Boise State University ScholarWorks Biology Faculty Publications and Presentations Department of Biological Sciences 1-1-2001 The hP ylogenetic Relationships of Lembocarpus and Goyazia (Gesneriaceae) Based on ndhF Sequences James F. Smith Boise State University This document was originally published by Biodiversity Heritage Library in Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden. Copyright restrictions may apply. Image courtesy of Biodiversity Heritage Library. http://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/26843671 THE PHYLOGENETIC James F Smith '!. RELATIONSHIPS OF LEMBOCARPUS AND GOYAZIA (GESNERIACEAE) BASE D ON ndhF SEQUENCES] AnST HACT The ph)'logc nclic relationships of Co),(I:.ill and l.emoowrpns arc invcstigaletl based on cladist iC' anal ysis of ndh F seq uences. Uolh genera are curre ntl y classified in ,Ill' tribe Cloxinicae. but both are flOO rI )' known. Based 011 il s flora l morphology. the classification of Goyazia in Gloxini"lIc is 1101 rOlllmvrrsial. l.embocaqm.s may he pillced in r.loxinieuc. Episcicac. or Si nningieae. Tlu ~ L1caulesccnt. tube rolls nature of L;'lIIbocarpus limils the numbe r of dlUracters uvnilablc for a morphological analysis li nd has IIIl1d(' ils class ifit'ul ioll ali(I pliylogC' llcl ic relatiollships difficuh to resolve. Ph ylo­ gf'II Clic analyses of m'''F' sequcllces place both gellf'rII in Gloxinicae. Although the affinities within the tribe are mnbiguous for Goya..zill, Lemboc(lrl)ltS is s ister to CUIKlflNl. TIlt" addition of Goya.ziu. l..LmbocllTf)lIS, and an additional sl){'cies of C(llXITlCa provide "c ller resolutioll of relatiollships wi thin C,loxil1ieae tl nd Gesnerieae than had been obli:tincd previously from parsimony analysis. A maximum likcli h()()(! ullaly"is ii< largely congruent with the parsimony tree. Key wonk clildistics. Gcsneriaceae. C loxinieac. (;0YfI:.ia . '""'lIIlml"(Jrpll.~ . f/(lh F: Classification and phylogenetic analyses within ni cae. Wiehler (1983) placed Goyazia in hi s Glox· Gesneriaccae. particularly the neotropical subfam· in ieae on the basis of its scaly rhizome. annular ily Gesneri oideae, have received much attention. nectary. and corolla shape. rcvealing numerous relationships within genera Unlike Goyazio, the placement of Lembocarpu.s (Smi th & Sytsma, 1994a, b, c; Smith. 1994; Kvi st within Clox inicae (Wi ehler, 1983) has drawn criti· & Skog, 1988, 1989. 1993, 1996; Kvis l, 1990). cism. l.Rmi)QC(Jrpus is a poorly known, monotypi c within tribes (Smith & Carroll, 1997; Smith & At ­ genu s th at was once in cuJtivation in North Amer· kinson, 1998; Smith, 2000a, b), and among trihes ica. and apparentl y is no longer. The plant is an (B urtt & Wi ehler, 1995; Smi]h. 1996. 