Volume 51 • Issue 2 • January 8, 2016 Potter’s Creek NOW OPEN! 10 mins from CFB Trenton $244,900 * DAVID WEIR BA, CD Call/Text: 613-392-7777 www.davidweir.com Top 1% of All Royal LePage e S e r v i n g 8 W i n g / C F B T r e n t o n • 8 E s c a d re / B F C T r e n t o n • w w w . t h e c o n t a c t n e w s p a p e r. c f b t r e n t o n . c o m Realtors® in Canada since 2005!** >> 8 AMS gets it done! >> Wing Logistics and Engineering >> Partying with pizzazz Picture of the Week R0013620469 532 gifts packages moved in a 27-minute timespan for the Holidays at Wing Food Services Party leadership sets the tone for the *Broker Kinsmen club of Trenton amped up by seasonal demands Holiday Season celebrations 3 4 5 **Based on gross commission from sales 436 Transport Squadron receives joint operations recognition Lt.-Col. Paisley addressed the members of 436 (T) Sqn. with Maj.-Gen. Lanthier (right) and with Honorary Colonel Julie Lange in the background (in civilian attire) looking on, after the squadron received the Canadian Army Doctrine and Training Centre Commander’s Commendation on Nov. 16. See the full story and another photo on page 2. Fifth annual CFB Trenton Pond Hockey Classic set for Jan 29-31 Organizer hoping for 180 guests at Puck Drop dinner, 32 teams participating at Batawa event By Ross Lees Captain (Capt.) Jeff Moorhouse, Canada and the Trenton Memo- CFB Trenton and a familiar face er. Jeff you should be so proud the man who came up with the rial Hospital Foundation. returned to the event this year in of what you’ve done. I certainly t started out as squadron idea originally and who con- Last year the tournament fea- the form of 8 Wing Commander am!” Col. Keiver said at the Isports day and has now grown tinues to nurse it through each tured 30 teams and 150 guests Colonel (Col.) Colin Keiver. press conference launch of the into a highly anticipated annual growth spurt. at the Puck Drop dinner. This Col. Keiver was the man Capt. annual event. iconic event. This year, he hopes to have year, Capt. Moorhouse hopes to Moorhouse first went to as Com- Col. Keiver laid the success of The fifth annual Canadian32 teams playing on the three attract 180 guests for the dinner, mander of 436 Transport Squad- the event squarely at the feet of Forces Base (CFB) Trenton Pond outdoor rinks at Batawa backed which does not have a confirmed ron with the idea of a sports day. Capt. Moorhouse. Hockey Classic just continues to up with a spare rink and, in the guest speaker at this point. “He came to me with the idea “It is entirely Jeff Moorhouse grow and improve its fundrais- process raise $50,000 for the two The event could not happen and I whole-heartedly endorsed who has been the backbone and ing goals thanks to the efforts of recipients – Wounded Warriors without the support of 8 Wing/ it and here we are five years lat- Continued on page 13 NumbersTalk! RealTrendsTop 200 Report Highlights“137 of the top 200 Brokerages in Canada are Re/Max Brokerages”.We are proud to be a part of this elite group.Whether moving across the street, across the country or across the world. RE/MAX, serving you in 85 countries around the world! R0013600841 NO ONE IN THE WORLD SELLS MORE REAL ESTATE THAN RE/MAX! 447 Dundas St. W., Trenton www.trentvalleyrealty.comwww.remaxquinte.com 41 Main St., Brighton 613-392-6594 1-800-567-0776 613-475-6594 2 - The Contact News January 8, 2016 436 Transport Squadron presented with Commander’s Commendation The Squadron’s support allowed for the successful completion of national calendar courses which decreased the usage of contracted airlift n Nov. 16, 2015, Major-General O(Maj.-Gen.) Jean-Marc Lanth- ier stopped at 436 (T) Sqn. to award the unit a Canadian Army Doc- trine and Training Centre Com- mander’s Commendation for the following: “During the period from July 2012 to August 2014, 436 Transport Squadron provided exceptional support to the Canadian Army. A well led and extremely professional team, their contribution to Army training proved invaluable, most notably in qualifying personnel on national calendar courses. The Squadron’s support allowed for the successful completion of national calendar courses which decreased the usage of contracted airlift there- by providing a substantial cost sav- ings. 436 Transport Squadron truly exemplifies the nature of joint oper- ations within the Canadian Armed Forces.” During his speech, Maj.-Gen. Lanthier emphasized that 436 (T) Sqn.’s efforts were key to enabling the Canadian Army to complete critical training during a time of high operational tempo and fiscal restraint. From left Cleaningto right, Chief Warrant Officer Jean Lanfond (Acting Wing CWO), Col- Cleaning onel Colin Keiver (8 Wing Commander), Aviator Jae Shin Park, Lieutenant-Col- & Polishing & PolishingCleaning onel (Lt.