INDEX A Farmer, pseud. See Logan, George Allen, Horatio, 82 Aaron Levy, Founder of Aaronsburg, by Fish, Allen, Paul, 42 rev., 464-465 Allen, Robert, 434 Aaronsburg, 464 Almanach Litteraire, ou Etrennes d'Apollon, Abbott, William, 134 191, 192 Abercrombie, James, 39, 46, 448 Alsop, Gulielma Fell, History of the Woman1 s Abolition. See Slavery Medical College, Philadelphia . , rev., Academy of Fine Arts, N. Y., 13;*, 22 222 Academy of Fine Arts, Phila. See Pennsyl- Alvarado, L., 322-323 vania Academy of the Fine Arts America, 242, 253; authors of, encouraged by Academy of Philadelphia. See University of G. R. Graham, 279, 283, 284, 285, 292, Pennsylvania 294; English travelers comment on, 369- Adair, Douglass, 370 370; French interest in, 191-192; Quakers Adams, Charles Francis, 332» and slavery in, rev., 452-453; virtues of, Adams, John, 274 idealized by Russians, 193 Adams, John Quincy, 11, 20; biog. of, rev., The American as Reformer, by Schlesinger, 342-343; and the foundations of Am. for- rev., 200-201 eign policy, rev., 212-214 American Bible Society, 51, 55« Adams' Express, 314 American Club, London, 241, 255 Adet, Pierre Auguste, 268# American Daily Advertiser, 2$"jn Advertiser, London newspaper, 324 American Medical Association, 767* *'After Gettysburg. Frederick Law Olmsted American Museum, periodical, 263, 270, 271 on the Escape of Lee," by Evelyn Page, American Philosophical Society, 21, 237^ 436-446 American Review of History and Politics, 14, Agnew, Cornelius Rea, 439 3%6> 393 Agricultural societies, 88, 263, 265, 268, 275, American Revolution, 17, 100, 194, 198, 274, 277 399, 42672; biog. of Gen. Charles Lee, rev., Agriculture, 11; as a basis for politics, 266- 458-459; civil servants during, 159-169; 278; in England, 263,266; Jonathan Knight cost of living during, 159-169 passim; essay and, 77,78, 88, 89; George Logan and, 260- on, by Gipson, rev., 114; military history 278 passim; William Logan on, 261-262; of, rev., 340-341; works ofTrumbull, artist reform of, in Am., 263, 264, 266. See also of, rev., 348. See also Continental Army, Farmers Continental Congress, Continental cur- Akimov, Ivan A., 7 rency Albany Congress. See Albany Plan of Union "The American Revolution as an Aftermath of Albany Convention (1745), 406 the Great War for the Empire, 1754-1763" Albany Plan of Union, letters to the editor on, and Other Essays in American Colonial 350-362 History, by Gipson, rev., 114 Albert, of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Prince Con- American Studies Association, 449 sort of England, 305 Americans: in London (1771), 244, 245, 254; Albert Gallatin and the Oregon Problem. A at University of Edinburgh, 238, 248 Study in Anglo-American Diplomacy, by Ames, Fisher, 394 Merk, rev., 459-460 And the War Came. The North and the Seces- Alden, John Richard, General Charles Lee: sion Crisis, 1860-1861, by Stamp, rev., Traitor or Patriot?, rev., 458-459 220-221 Alderfer, E. Gordon, Kelpius' A Method of Anderson, William, 379 Prayer, rev., 453~454 Andrews, , 440 Aldnch, Thomas B., 294 Anglicans. See Episcopalians Alexander, Archibald, 69 Animals, in London, 245, 318 Alexander, Charles, 282^ Antietam, Battle of, 439», 444W Alexander I, Emperor of Russia, 11,12,16,17 Anti-Federalists, George Logan as, 266, 268, Alien