a 'paUrdllolral se aolDJuqLuluotl.as eqlJo e,\lllluaseJdeJelos aql eq ol leprsuol I tlxtq \'Dsoalt2 Dtuolotr epnlourlou prp srs,(leuelteql ,Jela,lroq,spuodserroc fle8rul eJoqpetdeooe,{uIouoxpt eqlqrrq,r o}snueBeqljo 1ueru1ee4crlsrpeloe pejedold (rg6 J) Trla uolseA\ 'suortJas JeqloaqlJo sercods.setels tuolsee eq1 Surst,lar osle sr olleJncooJ€W (/66I)ouornCFquorluBqse,rurrapunsruortcosls€lstrlJ.asuespaoJqoqlutarJir^1121 'lces o1pue 'sdnor8 ,suorljos lpaJl s,.te18ug.ro s,lupqlueg o1 ,{lasrca;dspuodser.roc qcrq,r Jo euou rno; olur snue8eq1 epr,rrp ol posodordetoq sr tI seuese^g olul pepr^rps€,r qctq^\Joeuo ,suotlces eerql otur(9681) relSuE fqpue serresue^es opr (!9g l ) rupqluegfclpepr,rrp su,,n arao.iog snue8 eq1 'sercads elutedu-rallelales s€ lla,r se snue8 aqlJo sraqureutltsordo;111u sesuduroc qarqt aolD^lp/l 1cosur peceld ,{1true.unceru setcedsesoql 'lueuquaJ1 1eq1 opnlcxa eJog Sutfu€duoccs s1rpue,raded srql r77,{r7douLtocg eqtruor3l-redV 'eppruejasuott?crlrd,(lolcel,raupu€pequcsepeleEXe],reN..erlEJlsnVJoElolJ,,eqlrog(eeecalna)Jouoeduxsop 'tu.g oruolog snua8oql ur DXeluprlDJlsnV uJelsel6 erltJo luatuteeJleql ol losJncerdu sr roded srr11 uo!lJnporlul 'pequcsepelg r?ao,/o€r ut serJesJo suorlceseqlJo rlceaJoIEcrd,{1 spaes eq1 setcads3o ;equtnu e ro3 peleu8tsepueeqe,req .g .C sedflolcal uos1116 qnu4(.p.teg) orlTuDtctw dsqnsrar&r/ 6r,uosll/(\ Ined (ruca)D&uluDt 'uoslrlN pnuaj dsqnsoacun[ g cInEd( qlueB) dsqnsoTnr8asnl g'uos1rrr6 91ne4 ('lpLn-I) .g .uoslrl& .dsqns .g Daurut.t dsqns Dry)puan g 1ne4 (.rl]uea) sua,saqnd ololnuatc :opeu oJ€ suotleurquoc curcedsqns ,reu Sut,!\olloJ eq]- .saptotBuulsa,A.g p]o.e,nuoBotTal .g 'DlDsuapuoz .dsqns dsqns r'/gr;rs g'DlDnua o r'./glrr.r 'g 'Duo,nansal.dsqns osownt .g ,t2lo?l/lDc 'dsq\s 'pwtuta ,dsqns 'osn"Arury puoarptnd g oacun[ g 'g ,vfxa g,Dsntqo .dsgnsowlnuatc .g 'ptplltsnBuD 'Dllttldouttn ,Dasol .g ,o1n7nd.dsqtts Je^ Dlrypua,n g 6r dsqns Da)j2allaljcl 'opol.otlluoJD DaJDa/?aDqg'sdacuo g tr :,reu se peqllJsapeft setcedsqns.roserleupl lq8te pue selcedsue^os '(e€eoetnu) Sur,{\olloJeql otuotog So sanadsuerlDltsnV lIlelsei[ Jo .,"rl€JlsnVJoD]olCjr otllroJ tuetulEe4 oql ol rosrncerde sy (SOOt)tSt-Ott:(1)71ersfn51 sratcBftqcpees uo salourltr,,!\ 'eIT€JlsnVtuelsay'A .rJ .uoslrlA ruo:3(eeecelna) ziaorog snuaBeql urexel ,treupu€ saureu ,lreN lnpd lJurlsqv ,oltuoJ ,tol ZSig lrlellsnv ulotso,{\ &o^t loc ,{oDueg istr pe)oo.l .lunu?qtoH luattlageu€t\lpu?.I pu? uorteAlosuoJlo tuoLuu€dac uErlrrtsnv ulolso^. uoslrld c Inl?d sJolJuJBqJpaas uo salouqfrAr.arlsrlsnv uJefsea\ rrfolJ (a8or€lnu) otuo,tog snua8oql ut BxEl ,!!,aupuB srruBu ,{toN (866r)ts r-6 r r:(r)zr 124 NuytsiaVol. 12,No. 1 (1998) The probability of the genus being polyphyletic without the inclusion of Bororel/a from New Caledoniawas indicatedby Westonel a/. ( 1984),and an investigationby me ofpetal venationand seed morphology, characterswhich werenot includedin that study,could strengthenthe proposal However, Hartley (1995) doubtsthis closerelationship and supportsthe argumentfor retaining ,oronella as a distinct genus with details from a study of the articulation in the branchletsand of the shapeof the embryonic cotyledons.Ifthe closerelationship ofBororla to Boronellaweretobe