LANGPORT TOWN COUNCIL Langport Town Hall, Bow Street, Langport TA10 9PR Telephone: 01458 259700 Email: [email protected] LANGPORT TOWN COUNCIL – Council Minutes Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Langport Town Council held on Tuesday 15 May 2018 at 7.0 0pm in the Ground Floor Meeting Room, Langport Town Hall. Present: Councillors: V Saunders (Chairman) B Graham C Naden – Vice Chairman S Jenkinson M Denny I Macnab A Donald M Sandford C Dunn S Tilley S Glas In Attendance: David Mears PSLCC – Town Clerk . There were three member s of the public and one member of the press present. The meeting started at 7. 05pm Questions were received from the member of public about footpaths and cycleway – the clerk will liaise with the member of the public in office hours. An update was presented by the Chair of the Friends of Langport Library on their response to the library consultation. TC2018/14 2 Election of Chairman of the Council and Acceptance of Office. (LGA 1972 s14 (1), 15(1&2), 33(1) and 34(1&2)) Councillor Val Saunders was nominated and accepted the nomination. Proposed: Councillor Dunn Seconded: Councillor Sandford There were no other nominations. RESOLVED – that Councillor Val Saunders be elected Chairman of Langport Town Council, unless she resigns or becomes disqualified, shall continue in office until her successor is elected at the next Annual Meeting of the Council in May 2019 . The Chairman signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and it was witnessed by the Town Clerk. TC201 8/143 To receive Apologies for Absence and to approve the reasons given. (LGA 1972 s85 (1)) None (All councillors present). TC2018 /144 Declarations of interests - Members to declare any interests, including Disclosable Pecuniary Interests they may have in agenda items that accord with the requirements of the Town Council’s Code of Conduct and to consider any prior requests from members for Dispensations that accord with Localism Act 2011 s33(b -e). (NB this does not preclude any later declarations) There were no declarations of interests. 97 Annual Council Meeting Minutes | Tuesday 15 May 2018 TC2018/145 Appointment of Vice Chairman of the Council. Councillor Cara Naden was nominated and accepted the nomination. Proposed: Councillor S andford Seconded: Councillor Dunn There were no other nominations. RESOLVED – that Councillor Cara Naden be appointed Vice Chairman of Langport Town Council unless she resigns or becomes disqualified, shall hold office until immediately after the election of the Chairman of the Council at the next Annual Meeting of the Council. TC2018 /146 To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the Town Council Meeting held on Tuesday 17 April 2018 . (LGA 1972 sch 12, para 41(1)) RESOLVED – that the minutes of the Town Council Meeting held on Tuesday 17 April 2018 be signed as a correct record. TC2018/146.2 Planning Application – Application No: 18/01249/FUL Proposal: The erection of 94 No. dwellings including associated public space and all other associated external works (Revised Application). Location: The Trial Groun d ( Land Os 5949) Somerton Road, Langport Somerset. RESOLVED – The outline planning permission that was granted, with conditions, on 15 October 2015 (13/03483/OUT), approves “80 dwellings”. 94 dwellings is a significant increase and Langport Town Council is not in agreement with this increase; Concerns were also raised on the impact on the setting of listed buildings within the immediate area; Reinstatement of the designated footpath should be made Concerns were raised with flooding and water runoff and councillors fully supports the Parrett Internal Drainage Board letter of objection dated 8 May 2018; Insufficient information is available on the protection, enhancement or removal of hedges and trees and the effect it will have on biodiversity ; Affo rdable housing element. While the overall percentage is only slightly below the recommended (34.04% as against 35%), the balance is towards more 2 -bed houses. The provision of some of these in the form of one - bedroom units would mean that they would be li kely to be even more affordable for single people or for young couples. The Strategic Housing consultee (SSDC’s Housing Development Officer) has proposed a different mix of affordable housing in 2017 and councillors support this recommendation : 08 x 1 bed 14 x 2 bed houses 10 x 3 bed houses 1 x 5 bed house TC2018/146.3 Planning Application – Application No: 18/01257/REM Proposal : The erection of 80 No. dwellings including associated public space and all other associated external works (Reserved Matters application following approval of 13/03483/OUT). Location: The Trial Ground (Land Os 5949) Somerton Road, Langport Somerset . RESOLVED – Concerns were raised with flooding and water runoff and councillors fully supports the Parrett Internal Drainage Board letter of objection dated 8 May 2018; Insufficient information is available on the protection, enhancement or removal of hed ges and trees and the effect it will have on biodiversity ; Reinstatement