Introduction The park and recreation field is surprisingly complex. Its professionals are simultaneously involved in a myriad of activities ranging from landscape design to civil engineering, resource management, interpretation, public administration, program development, promotions, and finance. There is a wide range of legal, administrative and regulatory aspects, which define and link these subject areas. A basic and common understanding of the terms used in this wide range of subjects is important to the thousands of park and recreation professionals that currently work in California, whether at the city, district, county, state or federal level. It is also important to those who wish to support parks and recreation through non-profit organizations, advocacy groups, as volunteers or as private individuals. This publication is one in a series of informational and technical assistance publications produced by California State Parks. These documents – published under the common title of Concepts: Practical Tools for Parks and Recreation – are part of the continuing program associated with the California Outdoor Recreation Planning program. The inside of the back cover provides information on recently published documents that may be helpful to park and recreation professionals. A quick word of caution; if a law, section of a public resource code or other statutory document is referenced, it is strongly recommend that the reader use the full legal definition and language and not rely on the abbreviated version in this document. Also, some definitions differ by programs in various Bond Acts and the definitions provided in this document have been abbreviated. It is strongly recommend that the reader refer to the grant program’s specific procedural guide for each program. 1 ABBREVIATIONS & ACRONYMS 404 Permits Permits required by federal agencies for any activity impacting navigable waters, such as development of recreational boating facilities or conversion of wetlands. 501(c)(3) Charitable organizations/foundations – Federally registered (IRS) AALR American Association for Leisure and Recreation AAPRA American Academy for Park and Recreation Administration AARP American Association of Retired Persons AASLH American Association for State and local History AB Assembly Bill AC Archaeological Conservancy ACHP Advisory Council on Historic Preservation ADA Americans with Disabilities Act AF Acre Foot AFRS Armed Forces Recreation Society AHR Americans for our Heritage and Recreation AIRFA American Indian Religious Freedom Act ALC American Land Conservancy AMA American Motorcyclists Association APA American Planning Association APE Area of Potential Effect (Section 106, NHPA) APN Assessor’s Parcel Number APRS American Park and Recreation Society APWA American Public Works Association ARMR Archaeological Resource Protection Act ASLA American Society of Landscape Architects ASR Archaeological Survey Report ATB All Terrain Bike ATRA American Therapeutic Recreation Association ATV All Terrain Vehicle(s) AV Assessed Valuation BIA Bureau of Indian Affairs BLM Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Dept. of the Interior BMP Best Management Practice BOT Board of Trustees BRC Blue Ribbon Coalition BSC California Building Standards Commission CAC Citizen Advisory Committee CALBO California Association of Local Building Officials CalCOG California Association of Councils of Government Cal EPA California Environmental Protection Agency CalTRANS California Department of Transportation CAP Council of Affiliated Presidents CAPRA Commission Accreditation and Recreation Agencies CAPRCBM California Association of Park and Recreation Commissioners and Board Members CAPRI California Association for Park and Recreation Insurance CARA Conservation Reinvestment Act (proposed successor to the Land & Water Conservation Fund) CARA Lite Abridged version of the Conservation Reinvestment Act CARB California Air Resources Board CARPD California Association of Recreation and Park Districts 2 ABBREVIATIONS & ACRONYMS (continued) CARPOSA California Association of Regional Parks and Open Space Administrators CASSP California Archaeological Site Steward Program CBM Citizen Board Member CBO Community Based Organization CBRPC California Board of Recreation and Park Certification CC Civil Code CCC California Conservation Corps or California Coastal Commission or Civilian Conservation Corps CCHS Conference of California Historical Societies CCMP California Coastal Management Program CCPH California Council for the Promotion of History CCR California Code of Regulations CCSO Cultural and Community Studies Office CDBG Community Development Block Grant CDF California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection CED Council of Executive Directors CEQA California Environmental Quality Act CFD Community Facilities