SGS QUALIFOR Number: AD 33-KR-06 (Associated Documents) Version Date: 8 June 2011 Page: 1 of 111 Approved by: Gerrit Marais SGS QUALIFOR FOREST MANAGEMENT STANDARD FOR THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA ᶵ䀑⚱ᠢ ⭱⭱⭱⑱ᝲザ㈭㑒⭱⑱ᝲザ㈭㑒 ᣥ➭ᢑ 2011 This checklist presents the SGS Qualifor standard for forest certification against the FSC Principles and Criteria. This standard forms the basis for: Development of a regional standard Scoping assessment Certification assessment Surveillance assessment Information to stakeholders on the assessment criteria used by SGS Qualifor ➭ 㝩㬡②ⵙ㵭ᵉ FSC ㆅ㤎 ⛄ ᣥ㎵ゅ ᶵ䀑 ⭥⑱㈭㑒ㇹ ㆹ䀑 SGS Qualifor ㈍ 㼑㎵㈩ᶙ. ➭ 㼑㎵㈍ 䃊㮑ᵉ ᶙ㈁㈍ ᭩ㅞㇹ ᣥ㞽⌑ 䀑ᶙ. 㑵ア 㼑㎵㈍ ᛑ⛑ ソ⣹ ⶡ⭡ ㈭㑒 ⶡ⭡ ⭡䅹 ⶡ⭡ SGS Qualifor ㈍ ⶡ⭡ ᣥ㎵ゅ ᶵ䀑 ㈩䀩឵㉅ ᶵ⭶㈍ ㋊➩ PHYSICAL ADDRESS International Local ㎱ⱁ ᠢ㋑ ᠢ᭩ SGS QUALIFOR SGS KOREA 58 Melvill Road 11F, Chungryong Bldg. #98-38 Booysens Galwol-dong, Yongsan-gu, South Africa, Seoul, Korea CONTACT Person: Gerrit Marais Ryan Bae ᶩᶮ㉅ ㈩ Telephone: +27 (0)11 681 2500 +82 (0)2 709 4647 ㊹䄉 Email : [email protected] [email protected] ㈩┉㈱ Web address: WWW.SGS.COM/FORESTRY www.kr.sgs.com ㆮ⭡㈩㵭 AD 33-KR-06 Page 2 of 111 CHANGES SINCE THE PREVIOUS VERSION OF THE STANDARD ᣥ㎵㈍ ᛑ㋊ ⭡䀢ゅ ᶵ䀑 ㈩⋚ Section Change Date ⯮Ⰽ ❵ᝲ⭡䀢 ᭕㒑 Throughout Changes highlighted in grey 25/8/2011 ᭩᭩ 䅁⭾ㇱ⌑ ᛊ㌥ 㼑ⶑ ❵ᝲ AD 33-KR-06 Page 3 of 111 ADAPTATION OF STANDARD TO MEET LOCAL REQUIREMENTS AND THRESHOLDS 㑵ア㈍ ㅉᠡ ⭡䀢 ⛄⛄⛄ 㠑ⱁ ㅉᠡ㤍 ゅゅゅ ⠵䀞䀍ᣥ ㆹ䀑 ᣥ㎵㈍ ㊶㈆ The objective of local adaptation of the SGS SGS QUALIFOR is not required to seek or Qualifor standard is to: develop a consensus with regard to the SGS Qualifor 㼑㎵㈍㈍㈍ 㑵ア ㊶㈆ゅ ᶵ䀑 ╞㼑ᵉ modification of our generic standard. SGS Qualifor will however make ᶙ㈁ឱ ᛎᶙ. meaningful accommodation of i. identify any aspects of the standard