TOLLE LEGE TOLLE TAKE and READ TOLLE LEGE TOLLE LEGE TAKE and READ VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY TAKE and READ TOLLE LEGE TOLLE LEGE TAKE and READ VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY Take “up and Read” TOLLE LEGE Villanova University A University in the Catholic and Augustinian Tradition A publication of the Office for Mission & Ministry | 2014 TABLE of CONTENTS Introduction vii I. Who are we? Catholic and Augustinian 1 An Intellectual Tradition 2 Veritas, Unitas, Caritas 7 Our Inspiration: 11 St. Augustine; St. Thomas of Villanova; St. Monica; St. Rita; St. Clare of Montefalco; St. Nicholas of Tolentine; Gregor Mendel, OSA History of the Order of St. Augustine 17 History of Villanova University 45 II. How do we do it? Augustinian Spirituality 59 The Rule of St. Augustine 66 Teaching and Learning 83 Persistence in Prayer 90 III. What do we hope to achieve? Community 155 Common Good 156 Inspiring Hearts and Transforming Lives 159 IV. Resources Mission Statement 161 Seal of the University 166 Glossary 168 Annotated Bibliography 191 INTRODUCTION This small book is intended to provide a brief introduction to Villanova University, its spirit, its heritage and history. The title, Tolle Lege, comes from the conversion scene in St. Augustine’s masterpiece of literature, philosophy and theology, Confessions, written around 397. The phrase is Latin for “take up and read.” Augustine took up Paul’s letter to the Romans and read a passage which changed his life. Whether you are a graduate of Villanova, a friend of the University or a prospective new student, this small book will not change your life, but it is designed to help you get to know, understand or appreciate even more fully, the community that is Villanova. The primary focus is the prospective student or current undergraduate, but we hope that their families, alumni, new faculty and interested adults will find this book useful and informative as well. If you’ve just arrived at Villanova—or tried to decide if this is the place for you—you’re probably asking: “What’s Villanova all about? What makes Villanova different from any other university?” And most of all you’re probably wondering “Is it for me? Do I fit?” or better, “Is Villanova a ‘fit’ for me?” To approach answers to these and so many other vii questions, we need to discover what makes animates it and makes it a community of people Villanova distinctive. What makes it “tick?” What who care deeply about one another, as they search makes it come alive? Villanova is not just a “place” for answers to life and meaning in reality, while to live and learn and work for four years—not just reaching out in service to others to make this world an intimidating collection of buildings with strange a better place for all. names spread over a few hundred acres. It is living, breathing, exciting community with a long history The Order of Saint Augustine (OSA) has always and an even longer tradition. More importantly, it been aware of the enormous influence that Saint is a community of students, faculty and staff working Augustine’s legacy plays in its apostolate of higher together on a journey of discovery, sharing education. This legacy is not so much a philosophi- knowledge, experience and expertise, hopes and cal or theological system of thought, as it is a dynamic fears, joys and sorrows, successes and failures. vision of people living in community united in “mind and heart” in the ardent search of Wisdom. For Any new and unfamiliar place with a few thousand Augustine this Wisdom is the Divine Truth itself, new people, coupled with all of the unknowns of a revealed in Jesus Christ, for which every heart is brand new stage in one’s life, can be a daunting, restless. As universal Wisdom, it is pursued in uncomfortable and even challenging experience at common with all humanity and is achieved by open, first. “Will I be comfortable, happy and successful intelligent, responsible, and mutually respectful here?” “Will I find and make friends?” “Will my interaction. From its inception, the Order of Saint roommate and I get along?” “Can I get involved and Augustine contributed to this search through its be successful academically?” “What about my family educational apostolate, motivated by Augustine’s who lives elsewhere and my friends who have gone own vision that “God would like to sow in every to other schools?” “Will the community here help soul the seeds of intelligence and wisdom.”1 me realize all the dreams I have?” To help the reader understand the legacy which Only time and experience will answer most of these animates this community, this book is divided into questions, but this small book is meant to give you a four parts. sense for what makes Villanova distinctive, what viii ix tells the story of PART ONE PART THREE summarizes Villanova and who we