1 Ādi (225) 2 Sabhā (72) Ashvatthama's सय उवाच 3 Āranyaka (299) SjSanjaya said, 4 Virāta (67) Massacre Plan sañjaya uvāca 5 Udyoga Parva (197) 6 Bhīshma (117) Sauptika Parva 7 Drona (173) Chapters 1-5 8 Karna (69) 9 Shālya (64) 10 Sauptika - 18 chapters 11 Strī (27) 12 Shānti (353) 13 Anushāsana (154) 14 Ashvamedhika (96) 15 Āshramavāsika (47) 16 Mausala (9) 17 Mahāprasthānika (3) Swami Tadatmananda 18 Svargārohana (5) Arsha Bodha Center तािमुख े घारे े तता े िनावश ााै OthttiblihtOn that terrible night, Then, overcome by sl eep, tasmin rātri-mukhe ghore tato nidrāvaśaṁ prāptau दखशाु कसमवताे | कृ पभाजाे ै महारथा ै | immerse diidifd in pain and grief, the genera ls KiKripa and KitKritavarma duḥkha-śoka-samanvitāḥ kṛpa-bhojau mahārathau कृ तवमा कृ पा े ाणरै ् सखाचतावदे खाहाु ै Kritavarma, Kripa, and Ashvatthama who deserved happiness, not grief, kṛtavarmā kṛpo drauṇir sukhocitāvaduḥkhārhau उपापववशे समम् || िनषणा ै धरणीतले || sat down together. laid down to sleep on the ground. upopaviviśuḥ samam (1.28) niṣaṇṇau dharaṇī-tale (1.31) ाधामषे वश ााे सेष ु तषे ु काके षु ObOvercome by anger and diti impatience, While many crows were sl eep ing krodhāmarṣa-vaśaṁ prāpto supteṣuteṣukākeṣu ाणपे तु भारत | वधेष ु समतत | the son of Drona, O Dhr itarasht ra, soundly a ll around , droṇa-putras tu bhārata visrabdheṣu samantataḥ न लेभ े स त िना वै साऽपयसहसायातमे ् could not fall asleep, he suddenly saw the arrival na lebhe sa tu nidrāṁ vai so 'paśyat sahasāyāntam दमानाऽितमये ुना || उलूक घारदशे नम ् || burning with great anger. of a fearsome owl. dahyamāno 'timanyunā (1.32,33) ulūkaṁ ghora-darśanam (1.36) सिनपय त शाखाया ताृ सापधे कम Alighti ng on th e b ranch SiSeeing thtditfltthat deceitful act saṁnipatya tu śākhāyāṁ tad dṛṣṭvā sopadhaṁ karma याधये वहम | काशकै े न कृ त िनश | ofbf a banyan tree, thlthe owl dbthltihtdone by the owl at night, nyagrodhasya vihaṅgamaḥ kauśikena kṛtaṁ niśi साघान सबन् तावकृ तसपाे killed many sleeping his mind influenced by that act, suptāñjaghāna subahūn tad-bhāva-kṛta-saṅkalpo वायसावायसातक || ाणरै ेका े यचतयत् || crows - thus did crow-killer. Ashvatthama, alone, thought about this. vāyasānvāyasāntakaḥ (1.39) drauṇir eko vyacintayat (1.43) इयेव िनय चे स ू रा मितमाथाय HdHe dec iddided upon HiHaving ma dthiilde this evil resol ltiution, ityevaṁ niścayaṁ cakre sa krūrāṁ matim āsthāya साना यधु मारण े | विनय मुमु | the killing of th e sl eepi ng hthhe thought htb about tit it agai n and agai n. suptānāṁ yudhi māraṇe viniścitya muhur muhuḥ पाडूना सह पाालैर् सा ै ाबाधयाे ै त Pandavas, along with the Panchalas - Then, he told the two who were sleeping - pāṇḍūnāṁ saha pāñcālair suptau prābodhayat tau tu ाणपे ु तापवान् || मातल भाजमे ेव च || the mighty son of Drona decided. Kripa and Kritavarma. droṇa-putraḥ pratāpavān (1.53) mātulaṁ bhojam eva ca (1.54) कृ प उवाच तु त े वचन सव KiKripa said, IhI have heard all you h ave said , kṛpa uvāca śrutaṁ te vacanaṁ sarvaṁ हते य ु मया वभा े | alithlong with your reasons, O As hva tthama. hetu-yuktaṁ mayā vibho ममाप त वच कत् But, some of my words mamāpi tu vacaḥ kiñcit णुवा महाभजु || you should hear now, O mighty one. śhṛṇuṣvādya mahābhuja (2.1) दा े दायसपाे त े वय धतराृ च A in te lligent person, end owed with cl everness, With Dhr itaras htra dakṣodākṣiṇya-sampanno te vayaṁ dhṛtarāṣṭraṁ ca न स माघे वहयत े | गाधार च समेय ह | will never fa ll i nt o f ail ure and GdhiGandhari, we shldthould meet na sa moghaṁ vihanyate gāndhārīṁ ca sametya ha अापृछित च य ेय उपपृछामह े गवा when