Communications from the International Brecht Society. Vol. 21, No. 1 May 1992 Bethlehem, Pennsylvania: International Brecht Society, May 1992 https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/M3HLL3GNJRCAF8S http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/ Copyright International Brecht Society. Used with Permission. The libraries provide public access to a wide range of material, including online exhibits, digitized collections, archival finding aids, our catalog, online articles, and a growing range of materials in many media. When possible, we provide rights information in catalog records, finding aids, and other metadata that accompanies collections or items. However, it is always the user's obligation to evaluate copyright and rights issues in light of their own use. 728 State Street | Madison, Wisconsin 53706 | library.wisc.edu : | | TOTTI ASS BES Ae ” 2 ~~. a? oes ™”. “aor > ‘oo ee PP e”* sepa A = r Tee NN UEC || Viktor, = SoneifeiK stese MUNCHENES & ACh. ° a Bo Pras wate CE ng @ 6 IE, s le - ilgged, @ . oy Sf: rye et Pee Lares sR SES foseut «PSU sf ET Soe Ee oe ES Lee aver aiser ‘ payne — o SG aan Se gee 7? Me DE WS #-_ ae a” | “Eleanore ee Ee (See Laer tx SP & shes Sense hte TS eG ae Hohenzcterca og, re IIa MLE 37: oS fer Se Kat. a ia : re an A Fm ret z. a Bee eet ene Pel lee AS. a ee a Bey ere ar : Sf S20 .. Fore, - 9 GZS | ka oa re ee ‘ . pie SEAS B Mes Seles aD SRA iord milles Fete. seria | pee ae / ot are mE ye aca eateN - Ts its key S| ee ERB beg de Le Ea we ee Py eis | LotR pr SST af! geecrs BFR bee: Nag ™, enc sos R et et A eae Ald BEd EO Vial a eeteat a! . 3 = ~. 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Oc i, .'e gh: pel ae PS LY, oes ™ < - re .. oe = 7 2e% y- » ay : pa Py . y’ = C3 Bete ARIENPL. as ¥c: qe’ aed Ae —_ ad r . o tag f . Zz J Bay et ee 4 Me ni Co) ; a > = To 3 eat ns 5S 4 om 3 oars xe ca ae amet vn Si ST ae So : ;' = wie ve Moiese yee ain Off &. My ee c mS a celine Rent ae <i BOF CREA wet at seers, _ : . “3c83 hs on . ees — LS ; Bs Tested wn w! as Kas, FI a 4 mS ‘ an oo ae , safref . : “ “a £63" ya ~ JaF "2 oan : wo 2 ‘ ao? ozen . eZ . ei ~. Pak Ke >= - rom the . xs ¢ EE . oe * es. POWs. ine- sre - - a Hee nS 5 Nos * Pe — pe gir: : e "a iP] Nev, we ot . 9 | Pewee gums e : qratapage Internationa "a aS va . : : Vol. 21 No. 1 INTERNATIONAL BRECHT SOCIETY | COMMUNICATIONS | Volume 2! Number 1 May 1992 Editor: Associate Editor: : VERA STEGMANN | MARK FEARNOW Department of Modern Foreign Languages Department of Theatre | Maginnes Hall 9 103 Arts Building | Lehigh University | Pennsylvania State University Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18015 University Park, Pennsylvania 16802 Telephone: (215) 758-5026 | Telephone: (814) 863-1456 | Internet address: [email protected] | Bitnet address: vss2@lehigh | All correspondence should be addressed to the Editor or the Associate Editor. Communications welcomes unsolicited manuscripts up to 15 double-spaced, typed pages conforming to the MLA Style Manual. Submissions on 3-1/2" (or 5-1/4") formatted diskettes are strongly encouraged provided they are using WP5. 1 or any program compatible to Wordperfect. | , See the inside back cover for information on subscriptions and membership; membership in the IBS includes subscriptions to both Communications and The Brecht Yearbook. | The Editor wishes to thank Lehigh University for its technical and financial support in the production of JBS- _ Communications. | | Published twice a year at Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania USA; printed by Lehigh University. Printing Services. IBS-Communications is a member of The Council of Editors of Learned Journals (CELJ). | ISSN 0740-8943; Copyright © 1991 by the INTERNATIONAL BRECHT SOCIETY. Contents may not be reproduced without written consent. Third class postage paid at Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18015 The INTERNATIONAL BRECHT SOCIETY is a non-profit educational organization incorporated under the laws of The State of Maryland, USA. | , IBS Officers: : | MICHAEL MORLEY, Flinders University, Bedford Park 5042, SOUTH AUSTRALIA; President JOHN ROUSE, Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana 70118, USA; Vice-President WARD LEWIS, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602, USA; Secretary-Treasurer _ Foreign bank account: Deutsche Bank Diisseldorf Konto Nr. 76-74146, Bankleitzahl 300 702 00 IBS-Communications is indexed in the MLA International Bibliography and Germanistik, and it is included in the databank of the Theatre Research Data Centre, Brooklyn, New York. Communications 1 | CONTENTS VOLUME 21, NUMBER 1 | Editor’s Notes me ee ewe wee eee eee eee eee ene 2 Oo : In Brief ey News from Berlin a Officers’ Reports rr | | Conference Reports rr C - Performance Reviews Luce e cece eee eeececceeecees 26 Poetry | | Geislinger Friedhof (vom InterCity 118) | ~ Darko Suvin Swe ee eee eee ee ee eee eee eens BD Articles | | 7 | | | "In Minchen ist jetzt ziemlich viel los": Brechts Miinchener Jahre (1917-24) | Daniel Draszek rrr BB and Ecology a R. G. Davis . wee mee eee eee eee rete e eee ese ee OM . La Operatividad de las Funciones del Lenguaje en el Lenguaje Gestual | Fernando Duque | | Gedanken iiber Bertolt Brechts Ideogramm "Uber Wendungen" | | Hartmut Heep ee | Selected Current Bibliography a : Front and Back Cover: a map of Munich, indicating the places where Brecht lived . | during his Munich years. A detailed description, with this . map (in its original dimensions) follows at the end of Daniel Draszek’s article on pp. 48-49. | EDITOR’S NOTES : | The plural of this title - notes - rather indicates the brevity of my preface.
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