ffl^Votip^^ Number 3 January - February 1972 Volume 10 Compiled by John La Porta (Continued from the May - June 1971 issue) NETHERLANDS 19.5-22.6.1964 - Amsterdam, Meter cancel for the 6th FIDE Interzonal Tournament. (232) Jan. 1967 - IJmuiden, Hoogoven Chess Tournament. Meter cancel. (233) NETHERLANDS ANTILLES (CURACAO) 2.5.1962 - Willemstad, First day cancel, B55-7. World Candidates Championship. (234) 2.5.1962 - Aruba-Oranjestad. Same as #234. 2.5.1962 - Aruba-St. Nicolaas. Same as #234. INTER ZOVAAL HEDEPLMD SCHAAKTOERNOO! &P.V. - 5EBOUW 232 I FIDE qp PJS73US S'iOO *£>AG VAv4 °' NEDERLAND *A 50« 23k Q 015 HOOGOVEN SCHAAKTOEHNOOI CSN7( 233 NICARAGUA 12.12.1963 - Managua, First day cancel, C531. PHILIPPINES 30.12.1962 - Manila, First day cancel, B21, Jose Rizal Chess Stamp. POLAND 16-31.8.1935 - Warsaw, 6th Chess Olympiad & FIDE Congress. Red Cancel (235) 2.2-17.6.1937 - Jurata, 4th International Chess Tournament. (236) 24-3.1.1943 - Radom, General Government Chess Championship. (237) 2.6.1952 - Miedzyzdroje, 4th International Tournament. (238) 9.2.1956 - Warsaw, First Day Cancel, 717-8, 1st World Championship of the Deaf and Dumb. (239) IV rriEDZYNARODOU/V TURNIP MlfDZVZDROJE ZERV/IEC 1952 238 237 J I H 0 V wi OU A LNE SZACHowe 2X<' '-< GtuC -Srw^ ZAKOPANE 6//, ,^ 9-23.2.56 =^CHVC' 240 l*2E2to. 4 .OtJOWV^ 241 50867 ,<5^> XI Ak'ADtNiOife D»U7YiV0VV£ 2 >>. \:~Wz^\ 13.VIJ. - 2. viii. 31 / - , r 1054 J 244 C^ 242 Page 2 9-23.2.1956 - Zakopane, 1st Individual Championship of the Deaf and Dumb. (240) 24.2.1956 - Warsaw, International Chess Congress of the Deaf and Dumb. (241) 18.7-2.8.1964 - Krakow, 11th World Student's Team Championship. (242) 10-21.7.1967 - Lublin, 3rd International Tournament. (243) 9-31.8.1967 - Polanica ZdroJ, A. Rubinstein Memorial Tournament. (244) 3-25.8.1968 - Polanica ZdroJ, 6th A. Rubinstein International Tourna­ ment. (245) 16-18.11.1968 - Poznan, 22nd Poland Team Championship. (246) 6-21.7.1969 - Lublin, 5th Jubilee of the International Chess Festival in PKWN. (247) 2-24.8.1969 - Polanica ZdroJ, 7th International Chess Tournament for A. Rubinstein. (248) 7-23.9.1969 - Lublin, The Women's Chess Olympics. (249) 11.4.1969 - Wroclaw, 13th Chess Tournament. (250) 11.8.1970 - Poznan, 24th Poland Team Championship. (251) 5-26.8.1970 - Zdroj, 8th International Chess Tournament for A. Rubin­ stein. (252) 8-9.5.1971 - Bydgoszcz, Polish Chess Tournament. (253) 21.7.1971 - Lublin, 7th International Chess Festival in PKWN. (254) PRl/2TfiOW5 SZACHOWf POLS K I- f13X/1349 246 248 250 <$*SH8% *— v. »*«*•*•-"••' ' rat- :f POZNAN f * U 1 / I /g/ tip <tUMJj *^/ f WiM *- &IACHCA <( ' IM.PKWM '«s^ 252 L0£LIM 6-21 W 1?6? 249 Page 3 SPORTS PHILATELISTS INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT: MRS. BARBARA T. WILLIAMS, 6601 White Oak Avenue, Reseda, California 91335 VICE-PRESIDENT: JOSEPH M. LACKO, 1031 West Chestnut Street, Union, New Jersey 07083 SEC-TREASURER: LEONARD K. EICHORN, 4331 Baintree Road, University Heights, Ohio 44118 DIRECTORS: WILLIAM G. BRECHT, 236 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10001 ROBERT M. BRUCE, 1457 Cleveland Road, Wooster, Ohio 44691 GEORGE C. KOBYLKA, P.O. Box 159, Berwyn, Illinois 60402 HELEN TURNER, 21814 Pacific Highway, South, Space 81, Kent, Washington 98031 AUCTIONS: WILLIAM D. STOMS, 2161-A 36th Street, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87544 