MarchlApril 1989 Volume 16, Number 1 ~NT?NATIONAL STE%REOIP i8 i 1. STEREOSCOPIC ASSOCIATION r* a* 4 d@d Commendation to Tex Treadwell Upon his Retirement as President of the National Stereoscopic Association after Nearly Nine Eays of Dedicated Semice. 1- . --,*.- "-. -"+ L1"41 ex was appointed President and T member of the NSA Board of Directors at the National Conven- tion in Canton, Ohio, Aug. 1980. Since then he has guided and direct- ed the organization to unprecedent- ed growth, more than doubling its membership from a little over 1000 to some 2400 members today. Tex has shown extraordinary devotion to the NSA during his long tenure as President. He has been responsive to the needs of the Association, and to the wishes of the members as the trend has swung more towards ac- tive participation in modem 3-D. He Tex Treadwell makes yet another contribution via an antique coin operated viewer during a has unselfishly shared his great 1987 visit to the Holmes Library. knowledge in the collecting field through his own publications. First and foremost Tex worked to extensive stereo exhibits and au- topics, handling the procurement place the NSA on a firm financial dio/visual presentations. and distribution of the books him- basis, carefully controlling expendi- Many new programs were estab- self (which he proposes to continue). tures and building income through lished by Tex including publication When the opportunity surfaced to substantial donations both in size grants to further research on articles acquire a substantial stereograph and numbers (over $6,300 from 247 for Stereo World; encouraging more collection, Tex acted swiftly and members this last year). He per- volunteers to get involved in running positively, meeting with the estate sonally provided considerable finan- the NSA; membership donations be- executor and providing all the neces- cial support initially to place the yond annual dues for which he per- sary information and assurance for NSA in a solvent position and has sonally prepared acknowledgement its proper care and safe-keeping. continued this aid to develop new certificates to each donor; annual Thus the Helen D. Mosley collection programs. His has been a hands-on recognition and service awards for: of fifteen thousand views was do- management style, observing and Fellow of the Year, Meritorious nated to the NSA's Oliver Wendell assessing most every detail of the Service, Edward B. Berkowitz award Holmes Stereoscopic Research Li- operation. for best article in Stereo World, brary at Eastern College, Pennsylva- Tex has provided encouragement Memorial award for best article nia. Subsequently he obtained a and support for the outstanding bi- dealing with a current stereo sub- grant for a computer and a file sys- monthly magazine Stereo World, ject, Generous Financial Support of tem for the library and an additional which has grown under his tenure in the NSA and a special Distinguished grant for further support of the quality, size and circulation. It has Support award. library. become known around the world The reprinting and distribution of His initiative, drive and enthu- and is certainly one of the finest publishers' and photographers' siasm as President will be greatly photographic magazines anywhere. stereoview catalogs has been active- missed, but the NSA is fortunate to Under Tex's leadership the annual ly pursued by Tex and he has in- have Tex continue as a member of national conventions have troduced the publication of the Board of Directors. flourished, moving to a different stereograph back lists. In addition We wish him well in all his en- city each year, alternating between he has established the important deavors. west coast, midwest and east coast. NSA Book Senrice to conveniently Louis H. Smaus They are now considered the largest provide to members numerous pub- Chairman, Board of image trade fairs in the country as lications on stereo photography and Directors, for the officers well as providing outstanding and a wide range of related photographic and members of the NSAm Copyright 01989 by the STEREO-3 NATIONAL STEREOSCOPIC ASSOCIATION Volume 16, Number 1 IN THIS ISSUE MarchIApril 1989 Havana Glen: The Forgotten Natural Wonder. .................. 4 by Donald K. Weberand Brandt Rowles 3-D at Photokina - for Specialists Only?. .....................12 NSA Board of Directors by Dieter Lorenz, translated by Richard Mills CHAIRMAN Louis H. Smaus The Quagga: An Extinct Animal Stereographed from Life ........ 16 MEMBERS by Richard C. Ryder Paul Wing Jacob Berg of Grand Forks, D.T.: Stereographs of T.K. Treadwell Susan Pinsky the Flood of April 1882 ...................................22 Dieter Lorenz by Bruce Hooper Post Crypt: More on Stereo Cemetary Photography ............. 26 NSA Officers by Laurance Wolfe PRESIDENT T.K. Treadwell Shoshone Falls: The Niagara of the West. ..................... 30 SECRETARY by Bruce Hooper John Weiler Hyperstereo: A Solution to Modern Aviation Problems?. 36 TREASURER ......... William Eloe by Bill Copeland VICE PRESIDENT, REGIONAL AFFAIRS Tom Rogers GENERAL BUSINESS MANAGER REGULAR FEATURES Linda S. Carter Stereo World Staff Letters .................................................. 