11925 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-: HOUSE Charles R. Brown. William E. Perschbach. George R. Beissel. Theodore J. Vincent. Fred B. Chilson. Ernest R. Frakes. George G. J{)rdan. Herbert N. Dinsmore. James Clancy. Robert F. J. Connolly. Charles T. Stanworth. Carl W. Dunlap. Bernhardt E. Blossi. John Brenner. Harry S. MacKan. Robert D. Pace. William Wilkinson. William R. Dillow. Albert Fender. Charles P. Doughty. FrederickP. Graziani. Arthur F. Murphy. William J. Murphy. John J. Shea. JacobS. Parker. Nat B. Frey. John W. Nichols. William H. Hopkins. Del L. Young. Richard J. Ostrander. Maurice A. Herrlich. Oscar B. Bennett. Joseph Pranis. Lawrence .lf'asano. Elmer A. Chatham. .r ohn J. J esso. Edgar W. Mallory. MARINE CORPS Charles E. Keptner. Charles M. Cunneen. 0 car E. Dannegger. W'illiam M. Fitzgerald. John A. Lejeune to be Major General Commandant. William H. Recksiek. William H. Hughes. John L. Doxey to be major. Leroy H. Ripley. Samuel A. Klish. Alton .A. Gladden to be captain. Ellis H. Roach. RobertS. Hazlett. Dudley S. Brown to be captain. Thomas F. Cullen. John C. Waldau. Otto B. Osmondson to be first lieutenant. Chester C. Culp. Einllr BJorhus. Jose!)h L. Moody to be first lieutenant. Henry L. Bixbee. Frederick E. McCoy. Walter A. Wachtler to be first lieutenant. HarryT. Dodd. Charles W. Piper. POSTMASTERS ~'rank B. Finney. Milton B'"ergman. NEW JERSEY Wa1ren S. i\facKay. Joseph R. Choate. Joseph B. Kronenberg, Bernardsville. Joseph L. Marshall. William H. Cady. William Griffin, Cresskill. Christian \V. A!anegotd. Thomas L. McCann. I<"'rederick C. Nantz. Lloyd M. Harmon. PEJS"NSYLVANIA John H. Hart. Charles E. Smitherman. Charles 0. Smith, Black Lick. William J. Volkman. Raymond Cole. VIRGINIA John P. Richardson. Linwood C. Gray. Samuel W. Collie, Dflnville. Edward A. Wintermute. Christian Ohlschlager. Grover Williams. Hugh M. Norton. John Gordon. Biven M. Prewett. William A. Gerdts. Wilber J. Meade. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Frank C. Szehner. Isaac L. Glenn. TnURSt>.!Y, January ~9, 19~5 William P.l\Iontz. George J. Byrne. Harold Osborne. William F. Loughman. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Joseph S. Weigand. John L. Hood. Dr. Abram Simon offered the following prayer! Thomas A.. Marshall. Donald H. Bradley. 0 Thou, whom we reYere as Father, be with us as we begin Mars W. Palmer. William Jamieson.. our deliberations ! May we direct our souls to Thee that Thou Jesse E. Jocoy. Clarence E. Delp. mayest fill them with Thy grace. We feel stronger in the con­ To be chief machinists sciousness of Thy presence. The thought of Thee hallows our Ellis L. Robinson. Earle S. Nason. words. Touch us with the wand of consecrated duty. Speak to to WHfred G. Lebegue. Wade Lash. us as that Thou didst Thy inspired prophets that what Thou James D. Goff. Lows J. Miller. askest of us is to do justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly Valers G. Savage. Lawrence E. Boyer. before Th-ee. Help us to write these great virtues into our Benjamin F. Strawbridge. Os<;ar F. Bandura. works and into our legislation, and to realize them for our Robert E. Simon. Ray S. Jones. · Nation's well-being. Take under Thy special care the President Leo Kampman. Frank Carter. of our country and those whom the people have set in authority, Robert E. Sammons. Archie :M. BushnelL and shine with a radiant beneficence upon the Nation and its • Walter F. Marriner. Franklin P. Early. free institutions. Help us to repeat and feel in every fiber of our Herman G. Mecklenburg. George W. Weaver. being the serenity and spiritual vigor of the psalm: "The Lord John L. Kershaw. Denis J. Kiely. is my Shepherd. I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down Alexander B. Provost. Forest H. Howe. in green pastures. He leadeth me beside still waters. He Edward A. O'Neil Charles M. Leslie. restoreth my soal. He guideth me in paths of righteousness Albert A. Elliott. Henry Bullmer. for His name's sake. Though I walk through the valley of Clyde W. Jordan. Edward L. Gench. the shadow of death, I fear no evil. Thy rod and Thy staff, John A. Peckham. Roscoe C. Noland. they comfort me. Thou prepru:est a table for me in the light of Henry F. Mulloy. Stephen M. Henagan. my adversaries. Thou anointest my head with · oil. My cup Martin J. Moore. Thomas Downs. runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all Thomas M . Arrowsmith. Albert Adams. the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the House of the Lord Henry J. Behrends. Eustace G. Wilson. forever and eYer." Amen. To be c1l.ief carpenters The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and approved. Nicholas Mazzarella. Elias G. Williams. John Conboy. John F. O'Brien. MINOIUTY VIEWS, H. R. 11796 William G. Scott. Harry W. Shomaker. Mr. SABATH. l\1r. