A Newspaper Devoted To the Community Interest Presented Fairly, dearly Full Local Coverage And Impartially Each Week Complete News Pictures vol.. "XXXVIII-NO. 44 {Jarteret CARTERET, N. J., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, I960 Kntrrn) u 2nd Clui* Mil] At P. 0., Cirtcnt, N. J. PRICE TEN CENTS Indicate Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto at Holy Fankily (Talk On B.ofE. Jrotto C o p p e r Sweetness and Light B» CHARMS E. GREGORY Organizes iunday Industry When clouds started to gather over tho ad- Monday •njrrl Gift of ministration of Amlimt, College by President, (tirncy Tells 0} Many Huh Socifty Alexander Meiklejohn. a student asked the late, 'Mint Slmrkey, Mrs. the Parish "Firsti' Instituted great Albert Parker Fitch if the President was Hila to Take Their it V.S.M.R. Plant an aetheist. I; I •\i. i l-.uKT — The Grotto Posts on the Hoard ,,iy uf Umrdes erected CARTERET — Speaking be- i ,-nimncr of the Holy fore the rcKiilar weekly meet- i CARTERET — The Board Ot Church In Ementon iiiE of the Carteret Lions Club "Dr. Meiklejohn," he replied, "has the great- I Education will meet Monday 1 j night at 8 o'clock in the High • A ill he dedicated Btin- Tuesday nifihl, at the Gypsy est faith of anyone I have ever known ' Dr. !School for Its organization ses- i. -.; nary 14 at 3 P.M. Rev. Ciimp, Joseph I,. Carney, Direc- Fitch was then head of the English Department .ston. \ Knnopkft, pastor Of the nr of Industrial Relations at :i .innOlinced. the United States Motals Re- at Amherst and was one of the, distinguished ' At tlmt time, two new mem- . nlcsMim will be per- fiiiinc Company, told of the scholars and teachers who resigned when the bers will take their seats, Miss 1 many "firsts" established by 'Margaret Sharkey and Mrs. ,V: ,>\ Father Konopka J ullR H1 R both i vwtoi he had brought the Carterct, copper works In' Trustees relieved Dr. Meiklejohn. Dr. Pitch sub- ' , L - °f whom iclceted Tuesday. Steplrn Skl- , ;,i-i!de^ He will be aaaist- recent years. sequently became pastor of the Park Avenue Among the most, important1 iba. board president will begin a Ki, Mm tin Komsolnskl, Congregational Church in New York. ' jnew term. I: . .-• mt and Rev. Anthony 'mentioned were the Institution; M ,•),-, Tho .lermon will be of supplemental workmen's! -•For the first time in the his- 'tory, Cnrteret will have Hires -rl nv Hes J Oaorowski 1 compensation pay and a major! womcn on the boar(1 The thlV(l -• Mm v >. Ch\irch. South imedical plan. ' Ever since I heard of his superb description 1; member is Mrs, Alvs Sheridan. : In discussing the general, of Dr. Meiklejohn, I have sought to plumb the situation In the copper in-1 - . en be a procewion In, depth of a man's faith as the primary index of i >,!i pmtinpatf member* dust.ry, Mr. Carney pointed out , Hirwry Society, The, the local plant was the only; his character - excluding totally any consider- important copper producer to; i:., .if Marv, Young; ation of the manner and method by which he reach a settlement without ai !.. - sndnlttv and 8t Ce- strike in 1959. Other leading! expressed this faith in formal worship. If he „ f'ho.: under the dlrec- copper companies experienced, ,i: l':nf Fdward possesses the kind of faith which Dr. Fitcfc strikes of three and a half! Huh N»m« 'months to six months-duration. ascribed to President Meiklejohn, I "am his ad- ,-.i.f iiotto it t project of the Mr. Carney further stated mirer and he is my example. Nairn- Society of the' that Carteret is recognized in- ..... A' trie WKgentlon of! ternationally, as the technical :i'i • KotiopkH. the Holy center of the copper industry.! in, v-lerted > committee Some of the 1M04 eminent It is no wonder that I am alarmed, therefore, i:,>: lMtig Frank Martlno, Ed- 'metallurgists in we world arej at the growing prevalence in the public prints i.d Uibanski. Mitchell B«d- A NEW tARTrRf-T SHRINK; AW I, nr« emit,. ,,f (h, , |, - ,,f lourdr^, l.ullt ,,f jranlte marhlr near thp entrant jemployed at the local plant! • Walter Yakubek. John ilrt) 1 of relating a man's inherited or selected form of Ui the Holy t.milr I hurrh In Hmrrvm StrrH Adiniriim i t ,, . Rrv M. A. Konopka, pastor of the church, Rev. Martin i which produces 14' , of the >ht\ ;md a former curate. n worship to any ambition he might hold in pur- Knm(Kln*kt. tils »<ilst.int, wi<l Mnrris