TOWN OF SYLVAN LAKE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA .. October 14, 2003 7:00 P.M. 1. Call to order 2. Additional Agenda Items 3. Adoption of the Agenda 4. Adoption of Minutes: Regular Council Meeting of September 22, 2003 BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES 5 None PUBLIC HEARINGSIDELEGATIONS 6. Bylaw 1308/2003: TD Business Ventures; Redesignate Lots 1-20, Block B, Plan 3582AC; part of Lot 4, Block A, Plan 3582AC and Lots 5-9, Block A, Plan 3582AC from Low Density Residential to High Density Residential District PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT 7. Bylaw 1308/2003: further readings 8. Development Agreement Special Conditions: Sylvan Meadows (Warshawski) 9. Lakeway Landing Management Ltd.: request to approve Lakeway Landing Park Names PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES 10. Hewlett Park Phase 9: CP Blakely Playground Installation RECREATION & PARKS 11. Lions Park Playground 12. Sylvan Lake Aquatic Center: Swim Club Facility Rentral Contract ADMINISTRATION 13.2003 Budget Retreat: set date and location; facilitator 14. FCM: Covention May 28 - 31,2004 15. Sylvan Lake Community Center Addition: request to award tender 16. Gale Hillman Benefit Auction: request to waive Community Center Rental Fees; November 08, 2003 17. Council Renumeration Study 18. Policy #L-001-004: Educational Training Policy Town of Sylvan Lake Regular Council Meeting Agenda October 14, 2003 Page 2 19, Employee Benefit Plan: recommendation from General Government Services 20, Road Closure: Sylvan Lake Chamber of Commerce; Santa Clause Parade December 07i 2003 21, Municipal Police Funding: Invitation to attend November 03,2003 meeting 22. Parkland Regional Library: 2004 Budget 23, Youth Center: Correspondence from Melody Knutson; park and green space (to be provided at meeting) FINANCE 24. Natural Gas Franchise Agreement: ATCO Gas 25, Electrical Franchise Agreement: Aquila Networks Canada 26, Budget Adjustment 27, Cheque Distribution Report OTHER ITEMS 28, Correspondence & Information Items 29, Council Reports 30, Closed Camera 31, Adjourn COUNCIL COMMITTEE TO FOLLOW (SEPARATE PACKAGE PROVIDED) UPCOMING MEETINGS & EVENTS October 15 Recreation & Parks Board 16 Community & Social Development Advisory Board 20 Municipal Planning Commission 21 Library Board 27 Council/Organizational TOWN OF SYLVAN LAKE MONDAY SEPTEMBER 22, 2003 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Page 1 of4 Present: Mayor B. Lambertson; Clr. B. Dyrland; Crr. W. Elgersma; Clr. T. Iverson; elr. J. Wilson-Down Regrets: Clr. H. McLean Ahsent: Clr. T. Parh Also Present' Chief Administrative Officer H. Dietz; Assistant Chief Administrative Officer R. Keith; Development Officer A. Gamble; Director of Operations A. Gassor; Director ofRecreation & Parks S. Barnes Call to Order: Mayor B. Lambenson caned the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Additional Agenda None. Items: . Adoption of the MOVED by elr. W. Elgersma that the agenda of September 22, 2003 be I Agenda: adopted as presented 355.09.03 CARRIED UNANlMOUSLY Minutes; September MOVED by elr. J. Wilson-Down that the minutes of September 08, 2003 be 08,2003; Adopted adopted as presented. as Presented 355.09.03 CARRIED UNA:\lMOUSLY Business .Arising None. from the Minlltes: Heenan Crescent; Gary Soanes & John Salsbury were in attendance to express concern to Council I-Iinshaw Heights; regarding drainage from Hinshaw Heights. Inquired as to sulutiun and definite Rear Lane Drainage' implementation date. File #2680-60/069: Municipal MOVED by Clr. J. \.\hlson-Down Development Plan; Appointment of Vv'HEREAS the Municipal Development Plan for the Town was adopted in Steering Committee: November of 1996 and since that time the Town has annexed fivo quarter 357.09.03 sedions ofland and the population has increased hy approximately 45%; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED TRt...T Council, in accordance with the terms of reference prepared by Parkland Community Planning Services dated June 2003 (adopted June 09, 2003 resolution #204.06.03) appoint the whole of Council to the Steering Committee for the review of the Municipal Development Plan. CARRIED UNANItvlOUSLY Council agreed to consider both the geographical scope and the service levels provided when ascertaining the study area ofthe Municipal Developmem Plan. Development !v1QVED by CIL B. Dyrland Agreement Special Conditions; \VHEREAS each member of Council has participated in negotiations for Negotiation Process Special Conditions of major Development Agreements; Change Proposed: File #2680-02: NOW TIIEREfORJ:: BE IT RESOLVED THAT fumre n:::gotiations of Special 358.09.03 Conditions hcween the Developer and the Town take place without Council's involvement unless the Developer and staffcannot agree on the terms. WITIIDRA\VN D lnitials TOWN OF SYLVAN LAKE MONDAY SEPTEMBER 22, 2003 REGULAR COUNCIL 11EETINU 7:00P.M. COUNCIL CIL'-MBERS Page 2 of4 II I Himhaw Heights; MOVED by Clr. T. Iverson '1· Rear Lane Drainage: !1 File #2680-60i069: WHEREAS Council has been presented with a report dated September 17, 2003 [I 359.09.03 from the Director of Operations detailing rear lane drainage issues at Hinshaw