that may be stakeholder concerns and will be guided in conflict with legal requirements in the area in in this by: which the standard is to be used, and if such a SGS QUALIFOR conflict is identified shall evaluate it for the ᵉᵉᵉ ᣥ➭ 㼑㎵㈍ ᛑ㋊ゅ purposes of certification in discussion with the ឵䀍ァ ㈱⛍㈍ 䀞㈍ ᠡ䀍ᜥ 䅂ᾒ㿹ㅉᚵ involved or affected parties. Conflict only occurs where a legal obligation prevents the ほᶙ. ⊡, SGS QUALIFOR ᵉᵉᵉ implementation of some aspect of the generic ㈩䀩឵㉅㈍ ឵ⶡ⭡ゅ ᶵ䀩 ㏆ㅉ䀍ᝁ standard. It is not considered a conflict if the requirements of the generic standard exceed the ⳍㅞ䀕 ㈩┥, ᶙ㈁ㇹ 㱪䀩 ⛍ザ ổổổ ㈩ᶙ. minimum requirements for legal compliance; i. our knowledge of the indicators and 㑵ア㈍ ❊ᢑ ㅉᠡ ⭡䀢ឱ 㼑㎵ᚹゅ ⠽㈱㤍ᚵ means of verification that have been ㈽㑵ᵉ ᵉ㑵 䄊㈭䀍ផ, ⒁〲 ⠽㈱㤍ᚵ included in other, FSC-accredited, regional, national or sub-national 䄊㈭ốᶙ┩, ⶡ⭡㈍ ╞㊶ㇹ ㆹ䀩 㛭ァ ㌥㑶 ⛄ standards, with regard to the issues raised; ឵⋝ ㌥㑶㈍ 㱕㈍ ᜥ㞅 䀩ᶮ ⭡䀢ㇹ ⛍ᾑⶑ ㋑ᣥố ㈩ⴽ ᾙゅ ᶵ䀑 ᣥ㭵, FSC-㈭㋊㈍, 㹾ᚵ䀩〱 䀑ᶙ. ❊㊶ ㈍◩ ⭡䀢㈩ 㼑㎵㈍ ᭩ㅞㇹ 㑵ア㈍, ᠢᚵ ᵉ 䀍ㆹ ᠢᚵ ᣥ㎵ ᾦゅ 䀾䀍ᵉ ㇹ ⛞䀩䀍ᵉ ᝲㅥゅ ⠽㈱㤍ᚵ 㺡䀝ố ᜵㑒ㇹ ㆹ䀑 㑵㼑 ⛄ ⳍᶝᾙゅ ᶵ䀑 ⛑⮒䀑ᶙ. ᣥ➭ 㼑㎵㈍ ㅉᠡ ⭡䀢㈩ ❊㊶ 㑵ⶒㇹ 㱪䀩 ⛍ザờ ⠵䀞⯦㈍ 㠑ⱁ ㅉᠡ ⭡䀢ㇹ 㞽ឱ䀕 ᝲㅥゅᵉ ii. advice provided in writing by the FSC ⠽㈱㤍⌑ ᚹ㎱ 䀍㑵 ᵉᶙ National Initiative in the country concerned ii. identify any aspects of its generic standard, as to the likelihood that a proposed which specify performance thresholds lower modification would have the support of the than the minimum legal requirement in the majority of the members of each chamber country concerned. If any such differences are of an FSC working group active in that identified the relevant thresholds shall be country; modified to ensure that they meet or exceed the 䀩ᶮ ᠢᚵ FSC ㆁ㭮 ⎮㈍ ᚶ⠵䅁 ┙✹ minimum national requirements. ᶵᶙⳍ㈍ 㑵㑵 ばㇹ ᚵᵚ⯦㈩ ㈽ᶙផ 㼑㎵㈍ ᭩ㅞ ㏆, ᚶ ᠢᚵ㈍ 㠑ⱁ ❊␕ ㅉᠡ⭡䀢 䀍ァ ㋑ố ⳍ㋊ゅ ᶵ䀩 䀩ᶮᠢ FSC ➩ᶙ ᭣ㇵ ⳍ㎵㈍ ⯦ឱ 㑵㼑 ねᢾ䀍ផ ㈽ᵉ ᭩Ⰹᯅ ㈩ᵽⶑゅ㈩㶥⣁㈍ ◭⯑ゅ ㈍䀑 ⭡䀢ㇹ 䄊㈭. ⒁〲 ㈩ヵ ᛎㇵ 㛝㈩ᚵ 䄊㈭ốᶙ┩, ㌥ね ឵⋝ 㑵㼑ᵉ ᠢᚵ㈍ 㠑ⱁ ㇕ᠡ ⭡䀢ゅ iii. advice provided in writing by an FSC ⠵䀞䀍ᜥ ➩ᶙ 㞽ឱ䀕 ⳍ ㈽ṹ⌒ ⛍ᾑⶑ Regional Office covering the country ⳍ㋊ọど〱 䀑ᶙ. concerned, as to the likelihood that a proposed modification would have the support for the majority of FSC members iii. add specific indicators (with appropriate means of each chamber in the region. of verification if required) and/or cross- references to the identified documentation to 䀩ᶮ 㑵ア㈍ ᚶ 㜉✹㈍ FSC ┙✹ ᶵⳍ㈍ evaluate compliance with key requirements of 㑵㑵 ばㇹ ᚵᵚ⯦㈩ ㈽ᶙផ 䀍ァ ㋑ố the national and local forest laws, administrative requirements and multi-lateral ⳍ㋊ゅ ᶵ䀩 FSC 㑵ア⭡◩ⱁ㈍ ◭⯑ゅ environmental agreements related to the FSC ㈍䀑 ㌥ね Principles 1 - 10. iv. the scale and intensity of forest AD 33-KR-06 Page 4 of 111 FSC ㆅ㤎 1 – 10 ゅ ឵⋝ ㈽ᵉ ᠢᚵヵ 㑵ア management. ⭥⑱ ឵②㈍ ᢑ╝ ⛄ ㋊ṹ ⭥⑱, 䀾㋊ ㅉᠡ ⛄ ᶙ❵㊶㈭ 䄍ᝲ 䃆〲 ᾦ㈍ 㿹ⳍ ㅉᠡ ⭡䀢ゅ ᶵ䀑 ⠵䀞⯦ㇹ 㹾ᚵ 䀍ᣥ ㆹ䀩 SGS QUALIFOR should be able to demonstrate that the requirements of the 㿹ㅉ䀑 㵮㋊ 㑵㼑 (㿹ㅉ䀍ᶙ┩, ᜵㑒ㇹ ㆹ䀩 locally adapted generic standard are ㊶㊽䀑 ⳍᶝ) ②ផ/ᵉ ᠅㛝 䄊㈭ 㛭㌥ ㉅⎁ broadly in line with the requirements of ᾦ㈍ 㡉ᚵ other FSC-accredited national standards applicable to similar forest types in the iv. take account of the national context with regards to forest management; region, and with any guidance received from an FSC National Initiative in the ⭥⑱ᝲザゅ ឵䀑 ᠢᚵ㊶ ⛥ᝲゅ ᶵ䀑 ផ⋙ country concerned. SGS QUALIFOR v. take account of national environmental, social ᵉᵉᵉ 䀩ᶮᠢㇱ⌑ ㊶㈆ố and economic perspectives; 㼑㎵㈍ ㅉᠡ ⭡䀢㈩ 䀩ᶮᠢㇹ 㺡䀝䀑 , , ᠢᚵ㈍ 䄍ᝲ㊶ ⭡䅁㊶ ᝲ㋑㊶ 䄍ᝲゅ ᶵ䀑 ផ⋙ 㑵ア㈍ ㇕⭡䀑 ⭥⑱ 㭵㈹ゅ ㊶ㅞố 㭵ᠢ㈍ vi. ensure that the standard is applicable and practical in the country concerned; FSC ㈭㋊ ᠢᚵ ᣥ㎵ゅ ᶵ㝩⌑ ㊶㈆䀍ផ 㼑㎵㈩ 䀩ᶮ ᠢᚵゅ⯑ ㊶ㅞ ᚵᵚ䀍ផ ㋑㊶㈭ ㈽ᶙᵉ ㇹ 㑒䀍ᵉ ㈩ ⛉≁㑶䀍ᶙ ᭩ㅞㇹ ᶩផ ㈽ᶙᵉ ㇹ 䄊㈭ SGS Qualifor is not required to make vii. ensure that the standard is applicable and further changes to the locally adapted practical to the size and intensity of standard used for an evaluation during management of the Forest Management Unit the period of validity of the certificate concerned; except as necessary to bring it into 㼑㎵㈩ 䀩ᶮ ⭥⑱ ᝲザ ᶝㆹ㈍ ᝲザ䄑Ẏゅ ᶵ䀑 compliance with any FSC Policies, 㬡ᣥ ⛄ ᛊṹゅ ㊶ㅞ ᚵᵚ䀍ផ ㋑㊶㈩∱ᵉ Standards, Guidance or Advice Notes subsequently approved by FSC. ㈍ 䄊㈭ SGS QUALIFOR ᵉᵉᵉ ㈭㈭㈭㑒⯑㈍㈭㑒⯑㈍ ㇕䅝ᣥᚹ viii. address specific issues that are of general concern to any stakeholder group in the country ᭩ゅ ⶡ⭡ゅ ⭡ㅞố 䀩ᶮᠢゅ ㊶㈆䀑 㼑㎵ㇹ concerned. ❵ᝲ䀍ṹ⌒ ㅉᠡọ㑵 ᵉᶙ. ᶙ⒁, ឵⋝ ᠢᚵゅ ㈽ᵉ ㈩䀩឵㉅ ⎮㈍ ㈱⛍㊶㈭ 䀩ᶮᠢㇱ⌑ ㊶㈆ố 㼑㎵㈍ ᝥ㋊ 䅹ゅ ㈍ᝡゅ ᶵ䀑 ┺䄊䀑 ねᢾ FSC ゅゅゅ ㈍䀩 ㈭ố ╝ᾕ FSC ⛞㤝, ᣥ㎵, 㑵㤝 ᵉ どᾑ⛉㈩ⵙ ᰭ㵭ゅ ㊶㈆䀍ᵉ 㿹ㅉ⯦㈩ ㈽ᵉ ᝲㅥᵉ ㋑ㄭ䀑ᶙ... AD 33-KR-06 Page 5 of 111 LAYOUT OF THE STANDARD: 㼑㎵㈍ ⊽㈩⿹ㅸ The standard follows the FSC Principles and Criteria of Forest Stewardship (January, 2000). The Standard is divided into 10 sections, each corresponding to one of the FSC principles with the criteria listed underneath each principle. Refer to the diagramme on the next page for further clarification. ➭ 㼑㎵ㇵ ⭥⑱ᝲザㇹ ㆹ䀑 FSC ㆅ㤎ឱ ᣥ㎵ (2000 1 ㆉ) ゅ ᢱᜥ䀍ផ ㈽ᶙ. ➭ 㼑㎵ㇵ 10 ᛑ㈍ ⯮Ⰽㇱ⌑ ᠡ⯦ọど ㈽ㇱ┥, ᚶ ⯮Ⰽㇵ FSC ㆅ㤎ឱ 䀝ᦍ ㈩ゅ ᶵ㈆䀍ᵉ ᣥ㎵ᾙ㈩ 㺡䀝ọど ㈽ᶙ. ㉅⯭䀑 ᭩ㅞㇵ ㈩䀍㈍ ᭩ㅞㇹ 㛭㌥ Each page of the standard is divided into 3 columns. The standard also serves as the checklist that is used during an assessment and for every criterion the following is provided: 㼑㎵㈍ ᚶ 㹍㈩㑵ᵉ 3 ᛑ㈍ ⠵⠹ㇱ⌑ Ჹど㋭ ㈽ᶙ. 䀑 㼑㎵ㇵ ⶡ⭡ゅ 㝩㬡②ⵙ㵭⌑ ⭡ㅞọ┥, ⿹≍ 㼑㈍ 䀢╞ㇹ 㺡䀝䀑ᶙ The Qualifor Requirement: Indicator This outlines the norm or indicators that Qualifor requires for compliance with the specific FSC criterion. A potential source of ㅉᠡ⭡䀢: 㑵㼑 information or evidence that allows an auditor to evaluate compliance with an indicator. Some indicators make a distinction between the requirements for “normal” forests and SLIMF operations (Small and Low Intensity Managed Forests). 