accaptedthenfloral and seedcharacters suggest that the latter is more closely relatedto sect.Boloria than that seationis to anyofthe other sectionsin the genus.Logically therefore Boronella shortldeither be madea section of Boronia or the sectionsofBororla shouldbe raisedto genericlevel. In spite ofthese lese ations "Flora Duretto and I have decided for the of Australia" to retain the genus with its traditional circumscriDtion,while BoronellQis assumedto be genedcallydistinct, As is noted above,the recognitionofthe infragenerictaxa within Boronia,while basedlargely on floral morphology, is strongly suppofiedby seedmorphology The opportunity is thereforetaken to describethe seedtypes that have beenobserved in representativetaxa of Westem Australian species of Boronia. Seedterminology in the Boronieae sclerotesta. The hard, thick, and brittle portion ofthe testa. lt is always black in colour and is either smooth or variably corrugate. Outer testa. That portion ofthe testaoutside the sclerotesta.It is membranous,papery, coriaceous. or brittle. It may be smooth, or it may follow corrugationsplesent on the sclelotesta,oI it may have conugations that are independentof the sclerotesta. Micropyle. This is minute and circular or rarely narrowly elliptic. It is alwayspositioned ontheuppel adarial margin ofthe seed. Hilum. T\e scarformed by the dehiscenceofthefunicle oraril'. Itis alwaysinthe centraladaxial alea ofthe seedand it variesin shapefrom linearto circular. In Boronie sect.Bororra it is sunkenbetween lateral lip-like raisedportions ofthe outer integumentand is herereferred to as labiose. Raphe. The v asc,,rlarstrand and associatedtissue that passfrom the baseofthe hilum to the chalaza. It varies from being shrivelledand insignificantto large and fleshy Raphecover. The tissuethat folms a coverto the raphe. It is continuouswith and usually hasthe same texture as the outer testaand tltereforevaries from being membranousto brittle Chalazalaperture. The circular hole in the sclerotestathroughwhich the raphepasses into the chalaza. It is positionedbeneath the raphe,either at the baseofthe seedor at its lower adaxialmargin. Hilqr strancls.In somegenerathe seed possesses a cream-coloured ligament-like tissue on its adaxial surface.This tissuehas the appearanceofa strand;it surroundsthe hilum andextends, as a singlethread, to the raDhe.The strandis herecalled the hilar strand. Itis shedon orshofily afterthe dischargeofthe seed.Hilar strandsare found in the seedsofChorilaenq, P hebqliumsect. Gonioclados, Rhadinotharnnus, a 'uesoqc .ruuJuezuEl+d ,ra18ug ereqedflo]c e(seeNDwSltso'aw otuotog 2di1 (SeSt ) SS t :i/t 1u51 - "lDJlsnV '.qlue8 |qtvag) aatpuD)aiaHf.esDluo]og (t9gI) gtt:I IC aotpuDra\aHtesDruorog BruoJog.J3seruoJog.lces uls uruolog .sl Pruorog.lf,es Lus Eruotog .l 'eou0utruold lsotu1r e,\u8 aq uorlE^lllncolur paonpo4ulueeq puq teql euo,{1uo .saloN eql su,{\lr ecurspuu qlltus g f ,{q paqucsepseroads arao,io€, lnoJ Jo euo s?^{r jDuutdptuotog 'uasorlc ejeq ed,{lolcay' utg olauutd atuo,tog .adt1 '(B6tI)ggz tslH leNStcE{..mSEruo.rog suorlurgrd,{1o1ra1puB Bxq ^\aN 'elcrunJaqlJo uorsuslxeuE se .B.e) pau.loJ sr t€qlluaserd sr lrre en.4e(raei.r nIouoJog eleruorog eql;o sarcedseutos ul olctunJeql tuo4 paruJoJlousr puu'dreropue anrl eq o1sreadde 1r ecurs etrerrdo:ddeur ,{lqrssod erc stulel o,,,!