14_464333_bindex.qxd 10/13/05 2:09 PM Page 429 Index Abacus, 12, 29 Architectura, 130 Balustrades, 141 Sheraton, 331–332 Abbots Palace, 336 Architectural standards, 334 Baroque, 164 Victorian, 407–408 Académie de France, 284 Architectural style, 58 iron, 208 William and Mary, 220–221 Académie des Beaux-Arts, 334 Architectural treatises, Banquet, 132 Beeswax, use of, 8 Academy of Architecture Renaissance, 91–92 Banqueting House, 130 Bélanger, François-Joseph, 335, (France), 172, 283, 305, Architecture. See also Interior Barbet, Jean, 180, 205 337, 339, 343 384 architecture Baroque style, 152–153 Belton, 206 Academy of Fine Arts, 334 Egyptian, 3–8 characteristics of, 253 Belvoir Castle, 398 Act of Settlement, 247 Greek, 28–32 Barrel vault ceilings, 104, 176 Benches, Medieval, 85, 87 Adam, James, 305 interior, viii Bar tracery, 78 Beningbrough Hall, 196–198, Adam, John, 318 Neoclassic, 285 Bauhaus, 393 202, 205–206 Adam, Robert, viii, 196, 278, relationship to furniture Beam ceilings Bérain, Jean, 205, 226–227, 285, 304–305, 307, design, 83 Egyptian, 12–13 246 315–316, 321, 332 Renaissance, 91–92 Beamed ceilings Bergère, 240, 298 Adam furniture, 322–324 Architecture (de Vriese), 133 Baroque, 182 Bernini, Gianlorenzo, 155 Aedicular arrangements, 58 Architecture françoise (Blondel), Egyptian, 12-13 Bienséance, 244 Aeolians, 26–27 284 Renaissance, 104, 121, 133 Bishop’s Palace, 71 Age of Enlightenment, 283 Architrave-cornice, 260 Beams Black, Adam, 329 Age of Walnut, 210 Architrave moldings, 260 exposed, 81 Blenheim Palace, 197, 206 Aisle construction, Medieval, 73 Architraves, 29, 205 Medieval, 73, 75 Blicking Hall, 138–139 Akroter, 357 Arcuated construction, 46 Beard, Geoffrey, 206 Blind tracery, 84 Alae, 48 Armchairs. See also Seat Beauharnais, Eugène de, 339 Blondel, Jacques François, Alberti, Leon Battista, 91, 131 furniture Beaumont, Claude Etienne, 224–225, 283 Alexander the Great, 27 Baroque, 165 335 Boffrand, Gabriel-Germain, Alexander Visiting Roxana Renaissance, 122 Beauty, Renaissance theory of, 2228, 230 (Sodoma), 112 Armoire à deux corps, 188 93 Boiserie, 177, 230, 231 Allegory of Divine Providence Armoires, 88 Beauvais tapestry works, 257 Louis XV, 232 and Barberini Power (da Baroque, 168 Bedchambers, Renaissance, 95 Bolection moldings, 205, 235 Cortona), 154 Louis XIII, 188 Bed frame, Renaissance, 151 Bombé shaping, 243 Alnwick Castle, 322 Arrises, 29 Beds Bonaparte, Napoleon, 333, Altars, Greek, 32 Artari, Giovanni, 253, 254 Chippendale, 281 335, 376 American Revolution, 333 Artari, Giuseppe, 253, 254 Directoire, 345, 346 Bonheur du jour, 299, 350 Anaglypta, 397 Artisans, patronage for, 171, Early French Neoclassic, 302 Bookcases Anne of Austria, 172 172 Early Georgian English, 273, Regency, 373 Annulets, 29 Arts 276 Sheraton, 331 Antechamber, 95 Baroque manifestations in, Egyptian, 24–25 Book of Architecture (Gibbs), Antechambre de l’Oeil de 193 Empire, 352–353 249, 264 Boeuf (Versailles), 227, centralization of, 171–172 English Renaissance, Border design, Roman, 55 228, 233, 235 moral evaluation of, 247 149–151 Borromini, Francesco, 155, Apartment buildings Assemblies, 250, 251, 254 English Revival, 407–408 228 Louis Philippe, 378 AthéniennesCOPYRIGHTED, 