THE RUSSIA FOREIGN POLICY TOWARD THE SYRIAN CONFLICT: THE IMPLEMENTATION OF RUSSIA FOREIGN POLICY TO SUPPORT PRESIDENT BASHAR AL-ASSAD IN THE FIGHT AGAINST THE FREE SYRIAN ARMY (FSA) AND ISLAMIC STATES OF IRAQ AND SYRIA (ISIS) IN 2011 – 2017 By: Aulia Tri Putranto ID no. 016201400026 A thesis presented to the Faculty of Humanities President University in partial fulfillment of the requirements of Bachelor Degree in International Relations Major in Strategic and Defense Studies 2018 THESIS ADVISER RECOMMENDATION LETTER This thesis titled “The Russia Foreign Policy Toward The Syrian Conflict: The Implementation of Russia Foreign Policy to Support President Bashar Al-Assad in the Fight Against The Free Syrian Army (FSA) and Islamic States of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in 2011 – 2017” prepared and submitted by Aulia Tri Putranto in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in International Relations in the Faculty of Humanities has been reviewed and found to have satisfied the requirements for a thesis fit to be examined. I therefore recommend this thesis for Oral Defense. Cikarang, May 2018 Prof. Anak Agung Banyu Perwita, Ph.D Thesis Adviser i DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY I declare that this thesis, entitled “The Russia Foreign Policy Toward The Syrian Conflict: The Implementation of Russia Foreign Policy to Support President Bashar Al-Assad in the Fight Against The Free Syrian Army (FSA) and Islamic States of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in 2011 – 2017” is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, an original piece of work that has not been submitted, either or in part, to another university to obtain a degree. Cikarang, May 2018 Aulia Tri Putranto ii PANEL OF EXAMINERS APPROVAL SHEET The Panel of Examiners declare that the thesis “The Russia Foreign Policy Toward The Syrian Conflict: The Implementation of Russia Foreign Policy to Support President Bashar Al-Assad in the fight against the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and Islamic States of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in 2011 – 2017” that was submitted by Aulia Tri Putranto majoring in International Relations from the Faculty of Humanities was assessed and approved to have passed the Oral Examinations on 11 May 2018. Prof. Anak Agung Banyu Perwita, Ph. D Chair – Panel of Examiners I Gusti Bagus Dharma Agastia, MSc. Examiners I Gusti Bagus Dharma Agastia, MSc Examiners I Gusti Bagus Dharma Agastia, MSc. Examiners Bustanul Arifin, BA.IR., MA. Examiners iii Dr. Endi Haryono Examiners ABSTRACT Aulia Tri Putranto, International Relations 2014, President University. Thesis Title: The Russia Foreign Policy Toward The Syrian Conflict: The Implementation of Russia Foreign Policy to Support President Bashar Al-Assad in the fight against the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and Islamic States of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in 2011 – 2017 Arab Spring revolution is an important phenomenon in the Middle East and North Africa region in order to bring down the authoritarian leader. The Arab Spring widespread in Syria affected the major demonstrations since March 2011 aims to bring down President Bashar Al-Assad who ruling Syria since 2000. The Syrian government responded with brutal crackdown and violence toward demonstrators that becomes the Syrian conflict. The demonstrations turn out into the armed insurgency when Syrian Army defectors established the Free Syrian Army (FSA) alongside the demonstrators aims to bring down President Bashar Al-Assad. On June 2014, the Syria conflict was increased by the emergence of Islamic States of Iraq and Syria as the terrorist aims to take control of Syria territory, take control of Syrian oil refineries, also bring down the President Bashar Al-Assad. In 2015, the government opposition took control of Syrian territory affected the major setbacks of Syria Armed Forces. The Syrian conflict involved foreign intervention such as the United States and allies and Russia to resolve the conflict. Syria is Russian ally in the Middle East region, Russian foreign policy toward Syria support President Bashar Al-Assad through political, economic, and military attempts. Russia foreign policy cooperation with Syrian government aims to achieve Russian national interest in Syria. Russia implements its foreign policy provided an assistance of political, economic, and military aspects to President Bashar Al-Assad in the fight against the FSA and ISIS to resolve the conflict also liberate the Syrian territory from the government opposition. Keywords: Arab Spring, Syrian Conflict, Free Syrian Army, Islamic States of Iraq and Syria as The Terrorist, Russia Foreign Policy, Russian National Interest. iv ABSTRAK Aulia Tri Putranto, Hubungan Internasional 2014, Universitas President Thesis Title: The Russia Foreign Policy Toward The Syrian Conflict: The