APPENDIX 1 Range Maps for Species of Concern APPENDIX 2 List of Species Conservation Reports APPENDIX 3 Rare Species Habitat Group Analysis APPENDIX 4 Rare Plant Communities APPENDIX 5 Plants of Cultural Importance APPENDIX 6 Research, Development, and Applications Database APPENDIX 7 Checklist of the Vascular Flora of the Interior Columbia River Basin 122 APPENDIX 1 Range Maps for Species of Conservation Concern These range maps were compiled from data from State Heritage Programs in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, and Nevada. This information represents what was known at the end of the 1994 field season. These maps may not represent the most recent information on distribution and range for these taxa but it does illustrate geographic distribution across the assessment area. For many of these species, this is the first time information has been compiled on this scale. For the continued viability of many of these taxa, it is imperative that we begin to manage for them across their range and across administrative boundaries. Of the 173 taxa analyzed, there are maps for 153 taxa. For those taxa that were not tracked by heritage programs, we were not able to generate range maps. (Antmnnrin aromatica) ( ,a-’(,. .e-~pi~] i----j \ T--- d-,/‘-- L-J?.,: . ey SAP?E%. %!?:,KnC,$ESS -,,-a-c--- --y-- I -&zII~ County Boundaries w1. ~~~~ State Boundaries <ii&-----\ \m;qw,er Columbia River Basin .---__ ,$ 4 i- +--pa ‘,,, ;[- ;-J-k, Assessment Area 1 /./ .*#a , --% C-p ,, , Suecies Locations ‘V 7 ‘\ I, !. / :L __---_- r--j -.---.- Columbia River Basin s-5: ts I, ,e: I’ 7 j ;\ ‘-3 “. I.’ - ESTES’ ARTEMISIA thrtamicia Ia,dnvipinnn ssn. estesii) _ ,c---r-d~---i+ 1 ---I----;--:G - --\.Y \,< /J [ 1 p-i k:~~,y~~ -!> ‘i ki L i,: -~~:*;~--~y!-~ j ______ 4---. ----:-!\ -____4~-- ‘-1 : ____;-l,.f\;\-----T-I--1 -----1,--,02-, ---- * eJ----;::::Gff._____I ? I-- ir::--,r:-~~-~-;~ -1: ------*_ T ______ i / 1, ; f- ! t ' '-- - ---____ _ _ i i /- ‘3-,!! if"-' ;-*. ;:$.yYl J \ J/y-i ---~jQ~--"i -1-J. i-e-. -.. ( 3-y-< 1 i ? i A . I !. -5 “2,-A $-T-- j ,;’ ,i i -1 j J. .L .-jI ---__ \. fLj _____---- -) I -.L- t--___+‘y ____ ___ u2=- :: $it _-_ k____ i-- I6 r :i;-;i,;;;;---------ii,. 1_________ 11 i ~~~~:~~~ ___ ;-/ I I ! I----’.__________, \--T--7 . \.* GOOSE CREEK 1MILKvETc.H- --. 1 ,---l-- (Astragalus amer i-iii - ---a.--- I ! I - \ ( 1 1 County Boundaries ! ,f ! t i-4 State Boundaries i I Columbia River Basin Assessment Area Snecies Locations C. i i 7 ---r--~~-~.~i’-----’ -- : I j I.--; i __-- 1 D i 1 i -< I , ,P? i i ‘a \%A L JEFis!t?E ‘;S,c$::FR _ -c-- /----7-I ! I \yp@$------__ A County Boundaries i ,i ‘i i i ______ State Boundaries Columbia River Basin _ Assessment Area Cnmrier l,ncations ,---_-_ f i i---- i 2 ( 1 -5 -! {--, /-: ______-- 5 - -g.)‘i -. ', / L- F--___q I : *T---- PiI--- IT--&.-&- ---_-_ YJ~'"-Jl 1 ,.J 4 i ,, ~,~~~,.~~~ -3:.; -___ -r--- ---7 ,J--i-- i ';. i y ip-<--$ --i 4 -“I,-- iL’.----I---’! .---T ----- --.y I j i- i*____. 1 -g- ! .i: ---_ - _-___ I i I----? __--___--- T 7 \ --_, k Ll i r ;,J c 1 r’ IL:’._ !//kg&- ;y---! \ \* .