298, 350 French MATERIAL Baroque, 190 Boucher, François, 233 Restoration, 377 Atrium, Roman, 48, 49 French Renaissance, 127 Boufflers, Marquis de, 240 Apartment concept, Attics, 36 French Rococo, 245 Boulle, André Charles, 184, introduction of, 94–95 Aubert, Jean, 228 Georgian, 276 188 Apollo Drawing Room Audran, Claude, 227, 246 Greek, 43 Boullée, Etienne-Louis, 293, (Versailles), 182 Aumbry, 88 Hepplewhite, 328 335 Appartement de commodité, 225 Axial planning, 47–48, 156–157 Italian Baroque, 169–170 Boulle marquetry, 391 Appartement de parade, 225 Italian Renaissance, 111–112 Boulle-work, 184, 187 Arabesque, 102, 122 Back stairs, 197 Late English Neoclassic, 374 Bourbon Restoration, 376 Arcaded cortile, 96 Bagutti, Giovanni, 253, 254 Louis XVI, 302 Boyle, Richard, 248 Arcade posts, 73 Baldachin bed, 407–408 Medieval, 89–90 Bradbury, Robert, 199, 206 Arcading, 137 Balloon-back chairs, 404 Queen Anne, 273 Brass beds, 407 Arched doors, 78–79 Balusters, 187, 295 Restoration, 387 Breakfront bookcase, Georgian, Arched-frame windows, 77–78 early Georgian, 265–266 Roman, 67 276 Archer, Thomas, 199 turned, 401 Second Empire, 389 Brettingham, Matthew, 307 Selected Bibliography 429 14_464333_bindex.qxd 10/13/05 2:09 PM Page 430 Brick Candelabra, 101–102 Early French Neoclassic, 295 Cheminées à la royalle (Le sun-dried mud, 34 Cane chairs, 215, 368 Early Georgian English, Pautre), 227 terra-cotta, 46 Baroque, 210, 213 263–265 Cheminées et Lambris à la mode Bridgens, Robert, 403 Canopy beds Egyptian, 12–13 (Le Pautre), 206 Bronze Medieval, 89 English Baroque, 206–208 Chest-on-chest, 272 as a furniture material, 39 Renaissance, 149, 151 English Renaissance, Chest on stand, 217 for stools, 62 Cantilevered stairs, 266 138–139 Chests. See also Storage pieces studding of, 38 Caquetoire, 123 English Revival, 400–401 Baroque, 215 Bronze Age, 26, 30 Carceri (Piranesi), 284–285 French Baroque, 182–183 Medieval, 83–84, 88 Bronze furniture, Roman, 61 Cardiff Castle, 401 French Renaissance, 121 Renaissance, 148–49 Bronze tables, 64 Card tables, 271 French Rococo, 235–236 tall-leg, 22 Brosse, Salomon de, 173 Georgian, 275 Greek, 38–39 Chiaroscuro, 257 Broughton Hall, 365, 366 Carlton Towers, 398 Italian Baroque, 163 Chief Groundes of Architecture Brown, Lancelot (Capability), Carolean furniture, 209–215 Italian Renaissance, 104–106 (Shute), 133 250 Carpaccio, Vittore, 102, Late English Neoclassic, 366 Chimney ornaments, 226–227 Buffet, Medieval, 88 111–112 Late French Neoclassic, Chimneypieces Builder’s and Workman’s Carpet factories, Neoclassic, 342–343 Early English Neoclassic, Treasury of Designs 311 Medieval, 81–82 317–318 (Langley), 255 Carpets, Rococo, 230 Roman, 60 Early French Neoclassic, 295 Building Carracci, Annibale, 158 Cellini, Benvenuto, 113 Early Georgian English, during the Baroque period, Carracci family, 264 Central hall, Egyptian, 7 260–261, 263 153, 192–193 Carreaux d’octagones, 312 Certosina, 107 English Baroque, 205–206 early Georgian, 249 Cartouche, 117, 181 Chair finials, 213 English Renaissance, 138 Building guides, 130–131 Carved furniture. See also Chair of Hatnofer, 17 English Revival, 400 Building materials, Egyptian, Carving Chair jointing, Egyptian, 