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Images are produced from the best available original document IVO Group’s Research and A V Development &9ST Report j ENERGY INNOVATION 1997 Editorial Board Pekka Salminen, Research Director Yijo Laiho, Director, Energy Systems Hannu Kaikkonen, Development Manager Christian Leisio, Communications Manager English Editors Sheryl Hinkkanen Roderick Fletcher j Translators IVO Translation Services Sirkka Short, pp. 24-25, 34-35, 38-39 Kristina Halme-Tapanainen, pp. 20-21 Terttu Rantalainen, pp. 8-19, 22-23,28-29,43 g Kirsti Makinen, pp. 4-5, 30-31, 36-37 | Ari Penttila, pp. 6-7, 26-27,40-41 Sheryl Hinkkanen, pp. 32-33 j Graphic Design ' IVO Communication Services Kari Pilkkakangas | Drawings Mauri Kunnas, Postal Museum/Finland Post Ltd., p. 39 Pauli Valikangas, p. 32 Wilhelm von Wright, Federation of Finnish Fisheries Associations, p. 31 Edutek, DTP-Adas Ltd, Helsinki, p. 43 j Photographs 1 IVO Photo j Keijo Westerberg, pp. 1,3,5,6,9,11,13,19,21,23,42,44 ___ Juhani Eskelinen, pp. 7,25,27,29,30,31,32,34,38 2 Jaana Kankaanpaa, p. 41 Hackman Designor Oy Ab/Iittala Glass Factory, p. 41 Finnish Nature Photo Archives, Raimo Hameenaho, p. 31 Heikki Sihvonen, Risto Siitonen, p. 32, 33 Jorma Piironen, Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute, p. 32 Pekka Rotkonen, pp. 16,17,37 Esa Kurkikangas, p. 14 T. Kohonen, p. 19 Printers Oy Edita Ab 441 002 ISBN 951-591-047-1 Printed matter ISSN 1238-6006 ENERGY INNOVATION 1997 4% Contents % '•:% tr EESF^M Operations B. u^see hr Enermet m the Forefront of Research—ana /: i erytfirg Works1' Energy Measurement 36 Smoothie l ft Electric Vehicle3< t***Z?J55**» * irffllr. $* te Rfl< pH* 10 °tb ENERGY INNOVATION 1997 1 The I VO Group is a Finnish company mastering all aspects of the entire energy chain, and operat­ ing and enhancing its services extensively on the international market. The company has numerous subsidiaries and representative offices around the world. The Group employs over 7,000 people, and its turnover totals more than FIM 12,000 million. We invest nearly 2% of our turnover in research and product development. This annual brochure presents examples of our work, which concentrates on the improvement of the economic and environ­ mental aspects of energy services. IVO Technology Centre starts operations Energy Innovation 1997 is being published at about the same time as the research and development activities of the IVO Group are being reorganised. The IVO Technology Centre’s operations will be characterised by intensive interaction between re­ search, product development, testing and expert services, and by international contacts and network­ ing. The services provided by the 270 employees of the IVO Technology Centre come under the col­ lective brand name of IVO Tech. Success in the international energy market requires efficiency and swift action. Naturally, this rule also applies - with particular force - to the IVO Tech­ nology Centre, which was established so that we could meet the immediate needs of our customers better and at the same time take advantage of the medium-term and long-term opportunities offered to us in the future. Power plants become versatile processing facilities Thermal power technology is a key area in our development work. This technology is discussed in the articles describing new solutions related to the combined generation of electricity and heat, solu­ tions which increase the number of fuel options for power plants and bring new elements into the product range alongside electricity and heat. The recently developed bed mixing dryer allows the burning of moister fuels than used to be the case, and in such a way that the energy used for drying is recovered. This clearly increases the profitabil­ ity of a power plant. A contract for the first deliv­ ery of the new dryer product to a customer has been signed. In (he area of power plant development, the IVO Group has its own key technology, namely the numerical model calculation of processes. The new flow software enables die controlled planning of the Low-NOx burning and beat transfer in a power plant boiler. The software development is continu­ ing, so that its use will enable improvements in die technology related to the use of multiple and mixed fuels, a technology which interests many of our customers today. Competitive advantages from environmentally-oriented energy generation Research on the water aspect continues to be an area of emphasis in our company, whose origins lie in the Imatra hydropower plant. The articles deal with the reduction of short-term regulating activities at power plants and with the protection of the endangered lake salmon. The improvement of environmental conditions is also discussed in an article investigating possible new uses for the vig- orous but currently untapped flora which grows beneath the transmission lines that criss-cross our landscape. Networking of operation and maintenance Much remains to be done to improve the operation in practical life, the range of electric vehicles is The