--L-- y---; J (, -1 5 i i- I 1. / 4I’ 3 j \L. ‘; A ---- ‘:---i--~~~~~~,-?~~--------~ ,‘i, !‘i.-Tew 1 f----p ------ --“-9 r / ,b-A -3: --w-r 1-i -7 1 :;“- ‘%, ‘..- : 1 .I .---- \ i-i<;-;; ,.-. -I--,-j---‘)-- s ,I-\‘*;. ‘c hj- -i ,*!1. I,I’ -;L-, _________ i--.------- r7 # I i ! i v-e ---i--*L~J-iJh .&-I J’? 1, ~J,.c, 1 ; ‘-.L, ,’---------- -_________ +I I.I / I I i----Y - I ___________/ ~<~--~~7~~~;/‘-t*J ‘,x-J--I-’ L 1 ;---7.---_______ _ I 7 -:1 \ :* PICABO MILKVETCH (Astragalus onicif---:-\ I , ,P, I;.*- -21.-’ I*‘,-..- ----_ ir ______ ____ ) / i 1 ;-..: !..... 9 WHITED MILK-VETCH k I. -.--l,,..n n:“..n,,,P\ ._ .- \ .-- -:. -..J h-7.. .; .i _------ r---l ..,. _. ---..---- BASTARD KENTrophyta (Astragalus tegetarioides) cc-p- ” -,--e-y I ! --. I, ” County Boundaries ” State Boundaries rv Columbia River Basin Assessment Area Species Locations TYGW VALLEY MILK-VETC=’LLI (Astragalus tyghensis) _+-c-- --I 1 i i ,i t-1 i : $---’ !I “’ Countv Boundaries ‘J’ State Boundaries- Ev Columbia River Basin Assessment Area Species Locations WAVY MOONWART (Botrychium c-nlllntllml N Columbia River Basin Assessment Area - Snecies Locations I, : ; ____ >A-*ie I ~._ -I rAi - -(Botrychium 1 I JJ ~~~~~-I~~~~-~ ~<l&l~ \; is. ’ i,: ---;l;:> \ 1 ’ 1 I ‘.---} ______ 44 __ /I\ \-- :TqL 3 ..-. +‘--f------~; i I---f i-. --*f+---&--> i,-.- ‘<, /-- ------ f \; ,-j-- ; ;‘-;i_____- i i----c, : -’ -- y-i’ ‘, 1 I ! / & .JJ -, ’ r’ v( \ __.__ #I P‘--- -----____ 4 “\--‘-------.<‘I ii j$ ’ “I 4 . *ey), J-JVI j \ ,f,/+.-i ----$---$ ’ &.yqL~ J-7 !. ;---. y- --___ ? ,L -\ \ rl LJ&’ mL& I, A fLi’c ..____ i LLy-y;- -A’ i ! 2 I I : ‘7 i i------: y’ J-&fJ .b,,- “.*: :i- k--Y.. Z-pl:?-S$iJp~LhT ________ j ____ __ ---- I ! fi ! . i ,A J :-..,j- r’---------LI- ______ ____ ; I e r -I : lum pumlco Pi State Boundaries N Columbia River Basin Assessment Area f; State Boundaries N Columbia River Basin Assessment Area .- .- .- . ‘:. GREEN-TINGED PAINTBRUSH (Castilleja chlorotica) suecies Locations -! “I-‘;-..-~ d_JL-r-i--% j- /--; ________‘f 7 - \,-- ‘..-kL-f-q ‘“\-.-___ i------4i ‘I---- 4--- JLLJq& i-a t-j “I* + _________ iem.-------- J-J&A : ‘7-l \ \ 1 Y; ----- I x+, Lr---(-,/- ,- ‘1r _,--I--\ #-I -- . - _ __ _ _ __ ;tii) -- ,I -,,-A--~-- T-- “’ County Boundaries State Boundaries Columbia River Basin Assessment Area Suecies Locations i 1, - 4 /--- ‘---l~-~ __ &‘“--i_ ‘T : lr, ‘\ \ ---_ : : : I r -x. .,--1 I !: i’ ,’ Y- I c “I T’ i I L le SV County Boundaries -a \ I’; State Boundaries N Columbia River Basin Assessment Area A-------- ;. -+q*‘” 1 yeAy ,;-; !j y-- _._. v-:;, .J-q j \ Je,z!,/rq m-*I i < ,-----_ L ~~--!~~---~~--~~~~~-~-~~-- -------- 5 7,i -,-- i-- \ f$yy _.,sT~~~y--;~~~ 1 7 ,---, j -Js.<i :“*.s-..7-7~~ i $ _____d, ._ ,:I- \ ’ '-‘.,-'j L.. .a- -.\.-. , j--s- ~------J~~~ *-- Tfli ;&:.,i . ..- ~, ,j!--Lml;--l;.: ' ' i--,,-es- I i--, -----~-------.: ,‘. c-- i *-q “‘I/’ I;emm;?+-e-qL;$ yLi ____1 (q--~ i;-.\ i .I I / i .-q- i .$ 4 -2 ..&, . i c [jy---< -L ( ‘> < y---J 1 I-. L--,I . :-.-, _I i :; i i 7: i ::/ I ‘---;~:.l.~J~~~,#!!iy ‘-‘r j i 7 MbU 1 4<;--.r.,-‘,:*‘-+._--*‘-r--n 1 i c UT- i* _________..