㵮㋊ FSC ᣥ㎵ゅ ㊶䀞䀍ᣥ ㆹ䀩 Qualifor ᚵ ㅉᠡ 䀍ᵉ ᢑ❉ ᵉ 㑵㼑 㭵᭭ᶙ. ⶡ⭡ㆅ㈩ 㑵㼑ゅ ㊶䀞䀑㑵 㹾ᚵ䀕 ⭡ㅞọᵉ ㉕㉡㊶㈭ ㋊➩ㆅ ᵉ 㑒ᜥ. ┼ ᛑ㈍ 㑵㼑ᵉ ➩㱪㈍ ⭥⑱㉆ぺឱ SLIM ( ⱁᢑ╝ ⛄ ㊵ᛊṹ ⭥⑱) ㉆ぺゅ ᶵ䀑 ㅉᠡ ⭡䀢ㇹ ᠡ❹䀑ᶙ. Verifiers Verifiers are examples of what the SGS assessor will look for to ascertain if the specific norm or indicator has been met. This list ᜵㑒䀢╞ is not exhaustive and the assessor may use other means of verifying the relevant indicator. ᜵㑒䀢╞ㇵ SGS ⶡ⭡ㆅ㈩ 㵮㋊㈍ ᣥ㎵ ᵉ 㑵㼑ᚵ 㡞㌦䀍ᵉ㑵 䄊㈭䀍ᵉḥ 㛭㌥䀍ᵉ ⭡⋵. ㈩ ②ⵙ㵭ᵉ 㟒ឹ㊶㈭ ㈩ ⿹ᵽ┥, ⶡ⭡ㆅㇵ ឵⋝ 㑵㼑 ᜵㑒䀍ᣥ ㆹ䀩 ᶙ ⭡⋵ ㈩ㅞ䀕 ⳍ ㈽ᶙ. Guidance Guidance is written in italics and assists the assessor in understanding the requirement of the specific indicator. 㑵㤝 㑵㤝ㇵ ㈩㮙③㝩⌑ ⾥ァ ㈽ㇱ┥, ⶡ⭡ㆅ㈩ 㵮㋊ 㑵㼑㈍ ㅉᠡ ⭡䀢ゅ ᶵ䀩 ㈩䀩䀍ᵉ ㇹ Ẋᵉᶙ. AD 33-KR-06 Page 6 of 111 THE STANDARD ᢑ PRINCIPLE 1.COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND FSC PRINCIPLES: Forest management shall respect all applicable laws of the country in which they occur and international treaties and agreements to which the country is a signatory, and comply with all FSC Principles and Criteria ㆅ㤎 1. ❊␕ឱ FSC ㆅ㤎㈍ ㎵ⳍ ᠢ᭩㈍ ╝ᾕ ⭥⑱឵⋝❊␕ ⛄⛄⛄ ᠢ᭩㌥〲ឱ 䃆㋊ㇹ ㌩㏆䀍ផ, ╝ᾕ FSC ㈍㈍㈍ ㆅ㤎ឱ ᣥ㎵ㇹ ㎵ⳍ䀍ァァァ ⭥⑱ㇹ ឵②䀍ァ〱 䀑ᶙ... Criterion 1.1 Forest management shall respect all national and local laws and administrative requirements ᣥ㎵ 1.1 ╝ᾕ ᠢ᭩❊ᢑヵ ㉅㤍ᶝ㝩㈍ ㌥⋵ ⛄⛄⛄ 䀾㋊㊶ ㅉᠡ⭡䀢ㇹ ㎵ⳍ䀍ァ ⭥⑱ㇹ ឵②䀩〱 䀑ᶙ. Indicator 1.1.1 Verifiers & Guidance: 㑵㼑 1.1.1 ᜵㑒䀢╞ ⛄⛄⛄ 㑵㤝 Interviews with and information supplied by regulatory There is no evidence of significant non- authorities, other stakeholders and Forest Managers.
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