Volume 1.qxd 9/13/2005 3:29 PM Page xvii GGGGG READER’S GUIDE This list classifies main entries and sidebars into these categories: Applied Anthropology, Archaeology, Biography, Cultural/Social Anthropology, Evolution, Geography/Geology, Linguistics, Paleontology, Philosophy, Psychology, Physical/Biological Anthropology, Religion/Theology, Sociology, Research/Theoretical Frameworks. Some entries may appear in more than one category. Applied Anthropology Economics and anthropology Rights of indigenous peoples Action anthropology Environmental ethics today Aesthetic appreciation Ethics and anthropology Tutankhamun and Zahi Hawass Affirmative action Ethnoecology Twin studies ALFRED: The ALlele FREquency Ethnomedicine United Nations and Database Ethnopharmacology anthropology Anthropology and business Ethnopsychiatry Uranium-Lead dating Anthropology and the Third Ethnoscience Urban anthropology World Ethnosemantics Urban ecology Anthropology, careeers in Field methods Women’s studies Anthropology, clinical Forensic anthropology Y-STR DNA Anthropology, economic Forensic artists Zoos Anthropology, history of Geomagnetism Anthropology, practicing Health care, alternative Archaeology Anthropology, social Human rights and Abu Simbel Anthropology, visual anthropology Acheulean culture Artificial intelligence Human rights in the Acropolis Bioethics and anthropology global society Altamira cave Bioinformatics Intercultural education Angkor Wat Biomedicine Irrigation Anthropology, history of Biometrics Justice and anthropology Archaeology Carbon-14 dating Law and anthropology Archaeology and Counseling Law and society gender studies Dating techniques Medical genetics Archaeology, biblical Dating techniques, radiometric Multiculturalism Archaeology, environmental Dating techniques, ralative Museums Archaeology, maritime Demography Native studies Archaeology, medieval Dendrochronology New dating techniques Archaeology, salvage Dispute resolution Paleomagnetism Architectural anthropology DNA testing Political anthropology Atapuerca Ecology and anthropology Political economy Aurignacian culture Ecology, human behavioral Potassium-Argon dating Axes, hand xvii Volume 1.qxd 9/13/2005 3:29 PM Page xviii xviii ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ANTHROPOLOGY Aztec agriculture Museums Ziggurats Babylon National Museum of Zooarchaeology Binford, Lewis Roberts Anthropology Bingham, Hiram Natufian culture Biography Blombos cave Nazca culture Aquinas, Thomas Boucher de Perthes, Jacques Neandertal burials Ardrey, Robert Braidwood, Robert John Neandertal evidence Aristotle Breuil, Henri Neandertal sites Arsuaga, J. L. Burial mounds Neolithic cultures Auel, Jean Marie Carter, Howard Ochre Bakhtin, Mikhail Cave art Ohio Hopewell Bass, William Celtic Europe Oldowan culture Bates, Daniel G. Chichen Itza Olduvai Gorge Becker, Gary S. City, history of Olmecs Benedict, Ruth Clovis culture Orce Bergson, Henri Coliseum Petra Bermudez de Castro, J. M. Copper age Petroglyphs Binford, Lewis Roberts Crete, ancient Pictographs Bingham, Hiram Egypt, ancient Pottery and ceramics Black, Davidson Egyptology Prehistory Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich Eoliths Pu’uhonua o Honaunau Boas, Franz Excavation Pyramids Boucher de