CONTENTS law quad notes 1 Reading Between the Sheets by Roy F. Profitt 2 Letter of transmittal from the National Chairman 3 Letter of acceptance from the Dean of the Taw School 4 1973 Law School Fund Report 8 1972-73 Comparison by Regions 9 Law School Fund Contributors 22 Class Summary of Gifts 24 Growth Chart of the Law School Fund 25 Michigan Income Tax Credit 27 Corporate Matching Gift Program 27 The Hundred Club 28 The Presidents Club 32 In Memoriam About this issue: This issue of the Law Quudrangk Notes is the thirteenth annual report of the Law School Fund. The Fund is under the direction of Professor Roy F. Proffitt; Mrs. Lois A. Richards is supervisor of the Fund and is responsible for gathering the name and data used in this report. Law Qd- rangk Notes Publications Chairman is Professor Yale Kamisar; Notes is edited and designed in the University Publications Office, printed by University of Michigan Printing Services. On the cover: Another of the many picturesque parts of the Law Quadrangle was photographed by an unknown photographer and turned into a cover by Graphic Designer Art Spinney, with special photomechanical techniques supplied by Printing Services Cameraman Tom Wanzeck. - - Voi. 17, No. 4 summer, 1974 Law Quadrangle Notes, issued quarterly by The University of Michigan Law School. Second-class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. OBtice of publication, 409 East Jefferson, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104. Send Form 3579 to: Law Quadrangle Notes, Law School, Hutchins Hall, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104. Malcolm L. Denise Vice President-Labor Relations Dean Theodare J. St. Antoine The University of Michigan The Law School Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 Dear Ted: Enclosed herewith is a full report on the Law School Fund's 1973 campaign. \ Its most important message is this: Our school continues i;o enjoy a measure of support by its alumni and friends unmatched by any other public law school. I The tangible evidence of this can be rneasur ed in dollars and the number of gifts. The intangible evidence is the devoted and enthusiastic *ef£ortthat . so many of our loyal alumni all over the country contributed to hel~produce * these numbers. In a nutshell, the over-all results were these: -1973 -1972 Total amount contributed $411,037 $416,022 Number of contributions 4,847 4,580 Proportion of alumni contributing 42% - 40% The small drop in dollars is disappointing but not disheartening; it is more than accounted for by one large special gift in 1972. The best news is the increased rate of alumni participation. Thia is the single most important factor in the long-term success of the Fund. I take pride not in the results, but in being part of the team and,the building tradition that produced them. I look forward to another year as titular leader of this work to assure the margin of excellence with deter- mination to improve the results. Sincerelv, THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN LAW SCHOOL ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN 46104 May 30, 1974 Malcolm L. Deniee, Esq. Hational Chairwm Law Scb03. Pad Dear Hsl: , - .;. > ; - '8 ,t ' 8% - - - - I * ,-• Qirccs rtm &tw SC&&I P& luw %ad a eplendid yar, and +.;-,, , - w&dlLhb a& h&~itZc16 ttumh are due you, as Hatid Ckairnsn, *-. :; kh,&egv -&. w~ghzsit a1 1-1s amud thc cwntry, and the thousands - @-''it'&&i&&mbqs. w8.m q& mw.a mccess L. : e7 ->; CLa &op &a wq&s' cbc toiaJ. amount contributed to the . $b&d.-w. nr~ietlma &Zmt lq~ q-d. large gifts that were earmarked for ~e~i&G&!L''*~&pa~%~~.~A, far ame iPpor~ant sign of the health of' the -msW$&cated, a the continuing rtse in the rate of alwnni @&k%aifi%*i.T1# 40 per cent UWPL 28 an important milestone, and you lrk~6hXd draw great est2.f action frm haviq passed it .- The unprecedented inflation of the past year has hit especially hard at the kinds of services and supplies needed to operate an educational institution, The Law School is thus all the more dependent upon private giving for maintaining the quality of its program, and for making a Michigan legal education available to deaerving young persons of 'limited means. Both faculty and students are deeply indebted to you. I am fully aware of the Herculean labors of Roy Proffitt, Lais Ricbrds, and the staff menbere of the Fund. But you are far more than o "titular leader," as was demonstrated by the speed with which you put together an effective national organization. Your help has been invaluable, and I am grateful and pleased that I can look forward to another year of making with you. Sincerely, Theodore Jo St. Antoine Dean 9 ;xz 1973 Law School Fund Re&% , NATION ' . VlCE CHAIRMAN: Malcolm L. Denise SQyImy#@@* ;: < .. t, . < I . c VICE CHAIRMAN FOR - .~~ 7 * SPECIAL GIFTS: Vm€ ct43MWu: Thomas A. Dieterich cocneliur b. Mwroy 10 5 m.00 . R&n M. EAieLberger 7 b lp47.29 8 2 m.00 52 243.00 James M. bur&tey 35 12 516.W 3 - Alan Flink 21 6 265.60 223 118 12,904.89 TOTkL WTAL TOTAL ARIA CHAlwAW ALUMHI GIFTS POLlARS fi,(Mi#own] E. Roplcr ~ris=h 214 131 665800 Jonathan H. trost 57 31 1:585:00 RIGIQN II William Y. Webb H. Lee Blwmloerg 31 9 636.00 Warren M. Laddon llkharrl IK Pdw 7 2 90.00 Detawara Van H. Ldchliter, Jr. 23 3 1 5Q.W Diemkt d Cohmbio Jerome 8. Libin 396 , Alan $. Burstein 13 8 195.60 Morplmnd Roger K. Gofink 60 Hugh M. loneo, Jr. 6. 3 552.60 P4.w Jemq Garrett Hehar 1 35 Mrs. Frances E. Bilnnes 2 1 aS.00 ~q~nia Richard A. Levirk Robert Butler 15 2 40.00 Central-Harrirbur Charles E. Themes, k. 35 - thmn~sA. Dieterich 5 2 125.00 central-~lwrfieldl Rictrord A. Bell 18 5 4 1 2557 North Eoet William C. Caraebaum 38 . Valentine F. Parker 9 2 T t~.o6 North West Baniel L. R. Millet 49 11 1w.w South fast Alun 6. Chaate 96 . '. -: Thorns W. Biddld 3 2 20.90 k.uth West, RIM Miller Jr. 109 ,Arthur Wisahert 39 15 1,010.00 Virgwia Roy 1. ~thnheimcr, Jr- 96 WMYirgjii Davld H. Oaugherfy 10 1,073 mi in listed cities, counties or areas. -9ea1~rcr spurn 'sag3 pa)% p! pmnp apnpq aou a b:eigo - - ELL i(,w UwJoN oa sst tl ue'% 'a l-r(3!w . .- - ,\. .. .. , Steve P. Moan It' TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL AREA CHAIRMAN ALUMNI GIFTS DOLLARS AREA CHAIRMAN ALUMNI OlFTt DOLLARS REGION VII Robert J. King REGION Vlll Steve P. Moon Iowa Edgar H. Binle 45' 29 $ 905.00 James E. Grifnn Cedar Rapids 8 5 180.00 Alorlta Sheila Gallagher Jones 19 9 $ 420.00 Des Moines 23 11 555.00 Colorado Anthony C. vanWestrum 54' 20 510.00 Kansas Spencer L. Depew 48' 13 375.00 Boulder 15 5 120.00 Wichito 18 13 930.00 Denver 82 33 1,089.00 Minnesota James W. Brehl Idaho Paul C. Keeton 6 2 45.00 Duluth-Northern Area William M. Burns 15 4 225.00 Montana George T. Bennett 31 9 250.00 Minneapolis Albert B. Perlin 62 21 692.00 Navada John J. McCune 11 2 125.00 St. Paul John D. Healy 24 11 1,535.84 Orogon James E. Grifnn 28' 8 285.00 Southern Area Robert G. Johnson 19 7 210.00 Portland 41 15 2,853.46 Missouri Kent E. Whittaker 44. 11 235.00 Utah DeLyle H. Condie 22 5 290.00 Kansas Citv Richard W. Mason. Jr. 119 53- - -.2.747.00 Washington Norman 1. Winn 15' 4 95.00 Donald G. Le&6tV - 63 32 1,165.66 Seattle Stephen C. Ellis 89 29 1,740.00 /irgil Haggart 18' 5 1 10.00 Tacoma Claude Pearson 9 2 60.00 13 10 370.00 Eastern-Central Area Harvey Clarke 6 4 120.00 29 12 735.00 Western-Northern Area 14 6 140.M liJuone H. llvedson 9 7 165.00 Western-Southern Area 12 3 ', 60.00 Rov E. Willv 9 1 25.00 Wyoming William A. Swainson 12 3 60.00 Kenneth K. -~uce 47' 20 910.00 466 159 b 8,262.46 * Does not include alumni in listed cities, counties or areas. * Does not include alumni in listed cities, counties or areas. Richard H. May Peter L. Eppinga I .a -. - ,,, <, h?.. , *+, ,; . -L ;1 8'- REGION )\I Arthur A. Greene, Jr. TOTAL TOTAL TOlAL AREA CHAIRMAN ALUMNI QlFTS DOLLARS Arthur A. Greeno. JI. Ronald St. Qnqe Warren G. Elliott George J. Caapar New Haven Main. Peter G. Rich Georgq B. Hefban, Jr. John B. Barney Mauochu#nr John Hodgson Rotton-Cambridge Area Honson S. Reynolds New Hornpahim Joseph S. Ransmeier Keene Manchertor Rochester Rhoda lsknd John H. Blish Vumont Alan D. Overton John P. Meaker * Does not include alumni in listed cities, counties or areas. Rob Jones and Dick Baker, from left Comparison Regions NUMBER OF ALUMNI NUMBER OF GIFTS TOTAL DOLLARS AREA 1972 1973 1972 1973 1972 1973 I Region I 749 745 33 7 371 $ 20,745.18 $ 26,592.35 Region I1 1,038 1,073 455 500 34,643.7 1 29,683.59 Region I11 Region IV Region V Region VI Region VIl Region WIf Redm IX Regh X &@a XI Regim XI1 'Region- XLII Ragim XN Rc@an XV W.S. P-sns * This does not include foreign graduate students living abroad. 8 Lafayette William R.
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