Index Aberle, D. F., 105 Aristotle, 130 Accumulator counting mechanism, 265 Armstrong, W., 19, 29 Adaptation, 7, 18 Art objects, 59 conflict resolution and, 82 Ashby, F. G., 268 human uniqueness and, 204–214 Assemblies Addition, 255–256 attention and, 193–197 Adelson, E. H., 194 behavior and, 192–193 Africa, 56–58, 112 response synchronization and, 190–197 Agriculture, 7–8, 181 Attention, 193–197 Agta people, 91 Auditory cortex, 185 Aiello, L. C., 16, 59, 69 Aunger, R., 9 Albazo study, 148–152, 156–159 Aureli, F., 82 Albright, T. D., 194 Austad, S. N., 70 Alcohol, 12 Australia, 58 Alemu, Abesha, 149–150 Austronesian languages, 19, 24–25 Alexander, R. D., 89, 110, 114, 220 Autism, 211 Algebra, 248 Auto-domestication, 6–7 Allman, J., 70 Axelrod, R., 114 Altruism, 94–96 cooperation and, 105–130 Bacteria, 46 egalitarian syndrome and, 87–92 Baillargeon, R., 226 helping another in pain, 235–239 Balakrishnan, J. D., 268 morals and, 85–86 (see also Morals) Baldwin effect, 5–6 Amino acids. See Genetics Balikci, A., 84 Anatomically modern humans (AMH), 57–59 Barkow, J. H., 12, 71 Anderson, Linda, 227, 229 Baron-Cohen, S., 211 Andrews, P., 56 Barracuda, 28 Anthropologists, 55–56, 120 Barth, Fredrik, 126, 152 Ants, 11–12, 107 Barton, M., 169 Aoki, K., 33 Bechara, A., 229 Arabic enumeration, 209 Becker, G., 106 282 Index Bees, 107 Binmore, K. G., 114, 116–117 Behavior, xi–xii, xvi Binocular rivalry, 193–197 affiliative, 204 Bipedal gait, 181 alcohol and, 12 Birds, 10, 251, 256–257 assemblies and, 192–193 Bismark Islands, 24, 26 Baldwin effect and, 5–6 Blade technology, 57 cheaters and, 36, 85, 90–91, 114, 177 Blakemore, S., 176 cognitive causal chains (CCCs) and, 152–164 Blurton-Jones, N., 90, 241 (see also Cognition) Boehm, Christopher, 6, 11, 35, 79–103, 279 cooperative, 105–130, 235–241 Boesch, C., 206 dialects and, 177–178 Borges, Jorge Luis, 141 dominance and, 204 Bougainville Islands, 24 egalitarian syndrome and, 86–92 Bowles, S., 89, 91–92 functionalism and, 105–106 Boyd, Robert, 3, 6, 35, 176, 279 helping another in pain, 235–239 on cooperation, 105–132 infantile processing and, 209–214 on evolutionary quantum leaps, 54 inhibitions and, 11–12, 221–225, 241–242 on natural selection, 79, 84, 92, 94 metarepresentations and, 183–190 Boysen, S. T., 230, 232, 255 morals and, 11, 82–96, 219–245 (see also Brain. See also Cognition Morals) ancestral comparisons and, 182 mystical rituals and, 148–152, 156–159 assembly coding and, 190–197 natural selection and, 79–103 (see also binocular rivalry and, 193–197 Natural selection) conscience and, 85 numerosity and, 247–271 cortex, 11, 169–172, 185–187, 193–197 passion and, 221–225 Decade of the Brain and, 203 political, 81–96 encephalization quotient and, 62, 64 preconditional patterns and, 60–66 fossil studies and, 181 perseveration and, 225–234 human/primate gulf and, 181–182 primates and, 79–80 infant abilities and, 182 reciprocity and, 114–117, 120–125 inhibitory response and, 221–225, 241–242 response synchronization and, 192–193 (see also Morals) sanctioning of, 83–86, 94–97 language and, 11, 13–16 (see also Language) selfish, 7, 45–51, 82–97, 105–130, 135–137 mathematics and, 251–255 (see also sociobiology and, 107–109 Mathematics) tradition and, 55, 276–277 memory and, 193–197, 252–253 Beise, J., 7 modular specificity and, 12 Berger, Michelle, 241 motor skills and, 9–10, 15, 182–183, Berlin, B., 13–15 190–197 Bernstein, Leonard, 143 natural selection and, 11 Berntson, G. G., 255 neural substrates and, 169–178 Beynon, A. D., 62 preconditional patterns and, 60–66 “Big Mistake” hypothesis, 110–111 predisposition and, 15–16 Binary systems, 252 primary visual area and, 170–172 Index 283 as repository, 12 Church, Russ, 235–236, 252–254, 256 representational structure and, 187–190 Cladistic character, 24–25 size and, 11–12, 16, 53–54, 61–62, 70, Clothing, 5–6, 13, 34 169–172 Clutton-Brock, T. H., 62 storage and, 184 Coevolution, 13–15 symbolic thought and, 55, 57 Cognition, 12–16 theory of mind and, 11, 34, 172–178 assembly coding and, 190–197 Brannon, E. M., 256, 258 attention and, 193–197 Bride price, 118 binding mechanism and, 184 Bromage, T. G., 62 binocular rivalry and, 193–197 Brooks, A. S., 57, 69 biological adaptation and, 204–214 Brown, P., 9, 12, 211 cognitive causal chains (CCCs) and, 152–164 Buka, 24 computation and, 184–185 Bunn, H. T., 71 cortical processing and, 185–187 Burial, 59 cultural cognitive causal chains (CCCCs) Byrne, R., 71, 174, 204 and, 157–161, 163 cultural triggers and, 182–183 Call, J., 204, 206, 214 effector systems and, 184–185 Campbell, Donald T., 79, 85, 92–93, 95 human uniqueness and, 203–217 Cannibalism, 29 imagination and, 183 Carey, Susan, 