DEGREE PROJECT, IN INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY , SECOND LEVEL STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN 2013 Designing a new model for the elderly in an assisted ITERATIVE PROGRAMMING OF THE NAO ROBOT WITHIN A MULTIDISCIPLINARY DESIGN ENVIRONMENT. DAVID LOPEZ RECIO KTH ROYAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MASTER’S THESIS AT SCHOOL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE Information and Communication Technology KTH, Kungliga Tekniska H¨ogskolan SE-100 44 Stockholm Sweden Designing a new model for the elderly in an assisted living facility Iterative programming of the NAO robot within a multidisciplinary design environment. May 7, 2013 Author: Supervisor: Examiner: David Lopez Recio Anders Hedman Olle B¨alter Master’s Thesis at School of Computer Science (SCS) KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden 2013 To my parents, who have always supported me, and to my new family, that I have met here in Sweden... Thanks! Abstract It is estimated that, by 2050, the number of people aged 65 and above will have grown in the European Union by 70%, and people over 80 will have grown by 170%. Therefore, Health Care faces three major challenges: the population of Europe is ageing, Health Care is increasingly effective but also becoming more expensive, and patients, having become true consumers, are also more demanding. The project “PhySeEar” was born with the aim of improving the quality of physiotherapy sessions as well as turning them into a more engaging and lively therapy. This project was performed in the “Nuestra Se˜norade la Soledad” assisted living facility in Tocina (Sevilla), Spain. During this project, an event happened without being agreed on beforehand: the physiotherapist made the system act as “the bad cop”, while he became closer to the inpatients being himself “the good cop”. Therefore, the system became in charge of evaluating the inpatients, while the physiotherapist helped them “beat the system”. This finding motivated new research in this field. The purpose in the current project is to design, develop and evaluate a semi autonomous system to assist physiotherapists in training situations. This involves aspects of the “good cop”/ “bad cop” roles, reducing the physiotherapist’s workload through semi-automatic feedback and engaging the inpatients in the therapy. Three systems have been implemented with this intention. The first system uses the NAO robot to model the movements the inpatients have to mimic. The second one uses a virtual version of this robot for the same purpose. The third system uses the NAO robot to model the movements and Kinect to evaluate them. As a conclusion, a guideline based on the knowledge acquired during this thesis has been developed. This guideline consists of recommendations related to the design of a model that will perform certain movements, the use of the Kinect technology in order to track inpatients’ movements and how the system should interact with the physiotherapist during the therapy. This guideline should be considered for future works in this scenario. Resumen Est´aestimado que dentro de la Uni´onEuropea en el a˜no2050, el n´umerode personas mayores de 65 a˜noscrecer´aen un 70 %, y las personas mayores de 80 a˜noslo har´anen un 170 %. Por tanto, la atenci´on m´edicase enfrenta a tres grandes retos: la poblaci´onde Europa est´aenvejeciendo, la atenci´onsanitaria es cada vez m´aseficaz, pero tambi´encada vez m´ascara, y los pacientes, habi´endoseconvertido en clientes, tambi´enson m´asexigentes. El proyecto “PhySeEar”naci´ocon el prop´ositode mejorar la calidad de las sesiones de fisioterapia asi como de hacerlas m´asatractivas y amenas. Este proyecto fue desarrollado en la residencia para la tercera edad “Nuestra Se˜norade la Soledad”, Tocina (Sevilla), Espa˜na.Durante su desarrollo ocurri´oun evento no previsto bastante llamativo: el fisioterapeuta us´oel sistema creado para que actuara en forma de “poli malo”, mientras que ´else manten´ıam´ascercano a los pacientes en el papel de “poli bueno”. De esta forma, el sistema estaba a cargo de evaluar a los pacientes, mientras que el fisioterapeuta los ayudaba a “ganar al sistema”. Esta nueva redistribuci´onde los roles motiv´ouna nueva investigaci´onen este campo. El prop´ositode este nuevo proyecto es el dise˜no,desarrollo y evaluaci´onde un sistema semi-aut´onomo para ayudar al fisioterapeuta durante las sesiones de rehabilitaci´oncon ancianos. Este objetivo tambi´en engloba aspectos tales como mantener la nueva distribuci´onde roles (poli bueno, poli malo), reducir la carga de trabajo del fisioterapeuta y animar a los residentes a participar en las terapias voluntarias. Con esta intenci´on,tres sistemas son desarrollados. El primer sistema utiliza el robot NAO frabricado por Al- debaran como modelo para representar los movimientos que posteriormente los ancianos deber´animitar. El segundo utiliza como modelo una versi´onvirtual del mismo