![Eric Anning Fetanningsnr@Bigpond Com] 1410712A0812:50 PM Ken](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Fnorn: EricAnning fetanningsnr@bigpond com] Sent: 1410712A0812:50PM To: Ken Freer Subject: UQ Acadenry Attachments: EPDP_lnformationand_application_pack.pdf EPDP_Information_ -^r ^-^l:--!: or ru_dPpilLdLt. Ken May we please get togetherto talk abouthow the 12 AcademyScholarships willwork -selectionprocess -Academy reporting-etc. Pleasering me on my mobile Sincerely EricT. Anning '4 UnionSt ':yfield 4011QLD _. 32686412 M 0412613 415 UQRTJGBY ACADEIIIfY TheUniversity of QueenslandRugby Academy (UORA) E[!teFlayer Development ProgratTn Informationand Application pack Dnna 4 nf 1A Tableof Contents A.boutUQRA J The ElitePlayer Development proEram c Your Program 5 Key Staff 7 About UQ 7 Fricing q How to Apply 10 Visa options 11 Accommodationand LivingExpenses 12 Payingfor the Academy 14 Testimonials 15 ApplicationForrn 16 Page2 af 16 About UQRA The UQ RugbyAcademy's mission is to be globally recognrsedas the premierfee for serviceCoachino and PlayerAcademy. The Academyspecialises in the designand deliveryof educationand development systerns to meetthe needsof Australianand overseas customers. programs are deliveredby world-classcoaches, and supportedby The Universityof Queensland'sworld renowned School of HumanMovement Studies to delivera pre-eminent packagecombining sports science, athlete analysis and supremerugby tuition. Applying best practice recommendationsfrom Australian Rugby Union High PerformanceSkill Development Models, the Academvis cuttingedge. Featuredight: TJQRAgraduates Danfel Linde and James Hanson- both players were membersof the 2A06World ChampianAustralian tJnder 1g side and are naw members of the QueenslandReds Rugby Academy. The Elite Player Development Frogram The UQRA'sElite Player Development Program provides a newpathway for aspiringrugby union players.Designed for playerswho desirea professionalcareer in rugby,the programpiovides a fantasticopportunity to progressin termsof technical,tactical anO pnysical development, puttingyou in paramountposition to gainselection into the Australianelite player development pathway. The programattracts interstate and overseasplayers from as far a fieldas the USA,Japan, South Africaand England,and is opento anyonewith a passionto improvetheir game. We offera rangeof optionsfor playerswishing to participatein a pre-seasonor annualprogram, andthe UQRAis of comparablequality to provincialacademy programs in termsof: ' Resourcesand education n Worldclass facilities n Coachingand physical development expertise n Sportsscrence services , Eliteathlete management Focussingon thedevelopment of thecomplete Rugby Player our programs are individually tailored to meetthe specificneeds of the playerboth on anoor the fierd. core, unit, Individuar& positionspecific skill Developrnent Commonskill acquisition literature identifies that it takes500 hoursto changea poorskilt habit to a goodskill habit. In thefirst year of the ElitePlayer Development Program in tne off-seasonalone playersare exposedto 70 hoursof qualityskill development (over 20 weeks).Combined with 3 5 hoursof clubtrainingduring the in-season and 1.5hcurs of gameseach week, a playerwill completein thefirst year of theirprogram between 180 and 2t 0 hoursof qualityskill development and execution.Based on thesefigures, each player should be acceleratingtowards their athletic potentialby theend of thethird vear. Pzno a nf 1A Strengthand Conditioning At UQ RugbyAcademy, strength & conditioningprograms are specificto each individualand are basedaround their physiological testing results. They also include elements of 'prehabilitation'to addressand manageany identifiedpredisposition to injury PsychologicalSkilt Development 'Psychological ln additionto an initial LearningStyles' evaluation, over the courseof the ElitePlayer Development Program ptayers wiit Oe provided with the mentaltoughness tools to assistthem in achievingtheir goals. Throughout the programindividual goals for the overall programand eachcycle are negotiated between the AcademyDirector and olaver. Players will be giventhe toolsand techniques which will assist them in: . Developingconfidence . Visualisationand imagery ' ldentifyingand establishing individual optimised performance zones ' overcomingnegative thinking & developingpositive mental states ' Relaxation n Pre-gamepreparation, in-game focusing, and postgame review n Overcomingadversity FormerWallaby James Holbeck is currentlyresearching skill acquisition theories specific to rugby througha scholarshipwith the UQ School of HumanMovement Studies, and says players can improvetheir performance dramatically by developingtheir psychological skills. "Theimportance of psychologyfor rugbycan neverbe underestimated.ln my opinionit can be the ultimatedifference between success