Hydro-Kinetic Drives, Hydraulic Torque Converters and Hydraulic Couplings By NICHOLAS A. D'ARCY, JR. IDESPREAD interest in hydraulic drives was ADVANTAGES OF HYDRAULIC DRIVES created in this country when hydraulic couplings The original developments of Dr. Foettinger were were incorporated in several popular automo- connected with the development of the Diesel engine. biles. This was the outgrowth of the inventions of Dr. Some simple device was needed to absorb the torsiorial Ing. Hermann Foettinger in Hamburg, Germany. over vibrations and "un-equality" of operation of this engine. 30 years ago. Dr. Foettinger developed both the hy- and the hydraulic torque converter and hydraulic cou- draulic coupling and the hydraulic torque converter for pling proved to be the devices needed. One of the most use in Diesel-powered vessels having up to 20.000 horse- important advantages of all hydro-kinetic drives is the power available for driving the propeller. reduction of vibration and smoothing-out of the flow of The use and development of hydraulic drives spread power from internal combustion engines. In addition. to Sweden. where the Ljurigstrorn works further devel- they absorb shock loads. prevent stalling of the engines. oped the hydraulic torque converter under Lysholm- and provide a smooth method of starting a load. These Smith patents, and to England. where Vn1car1-Sinclair fundamental characteristics of the hydro-kinetic drives developed the hydraulic coupling. The Swedisli appli- apply without regard to whether the unit is a hydraulic cations were made largely to rail cars and the English torque converter or any of the several types of hydraulic applications to trucks and buses. coup1 i ng. It has been in the last four or five years that wide- Hydraulic torque converters have the further advan- spread industrial development has occurred in these tage of developing high output torque at low output two hydro-kinetic drives. The American Blower Corpo- %peed? while maintaining high operating speed in the prime mover. The over-all efficiency of the torque con- ration was sub-licensed by Vulcan-Sinclair to manufac- verter reaches a maximum of approximately 83 per cent. ture hydraulic couplings. the Twin Disc Clutch Company which is low compared to certain electrical units. but it licensed under Lysholm-Smith patents to manufacture allows the prime mover to develop full input horse- industrial hydraulic torque converters and hydraulic power by running at maximum speed. For this reason couplings. and Spicer Manufacturing Corporation to the output horsepower from a torque converter is often manufacture torque converters for automotive uses. higher than with mechanical transmissions with the These three American organizations are rapidly extend- engines operating at reduced speeds. ing the uses of hydro-kinetic drives. and new industries The hydraulic coupling. on the other hand. has a are rapidly availing themselves of the advantages of this maximum efficiency of over 95 per cent. but the output development. torque of a coupling can never exceed the input torque. Positive-drive hydraulic units are also in widespread From these radical differences one can see that each type use in the United States. but this type of drive is a of hydro-kinetic drive has its own particular advantage. separate and important field which will only be touched and care must be used in selecting the correct unit for upon at this time. any particular installation. AT LEFT: Ratio of output torque 20 to input torque. OUTPUT RPM, PERCENT OF INPUT RPM Page 10 ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE MONTHLY 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 INPUT SPEED, PERCENT ENGI E GOVERNED SPEED Performance characteristics of hydraulic coupling used with an internal combustion engine. BASIC PRINCIPLES OF HYDRO-KINETIC DRIVES fluid for heir drive. lioth units transmit horsepower in a pump or impeller on the driving end and a reaction memLcr on the drixen end. The rotation of tin' impeller imparts kinetic w~eraio the fluid in the closed circuit and drives the fluid to the outer peri- pheq of the unit. The iurhinc member then al)aorl)s the kinetic energy of the fluid in its hladp- and the fluid- having lost it~eloc- it\. is returned to the rw~tral portion of the unit. The impeller again picks up the fluid and the cycle is repeated. There is no mysterious characteristic imparted to tlie fluid at high velociiies. as has sometimes been described. The entire action is hadvd on fin]]- known Ja~sof Iqdraulicsi. There is no pwitiv e connection between tlie impeller and the turbine member, dud this feature allous the fluid to J~~OI-f)shock. absorb vibration. and provide AT LEFT: Axial hydraulic forces balance each other in this twin smooth starting. llot li tonpe con- coupling. AT RIGHT: A variable-speed coupling in which working verter and coupling depend upon fluid is removed, cooled, and returned to circuit. (Illustration