Trowel Talk VOLUME 21, ISSUE 5 M A Y 2 0 2 1 Union Hall’s Contact Info: 220 S. Spruce Ave. Suite 107 Message From The Business Manager S. San Francisco, CA 94080 Tel. (650) 872-8922 Cell. (650)333-8960 Union Meet- OPCMIA Action Center: wage rate in all Northern Email: [email protected] ing: The OPCMIA has started a California or a Nine Bay Our next Union Website: PL66.ORG new political arm that spe- Area County wage rate and meeting will be cializes in voting infor- a lower rate in 37 outlying 100 Hegenberger Rd. Suite 150 on Tuesday, mation. Each local union counties. We are also in Oakland CA 94621 May 11th at has been asked to appoint a the process of working Tel. (510) 638-0406 5:30 PM via Political Action Officer with Local 300 hundred to Cell. (650) 438-2649 Zoom. Please see the en- and I named Israel Vargas write the new contract. Email: [email protected] closed flyer with the Zoom as the Local 66 representa- This has been a huge un- Robert J. Noto Link for the meeting. I look tive. In the future he will dertaking and our negotiat- Business Manager forward to seeing you on be reaching out to mem- ing team has worked many Tuesday night. Financial Secretary- bers that are interested in hours with the negotiating taking part in Political Ac- Treasurer team from Local 300 put- Paycheck Protection Pro- tivities, both local and na- ting this together. There Israel R. Vargas gram: tional. Please see the en- will be a lot of changes and Business Agent We applied for a Paycheck closed Brochure from the updates in this contract be- President Protection Program Loan OPCMIA explaining what cause a lot of the language for Local 66 through United the OPCMIA Action Cen- in the two existing con- Next meeting will be held Business Bank and I am ter does and if you are in- tracts is old and outdated. via Zoom on Tuesday May happy to report that we re- terested in getting in- At the time I am writing ceived the loan. If we use volved, please reach out to 11th, please see the at- this article we are very the loan for payroll and Israel. close to having the first tached flyer with this letter. benefits, we will qualify to draft completed. As al- The meeting will start at have it forgiven at the end Negotiations: ways, negotiating all the 5:30 p.m. of the year. It should be As I have reported at Un- language changes takes up enough to cover between ion Meetings and in past a lot of the time but the Our next holiday will be Fri- two and three months of newsletters, we are negoti- bottom line comes down to day May 28th and Monday payroll and benefits. This ating a new four-year con- monies. I will report in May 31st celebrating will be a big help to the fi- tract with the Wall And more detail on that at our Memorial Day. nances of the local with Ceiling Alliance (WACA). union meeting on Tuesday INSIDE THIS ISSUE: hours being down for the We are negotiating the night. last couple of months. contract through the North- Message from the 1 ern California District In closing, I hope you and Business Manager Work Outlook: Council of Plasterers’ and your families are all doing 2 We have been receiving Cement Masons’ and it well, thank you for your Business Agent‘s calls for plastering jobs and will be one contract for continued support and the list has been moving but both Locals 66 and 300. please be safe out there. we continue to have be- So, all the Plasterers in tween 18 and 20 people on Northern California will be Bob Noto the out of work list. Fire- working under one set of proofing remains slow and work rules, have the exact looks like it will be slow for same benefit package and the foreseeable future. we will either have one Trowel Talk VOLUME 21, ISSUE 5 M A Y 2 0 2 1 Informacion de Contacto de las Salas Sindicales 220 S. Spruce Ave. Suite 107 Mensaje Del Gerente De Negocios S. San Francisco, CA 94080 Tel. (650) 872-8922 Reunión Sindi- Centro de Acción una tarifa salarial en todo el Cell. (650)333-8960 cal: OPCMIA: norte de California o una Email: [email protected] Nuestra próxi- La OPCMIA ha iniciado un tarifa salarial de nueve con- Sitio web: PL66.ORG ma reunión de nuevo brazo político que se dados del área de la bahía y 100 Hegenberger Rd. Suite 150 la Unión será el especializa en información una tarifa más baja en 37 sobre votaciones. A cada Oakland CA 94621 martes 11 de condados periféricos. mayo a las 5:30 sindicato local se le ha pe- También estamos en