Perthes, Jacques Fa Hien cave Ramses II Bourdieu, Pierre Fagan, Brian M. Rapa Nui Brace, C. Loring Fayoum culture Rock art Braidwood, Robert John Folsom culture Rome, ancient Breuil, Henri Ghost towns Sahara anthropology Briggs, Jean L. Graves Sangiran Bruno, Giordano Great Wall of China Shanidar cave Buber, Martin Harappa Stonehenge Buechel, Eugene Historicism Sumerian civilization Bunzel, Ruth Indus civilization Taj Mahal Carpenter, C. R. Iron age Technology Carson, Rachel Jarmo Temples Carter, Howard Koba Tenoctitlan Cavalli-Sforza, Luigi Luca Lascaux cave Terra Amata Cazden, Courtney B. Lazaret cave Tikal Chagnon, Napolean Leakey, Mary D. Tiwanaku [Tiahuanaco] Champollion, Jean-François Levalloisian tradition Tools and evolution Childe, Vere Gordon Llano culture Troy Chomsky, Noam Machu Picchu Tutankhamun and Comte, Auguste Mayas Zahi Hawass Condorcet, Marquis de Mesolithic cultures Ubirr Coon, Carleton S. Mesopotamian civilization Ur Cousteau, Jacques Yves Metallurgy Urbanism in ancient Egypt Croizat, Leon C. Middens Uxmal Danilevsky, Nikolaj Jakovlevich Modjokerto Venus of Willendorf Darrow, Clarence Mohenjo Daro Vikings Dart, Ramond A. Monte Verde War, archaeology of Darwin, Charles Mummies and mummification Zafarraya cave Dawkins, Richard Volume 1.qxd 9/13/2005 3:29 PM Page xix READER’S GUIDE xix de Angulo, Jaime Herskovits, Melville Mead, Margaret de Waal, Frans B. M. Heyerdahl, Thor Mehan, Hugh Deleuze, Gilles Hobbes, Thomas Mintz, Sidney Wilfred Deloria, Ella Cara Hoebel, E. Adamson Montagu, Ashley Dennett, Daniel C. Howell,F.Clark Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de Derrida, Jacques Hrdlicka, Ales Morgan, Elaine DeVore, Irven von Humboldt, Alexander Morgan, Lewis Henry Dewey, John Hume, David Morris, Desmond Diamond, Jared Huntington, Samuel P. Muller, Friedrich Douglas, Mary Johanson, Donald C. Maximillian Dubois, Eugene Jones, William Murdock, George Peter Durkheim, David Émile Kant, Immanuel Napier, J. R. Eliade, Mircea Kardiner, Abram Naroll, Raoul Empedocles Keith, Sir Arthur Nash, June C. Engelbrecht, William Ernst Kettlewell, H.B.D. Nietzsche, Friedrich Engels, Friedrich King, Dr. Martin Luther, Jr. Oakley, Kenneth Page Evans-Pritchard, Edward E. Kluckhohn, Clyde K. M. Ogbu, John Fagan, Brian M. Kohler, Wolfgang Oparin, A.I. Farber, Marvin Kovalevskii, Aleksandr O. Orwell, George Feuerbach, Ludwig Kovalevskii, Vladimir O. Park, Robert Ezra Firth, Raymond Kroeber, Alfred Louis Pascal, Blaise Fortes, Meyer Kropotkin, Prince Peter A. Patterson, Francine G. Fossey, Dian LaBarre, Weston Pike, Kenneth L. Foucault, Michel Lafitau, Joseph-Francois Pinker, Steven Frazer, Sir James Leakey, Louis S. B. Popper, Karl Freeman, Derek Leakey, Mary D. Radcliffe-Brown, A. R. Freud, Sigmund Leakey, Meave Epps Radin, Paul Fried, Morton H. Leakey, Richard E. F. Ramses II Fromm, Erich Lenin, Vladimir I. U. Rappaport, Roy Galdikas, Biruté Mary F. Leonardo da Vinci Redfield, Robert Galton, Francis Lévi-Strauss, Claude Reichard, Gladys Gandhi, Mahatma Levinas, Emmanuel Rivers, W.H.R. Geertz, Clifford R. Lévy-Bruhl, Lucien Robbins, Richard H. Gluckman, Max Libby, Willard Rowe, John Howland von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Linnaeus, Carolus Rumbaugh, D. M. Goodall, Jane Linton, Ralph Russell, Dale