courtesy the kinetic energy imparted to the Power Magazine.) NOVEMBER 1945 Page I I In addition to the simple traction or sealed (*oiipliiig. one may obtain scoop tube or variable speed coupling^. ring type coupling?. dumping couplings. and clutch type wuplings. These have all been developed to mecl certain requirements. but they arc basically the "arne a'- the traction coupling. Perhaps the most iritere~tingof these special couplings is the scoop tube coupling. whir-11 allots the operator to rontrol the volume of fluid in the roiipling. This controls the amount of slip for ai giten output speed and torque requirement. In additii the scoop tube coupling allows the fluid to be constant removed from the circuit. cooled. and reintroduced in the circuit., APPLICATIONS OF HYDRAULIC COUPLINGS The hydraulic coupling is essentially a constant- pee( cori~tant-torqueh-vdraulic unit. and as such it shouli he used on drives rer~~liringthis tipe of power. It i also an efficient drive. and one need not be concernc'd Construction of a typical hydraulic torque con- with loss in pmver through this type of unit. The paç verter: P is impeller, T,, T., and TL,are runner vanes, senger automobile is one of tlie outstanding successful and F and F, are the fixed vanes. (Illustration applications of hydraulic units. since it has a relatively courtesy Power Magazine.) constant-speed. constant-torque drive after the unit gains speed and is one in which economy of operation is a ~eloptorque in proportion to tlie square of the speed of prime factor. the driven member arid the fifth power of the diameter. One of the best inrhistrial applica~iorisfor hydraulic couplirigs is that between I he internal combustion engine HYDRAULIC COUPLINGS and the propeller shaft on moderate-sized power boats-. The hydraulic coupling is the simpler of tlie IN) The coupling absorbs engine vibrations and provides ;t tijdro-kinetic drives. It consists essential!> of two iden- very smooth drive. In new developments for fishing tical opposed vaned members, so that either half can boats hydraulic couplings are being incorporated into he used as the driving or driven member. In certain multiple-engine drives to compound the power of tuo adaptations of the hydraulic coupling. added feature- engines into a single propeller shaft. This drive has the are incorporated to alter this arrangement slightly. but added advantages of balancing the power of the two the basic principle remains. The two opposed memliers engines and protecting the compounding drive equip- being identical. one would expect to find the character merit. It is interesting to note that the original develop- of power transmitted identical with the power driling ment of hydraulic drives was made in connection with the coupling, and this is the case. except for friction ship propeller drives incorporating up to 20.000 horse- losses. In the traction or sealed type of coupling. the power, and now the drives are being developed for simplest and most common hydraulic coupling. the out- fishing boats having recpurcrrient~of approximately 300 put speed is on1 J about t 11 rce per cent less than the input horsepower. speed. and the output torque is always equal to the input Couplings are also useful in connection with electric torrrue. motors which muç he started under load. The fact that Engine speed variation, hydraulic coupling on engine: 22.4 strokes per minute; left, 105-1 15 pound pressure; center, 132 pound pressure; right, 200 pound pressure. Page 12 ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE MONTHLY the coupling transmits torque in proportion to the squarr hydraulic coupling had been installed on the engine. A of the speed allows the electric motor to gain bpeed similar reduction of the intake manifold pressure wia- under light torque. With this type of driiv. standard tion wsoKserved. The clutr'h tjpe of coupling allows push-button controls and standard electric motors can the operator to disconnect the engine from the driven be successfully used tu start heavy loads. The load is n~emliersuheii neces'ar?. liut allots him to remain in cilso started much more smoothly than it itli special liigli- hydraulic drive at all times i+hile operating. starting-torque electric motors. Electric motor drives of Tlit~$coup tube. or variable speed. IIJ-draulic c:oupling this nature are in operation on grease n~ixei'a,belt con- baa the added advantage of controlling the speed of tlie \thyors. ball mills, and mail) similar tyi)es of inacliiner) output shaft bj regulating the amount of fluid in the Itliere the unit must btart under full load. coup1iiig. In this tg pe of roupling an adjustable tube (hnsiatent reports uf reduced rnaiutenance of efiuip- t stcnds jut0 the hy draiilic circuit and drains the fluid merit are received from operators using drives incor- down to am desired level, thus allowing the coupling porating Iiy draulic couplings.
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