Special Founder's Week Edition WINTER PARK TOPICS A Weekly Review of Social and Cultural Activities During the Winter Resort Season TWENTIETH ANNIVERSARY SEASON 1934 -1954 ISnterea as second-class matter January 8, 1937, at the Post Office, at "Winter Park, ffla., under the Act of March 3, 18B7. Marcelle Hammond, Publisher ana Managing Editor; Sally Hammond Trope, Editor — Season Subscription $2.G0 Vol. 21 — No. 7 Winter Park, Florida, Friday, February 19, 1954 Price 25 Cents CELEBRITIES ON ROLLINS "ANIMATED MAGAZINE" "ANIMATED MAGAZINE" COMES TO LIFE SUNDAY Rollins College will present th-2 27th edition of its famous "Ani- mated Magazine" Sunday after- noon, February 21, 2:30 p.m., in the Sandspur Bowl adjoining: the Ad- ministration Building. The "table of contents" includes as usual a wide variety of "articles" to be read in person by their authors, Lester B. Pearson Lillian Sish Pole Sarasin three of "whom are distinguished Carl Carmer foreign diplomats, Lester B. Pear- World Citizen Immortal Star Siamese Diplomat Writer's Writer son of Canada, Renzo Sawada of Japan and Pote Sarasin of [Thai- land. Other contributors represent journalism, business, the arts and religion and will deliver their read- ings over a loudspeaker system from the raised platform that serv- es as an editorial office. Reserved seats at one dollar are Jonathan Daniels Renzo Sawada James B. Verdin Francis P. Gaines Democratic Editor Nippon Envoy Jet Speed King Convocation Speaker IN THIS WEEK'S ISSUE Who's Who On The Animated Magazine Feature Article . Page 5 JONATHAN DANIELS won for him the Mayflower Cup "Meet The Prof" ... .. Page 6 for the outstanding book of the Reveries of an Owl ... Page 11 Jonathan Daniels, a liberal year by a North Carolinian. Rollins News Items ... Page 10 Week-End Events . Page 4 Southern democrat from North {Continued on Page Two) Hugh McKean Carolina, has successfully led the President of Rollins double life of newspaper editor and Edits "Animated Magazine" politician. A longtime editor of the Raleigh "News and Observer", the Table of Contents available through tomorrow, Sat- urday, and admission is free to staunch Democratic Party tradi- those who wish to bring their own tions of his family continually Foreward Hugh F. McKean chairs or cushions and listen, Tan- lured him to the nation's capitol President of Rollins College glewood style, from the sidelines where father Josephus had served or from the rear of the reserved 1. Education for Independence Jonathan Daniels section. If it rains, the Animated well as Woodrow Wilson's Navy Editor of the News and Observer, Raleigh, N. C. Magazine program will be given secretary. at Knowles Memorial Chapel, During the war years, Daniels 2. Japanese-American Friendship Renzo Sawada Annie Russell Theatre and the devoted himself to civilian defense Ambassador Extraodinary and Plenipotentiary High School Auditorium. planning as assistant director of The Permanent Observer of Japan to the United Nations Other Founders' week high point that vital wartime department. will be the annual dinner Saturday President Roosevelt, recognizing 3. The American Folk Fancy : Carl Carmer night, February 20, at the Orlando his ability, selected him for a con- • ,- , Author and Lecturer Country Club, at which the con- fidential "White House assignment tributors will be special guests. A which he pursued until FDR'S 4. Think Of This Lester B. Pearson brief concert will be given by the death. Secretary of State for External Affairs, Ottawa, Canada Rollins Singers and a color sound After another stint as editor of film shown of Lt. Comdr. James the "News and, Observer", his 5. Returning The Speed Record To America James Verdin B. Vei'din breaking the air speed views as a progressive Southerner Lieutenant Commander, United States Navy record. were sought and valued by the Test Pilot of the Skyray Sunday morning1, the Rev. Theo- United Nations Sub-Committee on 6. Art In The Theatre Lillian Gish dore Parker Ferris will speak on the Prevention of Discrimination "Faith and Reason" at Knowles and the Protection of Minorities. Immortal Star of Screen and S-fage Memorial Chapel. And Monday He has also served on the Mutual morning, Rollins will award honor- Security Agency, formerly ECA, 7. A Minister Speaks Theodore P. Ferris ary degrees to several distinguish- and as director of the "Woodrow Rector of Trinity Church, Boston, Mass. ed citizens at the annual mid-win- Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt 8. Thailand In The Present Crisis in Asia Pote Sarasin ter Convocation at 10 a.m. in the Foundations. Ambassador of Thailand to the United States Chapel. Dr. Francis P. Gaines 'will He has somehow found time _ to be the speaker. Tickets are not ne- write seven novels, one of which 9. Can Animals Think Red Fox (horse), shown by Mildred Murphy cessary and the public is invited. Page Two WINTER PARK TOPICS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1954 McFadden and Smith Jrances Slater Fashions for Florida and Gntise Casual Wear — Dresses and Suits BEAUTIFUL CLOTHES Sport Clothes — Blouses, Sweaters, Skirts Formals — Dinner Gowns and Cocktail Styles Gowns — Wraps Accessories for Every Costume Suits 305 Park Avenue N. Winter Park Tel. 5-1461 Millinery - Accessories WHO'S WHO ON THE "ANIMATED MAGAZINE" (Continued from Page One) the next step in his career and he assumed a leading role in that body Post Office Building — Winter Park LESTER B. PEARSON in 1952, culminating in his San Juan Hotel Building — Orlando Canada's top diplomat and presidency of the U.N. General As- gregarious world citizen, Lester B. sembly last spring. Pearson, lias been, chosen time and Versatile and genial Lester Pear- again by his government for son has an M. A. from Oxford weighty assignments of interna- and many years of teaching ex- United Nations, Sawada is the early studies at Hamilton College tional import - to represent Canada perience at the University of liason between the New Japan and and Harvard brought him a pro- at the San Francisco U. N. Con- Toronto, as well as a flock of the new world effort to keep peace fessorship at the University of ference, to sign the Japanese Peace athletic letters and service stripes through world organization. Alabama in the English depart- treaty in Tokyo, and the NATO ment. treaty in Washington. in the Canadian Army and the R. C. A. F. His most distinguished editorship His country's ambassador to Both Canadian and American LILLIAN GISH is generally cited as that of the Washington in 1945, Pearson re- Universities have honored him with Lillian Gish is a name to con- Rivers of America Series; and of turned for home duty in 1948 to degrees - Rollins for one - and jure visions, to stir memories. It his seven children's books five were join the Canadian Cabinet as Victoria University of Toronto ap- calls back Birth of a Nation and illustrated by the talented Mrs. Secretary of State. But his diplo- pointed him its Chancellor. some of her famous plays as Carmer. matic skill made him an ideal Camille, The Old Maid, Crime and Call Carl Carmer a writer's choice for Chairman of NATO'S Punishment, and Life With Father. writer, for he has thrice served as Council, a post he assumed in 1951. RENZO SAWADA Gish is a tradition in the world president of the American Center of The United Nations was logically Renzo Sawada, Ambassador Ex- of show business, stage and movies. P.E.N., an international organiza- traordinary and Plentipotentiary, It is safe to predict that her movie tion of distinguished writers, and Permanent Observer of Japan biography will some day keep that twice as president of the Poetry to The United Nations, brings to tradition alive for younger genera- (Continued on Page Thirteen) this Animated Magazine an un- tions. usual synthesis of oriental culture From her first appearance at the and fin de siecle French tradition, age of five in In Convict Stripes, modified by almost forty years of starring Walter Huston, Gish has THE JADE LANTERN immersion in the tart brine of in- been a professional. When she was EST. 1937 ternational diplomacy. twelve she quit the stage and In the fateful year 1914, Renzo starred in movies for almost Sawada graduated from Tokyo Im- eighteen years. Not till after she perial University. His major was thirty did she return to the studies in French Law were Theatre in,Chekhov's Uncle Vanya, valuable preparation for diplomatic for Jed Harris. service, in 1916 at the Japanese Still a trouper and a fine actress, Embassy in Paris, in 1919 with Miss Gish has most recently ap- his country's peace delegation to peared in two Selzniek productions. Versaille and in 1920 with the limp- Duel in the Sun and Portrait of Jewelry — Handbags ing League of Nations. In the; in- Jenny. terim peace he rose in the diplo- Linens — Embroidery matic ranks through posts in Paris CARL CARMER and New York, and shortly before Carl Carmer, writer and teacher, Chinaware —• Copperware first hit the public spotlight with Hitler's unpleasant chaps moved Lamps — Shades into Poland, Sawada became Am- his Literary Guild selection "Stars bassador to France. Through Fell on Alabama" in 1984. Since Objects of Art Japan's bitterest war years he was that financial success, a rare event Ambassador to Burma and, in in the lives of most writers. Mr. 1944, his country's Vice Minister of Carmer has explored other fields. PROCTOR CENTRE Foreign Affairs. His first publications in 1930, Red Fox and Mildred Murphy were two volumes of poetry. North of the Post Office Appearing on "Animated Magazine" Now serving his country at the Frenchtown and Deep South, arid The Pashion and At Your Service: Quality Store • Personal Since 1894 Shopper • Interior Decorator • Charge A Accounts • Bridal Shop GIFT ^ SHOP • Beauty Salon A Fabulous Assortment of Costume Jewelry • Free • Fur Storage Delivery $1.00 to $75 • Lending Smart Handbags for Casual and Dressy Wear Library in Rich Fabrics and Fine Leathers • Gilt Wrap and Mailing Fostoria Glassware — Franciscan Dinnerware • Free Knitting FINE SIFTS FOR EVERY OCCASION ORLANDO, FLORIDA Instructions 208 Park Avenue, South Tel.
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