and not achievingto one'spotential. Despite the intuitively appealingnotion that some people are just bornmentally tough, there is nowevidence to showthat just likephysiological factors, mental abilities can alsobe impioved.The Academy uses a frameworkthat ensures its designis specificallytailored for developinghigh pe*ormance rugby players." Testing Playersundergo a batteryof physicaland skillbased tests on a six weeklvbasis. Included in these testsare: ' Catchand pass . Defence . Contact o Ballcarry o Supportplayer and supportptayer decisionmaking Speed(10, 20, & a0m) VerticalJump (Power) PhosphateDecrement Anthropometrics AerobicCapacity (Beep Test) Throughoutthe programeach player receives individual training performance monitoring, evaluationand review.In additionplayers will be monitoredin relationto theirattendance, attitude. applicationand physiological and psychological training responses, to ensurethat each athlete is notover-training.A report atthe end of each6 weekcycle, detailing each of theseareas wili be availableto eachrelevant coach or clubfor theirown review Page4 of 16 i Work/ Study/ RugbyBalance Hereat the UQRAwe are realisticwith players as to the opportunitiesRugby can provideand the competitivenature of professionalrugby. As suchplayers are encouraged to studyor workoutside of theirtraining schedules to ensurethat they have something to fallback on in the eventthat they don'tmake it as a professionalrugby player. We appreciatethat study and work requirements don't offer the flexibilityof ourtraining schedule so we aftemptto provideplayers with the flexibility within their programs to ensurethat a balanceis achievedbetween the two. Your Program Ourannual program is dividedinto 2 broadprograms, Pre Season and In Season.Below are examplesof typicallywhat we wouldcover across the board. Activity PM 3.30- 5.00pm . StrengthDevelopment (Lower Body) withAdam Garred Tuesday 7.00- 8.30arn 5:30- 8pm n StrengthDevelopment (Upper n Psychology(Optimistic Thinking) with Body)with Adam Garred JamesHolbeck . Speedand Agility with Adam Garred . CoreSkill Development with Zane Hilton o TeamTraining with UQ RugbyClub ' Recovervwith Adam Garred 4.30- 6.00 . StrengthDevelopment (Lower Body) Thursday 7.30- 8.30am 5:30- 8pm " Flexibilityand Core . Psychology(Goal Setting) with James DevelopmenURecovery Holbeck . Speedand Agility with Adam Garred ' PositionSpecific Skills with Zane Hilton n DecisionMaking Practical with James Holbeck o TeamTraininqTraining with UQ RugbyClub 7.00- 8.30am . StrengthDevelopment (Full Body)withAdam Garred 8.30am- 9.30arn " Recovery Restand Recovery Restand recovery Qaao \ nf 16 ActivityAM 6-9am 6.00- 7.30pnn . StrengthDevelopment with EducationSession AdamGarred . LifeSkills Playerinjury Assessment/ " ' Lawsof the Game Triage o Nutrition . Massage Tuesday 9 - 9.30am 5:30- Bpm . IndividualPlayer Review . Speedand Agility with Adam Garred withZane Hilton n CoreSkill Devetopment with Zane Hilton . TeamTraining with UQ RugbyClub o Recovervwith Adam Garred 3,30- 5.00 . StrengthDevelopment Thursday 7-9am 5;30- 8pm " Rehabilitationand Recovery " Speedand Agility with Adam Garred withAdam Garred " PositionSpecific Skills with Zane Hilton . DecisionMaking Practicalwith James Holbeck " TeamTrainino with UQ RuobvClub 4.30- 5.30pm . Recoverywith Adam Garred Sunday Restand recovery Paqe6 of Key Staff a favid Muir FormerUniQuest Technology Commercialisation Associate andcurrent CEO of UQRAand UQRFC " ZaneHilton FormerBenetton Rugby Skills co-ordinator and currentReds AcademyForwards Coach and UQRAHead Coach a \ick Leah FormerBrumbies Academy Head Coach, Melbourne Rebels Assistantcoach, and currentUQ RugbyHead Coach and AustralianSevens Assistant Coach " RogerGould FormerWallaby fullback & currentUQRA Ambassador JamesHolbeck FormerWallaby centre & currentUQRA Skill Acquisition ResearchScholar , TabaiMatson FormerAll Blackand FijianWorld Cup player& UQRFC ConsultantCoach r Pr CliffMallett OlympicSilver medalwinning relay coach, sports psychologistand currentCoordinator of PostGraduate Programsin CoachingHMS & AIS r Pr David Jenkins FormerAlSStrength & ConditioningCoach (Rugby) and currentExercise Physiology course coordinator HMS About UQ The UQ is oneof Australia'spremierlearning and research institutions. lt is thelargestand oldest universityin Queenslandand has produced generations of graduateswhohave gone onto becomeleaders in all areasof societyand industry. UQ continuesto attractthe vastmajority of thestate's highest academic achievers and is renownednationally and internationally for the qualityof itsteaching and research. In 1998- 99 it was namedAustralia's University of the Yearand it continuesto enjoythe highest overallrating for Queenslanduniversities in the annualGood Universities Guide. UQ'sgraduates have a strongrecord
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