robot. Y el tercer sistema a˜nadeel disposi- tivo Kinect fabricado por Microsoft al entorno de trabajo. Este sipositivo contribuir´aen la evaluaci´onde los pacientes mientras que el robot NAO seguir´asiendo el modelo para representar los movimientos. Co- mo conclusi´onse desarollan unas directrices en base a de los conocimientos adquiridos. Estas directrices est´anformadas por recomendaciones a la hora de dise˜narun modelo que modelizar´aciertos movimientos, el uso de Kinect para analizar los movimientos de los pacientes, y c´omoel sistema deber´ıainteractuar con el fisioterapeuta durante el transcurso de la terapia. por tanto, estas directrices debieran ser consideradas para futuros trabaos relacionados con este escenario. Como conclusi´onse desarollan unas directrices a seguir para futuros proyectos en base a de los conocimientos adquiridos durante esta tesis. Sammanfattning Antalet personer som ¨ar ¨over 65 v¨axer och kommer blir en kr¨avande utmaning i den n¨ara framtiden. I den Europeiska unionen ¨ar det ber¨aknad att vid 2050 har antalet med personer ¨over 65 ¨okad med 70% och personer som ¨ar ¨aldre ¨an 80 ˚ar ¨okad med 170%. Genom de n¨amnda demografiska f¨or¨andringarna kommer h¨also- och sjukv˚ardst˚ainf¨or tre stora utmaningar: Europas medellivsl¨angden ¨okar, h¨alsov˚ardblir allt effektivare, men kommer ocks˚ablir dyrare, och patienter agera mer som konsumenter, och blir d¨arf¨or mer kr¨avande. Genom att leta efter en f¨orb¨attring av kvaliteten p˚aden fysioterapeutiska behandlingen f¨or ¨aldre m¨anniskor och f¨orvandla den till en mer engagerande och levande terapiform, har projektet PhySeE- ar startades. Projektets prototyp utf¨ordes och testades p˚aen hemtj¨anst anl¨aggning “Nuestra Se˜norade la Soledad”i Tocina n¨ara Sevilla, Spanien. PhySeEar ¨ar integrerad inom den vanliga behandlingsproceduren med en sjukgymnast. M˚aletav PhySeEar var att designa ett system som skulle kunna anv¨andas f¨or att bed¨oma och utv¨ardera ¨aldre m¨anniskornas beteende under tr¨aningsprocessen. Det essentiella systemet g¨or ¨ar att visa hur vissa r¨orelsen ska ser ut, f¨or exempel att r¨ora arm eller ben fram och tillbaka eller att lyfta eller b¨oja p˚akn¨a. En mycket intressant utveckling uppt¨acktes, n¨ar systemet testades som en del inom behandlingen. Genom att inf¨ora PhySeEar inom terapien som ger de ¨aldre en egen utv¨ardering f¨or sina egna r¨orelserna, kunde sjukgymnasten undvika de negativa emotionella konsekvenser som kan upptr¨ader n¨ar en patient ska bed¨omas. Det uppstod ett beteende m¨onster, utan f¨oreg˚aendeplanering eller konsultation, som anv¨ande sig av en “good cop/ bad cop” tekniken. H¨ar tar PhySeEar rollen som “the bad cop”, medan sjukgymnasten agera som “the good cop”, eftersom den f¨orklara hur man kan “sl˚asystemet”. Denna slutsats motivera till en ny forsknings input inom detta omr˚ade.Syftet i denna p˚ag˚aendeprojekt PhySeEar ¨ar att designa, utveckla och utv¨ardera ett halvautonom system som ska st¨odja sjukgymnasten inom utbildningssituationer. Detta syfte inneb¨ar ocks˚aaspekter som “good cop/ bad cop” tekniken, att minska sjukgymnastens arbetsb¨orda genom att f˚aen halv-automatisk hj¨alpmedel och framf¨orallt att motivera och engagera inneliggande patienter att delta i behandlingen. I syfte med att skapa detta system har tv˚aolika strategier genomf¨orts. Den f¨orsta anv¨ander NAO roboten och en virtuell kopia av roboten som visualisera de r¨orelser som de ¨aldre ska genomf¨ora. H¨ar ska patienten allts˚a kopiera robotarnas r¨orelsen. Den andra strategien integrera dessutom ¨aven Kinect milj¨on. Baserad p˚aden genererade kunskapen, har det ¨aven skapads en riktlinje under projektens utveckling. De presenterade riktlinjerna b¨or alltid anses som kopplat till det presenterade scenario. Acknowledgements First of all, I would like to deeply thank my supervisor Elena M´arquez and the rest of Mobile Life Centre family, especially Annika Waern. They trusted me with this amazing project and supported me in every step. They have contributed to my work with their great experience and advice. I also want to thank my supervisor at KTH Anders Hedman because of he has helped me out whenever I have needed it. I cannot forget to thank the collaboration received from “Nuestra Se˜norade la Soledad”’s staff. With- out them this project could not have been developed. Special thanks to Luis M´arquez,our physiotherapist, because of all his feedback, without him my robot would still be lying on the floor. I would also like to include some special remarks for all my friends: “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit” - Aristotle. Do not ever get tired of your habit Alberto Fern´andez. “I’m with the party rock crew” - LMFAO. You are part of this crew Jes´usParedes “A single rose can be my garden... a single friend, my world” - Leo Buscaglia. Never stop being part of my world Cecilia Rodr´ıguez “Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye” - H.
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