--* \ ‘t ; ,____* --+-’ I ;--- _._, *. .,:...*j -1 I I ! ! _______.___ I : : : L : II , CA-- ! # -+A-’ \ r 51 ' i q; I----- 'i “1 n I( ,I--' ,.i'-.~-,"~---------f---------- J----q- ,A,---- -- / I _____-------- \* - '\;:j I wm__, --+.-qI- -- ! +' *_ c CUSICK CHAENACTIS (Chaenactis cusickiil i : I L. ! i, Saecies Locations I Assessment Area ;--. c r__o -i---g~T‘~7;C/--‘~-,---._ *-----, ----- 3 i I -.--*-- $---:.m,s -J’ A-1 ( ,4 .A 1 L ; i i I ‘-$ - ‘\.<j $ ” \ -t: ---_ \-,ssv ‘-7,I--i --yi Q----J ‘**--gY )- ..i------- j & _____. *%._ : ---7' ( *‘* ‘..- 2 k-7.. .-. '1 --;I I I-J -L.-9 ,-.-- -\ .: : '-Li .-\, ii _----__ r-1 ,.,&.. __. : :---: \ T--4 ____- f 1.!:,.i # +., .' -\.. J ! .-.-L-a-+ I I . 1. L;-- ~-----r---.2~:~’ i }*., \ “.& ; L,- “4; ,.:‘::>Mm -\ .A. L-, v-q-’ ‘,* ‘: c .’ I 1 *-d, ; ----,---id-.. J i ; ---- rsL ---- ;::pi . _,,+- ,! 1 ‘;-- I 1 : I i 1-P: : ‘! -7 : I -P..--, \ ,.- ‘(’ L-; 7%. L.. f (. , h I. “T ‘-----I I i , ! 74-m I- I ! f I. I iA. ,(! ,>) ‘-2.-a ?---------i,_-.-_----. J I 'r-.-- ! / ! ! --.____-- -_, YELLOW SPRING-BEAUTY (Claytonia lanceolata var. flava) 7 --__ - Columbia River Basin Assessment Area ,. -3:. .,--*-, '1 m‘)-$lS'----- 2. _ f imAJ7-. “\,-- f. .-.---I ---!7 1 -----r------.: Jo -L-- ! ; I 1.:;,,/! --\‘i / \GL ‘-"-J<d,-m ji'~~~~~--~-~-;-,--i~l,. ‘1 j z’ /f‘ I f “‘, t-i I____, ;---,:II __-- j T--im,-i_ _ ;;--;--L----;I’ : : -‘y--” I I-.; I ------i i- 1 *-“-7 I ~---,-;,~..-;~.~~~ &‘% ‘q ‘!-. :;- 1 i-i ___, Jl Iii i I I dltil i i T---- 1 i 9 r I I ! -,--L&.~.L+-yy-j J i i :\ i ,A ‘I. *-’ p--------i, __________ J i 1’ -21, ‘Lt c- ! _________-- --* \< ‘? ‘** ,-Y&-.;,?i ‘!‘ / i ;---, .,,&\J ,2- ( L / , .__________( \---i---7 \ !* Y MT. MAZAMA COLLOMIA (Collomia mazama) Y \ Columbia River Basin Assessment Area Species Locations 1 ( ,,-. 1. !; i’ I’1, 3 j \ ‘-1 , 22 :-._ .J.-’ ;’---------Jr _______ ___ 4 / I L BARREN VALLEY COLLOMIA.^ 1 (Collomia renacta) _ ------ ---, -3! ,” County Boundaries rr’ State Boundaries N Columbia River Basin Assessment Area - SueciesL Locations ‘L. :I ! :.4*..-~I-. ‘4* j ______ $----’ :=.IL \- ‘:<A-p-, *Jy--- I - i i 1 j-+*;y -------- f ---- - __--- / I i ; ----3.______--- -_ I I 9 z%A B, IF-.-GREELEY’S ..-rC,br..r nnn,,I;P CYMO~~fppljnS,,,m\x?Pn. Ia River Basin Assessment Area ‘Clvmnnterrrs davisii) ,,,----Y--7 --- 11 I ” County Boundaries Pr’ State Boundaries N Columbia River Basin _ Assessment Area - Soecies Locations -x.. ,---8 %. '1 1. .: --I ,r ' 1. ,,)..- I - c DOUGLASS’ BISCUITROOT (Cymopterus douelassii) . i t. f 1-i I \ ( I) ‘1 i i- ___ { . *- - +\h\-y - s )I i. i _ ’ i,: peciesWm., 1, Locations\ i ’ ’I I ~~ i 0’ ,r 1 ;- &* ________- 7 ” -1 ,--I i &~kLq >-- --L&mm-~>k . .--J----4 i&i, :,.J q.Jpb*;!-~ k... HAYDEN’S CYMOPTERUS \-J/Cvmnnternlc .,.“p’V. ..” -I-.nivnlis) ----, I County Boundaries Pr’ State Boundaries 1~~~ \ __ ,--. Af Columbia River Basin ! *. .- c i 1’ Assessment Area .+. L-- . Species Locations -x.I- /-*\ Is 1; i’ * _ T- ;: ?- i c- 7’ - 3 CL;JW~-XEJ)_LADY SLIPPER x%>I 1, C.-b”An..la+,.m> I ,:- .
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