2000c; Smi]h acaulcsccnt tuberous perennial that produces a sin· et al., 1997a, b) . However. the classification and gle leaf and inflorescence each season (Wiehler. phylogeneti c relationships of numerous genera have 1983). The ovary is superior and th e nectary is an­ remained unexamined. Among these genera are nular but nonfunctional (Wiehler, 1983). In his Lembocarpus, endemic to Surinam and French Gui · treatment of th e Gesneriaceae of the Guianas, ana, and Goyazill from Brazil. Lceuwenbcrg (1958) considered LemboC(Jrpfl.~ to be Although coll ections of Goyazia are not comlllon sim ilar to both the Guianan endemi c Rlwogeton or well known and the plant is not in cultivation in Leeuw. (tribe Episcieae), and GLoxinia L'H i! r. (tribe North Ameri can or European gardens, th e place· Glox in ieae). ment of this genus in Gloxinieae (Wiehl er, \983) Wi (· hl f'r (1983) was the first to place Lel1lbocar­ has not been questioned. Goyazia is endemi c to the pus ill Gloxinieae 0 11 tl1(' basis of th e annular nec· Planalto of Brazil in Goicis and Mato Grosso prO\'· tary and tuberous habil. Additionally. Wiehler inces. The plant is a creeping sax icolnus pe ren nial (198:\) ci tf-'d hybrids hetween Lc"")(J c llrpll_~ and Sin.· with slend er stems. scaly rhizomes. and small or· fliflgia Net'S (C loxinicae sensu \vir·hl er. 1983) as bicular·ovate leaves. Flowers are horne si ngly ill additional supp0l1 for i..embocarfJU.( in Gloxi ni eae. the leafaxils and are structurally the sallle as those Several Sif",ingi" Sllt'cies h<l\'t· tubers and nearly of Achimene.t Pers. and other memi>('rs of Gloxi- sup('rior {)\'aries. whi ch added further support for I Support for this project ..... as provided hy NS F J.\ rilllt OEIV);11777'!l. 11 gran1 fmlll tlJ(' AI1wri l"1In Gloxinia and Gesneriad Soc- iely. and a gru nt from Hoist" State Uni n'rsit}· Faculty Uf'i<I"arci. A';SQI.·iatl"S Progmm. I thnnk tht· fulluwi ug for pro\'iding leaf materia l: L. E. Skog and J. Boggan of the Smithsnll iall Institut ioll. B. Dunn. lJ . Turley. H. Stewart. li nd M. Peixoto. I also thank M. Pe ixoto !illd A. ChaulPllIS for lii'i' ii'tnrH't' ill Brazil. IInri two II nOIl )' 1Il01lS /"1 . \ i(·Wf'rs for helpful cOlllnlents. 1 De partme nt of Uiol ogy. Bo ise Stat e Uniw·rsity. 19 10 Ull iw'r" it } DriH'. Hoi se. Ida llo 8372.1). U.S.A. jsmith 14@elll ui l.boisestale.ed u A NN. MISStlU HI BOT. G,It!D. 88: 135--143. 2001. 136 Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden Tl.l hl c I . Spc('ics SCfPH'I1 Cf""{ j in thi s study with GellBllllk SU blllissioll nu mbers li nd vouc her specimens. Le tters in parentheses imliclIlc hcrl mri ll where \'OI u:hers IIrc dl'l)()sitl·,I. GenBllnk ColI" (: liol1 [l nd \'OI lc he r IIlllllhc r Achimelll's sA-imler; Lin(II. Cultivated (US) U62 177 AfllH/isc l/.s xlUlthophrllll.5 (p(.H"pp.) Mansr. Pem. 1)1l1ll1 S.II. (SIB') AF04O I4J Bello,,;a sp. D OIl1 in i('lIn Ilepu hl ic. 1:.'