-Col.)Cleaning Troy Paisley (CO 436 (T) Sqn.), Major General Jean-Marc Lanthier Only $99 (Canadian& Polishing& Army Polishing Doctrine and Training Centre Commander), Chief Warrant Of- 10% Military Only $99 Discount!10% Military ficer Claude Chouinard (Canadian Army Doctrine and Training Centre CWO), Discount! ChiefOnly WarrantOnly $99 Officer $99 Stuart Preston (436 (T) Sqn. CWO) display the Command- 10%10% Military Military er’s Commendation presented by Maj.-Gen. Lanthier. Discount!Discount! !"##$%&'"($)&*$+&,*$-.//$!&01,#2"23&0$4325$67."(8 Letters to the Editor: 9":;7<"($/:;*=;0>3;1$?$@07932;$<;02,*;$A"B8 All letters must be signed and the name of the author will be /"*#($C&*030=D$A"2;$/E;030=$?$9"2,*'"($FGG&302:;0218!"##$%&'"($)&*$+&,*$-.//$!&01,#2"23&0$4325$67."(8 published. Include a phone number for verification. ,PSODQWV6HGDWLRQ'HQWLVWU\,QYLVDOLJQ9":;7<"($/:;*=;0>3;1$?$@07932;$<;02,*;$A"B8Cleaning We reserve the right to edit while preserving the main <"($!"*;$)*&:$HI":JKG:8 /"*#($C&*030=D$A"2;$/E;030=$?$9"2,*'"($FGG&302:;0218& Polishing objective of the writer. We cannot guarantee that any !"##$%&'"($)&*$+&,*$-.//$!&01,#2"23&0$4325$67."(8,PSODQWV6HGDWLRQ'HQWLVWU\,QYLVDOLJQOnly $99 particular letter will be printed. 10% Military !"##$%&'"($)&*$+&,*$-.//$!&01,#2"23&0$4325$67."(8Discount!9":;7<"($/:;*=;0>3;1$?$@07932;$<;02,*;$A"B8Call!"#$$%&'()*+',-%*'%.$**$#%/$#0$%1'23 Today for Your<"($!"*;$)*&:$HI":JKG:8 FREE Consultation )UDQNIRUG%HOOHYLOOH&RERXUJ/"*#($C&*030=D$A"2;$/E;030=$?$9"2,*'"($FGG&302:;02189":;7<"($/:;*=;0>3;1$?$@07932;$<;02,*;$A"B8with X-Ray! Same-Day Emergencies & E-mail letters to: 444L-":3#(<;02"#!;02*;L>&: [email protected] /"*#($C&*030=D$A"2;$/E;030=$?$9"2,*'"($FGG&302:;0218,PSODQWV6HGDWLRQ'HQWLVWU\,QYLVDOLJQOn-Site Denture Lab! !"#$$%&'()*+',-%*'%.$**$#%/$#0$%1'23<"($!"*;$)*&:$HI":JKG:8 )UDQNIRUG%HOOHYLOOH&RERXUJ,PSODQWV6HGDWLRQ'HQWLVWU\,QYLVDOLJQEarly Morning, Late Evening & Saturday WE ARE WELCOMING NEW PATIENTS! !"##$%&'"($)&*$+&,*$-.//$!&01,#2"23&0$4325$67."(8<"($!"*;$)*&:$HI":JKG:8Appointments!444L-":3#(<;02"#!;02*;L>&: 9":;7<"($/:;*=;0>3;1$?$@07932;$<;02,*;$A"B8 R0013614837 !"#$$%&'()*+',-%*'%.$**$#%/$#0$%1'23Implants/"*#($C&*030=D$A"2;$/E;030=$?$9"2,*'"($FGG&302:;0218 • Sedation Dentistry • Invisalign® ,PSODQWV6HGDWLRQ'HQWLVWU\,QYLVDOLJQ )UDQNIRUG%HOOHYLOOH&RERXUJDay Care<"($!"*;$)*&:$HI":JKG:8 from 10am–4pm! !"#$$%&'()*+',-%*'%.$**$#%/$#0$%1'23444L-":3#(<;02"#!;02*;L>&: R0013556028 )UDQNIRUG%HOOHYLOOH&RERXUJ • Complete dental care Three Locations to Better Serve You! for all ages 444L-":3#(<;02"#!;02*;L>&: • Direct payment Frankford 613-398-8888 DRS. SUE AND JOHN MARINOVICH accepted from Belleville 613-961-7050 insurance companies upon request Cobourg 905-372-7400 Now246 Dundas at our St. E. New Location! FAMILY OWNED, www.FamilyDentalCentre.com Trenton, ON K8V 1L9 SERVING YOUR LOCAL 613.392.3939 • marinovichdental.com COMMUNITY SINCE 1994! January 8, 2016 News 3 - The Contact 8 AMS gets it done! 532 gifts packages moved in a 27-minute timespan for the Kinsmen club of The 8 AMS personnel posed for this photograph Trenton after their mission had been accomplished. Submitted photos By Ross Lees Air Maintenance Squadron (8 AMS) knows how 8 to move material, a skill they demonstrated with spectacular results just prior to Christmas. Asked by the Kinsmen Club of Trenton to help IT’S EASY TO with their annual Toy Drive, 32 members of 8 AMS showed up and helped move 532-plus Christmas gift SELL YOUR STUFF! packages in a mere 27 minutes, a task the club ad- mits would have taken them perhaps “numerous THE CLASSIFIEDS man-hours” to complete. DELIVER! Kinsmen club of Trenton President Paul Thomp- son was effusive in his praise of the men and women CALL: 613-392-2811 from 8 AMS in a letter he sent to them after the event. or 613-966-2034 “This has been another successful Toy Drive and EMAIL: [email protected] thanks to the squadron’s generous donation, we were able to reach our goal and provide toys to 532 children that were registered with our program,” he noted. Squadron Chief Warrant Officer (CWO) Ted Poper relayed the letter of thanks to his personnel and ex- tended his own thanks for their spirit and effort. Showing up before work, the men and women car- ried gift bags from the basement storage room up into the main hall, a task that would sometimes take the Kinsmen six to eight hours to accomplish, ac- Dr. Mike Steen cording to CWO Poper. Dr. Fiona Gilchrist “Well done to all those that came out to pitch in,” Dr. Adrianna Sage he stated.
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