Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/28/2013 6:08:59 PM / . OMB NO. 1124-0002; Expires February 28,2014 u;s. Department of Justice Supplemental Statement Washington, DC 20530 Pursuant to the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as amended For Six Month Period Ending 02/28/2013 (Insert date) I-MGISTRANt 1. (a) Name of Registrant (b) Registration No. KOREA ECONOMIC INSflTUTE OF AMERICA7INC 3327 (c) Business Address(es) of Registrant '1:800 rCSTVNW SUITE 1010 WASHlNflrON; DC 20006 2. Has there been ajehange inthe information previously furnished in connection with the following? (a); If/an^ndividual: (1) Residence address(es) Yes O No D (2) Citizenship Yes 0 No Q (3) Occupation Yes D No D .(B)' If an organization: (1): Name Yes • No H (2) Ownership of control Yes • No ED (3) Branch Offices Yes U No B (c) Explain ftlly:^ and (b)above. IF THE REGISTRANT IS AN E®mDUAL, OMIT RESPONSE TOTTEMS 3,4, AND^a), 3i If you have previously filed Exhibit C1, state whether any changes mereinhaveoeCm^|(uring this 6 mon&^arting:p>riod. Yes O No H If yes,;have you filed an amendment to the Exhibit C? Yes D No •; If ho, please::attach the required amendment. J The Exhibit C, for which no.:prirjtedi'ort:is provided, cona^^ ^organization. (A waiverof the' requirement to file an Exhibit ernay feeobtained for good cause updriwritfei application to the Assistant Attorney General; National Security Division, U:S. DepartmentoOuSfice, Washington, DC 20530:) Formerly CRM-154 PORMNSD2 Revised 03/11 Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/28/2013 6:08:59 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/28/2013 6:08:59 PM (PAiGE?) 4. (a) Have any persons ceased acting as partners, officers^ directors or similar officials of the registrant-during this 6 month reporting-period? Yes • No B If yes, futnish-the following information: Name Position Date Connection Ended (b) Have any persons become partners, officers, directors or similar officials during this 6 month reporting period? YesB NoD If yes; furnish the following information: Name Residence Address Citizenship Position Date;Assumed DONALD A MANZULLQ 792:ELIGHTSVJLLERQAD USA PRESIDENT & CEO 01/07/2013 EGANilL 61047 5. (a) Has any personnamed in Item 4(b) rendered services directly in furtherance ofthe interests of any foreign principal? YesD No B •> If yes, identify each such person and describe the service rendered. (b) During this six|mbnth re^ftirig^eripd^ has the registrant hired as employees or in any^piher capacity,any persons who:rendered: or will render services to the registrant directly in mrthe^ secretarial, or iii a related or similar capacity? YesB No O Name Residence Address Citizenship Position Date Assumed: DONALD A. MANZULLO 792E.11I6HTSVILLE ROAft USA PRESIDENT & CEO 01/07/2013 EGAN.IL 61047 PHILIP ESKELAND 2426 JACKSON PARKWAY USA EXECUTIVE 02/04/2013 VIENNA, VA 22180 DIRECTOR (c). Have any employees or individuals, who have filed a short form registration statement, tennihatedlieiremployment or connectionwith the registrant during this 6 month reporting period? Yes 0 NoD If yes, furnishithe following information: Name Position or Connection Date Terminated SARAH &YUN DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS & REGIONAL ISSUES 01/11/2013 (d) Have, kriy employees or individuals, who have filed a short fo^ principal during this frmonth reporting period? YesD No 03 If yes, furnish the^ followihginfpjmafipn: Name Position or Connection Foreign Principal Date Terminated 6. Have short forth registration statements been filed by all of the-persons'named in Items 5(a) and 5(b) of the supplemental statement?^^^^^- Yesjxl NoD ___ .. „__, if no; list names ofpersons who have not filed the required statement. Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/28/2013 6:08:59 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/28/2013 6:08:59 PM (PAGE3) II - FOREIGN'-PRINCIPAL 7. Has your connection with any foreign principalended during this 6 month reporting period? ,. YesD No (SI If yesj furnish the following information: Foreign Principal Date of Termination Have you acquired any hew foreign; principal^)2 during this 6 month reporting period? Yes D No B If yes, furnish the folio wing information: Name and Address of Foreign:Principals) Date Acquired 9. In addition to those named in Iteros 7,and 8, if any, list foreign principals)* whom you continued to represent duringthe 6 month reporting period. KOREA INSTITUTE FOR INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC POLICY (KIEP) 10. (a) Have you filed exhibits fprtlieTnewly ac^ir^ 8? Exhibit A3 YesD No S Exhibit B4 Yes D No B If no, please attach the required ejdiipitj (b) Have there: been any changes in the Exhibits A;and B previously filed for any foreign principal:wB^m you represented during this six month period? Yes D No H Ifyes, have you filed anamendment to these exhibits? ¥&rQ No i Ifinp, please attach the required amendment. 