225, 229, 266, 268, 270 infants and, 14–15, 175–176, 209–214 Carpenter, M., 210 invisible displacement task and, 226–228 Carroll, R. L., 49 learning and, 54 Cartesian coordinate system, 209 metarepresentations and, 183–190 Case systems, 26–27 modality and, 184–185 Cashdan, E. A., 79, 81 morals and, 219–245 (see also Morals) Castelo-Branco, M., 192, 194 motor skills and, 9–10, 15, 182–183, Catania, A. C., 258 190–197 Caterpillars, 31–32 neural substrates and, 169–178 Causality, 147 numerosity and, 247–271 (see also cognitive causal chains (CCCs) and, 152–164 Mathematics) cultural cognitive causal chains (CCCCs) preconditional patterns and, 60–66 and, 157–161, 163 perseveration and, 225–234 mystic rituals and, 148–152, 156–159 representational structure and, 187–190 Cavalli-Sforza, L. L., 2–3, 54, 79, 123, 136, response synchronization and, 190–197 147 social complexity and, 204 Changeaux, J.-P., 11 spike timing and, 192 Cheaters, 36, 85, 90–91, 114, 177 symbolic thought and, 55, 57 Cheney, D. L., 114 theory of mind and, 11, 34, 172–178 Children. See Humans wild child and, 203–204 China, 17 Colby, A., 230 Chloroplasts, 5 Coleman, J., 106 Chomsky, N., 13, 220 Color, 13–15 284 Index Combes, Claude, 4–5, 45–52, 279 brain and, 11–12, 181–201 (see also Brain) Competition, 93–94 burial, 59 Complexity, 2, 17, 20–22 cheaters and, 36, 85, 90–91, 114, 177 language and, 204–214 chimpanzee tyranny and, 53–54 learning and, 54 cladistic character and, 24–25 social, 54–55 cognitive causal chains (CCCs) and, 152–164 Conflict resolution, 82 (see also Cognition) Conscience, 85 complexity and, 2, 17 Cook, James, 32 conflict resolution and, 82 Cooperation, 130 conscience and, 85 biased cultural transmission and, 118–119 crimes and, 85 “Big Mistake” hypothesis and, 110–111 cumulative nature and, 18, 27–29 extinction rates and, 125–129 Darwinism and, 133–137 functionalism and, 105–106 defining, 10, 54 group selection and, 117–129 design and, 20–22 “Heart on Your Sleeve” hypothesis and, diffusion and, 17, 25–27 109–110 drift and, 119, 123–124 kinship and, 107–108 egalitarian syndrome and, 86–92 lack of consensus on, 105–117 ethnicity and, 69 manipulation hypotheses and, 112–114 family and, 86–92 migration and, 119 feedback and, 2–7, 30–33 morals and, 114–117, 120–125, 235–241 functionless elements and, 29–30 punishment and, 114–117, 120–122 group selection and, 30–33 rates of change and, 127–129 helping another in pain, 235–239 sociobiology and, 107–109 histories and, 206–209 symbolic boundaries and, 128–129 horizontal transmission and, 17, 25–27 variation and, 122–125 human diversity and, 60–61 Cordes, Sara, 11, 247–274, 279 human uniqueness and, 203–217 Cords, M., 82 kinship system and, 6, 21–23, 35, 105–130 Cortex lack of animal, 275–278 auditory, 185 language and, 11–15 (see also Language) binocular rivalry and, 193–197 learning and, 54 brain size and, 169–172 lifespan effects and, 70–72 primary visual area and, 170–172 mathematics and, 247–274 (see also processing mechanisms of, 185–187 Mathematics) visual, 185, 193–197 memes and, 8–9 Cosmides, L., 110, 177 migration and, 119 Couvet, D., 46 morals and, 82–96, 219–245 (see also Morals) Cree people, 92 multiplicity and, 17, 22–24 Crimes, 85 mutualism and, 45–51 Culture, xii–xiii naturalistic approach to, 147–165 acultural issues and, 53–54 natural selection and, 5, 79–103 biased transmission and, 118–119 preconditional patterns and, 60–66 Index 285 predisposition and, 15–16 Dawkins, R., 3, 7–8, 48, 137–139, 147, 235 properties of, 17–33 Deacon, T., 5–6, 12, 57, 69, 87 punishment and, 114–117, 120–122 Dean, M. C., 62 purpose of, 2–16 Decade of the Brain, 203 ratchet, 2, 10, 34–35, 205–206, 209 Decimal system, 25 rates of change and, 127–129 Dehaene, S., 251 reductionism and, 13–15 Dennett, Daniel, 2, 7–8, 16, 133–145, 279 religion and, 13, 31, 110, 122–123, 134, Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) 147–152, 156–159, 173, 276 memes and, 8–9 replicators and, 137–143 mutualism and, 48–49 Rossel Island and, 18–33, 37nn11,12 replicators and, 137–143 selective conditions for, 69–72 Descartes, Rene, 209 sorcery and, 29–30 Kuhnian error and, 229–234 speculation and, 1 perseveration, 225, 229–234 system complexity and, 20–22 Descent with modification, 3 tools and, 26–27 (see also Tools) Design, 18 tradition and, 55 brain and, 11 triggers of, 182–183 complexity and, 2, 17, 20–22 twin-track theories and, 2–10 feedback and, 2–7 variation and, 12–13, 22–24, 54 hand and, 5, 11, 36n5 vertical transmission and, 17, 24–25 twin-track theories and, 2–4 wares of, 133–134 Developmentalism, 221 weaning and, 7–8 de Waal, Frans B.
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