Hejght~ and the action taken to date to rectify the problem; ,! NO\V THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT COill1cil accept the proposal of ]1 EXH Engineering Senriccs Ltd. (un behalf of Central Alberta Development Corpuration) to compiete the approved drainage collection system with the il provision that all work be completed by October 15, 2003 and FURTHER that !I failure to complete same will result in the Town using the securities held to fund completion of the work. I CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Summer Village of MOVED by Clr. W. Elgersma Norglenwold; Extension ofSewer WHEREAS the Town has an active sewer agreement with the Summe, Village System; of Norg1enwoJd (the Summer Village) which provides for the cost and treatment File #0150-40/NOR: of additional effluent and the Summer Village has indicated their intention to 360.09.03 extend their existing sewer system; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED TI-IAT Council confirm to the Summer ·Village that incrcased diluent from the remaining parcels within its present boundaries will be received and treated, subject to approval by the Town ofthe proposed delivery system. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Alberta Recreation & MOVED by Clr. B. Dyrland that Clr. 1. 'Nilson-Down be authorized to attend Parks Association: the 2003 Alberta Recreation & Parks Conference October 23-25,2003. 2003 Conference Registration: CARRIED UNANL\10USLY 361.09,03 Second Arena; Design MOVED by Clr, J. \Vilson-Down Concept; Rc:quest for Proposals Awarded: WHEREAS the Town has issued a request for proposals for the design concept File #0520-40rT\v1: ofthe second arena and statfis recommending award ofthat proposal; 362.09.03 !\'OW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVDD THAT Council award the design concept to Barr Ryder Architects for the plicc of $4,494.00 including GST. CARRIED In Favour: CII. B. Dyrland Clr. J. Wilson-Down Mayor B. Lambertson elr. T. Iverson Opposed: Clr. \\'. Elgersma Sylvan Lake Leisure MOVED by CIT. R Dyrland Guide; Tender Awarded: WHEREAS the Tuwn has called for tenders for the publishing of the Sylvan File #1340-01/LEI: Lake Leisure Guide and staffis recommending the award of same; 363.09.03 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOL\lED THAT the tender for nine Sylvan Lake Leisure Guides (32 pages each) be awarded to the Sylvan Lake News [or the price of $28,1129.33 inc1udingGST. Ii CARRIED l.1N,ANIJ\101:JSLY I, il D initials II II i ITOWN OF SYLVAN LAKE MONDAY SEPTEMBER 22, 2003 I REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING 7:00P.M ICOUNCIL CHAMBERS Page 3 of4 I, , Policy #P-OOI-002A; MOVED by Clr. W. Elgersma Special Events Policy; Amendment WHEREAS Council has been presented with Policy #P-OOI-OO2...'\. which ,I Approved: amends the Special Events Policy by requiring a security deposit and placing '! File #OlOO-20/SPF: responsibility on the: Event Coordinator for clean up; 364.09.03 !i 1\'OW TIIEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Policy #P-OOI-OOIA be adopted as presented, II " I; CARlUEDlTNA~1~10VSLY il " IPahey #E-004-001; MOVED by CIL], Wilson-Do\vn Road Closure Policy; : ~ Approved: 'iVBEREAS Council has been presented with Policy #E-004-001 which 11'1365.09.03 establishes the purpose and procedures to be followed with respect to Road Ii Closures; il ,! NOIV THEREFORE BE IT RESOl.VED THAT Foliey #E-004-001 - the :! "Road Closure Policy" be adopteci as presented. if ;1 C.A.RRJID UNANIMOUSI.Y I' Royal Canadian MOVED by Clr. J. Wilson-Down I, Legion Branch 21.2; : Remembrance Day \VHEREAS Council has received a request from the Royal Canadian Legion ! Ceremonies; Rental Branch 212 to \vaive the rental fee at the Community Center to facilitate the ! Fee Waived: Remembrance Day Ceremonies on November 11, 2003; I File #2820-01: 366.09.03 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the request be approved. CARRIED UNA)JlMOVSLY Director ofDisaster MOVED by Clr. \'1 Elgersma that Director of Protective Services Dcnnis Krill Services & Deputy be appointed as the Director of Disaster Services and Assistant Chief Appointments: Administrative Offien Bevin Keith be appointed as the Deputy. 367.09.03 CARRIED UNA..."\lIMOUSLY Cheque Distribution MOVED by elr. B. Dyrland that CounGil approve tbe Cheque Distribution Report; Approved: Report for cheque numbers 43107 - 43268 in the amount of S409,311.09 as 368.09.03 pn:sented. CARRIED UNAJ<IMOUSLY Correspondence & MOVED by Cll'. 1. Wilson-Down that Council accept the correspondenGt and Information Items information items as presented. Approved: 369.09'()3 CiillRlED l.f;\"".A.N"B..fQUSLY Written Council was presented with written administration repans for the month. Administration Reports: Council Reports: CLR. J. WlLSON-DO\V1\T: 1. Aquatics Center: Stated that she attended the l5t Anniversary of the facility on Saturday September 20, 2003 and it was successful. Advised that the Swim Club is hosting their first meeting tonight. Closed Camera: MOVED by Clr. B. Dyrland that the open session of Council terminate and the 370.08.03 meeting continue closed camera.
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