are. The short answer is that Villanova’s aspirations. With the help of all who join Villanova is Catholic and Augustinian. Our goal is this academic enterprise, we hope to become a the pursuit of truth, unity and love, as we travel community of scholars always committed to the together on our way to God. This section will common good. As each member gains knowledge introduce you to these concepts as well as import- and wisdom, we pray that all will be equipped to live ant historical figures from whom we take inspira- life in ways that inspire hearts and transform lives. tion. There is also a brief sketch of the Order of Saint Augustine and thumb-nail history from our PART FOUR is a collection beginnings in 1842. of resources. There you will find several of the most important documents of the University. Perhaps PART TWO gives you a hint most practical is a glossary of terms you may have as to how Villanova accomplishes its goals. An heard or will hear on campus. We speak of the Augustinian institution has particular priorities, “Oreo,” the “Quad,” and use unfamiliar acronyms certain characteristics and behaves in a distinctive such as VEMS, SAC and CASA. The glossary way. This way of being is drawn from a number of provides short definitions or brief descriptions of sources that were important to the life of Saint the persons or places after whom the buildings are Augustine and his friends. named. There’s also a bibliography for those who want to learn more about the people, places and Augustine’s spirituality is foundational and the Rule things that are VILLANOVA. of St. Augustine, written in about 397, is still relevant to us today. Both influence how teaching and learning take place at Villanova. And as Augustine himself recommended, persistent prayer is essential to our community. x xi PART 1: WHO are WE? WE ARE A CATHOLIC AND AUGUSTINIAN UNIVERSITY. What does it mean to say that Villanova is a “Catholic” and “Augustinian” university? Villanova is first of all a University where the pursuit of truth is sought in every area of thought and life. With all other universities, we share a gaudium de veritate (search for truth), so precious to Saint Augustine himself—“that the joy of searching for, discovering and communicating the truth in every field of knowledge.”2 But as Catholic and Augustinian, there is more! What does this mean for your education and your day-to-day life on campus? 1 Catholic and in their own lives.5 This tradition lives on in the A Catholic university “is distinguished by its free contributions of men and women as varied as saints search for the whole truth about nature, man and Francis, Clare, Edith Stein, Popes John XXIII and God,” and it is in this context “that the relationship John Paul II, as well as in the writings and activities between faith and reason is brought to light and of people such as John Courtney Murray, Thomas meaning.” Catholic universities “assure a Christian Merton, Dorothy Day, Oscar Romero, Simone Weil, presence in the university world” and “an institutional Graham Greene, Flannery O’Connor, Bernard commitment to the service of the people of God and Lonergan, and Hans Urs von Balthasar. the human family.” Catholic universities place special emphasis on the integration of knowledge, dialogue As important as its content, the Catholic intellectual between faith and reason, ethical concerns and tradition also represents a distinctive way of thinking theological perspectives on all knowledge.3 and living. The tradition promotes a reflective habit of mind and heart that is both contemplative and an Intellectual Tradition integrative.6 At its core, it relies on a confident The interplay of faith and reason throughout the search for God in all things. This sacramental history of the Church, recorded first in its monaster- worldview seeks to integrate faith and reason, spiritu- ies and later in its medieval universities, represents ality and scholarship. “Education based on this vision the bedrock of what today is commonly called leads the learner to discern and act in concert with the Catholic intellectual tradition. Great Fathers of the will of God who labors at the heart of the world.”7 4 the Church, writing in the Patristic period, include It requires active engagement with the world,8 Ambrose, Gregory and Augustine; Doctors of the solidarity with the poor,9 commitment to and collab- Church such as Thomas Aquinas and Teresa of oration for the common good.10 Avila; scientists Leonardo da Vinci and Gregor Mendel; artists Michelangelo and Bernini; musicians We believe that faith is not foreign to reason. We Johann Sebastian Bach, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart believe that God created all things and is present to and Antonio Vivaldi—all in their own ways sought us everywhere.
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