District CFRs Code of Federal Regulations CFS Cubic Feet Per Second CHP California Highway Patrol CHRIGE California Historical Resources Information GIS Environment CHRIS California Historical Resources Information System CHS California Historical Society CIP Capital Improvement Program CLCA California Land Conservation Act (a.k.a The Williamson Act) CLG Certified Local Government CLORV California League of Off-Road Voters CLR Cultural/Historic Landscape Report COA Certificate of Appropriateness COBRA Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act COE (U.S. Army) Corps of Engineers COG Council of Governments COLA Cost of Living Adjustment CORP California Outdoor Recreation Plan CORVA California Off-Road Vehicle Association CPEP Center for Preservation Education and Planning CPF California Preservation Foundation CPI Consumer Price Index CPRP Certified Park and Recreation Professional CPRS California Park and Recreation Society CRHR California Register of Historical Resources CRM Cultural Resources Management CRMP Coordinated Resource Management Plan CRTS Commercial Recreation and Tourism Society CSAC California State Association of Counties CSD Community Services District CSDA California Special Districts Association CSHBSB California State Historical Building Safety Board CSP California State Parks CSPRA California State Park Rangers Association 3 ABBREVIATIONS & ACRONYMS (continued) CTC County Transportation Commission CUP Conditional Use Permit CVC California Vehicle Code CVPIA Central Valley Project Improvement Act CWHR California Wildlife Habitat Relationships DBW Department of Boating and Waterways DEA Division of Environmental Analysis DEBC District Environmental Branch Chief DEIR Draft Environmental Impact Report DFG California Department of Fish and Game DNAC District Native American Coordinator DOC California Department of Conservation DOE Determination of Eligibility DOT (U.S.) Department of Transportation DPR California Department of Parks and Recreation DRP Data Recovery Plan DSHPO Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer EA Environmental Assessment EBC Environmental Branch Chief EBCC East Bay Conservation Corps EC Education Code EDF Environmental Defense Fund EEM Environmental Enhancement and Mitigation EEMP Environmental Enhancement and Mitigation Program EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EIR Environmental Impact Report EIS Environmental Impact Statement ELP Environmental Living Programs EMS Ethnic Minority Society EO Executive Order EOC (OES) Emergency Operations Centers EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ERAF Education Revenue Augmentation Fund ERS European Recreation Society ESA Endangered Species Act or Environmentally Sensitive Area ESHA Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Area ESP Environmental Studies Programs FAR Floor Area Ratio FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission FHWA Federal Highway Administration FONSI Finding of No Significant Impact FPO Federal Preservation Officer FTE Full Time Equivalent FUDS Formerly Used Defense Site FWS Fish and Wildlife Service GC Government Code GIS Geographical Information System Gov. Code (§) Government Code Section GP General Plan HABS Historic American Building Survey (NPS program) 4 ABBREVIATIONS & ACRONYMS (continued) HAER Historic American Engineering Recordation (NPS program) HCD Housing and Community Development (State) HCF Habitat Conservation Fund HCLP Habitat Conservation Land-Use Planning HCP Habitat Conservation Plan HMO Health Maintenance Organization HP Historic Preservation HPF Historic Preservation Fund HPSR Historic Property Survey Report HRCR Historical Resources Compliance Report HRER Historical Resources Evaluation Report HUD (U.S. Department of) Housing and Urban Development HWRF Harbors and Watercraft Revolving Fund IC Information Center ID Irrigation District IFD Infrastructure Financing District IHS Institute for Historical Study IMBA International Mountain Bike Association ISTEA Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (1991) JPA Joint Powers Agreement LAFCO Local Agency Formation Commission LA’s Landscape Architects LAS Leisure and Aging Section LCP Local Coastal Program L & L Lighting and Landscaping Assessment District (L&LAD or LLD) LESA Land Evaluation and Site Assessment LOS Level of Service LUP Land Use Plan LWCF Land and Water Conservation Fund MAC Municipal Advisory Council (or committee) MOA Memorandum of Agreement MOU Memorandum of Understanding MSL Minimum Service Level NAB National Aquatic Branch NAC Statewide Native American Coordinator NAGPRA Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act NAHC Native American Heritage Commission NAI National Association for Interpretation NARRP National Association of Recreation
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