Implementation of Russia Foreign Policy to Support President Bashar Al-Assad in the fight against the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and Islamic States of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in 2011 – 2017 Revolusi Musim Semi Arab adalah sebuah fenomena penting di kawasan Timur Tengah dan Afrika Utara dalam menggulingkan pemimpin otoriter. Revolusi Musim Semi Arab yang telah menyebar di Suriah mempengaruhi demonstrasi besar sejak Maret 2011 yang bertujuan untuk menggulingkan Presiden Bashar Al-Assad yang memerintah Suriah sejak tahun 2000. Pemerintah Suriah menanggapi dengan penumpasan brutal serta kekerasan terhadap demonstran yang menjadi konflik Suriah. Demonstrasi menjadi pemberontakan bersenjata ketika pembelot Tentara Suriah mendirikan Tentara Pembebasan Suriah (FSA) bersama para demonstran bertujuan untuk menggulingkan President Bashar Al-Assad. Pada Juni 2014, konflik Suriah meningkat dengan munculnya Negara Islam Irak dan Suriah (ISIS) sebagai teroris yang bertujuan untuk menguasai wilayah Suriah, mengambil alih kilang minyak Suriah, dan menggulingkan Presiden Bashar Al-Assad. Pada tahun 2015, oposisi mengambil alih wilayah Suriah mempengaruhi kemunduran besar Angkatan Bersenjata Suriah. Konflik Suriah melibatkan intervensi asing seperti Amerika Serikat dan Sekutu dan Rusia untuk menyelesaikan konflik. Suriah adalah sekutu Rusia di Timur Tengah, kebijakan luar negeri Rusia terhadap Suriah mendukung Presiden Bashar Al-Assad dengan upaya politik, ekonomi, dan militer. Kebijakan luar negeri Rusia bekerjasama dengan pemerintah Suriah bertujuan untuk mencapai kepentingan nasional Rusia di Suriah. Rusia menerapkan kebijakan luar negeri dengan memberikan bantuan aspek politik, ekonomi, dan militer kepada Presiden Bashar Al-Assad dalam memerangi FSA dan ISIS untuk menyelesaikan konflik Suriah serta membebaskan Suriah dari oposisi pemerintah. Kata Kunci: Musim Semi Arab, Konflik Suriah, Tentara Pembebasan Suriah, Negara Islam Irak dan Suriah sebagai Teroris, Kebijakan Luar Negeri Rusia, Kepentingan Nasional Russia. v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Firstly and Foremost, I would like to say Alhamdulillah and thank Allah S.W.T and support from my Parents. Thank you for every support, blessing, and mercies that make me stand-up still until this day to do with this thesis. Although, I was very doubtful of myself at the first time made a thesis, finally, I can finish the thesis as my obligatory and my responsibility as a student to achieve Bachelor degree of International Relations. Therefore, through this thesis, I can make my Parents proud and I can move to the bigger step to reach my dream and make my dream come true. I would like to gratitude to the best lecturer in President University and the role model of mine Prof. Anak Agung Banyu Perwita, Ph.D. I am very grateful had been taught by you during the study in Defence class Batch 2014 and thesis-making. It a tremendous honor to be one of your student whose thesis is under your supervision. I would like to gratitude to I Gusti Bagus Dharma Agastia, MSc for guided me finish this thesis by your suggestions and critics. Thank you for both of you for guidance, criticism, suggestions, very fast response, consultation time, and your knowledge, it means a lot to me. Both of you are awesome! Hello Ayu Laksmi Saraswati, I am grateful to have you and become my supporter during thesis making progress. I hope you can finish your thesis to reach S.IP degree in Brawijaya University and we can graduate in this year to achieve our dreams and realize the dream comes true. Thank you so much for steady supports, lots of prayers, and your love. Finally, I can finish this thesis. I would also like to my great friends in my surrounding during thesis making. Thank you so much for David, Ircha, Surya, and Abu Rijal for your supports, discussion, stories, and attention. Thank you to PUMA IR for 2 years great experience, I very grateful to be in the part of the best organization and best major in the President University. Thank you to my division in PUMA IR Domestic Affairs and Creative Works for the time, great experience, fraternity, and thank you for the year of the champion in 2015 and 2016, I much learned from the beautiful experiences that once of my lifetime. vi Thank you for Defence class Batch 2014, we had been gathered since 5th semester and I hope we can reach our dreams and we can reunite again in the next time. For me, Defence class Batch 2014 is the best class in the International Relations Batch 2014. Thank you for Dormitory S108 and S112 squads for funny moments, laugh, interesting stories, and togetherness since we lived in Dormitory. For non-academical inspirations, I would like to thank you to Small’s cafe to joyful and relaxing moments with friends. Lastly, for the readers, please enjoy reading my research and hope you are getting
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