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that I William G. Mcintyre. William J. Waterworth. may have five days in Which to file minority views on the bill Edourd De ormeaux. William E. Redfern. H. R. 11796. Frank Jack-son. George D. Forsyth. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Illinois asks unanimous James J. O'Donnell. Basil N. Procter. consent that he may have five days in which to file minority Jo eph A. McDonough. George J. Schindele. view.s. Is there objection? [After a pause.] The Chair hears Eugene F. Smith. none. INDEPE..~DENT OFFICES APPROPRIATION BILL To be chief phm·macists l\1r. 'VOOD. :Mr. Speaker, I move that the House resolve it­ William C. Van Norden. Keil H. McLean. self into the Committee of the Whole House on the state of Caleb C. Petrey. Matthew Birtwistle. the Union for the consideration of the bill H. R. 11505. To be pay inspeoto1·s The motion was agreed to. Lewis W. Jennings, jr. Brantz 1\Iayer. Aecordingly the House resolved itself into the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union for the considera· To be chief pay clerks tion of the bill H. R. 11505, with Mr. Trr.so~ in the chair. Henry G. Conrad. George W. Knoll. The CHAIRMAN. The House is in Committee of the Whole Rufus J. Harrell. Seymour Delong. Hou e on the state of the Union for the further consideration Peter E. Brusky. John R. Wallace. of the bill H. R. 11505, which the Clerk will report by title. Bennie C. Smith. Barr K. Parker. The Clerk read as foUows: William H. 1\lisch. Edward E. Sleet. A bill (H. R. 11505) making appropriations for the Executive office Joseph A. Cosf;airt. Carl M. Eysinger. and sundry independent executive bureaus, conlmissions, and offices, John R. 1-'erry. John W. Luee. for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1926, and for other purposes. I 2642 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE JANUARY 29 The CHAIRMAN. When the committee rose time had been leadership of Gov. RoBERT M. LA FoLLETTE. During that early consumed so there is still remaining 2 bom·s and 10 minutes period some of us were closely associated when pioneer laws to the gentleman from Indiana and 2 hours to the gentleman affecting primarie·s, taxation, railroad legislation, and general from Louisiana. welfare were first enacted in Wisconsin. During the last 20 Mr. WOOD. Mr. Chairman, I yield 20 minutes to the gentle­ years his long service as Senator enlarged the field of labor man from Wisconsin [Mr. FRE.il]. and identified him with much \aluable national legislation. Mr. FREAR. l\Ir. Chairman, I thank the chairman of the Few men, if any, have an equally large personal' following subcommittee for extending me the time to make a statement, in my State or many other States throughout the country. which may be due from me individually, possibly from others, No postelection autopsy is here proposed, nor do I care to but I am acting simply in my own capacity and on my own offer any excuses or explanations. Although not pre ent at responsibility. any conventions that were held, when requested personally to The press of January 10 quotes a statement of House say what has been done by Senator LA FoLLETTE in Wisconsin Majo-rity Leader LONGWORTH to the effect that 15 or more l\Iem­ and to support his candidacy for President, I did not hesitate bers of Congress are to be punished because of so-called polit­ to do so. ical indiscretions. Similar public statements at other times I never heard at any time of any so-called blaclF list of have been attributed to the pre ent majority leader and to Congressmen, nor was reference made by me to congte sional other leaders. As a member of the Wisconsin delegation and or State candidates or State issues at any time. This is not one who may be so threatened, a protest is made against fre­ offered by way of excuse, but to state a fact and to deny fre­ quent public threats which fi·om their nature can not well be quent general charges that have been made. answered excepting in this forum. My protest is \oiced in no I ha\e no apologies to make here or elsewhere, irrespective spirit of controversy. of what action may be urged by those whom I submit ar~ not Let me say at the outset that no one bas been authorized to authorized to speak for my Republicanism. speak for those who wo_uld thus be threatened; they are all POLITICAL IRREGULARITY OF A GREAT AMERICAN eminently qualified to speak for themselves. Last session in this place I commended the majority leader's One of the greatest Republicans known to this generation in ability in securing pas a·ge of the best tax reduction law ever recent times unsparingly denounced the Republican Party, by enacted by Congress.
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