\l eqJ '..oeopucrqluaur ls€l orpollue,,eqt(0661) nEe.re C pup,lue erp (9/6l );euo3.,,fuecopueeqtJo uourod luJlue^,, eql ',,drccopuo (266I) rlunllu) orilJoued 1erxa,,esu.rqd eql peJreJerd seq (Zg6 l) e4see) elrq,r(0/61) uosl116,{q pesnse,r ,,drecopue1u1uere1d,! eumu eqt uos€eJsrqt JoJ puu uoruod,{qseu ol snoueJquretu gud stqljo sluroJ,(Ju,\oaqlJo ua.releluec€ld aqf dtucopuacrlsl?le eqt uro.r;:seluredes ]eql uorUod fqseg puulcrqlro snoueJqureulepue 1rn{ aql uolJ spaoseql slre[a,{1e1eurq1n1eq1 uotgod snour8elrgec cIlsuloup :sUudol\lJo slstsuocel?etuolog eqlJo slrnUelnlBut aql ur drucopuaeq1 d,rocopuap1uaao14 'aolndusolBtN ,ott',rouzalaD,o.ltpuowulnt1 laes uoua$ot,q pvl Jo speesur punoJ sr 1eq1eqdur ,DluauotJg eql ol Je^or pjeq eql qtrl\ sno8olouoq osl? sr"lrpu|. laasuoMaFotJZ 0lpu? jJluo)og t)as oruotog ut aqdetpu.etunlnl eqt puno:lns teql sdrleql qlr,nsno8olouloq eloJaroql sr puurlsrrlrq aqf 'aqdur eq1o1;e,rocpJEq eqt oturdola,lop o1 s:uedde luqt eqderpua runlrq ?ql punol€Euu u^\olq ,aplnd]so)BtN .!x?s e suq eln,to Surdole^ap eql a^ouzapD L| puv uowatsoltg u .DJatlla\{.l uI 'urn1qualuns,{11ue-rudde uE punorp pesreJseuoaoq ,{llEntuo^e1r :,{ssol8 ,(ll?nsn puE el llq seuroJoqeoJe srtqtDluauaug 'laes .laes .pees uowalsoug ur puEotuotog Dtuolofr ul elnlplu eLJlur elud sur€lueJ ErlJJst\lf D ,to) uI 'o1n,to Surdole,tepsqt ul pa^Jesqooq u€cuinlrq aql punoruaurl elud u atsaluo;ogequo ereueBlsour u1 'pJJS JlltLuo.U (une s;1e3 (11cn:u:re pue .Etset €lsot eqt tuog peletedesseuroceq 1r erntrEru,{l.reou ueq,41 JelnoeqlJo lset eq1o1pesrg .{1e1uu.u1ul sr pulrls eJnlnl eqt lueudole,tep peesJo sa8elsfpua aqt uy unltq eql spunoJ.lns1eq1 (luarunBelur Jolno eql ulo.+ perujoJ)plsel lolno eql uoqrod arorrEu€ ruolJ s3suupuells rulrq eql sruedde 'eearuorog lo 1uq1 lI eqlJo sJequletuJorllo ur lueu_rdola,repjo se8elssnorru,l 1e spees q1r,n rueql ?uuudruoc ,{qpuesxe}eserllurseln^oJoluoudole^epaqturse8e}sJo,{pnlseuorg.altotl<udotsnlonls^ypue prle'rlsnv uritsor\\ r|orJ Diuarag ,uoslrr^A snuiJ8oqr ur rxrt ,rou pUD s.Lulu ^\oN D lnrd Nuylsiavol. 12,No. 1 (1998) Boroniqsect.Octqrrlrera F. Muell., Pl. Indig. Col. Victoda 1: I l3 (1862) Type:Boronia PinnatdSm., lectotype here chosen. Boroniqser.P innqtaeBenth., Fl. Austral. 1: 309,307 (1863). - Boroniqsect.Pinnatae(Benth.) De Wild., Icon.Select. 2:67 (1901).Type; BoroniapinnqtaSm. Borctniqser.Terminales Benth., Fl. Austral. 1:3 10,323(1863). Type:B. capitataBentl.I.,lectotype llere chosen. Boroniaser.VariabilesBenth.,F. Austral. 1: 309,320(1863). Type: B. crenulatasm.,lectotypehere chosen. Boroniaser.Ovatae Paul G. Wilson,Nuytsia1:204 (1971). Type: B. ovqtaL\\\dl. Seedmorphologt. Seed kidney-shaped,adaxial margin flat or convex. Tetla smooth; outer testa aoriaceous,matt, black. Hllzm sunken,linear to elliptic in centreofadaxial margin, surounded by glossy labiose (lip-like) raised margin which surounds raphe. Raphe fleshy. Chalazal opening basal. Placental endocarpmembmnous, caducous (Figure 1) Speciesexamined.Ofthe23 Westem Australian species recognized inthis seriesthefollowingninewere
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