/1(1115 .ut. (SHI » A 1'040 I 44 eCIIXlI/ell (iffi"is Fri tsch Colombia. Ilisarulda: Mpio. Sa nt uu rio. Apr. A 1'20620 I 11)()8. Amaya M. & Smith 393 (COL) C. gmm/ijiom (Kulllh) Deem', ex Plalwh. Vellt'wdll. Merida: Si"rra N,·vuda. Mucuy re- A FOOl I '15 gion. 26 Jun. 1989. Smith 11 99 (W IS) /Jitl$tema mf'l'mijl'rum Bcuth. Culti \'ll ted. Skog 7574 (US) U62 156 £ lIcodolliil (Jllflr;ru.xii (DC. ) Wiehler Culti\'ll ted. D ill/II s. II. (SRI» AF040 146 Gloxirr ifl .~ y/ ll(lI i c fl (HBK) KlIlllh Culti \'ll t('(l. D UIIII 9012051 (S np) U62 157 Co),(/.zja m picola Ta ubert Urazil. Goias: 17 Jun. 1998. Smith et 01. 3722 A 1'257485 (SHI' ) Hcppiclla It/mi/o/ill (Kun lh) Han;;!. Ecuador. Nupo: II car IlIlC7.l:1 , 4 Apr. 1996. Smith A 1'040 I 47 3427 (S HP) Koellikeria erjfloilies (DC.) Mansf. Brazil. /JUI/II S.II. (SIW) AF0 13709 Kohlerill spicata (Klinth) Ocrs!. Cul ti\'lItt.-d. Skog 770 1 (US) U62 181 l..embocllfIJ/tS i ll/toel/ IIS Lccilw. Frl"r1l'1. Guiana. Hnut 0yulxK; k. Mt. 51. Mll rcel. .11'257486 2 1 Mar. 1976. fwutrf' t/J178 (US) M orlopy ie macrOCar/HI l1en lll. Cuhivllll.'(l (US) U62 197 M OIlnOIl;" st rigoMI (c. v. Mo rt on) Cult ivllte<1. O W", .~. II. (SHP) Af'04O I <Ul Nil)llflc(j oblo /I ga Lindt. M,·xieo. S ~' (Jg 7,'){)4 (US) U62 1W P eafcNI sp. Ec:lUldor. Napo: n f'lI r BlIcza. 4 Apr. 1996. Smith AF040 149 3425 (SHP) I~ h)'lJOCyrtijlom I{ egel Sou th America. Culti vlt ted. Smith 394.1 (SIB') AF04O I SO PhillONI olbijlortl Husby Culti vll tcd (US) AF0401 5 1 SmuH/go racemosllm (Huiz & Pav.) Barringer Ecuador. Wiehlcr (GHF) U62 I 44- Smithiullthll cimlllbmifl(l (Linden) Kuntze Cu lt i\'lI h,'(i (US) AF040 152 SoleI/up/rom obliqllu D. L. Dcn ham & D. N. Gi b- Mexil'O. !Jrced/O/'e 7/.542 (C AS) U62202 son GCliUlcrieae (;emeritI pedicel/"ris Alni n Cultivated. Skog 7722 (US) U62 192 Gc.tlleriu christii Urban Cu ltivated (US) U62 19 1 Hyl it/Ol)hyllllm tomentO!II'" (L.) Murt . Cultivatcd. Skog S3M (US) U62200 Hytit/Ol)hyUum tlllriclI/(ltlllll Hook . Cul tivated (US) U62 199 EI)i 8C it ~ u e AI/op/ectus IHllUlIlIl!fUis C. V. Morton I'alllllll ll. 28 Oct. 1993. Skog I!l al. 764 1 (US) AFOI3685 11Ilop/ectlls sp. Ee l/ador. Napo: 5J.1I1 Hafae1 FlIlIs.4 Apr. 1996. }\ F'O I3686 Smith 3418 (S UP) Al.tobifl dimllhijlQm (H. E. Moore &' Il . G. Wil ­ Culti vate<1. Skog 7969 (US) A 1'0 13687 SO li ) Wichler It I)II1I Clala (LindL) Wichl N Mex ico. Chi aps!;: Ocozocllu tl u. winter II)t) I - ,\ FOI:i688 1992. Smith 3600 (S HP) A/.sobia sp. Cu lt i\'utetl (US) AFOI J689 A/sobia sp. Cu lt i\'uted . Smith 3599 (SHP) A 1'0 I J690 Chrpothemis jriedrichst!wlimlll (Hullst.) H. E. Cu lt ivatf'd. S ~'Qg 7992 (US) A FOI 369 1 Moore Cobm uHlthUJ ca/och/amys (J. D. Sm.) Wiehl('r Cuhi\'lIt cd (US) AFO I 3fi92 Codoll(H1th l! t'l"ga"" Wiehlc'r Belize. Sa n Jose: Skog 5699 (US) U62 178 CQ(Jol/(lrllhopsi.t perllflialw Wichler CuJt ivllt t'd . 1ilrley .~. I/ . (S IlP) J\ FO1 369 :1 Columllea ambigll(J (U rbll ll) Morl ey I' uerto Hico. Smith 3701 (S HP) AFO IJ694 C. mira Morley l>ul1/1 l1 l/1.
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