3 EDITOR Thesociety ..............................................19 John Dennis ART DIRECTOR Newviews ........................................20 Mark Willke Theunknowns ...........................................33 Classified ........................................38 Calendar 40 Stereo World is published bimonthly by the National ................................................ Stereoscooic Association. Inc. Annual dues: $22 third class US. %30f,rstclass US. Canaaa, ana fore~gnsurface. $40 lnternatlonal alr mall All memoersnlps are based on tnr pubalshlnq year of Stereo morld wnlcn beqlns In March an0 ends wlththe January~Febr~aryISSLPO~ the next year All new rnembersnops receqved wlll commence w tn tne MarcnlAprll Issueof the current calendar year Whenapplyingfor membership, pleaseadvlseus if you do not desire the back issues of the current volume. Material In this publlcat~onmay not be reproduced without written perm~ssionof the NSA. Inc. National Stereoscopic Association (Memberships, renewals, address changes, classified ads, display ads) Box 14801, Columbus, OH 43214 Stereo World Editorial Office (Letters to the editor, articles) 5610 SE 71st Ave., Portland, OR 97206 "Newviews" Editor David Starkman P.O. Box 2368, Culver City, CA 90231 "The Unknowns" Editor Dave Klein 14416 Harrisville Rd., Mt. Airy, MD 21771 "3-D Movies" Editor Bill Shepard Front Cover: 17350 E. Temple Ave., #399 LaPuente, CA 91744 Jim Morrison in stone, surrounded by Stereoscopic Society, American Br. the gifts and words of fans in the famous Pere Lachaise Cemetary in Paris. From Jack E. Cavender, Corresponding Secretary 1677 Dorsey Ave., Suite C the feature on page 26 by Laurance East Point, GA 30344 Wolfe (a sequel to his Jan./Feb. '87 arti- cle on tombstone stereos) this one titled 15 Years had remained just a club for stereo of holography and computer stereo. he NSA and Stereo World are collectors. Basically, during the life We have seen a diversification of in- T now 15 years old, and continue of the NSA, the attics have been terests, as people who were original- to grow with much of the energy emptied of old views; the days when ly interested only in vintage views, and some of the same confused self- one could pick up a bushel of stereos for example, have broadened out consciousness of any teen-ager. at any antique shop are long gone. into taking their own stereos." World-wide membership is now And as in any seller's market, prices This trend reported by Tex (based near 2400, and the reputation of the have gone up. A collector nowadays on responses to questions on renew- magazine places it near the top of has to be rich to put together a al and directory forms) is reflected most lists of photo-historical, collec- general collection of quality views. in the pages of Stereo World only in tor, or specialty publications, Due to this combination of shortage a general way, and even if con- whether commercial or non-profit. and expense, the number of mem- tinued, will probably result in more To repeat some lines from the bers interested solely in older views expansion of contemporary coverage editorial in the tenth anniversary is- has remained roughly constant for than reduction of historical material. sue; "We have reached this point the last ten years. Look at these In terms of both proposed and sub- only because so many people con- statistics: mitted articles, that seems to be the tributed their time, work, money, Year "Collectors" "Shooters" trend (so far) of the way members knowledge and creative talents to 1980 72 % 28 % are devoting their research and writ- various NSA projects during those 1984 64 % 36% ing efforts. The happy result, with a years. The work load on some in- 1987 58% 42 % growing membership, will be more dividuals has at times been tremen- 1989 48 % 52% of both types of material and an ex- dous - and their continuing efforts The NSA's growth has come in panded publication that continues to prove that like the three dimensional stereo fields other than vintage cover every aspect of stereo imag- images that involved us all in the views: taking stereo photographs; ing, past and present. first place, there is some special ele- collecting the more recent stereo Remember, you don't have to be a ment of depth to people's interest in materials such as View-Master; 3-D historian with a doctorate or a col- the goals of the NSA." books and TV; and the newest fields (Continued on page 29) Commenting on the growth of NSA membership and Stereo World, outgoing NSA president Tex Tread- Keystone No. 32741, "Mount Hood, Oregon, from an Airplane-Fairchild Aerial Sur- well reported some interesting statis- veys Inc." This aerial hyper of what (from a differentangle) would later become the tics in a recent letter. "It is also 1989 NSA Convention logo is the sort of image that could be seen as a live, moving abundantly clear that this growth video 3-0 image by airline passengers if the bit of speculation in the second part of the would not have occurred if the NSA Editor's View ever became reality.
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