people behind progress and maintenance of industrial equipment. Such already becoming sufficient for the daily trips of improvements require the effective use of informa­ an average user in urban surroundings. F inland Post We have also interviewed some of the researchers tion and new service networks. The articles show Ltd, for its part, is a pioneer in the use of electric who have contributed significantly to their fields. how the enormous data flows involved in power vehicles for light delivery jobs. The IVO Group’s Behind every accomplishment there is always a plant processes can be utilised in new ways, how electric vehicle project team has developed a person dedicated to the achievement of his or her direct connections to the internal events of trans- continuous charging system for the Elcat 200 life's work. formers can be created, how a training simulator model, enabling the vehicle to take advantage of. introduces the operators to extreme situations that all stops close to electric sockets, just as travellers’ I hope that Energy bmovariom /P97 will take you are very seldom encountered in reality; and how die horses took advantage of stops in earlier days. on a useful and interesting journey into our com­ skilled and purposeful maintenance of gas turbines mon energy future. yields definite monetary savings for the owners. Development work serving our energy customers is discussed in three articles. The aim is to create A major research project associated with the Lovii- new competitive model solutions for the use of sa nuclear power plant - recovery heat treatment electricity, and to test them in practice. The "Elec­ of the reactor pressure vessel - was successfully trically Heated Houses of the Century" research Pekka Sal min en completed in conjunction with the annealing work project completed its second year of monitoring the Professor proper. From now on, research will concentrate on energy consumption of one hundred electrically Research Director tests of the accident behaviour of the reactor and the heated houses in various parts of Finland with a IVO Technology Centre containment building, and on new computer varied range of meters. A report was completed on models. These are needed for the licensing of the a simi lar three-year proj ect involving one hundred plant after 1998, when the first phase of the plant electrically heated service buildings. Field tests modernisation is completed. were carried out at small and medium-sized indus­ trial enterprises in different customer sectors. Im­ Electric vehicle successful in environmental tests portant new reference sites were obtained in the field of electrically heatable glass. Part of the new Calculations provide indisputable evidence of the Helsinki airport terminal was, for example, fitted environmental advantages of electric vehicles; and with glass wall surfaces. I ENERGY INNOVATION 1997 i VimMc Vehicle— Near or Vue Author: Yrjo Laiho Traffic is rapidly becoming the number one environmentalprob- km, especia/fy m me&opoZf&zn areoa. veAic/a$ Aave ma/iy important advantages to offer. Air quality would be improved, I ; since electric vehicles do not pollute the environment. The im- /wovemenf oAfomaf mzjgAf ggwaW twfA fAaf reaw/fing/mm fAe i/zf/Wwc/ion o/" (fwO-zcf Aeof /or fAe Aeaff/tg o/" neWem##/ buildings. Electric vehicles also present considerable potential /or gne/gy coMfgrvef/on. The amount of energy that could be Dally trip* ait short The family's first car — been required than was originally conserved depends on how the elec­ as economical as possible thought. The batteries are still the tricity needed by the electric vehicles The issue can be approached by ex ­ key component. Their reliability and is generated. The table compares the amining how much a car is needed. On the basis of the above considera­ life must be increased. Similarly, it efficiency figures of an electric vehi­ The figure illustrates the daily dis­ tions, it can be asked whether the should be possible to bring down the cle and a combustion-engine vehicle tances travelled in an average pas- primary criterion in the selection of price of batteries, in order to reduce in die Finnish conditions, where (he senger car per year. The longer trips a vehicle should, in fact, be its eco­ operating costs. No radically new efficiency of electricity generation is are shown first, andthe days when nomical operation in city traffic. In technical breakthroughs are neces­ about 55 per cent. According to the the car is not used at all are shown other words, the first car for daily use sarily called for. table, an electric vehicle is more than last. Really long daily trips are made would be a handy and economical twice as efficient as a combustion- very seldom; on 10 to 15 days a year, vehicle for driving short distances, Batteries are now manufactured prin­ engine vehicle, when calculated in usually during holidays and at week- and the second car would be, for in­ cipally to start vehicles, and thus the terms of primary energy.
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