asks what is best and ask them, and also go to ask āpṛcchati ca yac chreyaḥ upapṛcchāmahe gatvā करािते च हत वच || वदरु च महामितम् || and acts on that good advice. the wise Vidura. karoti ca hitaṁ vacaḥ (2.20,21) viduraṁ ca mahāmatim (2.31) अथामावाचे पुष े पुष े बु As hva tthama said, EhEach person has thitheir own poi itfint of view, aśvatthāmovāca puruṣe puruṣe buddhiḥ सा सा भवित शाभनाे | andhid each is as goo d as anoth er. sā sā bhavati śobhanā तयत च पृथसवे Everyone is pleased with tuṣyanti ca pṛthak sarve या त े वया वया || their own individual opinions. prajñayā te svayā svayā (3.3) अ पाालपाडूना कृ प उवाच NthNow, the PhlPanchalas andthd the PdPandvas, KiKripa said, adya pāñcāla-pāṇḍūnāṁ kṛpa uvāca शयतानाजाश | while th ey sl eep at ni ght , śayitān ātmajānniśi खेन िनशतनाजाे ै with my sharpened sword, in battle khaḍgena niśitenājau मथयाम गातमै || I will kill them, O Kripa. pramathiṣyāmi gautama (3.34) अनुयायावह े वा त वात विन We w ill accompany you, When ca lm, res ted , anuyāsyāvahe tvāṁ tu viśrāntaś ca vinidraś ca भात े सहतावभाु ै | वथच मानद | bthfboth of us, i n the morni ng. andtlldOd mentally ready, O As hva tthama, prabhāte sahitāv ubhau svastha-cittaś ca mānada अ राा ै वमव समेय समरे शनू ् Now, at night, you should rest meeting the enemies on the battlefield, adya rātrau viśramasva sametya samare śatrūn वमुकवचवज || वधयस न सशय || setting aside your armor and flag. you will kill them, without doubt. vimukta-kavaca-dhvajaḥ (4.2) vadhiṣyasi na saṁśayaḥ (4.6) अथामावाचे अातरय कु ता े िना As hva tthama said, Where is sl eep f or one wh o i s t orment ed , aśvatthāmovāca āturasya kuto nidrā नरयामषतय च | a person whiho is angere d? narasyāmarṣitasya ca न चा श सयत म् I cannot restrain myself na cāsmi śakyaḥ saṁyantum अाकायाकथन || in any way from doing this deed. asmātkāryāt kathañcana (4.21,31) अह त कदन कृ वा कृ प उवाच After I s laug hter KiKripa said, ahaṁ tu kadanaṁ kṛtvā kṛpa uvāca शणामू सािकै े | my enemiithilies in their sleep now, śatrūṇām adya sauptike तता े वमता चैव then will there be calmness, tato viśramitā caiva वा च वगतवर || sleep, and freedom from agitation. svaptā ca vigata-jvaraḥ (4.33) कु म े वचन तात असावतप ह O As hva tthama, fllfollow my a didvice ShSuch an improper an d kuru me vacanaṁ tāta asambhāvita-rūpaṁ hi येन पा तयसे | वय कम वगहतम ् | so tha t you w ill not regret it l at er. dtdetest tbldable deed df for you yena paścān na tapyase tvayi karma vigarhitam न वध पयतू े लाके े श े रमव यत Killing is not praised in the world is like a red blot on a white cloth - na vadhaḥ pūjyate loke śukle raktamiva nyastaṁ सानामह धमत || भवेदित मितमम || when they sleep, because it is adharmic. this is my opinion. suptānām iha dharmataḥ (5.8,9) bhavediti matir mama (5.15) अथामावाचे पतहतृ नहॄ हवा As hva tthama said, After killing th ose w ho kill ed my f ath er, aśvatthāmovāca pitṛ-hantṝnahaṁ hatvā पाालाश सािकै े | those PhlPanchalas, while th ey sl eep at ni ght , pāñcālānniśi sauptike काम कट पता े वा in any way, as a worm or insect kāmaṁ kīṭaḥ pataṅgo vā ज ाय भवाम वै || let me be born. janma prāpya bhavāmi vai (5.25) सय उवाच इयुा रथमाथाय SjSanjaya said, HiHaving spo ken thhthus, he go t on hihithis chariot sañjaya uvāca ity uktvā ratham āsthāya ायादभमुख परान ् | anddd drove toward s the enemy. prāyād abhimukhaḥ parān तमवगाकृ पा े राजन् OfO King, following him were Kripa tam anvagātkṛpo rājan कृ तवमा च सावत || and Kritavarma. kṛtavarmā ca sātvataḥ (5.36).
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