
David Nibert. Animal Rights/Human Rights: Entanglements of Oppression and Liberation. Lanham and Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2002. x + 269 pp. $102.00, cloth, ISBN 978-0-7425-1775-2. Reviewed by Kathy Gerbasi Published on H-Nilas (July, 2003) Socialism Advocated to Reduce Oppression of same overwhelming forces of capitalist society. Human and Non-Human Animals Most of his book is an exposition and analysis of I am a psychologist, not a sociologist or histo‐ these forces of oppression. He proposes socialism rian, and as such my social construction of reality as a means to reduce the resultant misery that differs considerably from David Nibert's. I am capitalism and its related social structures have generally inclined to attribute an individual's po‐ imposed on all oppressed groups. sition on, or even awareness of, animal rights is‐ Nibert states in chapter 1 that "[t]his book will sues to that person's attitudes, beliefs, and emo‐ explore these fused forms of oppression by way of tions rather than the structure of society. In an at‐ reflections on Western history and on developing tempt to give a fair review of this book I will economic practices, political processes, and belief briefly describe each of the seven chapters and in‐ systems.... [T]his book will document how the his‐ dicate what to me are the strengths and weak‐ torical oppression of humans and other animals nesses of this work. I suspect a sociologist, histori‐ has provided a benefit primarily for a relatively an, or maybe political scientist would evaluate small number of humans, particularly those with this book quite differently, but aside from the substantial privilege and power" (p. 3). Through‐ book's back cover and the foreword by Michael out the book Nibert provides countless compelling W. Fox I have not found any other reviews of the examples of events that support his view. book with which to compare my views. His goal is to convince the reader that people In Animal Rights/Human Rights: Entangle‐ involved in various liberation movements need to ments of Oppression and Liberation, sociologist cooperate and join forces in order to become suc‐ David Nibert passionately attempts to demon‐ cessful. He posits three societal factors that are strate that all devalued and oppressed groups--in‐ necessary to develop and maintain oppression of cluding women, gays, blacks, people with disabili‐ humans and other animals. These forces are eco‐ ties, and nonhuman animals--are victims of the nomic exploitation and competition, unequal H-Net Reviews power, and ideological control. Nibert identifies sulted in horrific living and death for livestock. capitalism and the profit motive as the major Nibert refers to meat production as disassem‐ force of oppression. His comprehensive list of op‐ bling. That is a compelling image, one I will use pressors includes the ever-expanding and power‐ when I discuss the topic with my students. Nibert ful agribusinesses, governments (which Nibert also links the horror of the animals' condition says predominantly serve the powerful), and cul‐ with those of the human meat-production work‐ tural forces such as mass media, museums, the ers and the insult to the environment caused by family, and educational institutions, all of which agribusiness. Nibert further discusses the conspir‐ promote the status quo of oppression. acy between big business and the U.S. Department In chapter 2 he argues that "the motivation of Agriculture (USDA) to promote meat consump‐ for the development and institutionalization of tion as healthy and necessary for human nutri‐ oppressive practices is primarily material, not at‐ tion. The point of this chapter is that these prac‐ titudinal. Such arrangements are not generic or tices are not good for anyone, human or nonhu‐ innate, and prejudice is the product of these ar‐ man. rangements not the principal cause" (p. 52). While The message of chapter 5 is that "many ac‐ I agree that individuals are influenced by situa‐ tivists and scholars view the state as 'a device ac‐ tions and circumstances around them, I am not tively developed by powerful elites to establish convinced it is sufficient to relegate attitudinal in‐ and maintain their dominance' over others" (p. fluences to the backseat. 147). In this chapter Nibert gives many examples Chapter 3 is a detailed analysis of the key role of laws and Congressional hearings that have un‐ that capitalism plays in oppression. "The denigra‐ satisfactorily (from the point of view of the ani‐ tion and exploitation of workers, ruthless eco‐ mal activist) dealt with animal issues. He also nomic concentration and centralization--all com‐ makes clear the conflict of interest apparent in pelled by the capitalist system--fanned the fames the USDA's dual role as both health inspector and of prejudice and ethnocentrism against all poten‐ promoter of meat products. Nibert concludes this tially exploitable and devalued groups" (p. 64). In chapter by saying that, "[f]ully aware of the limi‐ this analysis oppression is viewed as the outcome tations