2 The term "foreign principal" includes, in addition to those defined in section 1(b) of the Act, an individual organization any of whoseacrivitira aredirectly or indirectly supervised, directed, controlled, financed, or subsidized in whole or in major part by a foreign government, foreign political party.foreign: orgtoization or foreign individual. (See Rule 100(a) (9)). A registrant who represents more than one foreign principal is required to list in the statements he files under* tKeiyVctemlyjthose principals for whom he is not entitled to claim exemption under Section 3 of the Act. (See Rule 208.) 3 The Exhibit A, which is filed on Form NSD-3 (Formerly CRM-157) sets forth the information required to be disclosed concenu^eichifpreig^principal. 4 The Exhibit B, which is filed on Form NSD-4 (Formerly CRM-155) sets fourth.the information concerning the agreement or understandi^rbetweeh the registrant and the foreign principal. Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/28/2013 6:08:59 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/28/2013 6:08:59 PM (PAGE 4) HI-ACTIVITIES 11. During this: 6 month reporting period, have you engaged in any activities for or rendered any services to any foreign principal named in Items 7,8, or 9 of this statement? Yes 0 NoD If yesj identify each foreign principal and deseribein full detail your activities and services: THE KOREA INSTITUTE FOR INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC POLICY (KIEP) WAS FOUNDED IN 1990 AS A GOVERNMENT-FUNDED ECONOMIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE IN THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA. IT IS A LEADING INSTITUTE CONCERNING THEINTERNATIONAL ECONOMY AND ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH KOREA. KIEP ADVISES THE KOREAN GOVERNMENT ON ALL MAJOR INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC POLICY ISSUES AND SERVES AS A WAREHOUSE OF INFORMATION ON KOREA'S INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC POLICIES. FURTHER, KIEP CARRIES OUT RESEARCH BY REQUEST FROM OUTSIDE INSTITUTIONS AND ORGANIZATIONS ON ALL AREAS OF KOREAN AND INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIES BY REQUEST. THEREGISTRANTS OBJECTIVE IS TO PROMOTE DIALOGUE AND UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, PARTICULARLY IN THE AREA OF ECONOMIC RELATIONS BUT ALSO ON SECURITY AND•OTHER ISSUES SIGNIFICANTLY AFFECTING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE TWO COUNTRIES. 12. During this 6:month reporting period, have youoff;behaifPfany foreign principal engaged in political activity5 as defined below? Yes S: NoD If yes, identify each such foreign principal artfdescnbe hi full detail all such political activity, indicating, among other things, me relations^ interests and policies sought to be influenced and the means employed to achieve this purpose. If the registrant arranged^sponsored or delivered speeches, lectiu-esror radio and TV broadcasts, give details as to dates, places of delivery, narhes of speakers and subject matter. PLEASE SEE ATTACHED INFORMATION •137 In addition to thei abovedescribed activities, ifany, have you engaged in activity on your own behalf which ben^tl^our foreign principals)? • Yes D No H If yes, describe fully/: 5The term "political activity" means any activity that the person .engaging in BeUftves will, or that the person intends to, in any way influence any agency drdfBcialofthe; Government of the United States or any section ofthe public withihthe United Stateswith reference to formulating, adopting or changing the domestic orforeign jidli'cies ofthe United States or with reference to political or public interests, policies, brrelatibhs-of a government of a foreign country or a foreign political party. Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/28/2013 6:08:59 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/28/2013 6:08:59 PM (PAGE5) IV - FINANCIAL INFORMATION 14. (a) RECEIPTS-MONIES During this 6 month reporting period, have you received from any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement, or from any other source, for or in the interests of any such foreign principal, any-contributions, income or money either as compensation or otherwise? Yes H NoD If no, explain why. If yes, set forth belpwrin the^reouixed detail and separately for each foreign principal ah actount of such monies.6 Date From Whom Purpose Amount 09/28/2012 KOREA INSTITUTE PERCONTRACT $576,614 FOR: INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC POLICY 12/26/2012 KOREA INSTITUTE PERCONTRACT $600,148 FORINTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC POLICY $1,176,762 Total (b) RECEIPTS - FtJNDRAlSlNG CAMPAIGN During this 6 monm reporting period, have you received, as partiof a fundraising campaign^, any money on behalf of any rfbreign principal namedin Items?, 8, or 9 of this statement? YesD No ED If yes, have you filed ^&Kibit© to your registration? Yes D :NPD If yes, indicate the date the Exhibit D was filed. Date:. (e) Rlr^EIPTS^TMNGSOFVAMJE. During this 6 month reporting period, have you recdyedmiy thing of value9 other than money from any foreign principal; named in Items 7, 8,6ri9 of this statement, or from any pthersourcei for or in the interests of any such foreign principal? Yes D: •' • W> S -J^yes^furnish.the followihginformation: foreign Principal Date Received Thing of Value Purpose 6,7 A registrant is required to filean.
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