and Sedition Acts, 274 269,271,273,275,277. See also Democratic- Allen, Hector, 135 Republican Party 475 476 INDEX October Anti-semitism, colonial, 417, 418 Backhouse, Mrs. Jane, 42 Antrobus, Benjamin, 128 Bacon, Francis, 1st Baron Verulam, Viscount Appeal to Arms. A Military History of the St. Albans, 198 American Revolution, by Wallace, rev., Bagot, Sir Charles, 304 34O-34I Bagot, Charles, 304 Appeals to the Privy Council from the American Baillie, Henry James, 30872 Plantations, by Smith, rev., 201-202 Baillie, Mr., 308 Appomattox, Va., Lee at, 447 Baird, Charles, 20 Arabia, ship, 336 Baird, Patrick, 405 Arago, ship, 307 Baldwin, Elihu W., 52-53 Argentina, C. A. Rodney first U. S. Minister Baldwin, Frank W., 279n, 293 to, 171, 174 Ballentine, Francis G., S3 Armstrong, Thomas, 280 Ballifield, West Jersey plantation, 125 Army, U. S., 19, 269; captaincies created for Ballrooms, 52 (1850), 428; in Civil War, rev., 346-348; Baltimore, Md., 60, 86, 394, 397, 429, 436, increased pay for (1850), 430; service of, in 440, 441; benefits from B. & O. Railroad, Calif., 435. See also Army of the Potomac 83; described by a Frenchman (1791), rev., Army of Northern Virginia, after Gettysburg, 223-224 437, 438, 44O> 44ij 442> 443> 44^ Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 77, 78, 81-86, Army of the Potomac: officers lost to, 443- 88-89 444; strength of (1863), 437"438, 439, 44i, Bamford's tavern, 281 444, 445; supplies for (1863), 440 Bancker Street, N. Y., mission on, 52, 54 Arnold, George B., 62 Bancroft, George, 300 Arnold (Arnall), Thomas, 154W Bank of Pennsylvania, 379, 394 Arthur, T. S., 286 Bank of the United States, 1st, 271 Arthur's Seat, Edinburgh, 251 Bank of the United States, 2nd, 37^ Articles of Confederation, history of the U. S. Banks, N. P., 31 during, rev., 210-211 Banks, 260, 271, 277 Asia, ship, 314 Baptists, 48, 50 Assembly, Pa.: conflict between "Dutch" and Barbados, 137, 147, 153, 416; Jews in, 417, Quakers in, 404-405; John Kinsey, III, 418 Speaker of, 402-414 passim; Quaker influ- Barclay, David, 120 ence in, 402, 403, 4O4-4°5> 4*3 Barclay, Robert (1648-1690), 120, 136, 137 Assiscunck Creek, 123 Barclay, Robert, of Bury Hill, 257, 258, 259 Assistant New York Missionary Society, 52 Baring, Sir Francis, 319 Association for the Relief of Respectable, Baring, Thomas, 301, 302, 313, 315 Aged, Indigent Females, N. Y., 61 Baring Brothers, 309, 313, 33$ Asylum for Indigent Boys, Boston, 61 Barlow~>arlow,, Mary TownsenT d Samuel L. M. Atheism, 394, 396 Barlow), 306 $£ Atherton, Thomas, 133 Barlow, Samuel L. M., 306, 440 Atken, Edmond, 420 Barnard, Charles F., 54 Atkinson, Joseph, 292 Barnard, George G., 440 Atkinson, Samuel Coate, 281, 282 Barnes, C. Rankin, The General Convention: Atlantic, ship, 300, 301, 314 Offices and Officers, 1785-1950, rev., 474 Atlantic Monthly, periodical, 293, 294 Barr, George, 135 Atrato River, 322 Barrett, Elizabeth. See Browning, Elizabeth Australia, 312; to imitate Am. example, 309 Barrett The Autobiography of Benjamin Rush: His Bartlet, Benjamin, 130, 140, 141, 142, 143 "Travels through Life," Together with His Bartlet, Gratia, 142 Commonplace Book for 1789-1813, ed. by Barton, Benjamin Smith, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72 Corner, rev., 456-457 Barton, William, 