Samartlmi of Trenton who erected it 'copper supply of this country,' v Michael Kwniak. (Contlnued on Page 2) s | he sa^id. j ;,i: and the design for Uie| Harris, assistant | ! Kenneth i - .u-rr made by Father! • postmaster, was inducted as a, fcjiopitH and the contract wanValentine Party David Wohlgemuth Runs Otlowski Talks | member of tho Lions Club byi Kiidrd to Morns Samariano. (waiter Schonwald, past presl- of $250 is :itn on such project*. Mr.1 jdent of the club, who was in-' jVluvg.t ;•( Sharhey tdiiD has been a atone(For Two Groups Winter Resort for Birds To Students at .stalling officer. (Jets M'>M Votes -line he vu 14. H* The club will hold its Ladies' Voted by Carteret BPW i the trade in It*ly andi i CAHi.i:rl Blltb Hint At thr ricclion. Mis.s Shar- i :ii>- age of 72, hai m»nyi At , ,, . moininK bathlnx, a.-- if it were CAHTIROT - Tta _,- " , . , •— key polled 1.47(1 votri;, Uie >-rn»lr .,. Ciitrr,. durum , ,, , , ^.^ th shrines to ht« credit. Hale hp mld( ( rf Ju]> rf wilfbe'at;Business and Professional Wo! PlanR were completed for a ,,,, , . i ., . tin •»inl»i months haw » KOod,|.t,r dead of winter. After their CARTERET ihr v Ue. ThThep |lli{!1 o; inv ( ;lPd rtal s Slti Orolto wu built of Wettj r |; Business and Professionaljtheatre party to be held in ba was nnxt •with l,4. );i yo;<!3 CARTERET Tlic m-u iith ' >'"d in DHVKI Wohlgemuth bRtli. the birds are served <i ia itranite marble and it ^omen's Club at its last meet-;May, the date to be announced. :md Mis. Hiki third wit'.i 1.3B3. Dk 40 tons or it. The statute* grade clams the u( ltt.i Cartei-i-t Avmic meal.of bread fro"m the local .f..rnnn. honollne Abraham ling voted a $250 scholarship toA mafo\- from the Carteret Thomas .Couiihlin received c Bi-.«wd Virgin Mary Hale Mi Wohlitcmut I), if tiled auto thrift shop. Mr Wohlxemuth Lincoln, a, which ^holder;^^ f \\ Housing Authority will itctii.idi'tte arr ol learned over the years that O m)V party on 11 in Un ot mum ewrV dky He unless vou cut the bread to the The a«av4 will hn a the club at its February '" Ross, 1.242 ami Sieptvn Tprr.K, Bianco Chiaro m«|t)l«|Naihan Hate 1 School Audllfi •'yuw it ff* iV I M*I " ..h'J» lirds have great 1. i,- qualified K,.) stude'; KLitlU-: The business session 335. i, lea b> I'hyl- from Canar*., Italy. num. Ttat (."lllH-jliy with it. There is al- ,$s?\ for I . , 1. 't at 7:30 and the. The volP ()]1 Ul(, \M^i- cul.. k<m»r. mt firm of ft«iuun l; lat! salute a..-« UCMidVatiiw; iii^June 1960. \;.M Mary will a box luncheon at 11:4) and " WohlKrmuur* morning ways plenty »nd all arc wel- M "j^ rs .,,,, ,., „*„ Mudrock, scholarship chair-speaker will be heard at 9 P.M. ren| t,xpl,,,SCK 1,077.1.0 773; Church ^ood» O»- of My Country," [conlinued with entertusimiriit '"'*"" «it, n .Ih, e melting of the come. elU(r; 8wmbly. man hftS nOtmed High hooliA11 k Vn;k Scouts of Amer.cVsZiso eel b- S<' intereKted women have been t.apitai 0UtlRy, m t0 7B8 ,,ld K-c nil th.- bird bath. Thu is Many hundreds ot birds . ^ouu ot Amenpd. sponMied ^,pr,nc(pRl Hfllnan Horn of the lmm to attend ^^ school fQ|, (m[m ^ tn until 3.1S k rf citation Pn Sunday, the Holy Nam*j * (ion,- »ith warm water, which spend the »-lnter months ln,« rfcilBll0». "Dedication »,hr H u n ts «i i a n Reformed club's action. Madeline Wilhelm was named'1 Q83 to 786 xiii turn over the! The entertainment A*-, as pi. 8pefctl ftt 0(%tt Uimides « warm bath for his comfort due to Mr Wohlge-i WburK": intro-;Churcli. will hold Court if Hnn The girl chosen will be'lecordini? secretary to replace ' Onlv a thil.d (]f (h(, Hfrfi |t" to the pariah. Iu ooat follOWl Vocal solo, "Kavina- |m fi'ftthcied friends The muth's winter resort for ""' of speaker by Mrs.... C.'o- r, i,n ennjunctio„. , n wit. h „ , .honored together with her Rose Olbricht who res"" th N«me U ettl matMl tion." William Reynolds ac-buds lov ent to, the polls m >,ne r :t Thi'V spend the r of thelNmht. Tuesday even»nS,Fe,ni-!mothe|. at t)w ^^ eloslng,Alin Mnzo!a won the dal-k( cord ion AOIO. SkatiTH W.ilu 7th and 8th grades. Closina!ary lfi. 7on p.m 'school election. The total wai 111 tllR B"thl°" dinner in June. -horse prize. Arlene 8han«r; piano wlo '8»'» Battle Hymn of the R*'-iHall KdvvHrd Pnwlak, 2,943, • ^ _ _ _ . r , super-. „ of Love." Suunne Orrio. vocal ipubllc." entire assembly.
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