12 March 2012 No 11 ISSN 1664-7963 Current Concerns PO Box CH-8044 Zurich Current Concerns Switzerland The international journal for independent thought, ethical standards, moral responsibility, Phone: +41 44 350 65 50 Fax: +41 44 350 65 51 and for the promotion and respect of public international law, human rights and humanitarian law E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.currentconcerns.ch English Edition of Zeit-Fragen French soldiers and “journalists” operating the secret war in Syria What does the French intervention in Damascus has to do with the Gripen purchase and the scrapping of modernized Swiss armored personnel carriers? me. We previously reported that for- Now, secret negotiations for their re- Syria, or Sarkozy and his Foreign Minister eign contingents of Special Forces re- lease via the Russian Federation, the Unit- Juppé must provide more explanation to inforce, train and develop the so-called ed Arab Emirates and the Sultanate of their countrymen, holding the baby of the “insurgents” or the so-called “free army Oman are in progress. The French run a long-legged president’s wife to the camer- of Syria” posing in Adidas trainers and presidential election campaign. The affair as is not enough. sneakers on photos and that they operate must either be kept under cover for value the radio communications. of large ransom payments from France to continued on page 2 Heavy armaments come from France as well. During the first three days of fighting in Homs, the rebels prevented the Syrian army from advancing into the rebels’ dis- Basic resistance against the reduction of the army in Switzerland tricts. They fired Milan type anti-tank mis- Group Giardino adopts resolution against the scrapping of the Spz 63/87 siles on all approaching tanks and armored vehicles; that is why the Syrians had to Private sponsorship for armored tracked vehicle (abbrev. Spz) in prospect eliminate the rebels’ battle positions with ab/me. At the general assembly on ed and no longer functional, are incor- artillery and rocket launchers, even if they Saturday, 3 March 2012, in Berne, the rect. The M113 will continue to be used might risk the lives of residents that way. Group Giardino passed a resolution in- in more than 57 countries (war zones tending to stop the scrapping of some included), including USA, Israel, Italy, Milan missiles for the rebels 350 combat-enhanced armored tracked Sweden, Norway, Denmark, the Nether- Each of the Milan fighting positions at the vehicle Spz 63/89 (M113). The Group Gi- lands, Turkey and by the Brazil army. In entrance corridors to the Baba Amr dis- ardino is a non-party grassroots move- Germany, the M113 has been in service ment in Switzerland, which rightly sees until 2010 (but not combat-enhanced trict of Homs costs about 120,000 francs the Swiss army and security policy in a models). Only the Hezbollah and Leb- (rocket launchers, thermal imaging tar- desperate situation and calls for “a radi- anese private armies have discharged get device, radio, etc.), each shot or each cal course correction of security policy.” the M113. rocket costs 15,000 francs. During the The general assembly instructed the The scrapping is irresponsible. Part of battle they fired in rounds of one to three executive board: our troops of the Army XXI have no al- shots per minute. Count: There was obvi- – to stop the transport of some fully lotted vehicles or would be transport- ously no lack of money. The devices had operational 350 Spz 63/89 from the ed without protection by trucks. When been manufactured by the company Nord- storage depot Turtmann/Valais to the VBS has little money for combat, Aviation (France) and MBB (Germany). the scrapping company Schnyder it is not necessary to scrap operational Gotthard AG, Emmen/LU by means material worth millions. This is not only The delivery to the so-called “Free Syri- of a judicial super provisional direc- incomprehensible, but absurd! It is this an army” was done out of the supplies of tive we are resisting to.” the German Bundeswehr and the British – to clarify without delay against Stelzer continued that talks are un- Army, as “Réseau Voltaire” reported. In which person or body a charge derway with other groups of the civil April 2011, Qatar had already admitted may be brought due to negligent society. Wider discontent is emerging. to having delivered Milan missiles to the and illegal scrapping of army ma- The vote on the issue that the rifle stay Libyan rebels. terial, and after immediate judi- with the soldier was won by an over- cial review and assessment to file whelming majority. By that vote the French intelligence colonel captured a criminal complaint with the re- people stopped disarmament and de- mobilization. That is why they are