota (2001). of of the illegitimacy of the latter. The quantity Nom. Jap.: Takane-gunnai-furo. of of materials seen by them seems insufficient f. albiflorum (N. Yonez.) Yonek. ,comb. for for the inclusion. 1 think both can be distin- nov. - G. eriostemon var. reinii (Franch. & guished guished from each other at varietal ran k. Sav.) Maxim. f. albiflorum N. Y onez. in J. Geranium eriostemon var. glabrescens Phytogeogr. Taxon. 29: 110 , photo (1 98 1). Nakai ex H. Hara (1 948) ,which is here Nom. Jap.: Shirobana-gunnai-furo. transferred transferred to a variety of G. onoei , seems to f. yezoense (H. Hara) Yone k., comb.
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