of the designated footpath should be made , and the installation of a bus stop to allow access to public transport; 98 Annual Council Meeting Minutes | Tuesday 15 May 2018 Affordable housing element. While the overall percentage is only slightly below the recommended (34.04% as against 35%), the balance is towards more 2 -bed houses. The provision of some of these in the form of one - bedroom units would mean that they would be likely to be even more affordable for single people or for youn g couples. The Strategic Housing consultee (SSDC’s Housing Development Officer) has proposed a different mix of affordable housing in 2017 and councillors support this recommendation : 08 x 1 bed 14 x 2 bed houses 10 x 3 bed houses 1 x 5 bed house TC2018/147 Town Clerk’s Oral Report – including use of delegated powers and update on progress since the last meeting. The town clerk updated councillors on GDPR – an audit has been carried out of data held , some data will be destroyed such as previous staff records , previous councillor information and old booking data. Privacy statements and consent forms will be sent out. SSDC electoral review – the Bounda ry Commission has published recommendations that will be presented to Parliament. The new ward is to be known as Curry Rive l, Huish and Langport. The Council has Union Jack bunting if any councillors are able to help LABG erecting please let the cl erk know. Lorry Watch will hopefully resume around Tuesday 29 May . RESOLVED – to note the report. TC2018/148 To receive written or oral reports from meetings attended by Councillors on behalf of the Council. There were no reports. TC2018/149 To review terms of reference for – I. Finance and Personnel II. Tourism and Marketing RESOLVED – to adopt the terms of reference for the Finance and Personnel Committee and to adopt the terms of reference for the Tourism and Marketing Committee . TC2018/150 To appoint Councillors to the following Committees Finance and Personnel (Chairman and Vice -Chairman plus 4 councillors) . Current members – A Donald, C Dunn, S Jenkinson, M Sandford plus Chair and Vice -Chair). RESOLVED – that Cllrs M Denny, A Donald, S Jenkinson, M Sandford be appointed to the Finance and Personnel Committee. Tourism and Marketing (To include Chairman and Vice -Chairman). Current members – M Denny, S Jenkinson and I Macnab. RESOLVED – that Cllrs M Denny, B Graham, S Jenkinson and I Macnab . The footpath liaison officer will also be appointed to the Tourism and Marketing Committee. TC2018/151 To appoint Councillors as representatives to the following outside bodies – Organisation No Councillor appointed Abattoir Liaison Group 1 V Saunders Annie Tite Fund 2 B Graham Memorial Field Management 2 C Dunn & M Sandford Committee Somerset Association of Local 1 V Saunders Councils Sir Edward Hext Almshouses 1 M Denny 99 Annual Council Meeting Minutes | Tuesday 15 May 2018 Langport Information Centre Steering 1 S Glas Committee Market Towns Investment Group 2 C Dunn (to work with a T&M Committee member) plus LABG representative. TC2018/152 To appoint the following: Footpaths Liaison Officer / Parish Warden S Glas - Parish Emergency Contact Town Clerk (D Mears) Grit Bin Monitor S Tilley TC2018/153 Council Policies – a) Review of Standing Orders - minor amendments - b) Review of Financial Regulations - minor amendments c) Review of Policy on Displays and Advertising - cosmetic changes d) Review of Complaints Procedure – cosmetic changes e) Community Grants Funding Policy – minor amendments f) Councillor – Officer – Employee Protocol - cosmetic changes g) Employee Handbook – minor amendments h) Health and Safety Statement General Polic y – New general policy statement i) Green Charter - minor amendments j) Recording of Meetings Policy - cosmetic changes k) Social Media Policy - cosmetic changes l) Tourism and Marketing Strategy - cosmetic changes m) Training and Development Policy - minor amendments n) Risk Management Scheme - cosmetic changes o) Scheme of Delegation – New p) Information and Data Protection Policy – New (GDPR) q) Retention and Disposal Policy – New (GDPR) r) The Management of Transferable Data Policy – New (GDPR) RESOLVED – that the above policies be adopted as recommended. TC2018/154 Action Plan – to note the updated Action Plan RESOLVED – to note . The Plan will be revised into a new ‘SMART’ plan following a council training session to be led by David Holmes – Transformational Leadership consulta nt TC2018/ 155 Finance – Bank Account Balances – To review and note the balances of the Council’s bank accounts a s of 30/05/2018 RESOLVED – to note the Bank Account Balances. TC2018/ 156 Finance - Accounts for Payment and Income - to note items of expenditure and income for April . RESOLVED – to note the Accounts for Payment for April . TC2018/ 157 Chairman’s Report – To provide information on forthcoming actions. Town Assembly : attendance was not a s great as anticipated but participation was good and notes were made of feedback from those who attended.
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