Allen Goode, William Josiah Lorenz, Konrad Sagan, Carl Gosse, Philip Lovejoy, C. Owen Sahlins, Marshall D. Gramsci, Antonio Lucretius Sapir, Edward Greenberg, Joseph Lyell, Sir Charles Saussure, Ferdinand de Gutenberg, Johannes Maine, Henry Sumner Savage-Rumbaugh, Susan Haddon, A. C. Malinowski, Bronislaw Schaller, George B. Haeckel, Ernst Malthus, Thomas Schliemann, Heinrich Harlow, Harry F. Manhein, Mary Huffman Schmidt, Wilhelm Harris, Marvin Mann, Thomas Schneider, David Harrisson, Barbara Marett, Robert Ranulph Schwartz, Jeffrey H. Heath, Shirley Bryce Marx, Karl Scopes, John Hegel, G. W. F. Mauss, Marcel Service, Elman R. Heidegger, Martin McCown, Theodore D. Simpson, George Gaylord Heraclitus McLuhan, Marshall Smith, Grafton Elliot Volume 1.qxd 9/13/2005 3:29 PM Page xx xx ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ANTHROPOLOGY Smith, William Anasazi Darkness in El Dorado Smuts, Barbara B. Anthropology, cultural controversy Spencer, Herbert Anthropology, history of Diffusionism Spengler, Oswald Aotearoa (New Zealand) Dowry Steward, Julian H. Ape culture El Ceren Strum, Shirley C. Argentina Elders Sumner, William Graham Asante Emics Tattersall, Ian Asia Endogamy Tax, Sol Athabascan Eskimo acculturation Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre Australia Eskimos Thomas, Elizabeth Marshall Australian aborigines Ethnocentrism Toynbee, Arnold Joseph Aymara Ethnographer Turnbull, Colin M. Balkans Ethnographic writing Turner, Edith Baluchistan Ethnography Tylor, Edward Burnett Benedict, Ruth Ethnohistory Unamuno, Miguel de Berdache Ethnology Vayda, Andrew Boas, Franz Etics Vernadsky, Vladimir Ivanovich Brazil Eudyspluria Verne, Jules Bride price Evans-Pritchard, Edward E. Virchow, Rudolf Lothar Cannibalism Exogamy Voros, Gyozo Caribs Family, extended Vygotsky, Lev Semenovich Caste system Family, forms of Wagner, Richard Celtic Europe Family, nuclear Wallace, Alfred Russel Chachapoya Indians Feasts and Festivals Wallace, Anthony F. C. Chants Feuding Wallerstein, Immanuel Childhood Fieldwork, ethnographic Washburn, Sherwood L. Childhood studies Fiji Wegener, Alfred Clans Firth, Raymond Weidenrich, Franz Collectors Folk culture Wells, H. G. Configurationalism Folk speech White, Leslie A. Copper Age Folkways White, Timothy Cross-cultural research Frazer, Sir James Whitehead, Alfred North Cuba Freeman, Derek Whorf, Benjamin Lee Cultivatiion, plant French structuralism Williams, Raymond Cults Functionalism Wilson, Edward O. Cultural conservation Gangs Wissler, Clark Cultural constraints Geertz, Clifford R. Wolf, Eric Robert Cultural convergence Genocide Xenophanes Cultural ecology Gerontology Yerkes, Robert M. Cultural relativism Globalization Cultural traits Great Wall of China Cultural/Social Anthropology Cultural tree of life Guarani Nandeva Indians Aborigines Culture Gypsies Adaptation, cultural Culture and personality Haidas Agricultural revolution Culture area concept Haiti Agriculture, intensive Culture change Harris, Marvin Agriculture, slash-and-burn Culture of poverty Hinduism Aleuts Culture shock Homosexuality Algonguians Culture, characteristics of Hopi Indians Altamira cave Cyberculture Horticulture Volume 1.qxd 9/13/2005 3:29 PM Page
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