381, 382 Aves Islands, 305 Basse, Jeremiah, 140, 144 Aydelotte, Frank, obituary of Charles Fran- Bate, William, 123, 132, 133, 134 cis Jenkins by, 365-36"/ Bates, Edwin, 427 Azilum: French Refugee Colony of 1793, by Bates, Joshua, 33$ Murray, rev., 349 Bath, England, 239-240 Bath Hotel, Bristol, Pa., 39 Baxter, William E., 319 Babcock, Orville E., 447 Bay Islands, 296, 303, 322, 331, 333, 338 Bache, Benjamin Franklin, 275 Bayard, Ferdinand-M., Travels of a French- Bache, Sophia Dallas (Mrs. Richard^Bache), man . in 1791, ed. by McCary, rev., 3°7> 337 223-224 1951 INDEX 477 Beale, Benjamin, 256 Biddle, James: burned in effigy, 173; career Beale, Henry, 130 of, 170; dispute with Caesar Rodney, 170- Beard, Charles A., 261, 268» 188; sketches of scenes from career of, Beck, Leonard N., "Pennsylvania and an facing pp. 1741,178*, i82r, i86r; and voyage Early Russian Radical," 193-196 of Congress (1823), 170-188 Beck, Paul, 397 Biddle, Jane Craig (Mrs. Nicholas Biddle), 42 Becking, Frederick, 162 Biddle, Nicholas (1750-1778), 170 Beer (Bear), George, 135, 137, 144 Biddle, Nicholas (1786-1844), 3672, 38, 39, Beer, 263-264 ijon; memoir on death of Joseph Dennie, Bees, 264-265 36-46; and Port Folio, 37, 40-42, 46 Beissel, Conrad, 373 Biddle, Owen, 237, 238, 244, 246 Belize, British Honduras, 303, 323 Biddle, Rebecca. See Chapman, Rebecca Bell, Nicholas, 127, 128 Biddle Bell, Peter H., 431 Biddle, Sarah (Sally) Parke (Mrs. Owen Bell, Thomas (Tom): aliases of, 417, 418, Biddle), 251 419-420; descriptions of, 416, 419, 420; Biddle, William, I26», 128 fraudulent activities of, 416-423; history Biddle, William S., 36n of experiences by, 421-423 Bigelow, Henry Jacob, y$n Bell, Whitfield J., Jr., 262; "Thomas Parke's Bigelow, Jacob, 66-67, 7°, 71, 72> 75; Student Life in England and Scotland, botanical guide by, 67 1771-1773," 237-259; rev. of B. C. Corner's Bininger & Cozzens, firm, 29in William Shippen, Jr., Pioneer in American Binney, Horace, $6n, 38 Medical Education . , 455-456; rev. of Binns, John, 388, 389W G. W. Corner's The Autobiography of "Biographical Notes on Jonathan Knight Benjamin Rush . , 456-457; rev. of (1787-1858)," by Harold L. Dorwart, 79-90 Cozens-Hardy's The Diary of Sylas Neville, Birch, Thomas, sketch of figurehead of 1767-1788, 455-456; rev. of Freeman's Franklin by, facing p. i88r George Washington, A Biography, vols. I Bird, Robert Montgomery, 287-288 and II, 93-94 Birmingham, England, 253 Bellers, John, 136 Bixby, Mr., 306, 308 Belleview Hospital and Almshouse, N. Y., 59 Black, Joseph, 248, 249, 250 Bellows, Henry Whitney, 439 Blackwell, John, 139, 155W Belmont, August, 440; and Democratic cam- Blair House, Washington, 424 paign (1856), 25, 26, 30-31, 32 Blatchford, R. M., 33, 34 Belmont, Mrs. August, 30 Blenheim Palace, England, 246 Bemis, Samuel Flagg, John Quincy Adams Bliss, Mary Elizabeth Taylor (Mrs. W. S. and the Foundations of American Foreign Bliss), 426, 429 Policy, rev., 212-214 Bliss, William W. S., 426, 427, 429 Benezet, Anthony, 263, 264 Blockley Almshouse. See Philadelphia Alms- Benham, Henry W., 306, 307 house Benicia, Calif., 433-434 Bluefields River, 330 Benjamin, Park, 284 Board of Trade, 142 Benjamin Franklin's Letters to the Press, Bobrinskii, A.
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