MEMBERHIP: MISS HELEN LONG, 6073 Woodland, Apt. 26, Ventura, California 93003 SALES DEPT.: URBAN BILLMEIER, 3206 North Southport Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60657 SPORTS PHILATELISTS INTERNATIONAL is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to the study and collect­ ing of postage stamps and related collateral material dealing with sports (including Olympics) and recreation and to the promotion of international understanding and good-will through mutual interest in philately and sports. Its ac­ tivities are planned and carried on entirely by the unpaid, volunteer services of its members. All members in good standing receive the bi-monthly issue of Journal of Sports Philately. The dues for regular membership are $4-00 per year. Membership applications may be obtained from MISS HELEN LONG, 6073 Woodland, Apt. 26, Ventura, Ca. 93003. iMQMiroNCTli oS Sports Philately EDITOR: JOHN LA PORTA, 3604 S. Home Avenue, Berwyn, Illinois 60402 ASSOCIATE EDITORS: IRWIN BLOOMFIELD, 1300 N.E. 191 Street, North Miami Beach, Florida 33162 PAUL BOSQUET, 20 Hancock Street, Springfield, Mass. 01109 ROBERT M. BRUCE, 1457 Cleveland Road, Wooster, Ohio 44691 SINGREY J. HUGHES, 2541 E. Blanton Dr., Tucson, Arizona 85716 HELEN TURNER, 21814 Pacific Highway South, Space 81, Kent, Washington 98031 HAROLD WASSERMAN, 3703 Somerset Drive, Los Angeles, California 90016 MRS. BARBARA T. WILLIAMS, 6601 White Oak Avenue, Reseda, California 91335 ART EDITOR: OLECH W. WYSLOTSKY, 55 Glenwood Avenue, East Orange, N.J. 07017 CIRCULATION: JAMES B. YARWOOD, 103^ S. Fancer Ave., Mt. Pleasant, Ml. 48858 PUBLISHER: WILLIAM G. BRECHT, 236 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10001 ADVERTISING RATES: Space for commercial advertising is available at the following rates: FULL PAGE $14.00; HALF PAGE $9.75; QUARTER PAGE $5.50; and ONE-EIGHT PAGE $3.00. A discount of 5% is allowed for three insertions of identical copy, or 10% for six insertions. Camera-ready copy must be supplied by the advertiser or the advertis­ ing will be reproduced from ordinary typewritten originals. Long lists of prices must be supplied in camera-ready form. Publishing deadline is the first day of January, March, May, July, September and November. NOTE: The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the individual authors and they do not necessarily re­ present those of the editor, the officers of SPI or the position of SPI itself. All catalogue numbers quoted in this publication are from Scotfs Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue unless specifically stated otherwise. SPI and JSP do not guarantee advertisements, but accept copy in good faith, reserving the right to reject objectionable material. _,_. APS UNIT NUMBER 39 ?^*V**tMltK,,K*tiS*>M<VI'>S'Wt>I<'>il>KltKl'.V^ 5UIR«W«9M»5!«"5?»5I«**5!*«S"< »*?!« »5J% »3**t»!5% »!5T« »!•% *vK< »!*»!• »!5C«W* »!•!«!*•% »?•% »!*!* »!»T% »?5T« iSS?* »??«*!"*!• »!•!« »*5T»»T*!« £5% »^« »!•!« »!•% »^»»!5!i »!•% »!•?« »!•!* »!£< »!*!- »?•%»!•% »?•% »!"??• »*•?« #!?»»!•% »!*% »?!% »!3!i j *3?i t*< FRED HOWARD NEW ISSUE SERVICE WANT LIST SERVICE SPORTS & OLYMPIC STAMPS For the Beginner-For the Specialist! • • £xctu4ivefy FRED HOWARD The Company That's SPORT STAMPS 10613 Rochester Avenue J on the Move/// Los Angeles, Calif. 