14, French Baroque, 180–181 1–2. See also Materials Baroque, 164 15. See also Joints French Renaissance, 119 Bulbous legs, 146 Medieval, 84 Chairs. See Seat furniture French Rococo, 234–235 Bureau plat, 187, 241, 299 Carved paneling, 79, 177 Chair-tables, 142 Greek, 38 Burghley, 198, 207 Carving Chaise, 186 Italian Baroque, 160, 163 Burlington, Lord, 248–249, Baroque, 221 Chambers, Sir William, 285, Italian Renaissance, 104 304 on beds, 127 305–306 Late English Neoclassic, Buttery, Medieval, 73 Elizabethan, 142 Chambre de parade, 225 364–365 French, 87 Chapels Late French Neoclassic, 342 Cabinet aux Miroirs, 178–179 Medieval, 75 Medieval, 72 Medieval, 80–81 Cabinet des Médailles, 237 mirror, 232 Renaissance, 95, 132 Chinese lacquer, 374, 375 Cabinet Dictionary (Sheraton), Neoclassic, 317, 344, 368 Charles II, King, 192–193 Chinoiserie, 223, 246, 368 356 on panels, 76 Charles II furniture, 209 Chip carving, 107 Cabinet Doré (Versailles), 177 Renaissance, 107, 151 Charles VIII, King, 113–114 Chippendale, Thomas, 257, Cabinet Encyclopedia Rococo, 228, 230 Château Chambord, 115 268, 278 (Sheraton), 357, 373 Carwitham, John, 255 Château de Maisons, 173, Chippendale furniture, 267, Cabinet-Maker, Upholsterer and Caryatids, 127 178–179 278–281 General Artists’ Encyclopedia Casa del Tramezzo di Legno, 60 Château de Malmaison, 337, Cinquefoil lights, 77 (Sheraton), 356 Cassapanca, 110 340 Circular stairways, 82 Cabinet-Maker and Upholsterer’s Cassone, 110–111, 168 Château of Ancy-le-Franc, 115 Ciseleur-doreur, 223 Drawing Book (Sheraton), Cast iron, 400, 404 Château of Bagatelle, 337 City and Country Builder’s 329, 330–331, 367 Castle plan, 70 Château of Bénouville, 289 Treasury, The (Langley), 264 Cabinet-Maker’s Dictionary Castles Château of Blois, 119, 173, Civic architecture, Greek, 33 (Sheraton), 329 French, 115 176, 183 Civic ritual, Greek, 27 Cabinet-Maker’s & Upholsterer’s Medieval, 68–69 Château of Louveciennes, Clandon Park, 248, 264 Guide, The (Hepplewhite), Cathedra, 53 288–289 Clapboard wall construction, 325 Cathedrals, Medieval, 69 Château Vaux le Vicomte, 173, 76 Cabinets, Victorian, 406–407 Catholic Church, reforms in, 174 Classical motifs, 354, 375 Cabriole leg, 239 152 Châteaux, 70, 114–115 Classical orders, 28–30 Cabriolet, 240 Cavetto molding, 11 floor plans of, 174–176 Classical styles, interest in, Caffiéri, J., 2223–224 Caylus, Comte de, 224, 305 Chatsworth, 203, 205, 207, 208 92–93, 234, 283–284 Camera, 95 Ceiling painting, 81–82, Cheere, Sir Henry, 261 Clay models, Egyptian, 3 Campbell, Colen, 198–199, 319–321 Cheminées à l’Italienne (Le Clay plaster, in mural painting, 8 248 Ceilings Pautre), 180 Clerestory windows, 6 Canapé, 240 Early English Neoclassic, Cheminées à la moderne (Le Clérisseau, Charles Louis, 305, Canapés de l’amitié, 387 318–321 Pautre), 180 310 430 Index 14_464333_bindex.qxd 10/13/05 2:09 PM Page 431 Closet, 196 Egyptian, 13–14 Cromwell, Oliver, 128 Italian Baroque, 158–164 Medieval, 72 English Baroque, 210–212 Cromwellian chair, 144 Italian Renaissance, 97–107 Renaissance, 132 English Renaissance, Cromwellian period, 141 Late English Neoclassic, Cochin, Nicholas, 224
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