and obstacles to real and lasting change of institutional and economic forces, not individu‐ under capitalism, strategists for liberation of hu‐ al attitudes or psychological factors. Furthermore, mans and other animals should continue to pur‐ Nibert claims "millions of humans and billions of sue liberation through political measures, but other animals have been cruelly treated and they must also challenge the control of the capital‐ killed because their existence somehow hindered, ist elite over the various powers of the state while or their exploitation furthered the accumulation striving to change the structure of the state to one of private profit--particularly for the affluent and that is responsive to public, not monied, interests" powerful" (p. 94). (p. 188). Chapter 4 is a review of the development of Chapter 6 is titled "The Social Construction of agribusiness and the "Green Revolution." The Speciesist Reality." The thesis of this chapter is message here is that as small farms have been that "the entangled nature of the oppression of consumed by huge factory farms, the animal has humans and other animals not only has deep eco‐ become a product instead of a living being. nomic roots, supported by a powerful state appa‐ Agribusiness gives no consideration to the quality ratus, but also has considerable public support of life for animals, who are referred to as prod‐ among a citizenry raised in a society in which ucts. Agribusiness and its profit motive have re‐ powerful corporations exert extraordinary con‐ 2 H-Net Reviews trol over beliefs and values" (p. 196). The exam‐ animals. I work for PSYETA (Psychologists for the ples Nibert provides in this chapter support his Ethical Treatment of Animals, www.psyeta.org), view that "the political, educational, religious, and whose goal it is to reduce human and animal suf‐ familial institutions of these societies were fering and abuse. I am a vegetarian. My route to shaped and molded by the economically motivat‐ vegetarianism was not through the creation of a ed oppression of humans and other animals" (p. socialist society but through psychology and cog‐ 199). He continues by identifying and discussing nitive ethology. Knowledge gained from these "agencies of socialization" such as mass media, fields confirmed my appreciation of the unique‐ schools, museums, and the state that promote and ness, sentience, and individuality of nonhuman indoctrinate people with the accepted socially animals. I decided it was simply wrong to eat any constructed view of reality. other beings.[1] While I completely agree with In his seventh and fnal chapter Nibert ex‐ Nibert's statements about the horrors of factory horts activists who are working to improve condi‐ farming and disassembly plants, I did not really tions for various oppressed groups to join forces learn about these atrocities until after I had al‐ and promote socialism as a means of gaining ready stopped consuming meat. rights for the oppressed. He discusses the inability Reading this book made me think about ele‐ of many who are working in the arena of human ments of society and how they may collude to rights to see this connection between the oppres‐ treat the oppressed and perpetuate the miserable sion of human and nonhuman others. Nibert condition of nonhuman animals. However, I do states that "[i]t is important that members of oth‐ not think I would have fnished reading the book er contemporary liberation movements come to if I had not agreed to review it. I found many of realize that the current oppression of other ani‐ the examples and themes repetitive and the tone mals, especially as 'food,' is ethically atrocious of the book didactic. I wanted to know how Nibert and causes unimaginable pain and suffering" (p. could be so certain that he was correct. I might 240). "Many on the Left, who otherwise will chal‐ have been more convinced by a two-sided rather lenge authority and question the status quo, none‐ than a one-sided argument. I kept waiting (in theless accept the social position and treatment of vain) for some empirical evidence other than cor‐ other animals determined by agribusiness; the relational examples to convince me of the right‐ pharmaceutical, biomedical, and chemical indus‐ ness of Nibert's socialist position. tries; state departments of 'wildlife.'... As long as I suspect others would have similar problems social critics and activists accept this state of af‐ with the book. The book presents no replicable fairs, odds are great that, among the numerous methodology. Nibert himself tells us that he is go‐ other disastrous consequences, the dispossessed ing to give us "reflections" on Western history. of the Earth will continue to experience malnutri‐ While I am sympathetic to the condition of op‐ tion and oppression while the masses in more af‐ pression, I cannot believe that every person's re‐ fluent countries are pacified in part by making flective process would lead to Nibert's conclu‐ themselves obese and sick eating 'meat,' dairy sions.
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