el pro- Tel. (510) 638-0406 dido que nombre un Oficial Cell. (650) 438-2649 PM a través de Zoom. Con- ceso de trabajar con el Lo- Email: [email protected] sulte el folleto adjunto con de Acción Política y yo cal 300 para redactar el nue- Zoom Link para la reunión. nombré a Israel Vargas co- vo contrato. Esta ha sido Espero verte el martes por la mo representante del Local una tarea enorme y nuestro Robert J. Noto 66. En el futuro, se pondrá equipo negociador ha traba- Gerente de Negocios noche. en contacto con miembros jado muchas horas con el Secretaria-Financiera Programa de Protección de que estén interesados en equipo negociador del Lo- Cheques de Pago: participar en actividades cal 300 para armar esto. Ha- Israel R. Vargas Solicitamos un Préstamo del políticas, tanto locales como brá muchos cambios y actu- Agente de Negocios Programa de Protección de nacionales. Consulte el fol- alizaciones en este contrato Presidente Cheques de Pago para el Lo- leto adjunto de OPCMIA porque gran parte del len- cal 66 a través de United que explica lo que hace el guaje en los dos contratos La proxima reunion se lleva- Business Bank y me com- Centro de Acción de existentes es antiguo y está ra a cabo via Zoom, el mar- place informar que recibimos OPCMIA y, si está in- desactualizado. En el mo- tes 11 de Mayo, la reunion el préstamo. Si usamos el teresado en participar, co- mento en que escribo este comenzara a las 5:30 pm por préstamo para nómina y ben- muníquese con Israel. artículo, estamos muy cerca favor vea el folleto adjunto eficios, calificaremos para de completar la primera co- con esta carta. que se lo condone al final del Negociaciones: pia. Como siempre, nego- año. Debería ser suficiente Como informé en las reun- ciar todos los cambios de iones sindicales y en bole- Nuestros proximos dias para cubrir entre dos y tres idioma lleva mucho tiempo, tines anteriores, estamos pero lo fundamental se re- festivos seran el Viernes 28 y meses de nómina y benefi- negociando un nuevo con- duce al dinero. Informaré el Lunes 31, de Mayo para cios. Esto será de gran ayuda para las finanzas del local trato de cuatro años con con más detalle sobre eso celebrar el Día Conmemora- con horas de inactividad du- Wall And Ceiling Alliance en nuestra reunión sindical tivo. rante los últimos meses. (WACA). Estamos negoci- el martes por la noche. ando el contrato a través del EN ESTA EDICION: Perspectiva Laboral: Consejo de Plasterer’s y Para terminar, espero que Mensaje del Gerente 1 Hemos estado recibiendo Cement Mason’s del Distri- ustedes y sus familias estén to del Norte de California y bien, gracias por su contin- de Negocios llamadas para trabajos de plaster y la lista se ha ido será un contrato para los uo apoyo y por favor estén a Reporte del Agente 2 moviendo pero seguimos Locales 66 y 300. Por lo salvo. teniendo entre 18 y 20 per- tanto, todos los Plasterers del Norte de California tra- sonas en la lista de fuera de Bob Noto trabajo. La protección contra bajarán bajo un conjunto de reglas de trabajo, ex- incendios sigue siendo lenta y parece que será lenta en el actamente el mismo paquete de beneficios y tendremos futuro previsible. P A G E 2 P A G E 3 Business Agent’s Report Clarification: ployment: 2021 COVID-19 due to COVID-19. Lastly, My Mother, my I have been Supplemental Paid Sick the new law provides leave receiving mul- Leave: for attending a vaccine ap- friend so dear. tiple calls This law went into effect on pointment or if the worker about the va- Monday, March 29 but ap- has to miss work because of a Throughout my cation ac- plies retroactively to January reaction to the vaccine. If life you are al- count. Appar- 1, 2021. That means workers you think you qualify for this ently, there are who were forced to take un- leave or need our help, give ways near. a few people paid leave in the first few us a call. that have men- months of this year will now (Not to exceed $511 per day A tender smile to tioned that everyone is about be able to seek payment for and $5,110 in total for to lose their vacation account that leave. The program ends COVID-19 supplemental pay guide my way. (lol) starting with this new on September 30, 2021. The sick leave) You are the sun- contract that is currently un- 2021 CSPSL applies to all der negotiations, which is employers with more than 25 Work outlook: shine to light my false.
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