mo- As for the French soldiers, the Syrians sponsible Prosecuting Attorney. The spokesman for the working bilizing resistance now. captured a colonel of the French for- group Spz, Willy P. Stelzer (Major Already several families have eign intelligence service DGSE who is of the armored troops) commented said that they are ready to become a specialist for wireless communication. upon request: sponsors for a Spz. They are will- The commitment of the Elysée Palace is “These tanks are fully functional and ing to annually transfer money for rather significant. As “Réseau Voltaire” would be operational. For years they the costs of maintenance and stor- learned from a reliable source, another have been standing in caverns in Turt- age of a Spz to a special account. French agent was captured on Monday 27 mann. The fuel tanks were filled with Stelzer soon expects the signing of February 2012 in Azouz (in the district diesel. After installing the batteries, the sponsorships for the Spz in the three- of Idlib, near the Turkish border) by the tanks can be immediately set in motion. digit range. “If the mothballing causes The claims made by Federal Councilor National Syrian Army. Thus, the number Maurer that the tanks were outdat- continued on page 2 of French prisoners has increased to 19 (nineteen!). No 11 12 March 2012 Current Concerns Page 2 ”French soldiers and …” back the French agents to the French em- www.voltairenet.org/Des-rebelles-Baba- continued from page 1 bassy without the Lebanese police being Amr allowed to intervene. www.voltairenet.org/Un-19eme-agent- The French, known for dirty tricks of With the arrogance of the former co- francais-arrete-en the coarser kind sunk the Greenpeace lonial or mandate power, the French am- www.voltairenet.org/La-France-ouvre- yacht (“Rainbow Warrior”) near New bassador had previously intervened in in- des-negociations Zealand in 1986. Two French intelligence tra-Lebanese affairs on 23 February by *** agents were only released by the New explaining to the “Daily Star”: “Lebanon me. One ought to have such chutzpah. In- Zealanders, after Paris had paid a few mil- should refrain from intervention into the stigating a synthetic civil war with the lion to Greenpeace and the New Zealand riots in Syria”. help of agents and senior officers in Syria, government and opened the French mar- then exfiltrating (such is the official jar- ket for the import of New Zealand sheep Sources: gon) them by abuse of diplomatic conven- meat. This is still giving the French sheep farmers a hard time. This time, with 19 www.voltairenet.org/La-France-exfiltre- captive agents, the deal will probably be ses-agents continued on page 3 more expensive. Perhaps Mrs Assad will soon become the godmother of Nicolas’ baby. Or the like. We should not be sur- ”Basic resistance …” to date (eg. add-on armor, etc.) for a prised. continued from page 1 lot of money (tax money nota bene!) must be stopped. Unorthodox methods Rebels of Baba Amr to surrender no cost for the VBS there is no more are necessary. Etatism of the worst kind Just after the UN Security Council’s veto reason for scrapping.” A joint venture in the Federal House must yield. If the on the Syria resolution, the Syrian army between private partners and the VBS VBS wants to, it can also have a Tahir is to be established in terms of pub- Square. Enough is enough. We want gained the mastery. Soon, the 35 Western lic-private partnership. One could also military advisors and journalists that had those at the top to show mental capaci- imagine a foundation that administers ty and backbone again or to resign. We not yet been caught fled from the “Islam- the sponsorships. Major Stelzer is con- ic Emirate of Baba Amr”. About 2,000 should say “No”. The M 113 will bear up fident that a broad-based movement against Steinbrück’s cavalry for quite fighters in Homs also lost all hope that will be up until Easter. some time, and our neighbor France, a the great promises made to them by the The president of Giardino, Hermann nuclear power is waging war on Libya Western side would become reality. On Suter, historian PhD, said. “As a former and now on Syria; without a UN man- 29 February 2012 several hundred fight- rector of the teachers‘ college of Lu- date! Anyway, we do not want submis- ers surrendered after having ruled over cerne, I am sure that whole families or sive gestures, no disarmament against the small area of the size of less than 50 even school classes can sign a sponsor- the people’s will. If the Federal Coun- ship for a Spz.” The children may give football fields (according to FIFA stand- cilor or the SVP do not understand this the Spz – “riflemen bucket” as he calls now, they will later.
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