90024 S,*"S4*"fi-*«£*''«£<"*Ji**iS4l**£*l"fi'**"fi**2 Page 4 PORTUGAL lO.2O-ll.l6.i969 - Praia da Rocha, Zone One Qualifying Tournament. (255) REUNION 23.16-1.7.1968 - St. Denis, Chess Championship. (256) ROMANIA 25.2.1966 - Bucarest, First day cancel, 1815-20 for Chess Olympiad in Cuba. RUSSIA 14.5-18.6.1936 - Moscow, 3rd International Chess Tournament. (257) 10.4-18.5.1948 - Moscow, World Championship. (258) 28.12.1948-Jan. 1950 - Moscow, Women's World Chess Championship. 15.3-11.5.1951 - Moscow, World Championship. (259) Il.ll-i5.i2.i95i - Moscow, Chess Championship of the USSR. (260) 5.11.1952 - Moscow, International Chess Tournament. Like #258 16.3-13.5.195^ - Moscow, World Championship. Like #259 1-4.7.1955 - Moscow, Chess Tournament between USSR-USA. (26l) VIIMIEDZYNAR0D0WY F rkjLi FESTIVAL SZACHOVvY ?. SBB^i IM PKWN ^T D£p 256 Av* JVW, v'. Page 5 31.8.1956 - Moscow, 12th Chess Olympiad (FDC). Like #259 3-25.9.1956 - Moscow, 12th Chess Olympiad. (262) 7.10-27.11.1956 - Moscow, Alekhine Memorial Tournament. (263) 5.3-27.4.1957 - Moscow, World Championship. 12.1-14.2.1958 - Riga, 25th USSR Championship. (264) 5.3-9.5.1958 - Moscow, World Championship. Like #259 14.11-10.12.1959 - Voronesh, 19th Championship of RSFSR. (265) 24.1-26.2.1960 - Leningrad, 27th USSR Championship. Cancel also in green. (266) 15.3-10.5.I960 - Moscow, World Championship. Cancel also In red.(267) 12.5-7.6.1960 - Perm, 20th Championship of RSFSR. Cancel also in red. (268) 15.7-2.8.1960 - Leningrad, 7th Students World Championship. (31.7.60 In red). (269) l6.ll-i5.i2.i96O - Riga, 20th USSR Women's Championship. Violet can­ cel. (270) 15.12.1960 - Same, last day cancel In violet. (271) 15.3-8.5.1961 - Moscow, World Championship Revenge. (272) 15.3-8.5.1961, Same, with complete date in cancel. Also in violet. (273) 29.5-12.6.1961 - Rostow am Don, Tchigorln Memorial Tournament. (274) 29.5-12.6.1961 - Lwow, 1st International Youth Chess Tournament. (275) 3.8-1.9.1961 - Omsk, 21st Championship of RSFST. First day cancel in violet. Last day In black, violet and red. (276) ccwcp cC-rfyC^ .<-&. HA nePBfjHCTBO w? no UJAXMAiTiAM Bor&KHHulc.M- -ITlAAbM. % **H*A J? -VCftYtf*^ -sfjr 268 267 flEHMHrPA/v- lAXMAtAM 00 WAXMATAM' ilEHt, 3AKP.ITHE 269 270 cp&aa ytceH.M.Hri 271 -iSAl-Hft** 15Ml Page 6 16.11-20.12.1961 - Baku, 29th USSR Championship. Cancel also in red. (277) 10.1-9.2.1962 - Erervran,21st USSR Women's Championship. (278) 6-24.6.1962 - Voronesch, All Russiam Masters Tournament. (279) 23.6-^.7.1962 - Lwow, 6th International Match, USSR - Jugoslavia.(280) 1-19.12.1962 - Riga, 22nd USSR Women's Championship. (281) 21.11-22.12.1962 - Erervan, 30th USSR Championship. Cancel also in red. (282) 23.3-22.5.1963 - Moscow, 25th World Championship. (283> \^T-T^P 272 4>HHid2l^nEP8EHCTBA/ PC<PCP MATM-WBAHIII *•> hi « *** HA flPPBeHCT 60 HP H9P39HCTBO "• t — \ i Ao 'uiCLXMCL/ffOJ,' ?0 fOB HA iOvl" 5: Jf ««< ') NWatllfl *•->*•* .*»" 274 276 '*SCCCP ; MCC%MWrtT!.rJb' HOCKcW R-1/ 15 3-&.5. 273 (961. 280 * z£3& ' CO 5 0HPK)^ 3: 13 ^00 v\ 279 16XI-20-X/I- 1961 r 10 I - 9 11 \9G'2 284 -J boky nom^Mr 278 275 277 L\,P no UA./.MATAM OMHAA XX IJ rcTVf- S^% HfPJFHCTM CCC/> ? HO U/AXMATAM :_•> CPEAM^'WUMfl MAM 3 •0J1**.»6*>S EPFBA-jH no^fAr N 1 1 aPHM 281 282 6-31.5.1963 - Tscheljabinsk, 22nd Championship of RSFSR, in red.
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