h$ t- HISTORICAT BIBLIOGRNPHYOF WARFAREIN THE MTDDLEEAST A Report Prepared for BATTELLE l-B February 1972 HISTORTCALEVALURTTON AND RESEARCHORGANIZATION 230I Gallows Road Dunn Loring, Vinginia 22027 ' .t-l HISTORTCALBI BLIOGRAPHYOF WARFAREIN THEMIDDLE EAST .A Report by the Historical Evaluation and ResearchOrganization Contents Introduction I. General History II. Ancient and Medieval History III. Northeastenn North Africa A. World War If Campaigrns B. World War II Biography and Memoirs C. Egypt I. General 2. Napoleon in Egypt 3. Egypt and the Sudan D. Libya E. The Horn of Afrlca 1. Abyssinia/Ethiopie and Eritrea, General 2. Italian Conquest of Ethiopia 3. Somalia/Somaliland IV. fsrael/Palestine and Sinai A. General History B. World War I C. Arab-Israeli Conflict? 1. General 2. I94B War 3. 1948-1955 4. 1955 War 5. 1967 War V. The Arab States of Southwest Asia A. Arabia and the Arabs 1. lrab History, General 2. World War I Arabian Campaign 3. Saudi l,rabia 4. Yemen B. Jordan C. Syrla D. I r,ag/Mesopotamia I. Wor1d War I 2, World War II 3. Kurdistan E. Lebanon Vl. The Northern Tier A, Turkey I. General History 2, World War I and Aftermath B. Iran VII. The Techniques and Weapons of Desert Warfare \rIII. Air Operations and Techniques A. North Africa--World Wan II B. Southwest Asia L1 Introduction This bibliography was prepared, upon request, in a very short peliod of time by the Historical Evaluation and Research Organization. It i believed to be the very first effort to prepare a comprehensive bibliography of warfare in the Middle East--mostly desert, mountain, or amphibious operations--over the course of recorded history. Bcnauseof limitations on the time available fon this effort, only 'i fe'* c'i.tat'i.1,.q lrs!'g becn orutuLat'ed, mainLy books of particuiar impor- tance, or works with which the researehers are ful1y familiar. The co'/et?age,as full as time penmittedr* includes the most significant worlts on desert and mountain warfar.e in the Middle East, and provides rer.:erenceto all historical operations of major significance in the area. For the purposes of this bibliography, the Middle East is defincd as the area from the Gulf of Gabes and Tripolitanian Desert in the West, to the eastern boundaries of Iran in the East, including: Libygr Egypt, desert portlons of the Sudan, those portions'of Ethiopla .rrrclstrm:li larrd rrorth of 10o N. Latitude, rsrael, syria, Lebanon, Jordan, T'rirk:yr -Arabia, Mesopx>rarni.a,arrd rrarr. Lire bibiioirraphy covers the pcriod from Arexander the Great (336 B.c.) to the Six'oiy war (1967), Two other HEROschorars worked with me in the preparation of this bibliography: Grace P. Hayes, Director r:f Reseerch, and Denis E. Skora. 17 Februany 1972 T.N. Dupuy l-tunnLoring, Virginla Executive Director *A number of titres of reratively rare books with which the researchers are familiar, probabry shourd be included in this biblio- Eraphy, but the researchers did not have time to get hold of them to .:ireck their suitability for inclusion. I. General Historv Denison, George T. A Historv of cavalrv. London: Macmilran, 1913. Selective coverage of operations in the Middle East before V,/orldWar I; authoritative. Dupuy, R. Ernest and Dupuy, Trevor N. The Encvclopedia of Militar.v Historv. New York: Hanper t Rowr-TEm Believed to be the most generaL and comprehensive coverage of military operations in the Middle East throughout the histori- cal period to 1965. Eggenberger, David. 4 Dictionary of Battles. New York: T.Y. Crowe11, L967. A reliable survey of important battles and campaigns in Midd1e East history. Fortescue, Sir rlohn W. Historv of the Brilish Armv.13 volumes. New york: St. Martins Press, ffi Thorough, detailed survey of British military operations in the Middle East through the 19th Century. Fuller, John F.C. A Militarv Historv of -the Westeqn World. 3 voltrmes. New York: Funk 6 Wagnalls, 1954. Selective coverage of warfare in the Middle East, through Wor1d War IT; authoritative analysis of a relatively few operations in the Middle East. Mitehell, William A. Outlines gf-Ebg_Wo4d_ts Militarv HistorV. Washington: f931 Selective coverage through World War I; authoritative but opinionated. Montross, Lynn. Wap Throuqh the Aqes. New Ycrk: Harper, 1946. Selective coverage of warfare in the Middle East; more complete than Fuller or l4itchell, but less rel-iable. II Ancient_and Medieval llistorv Adcock, Frank E. The Greek and Macedonian Art of War. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1957. -:. Th-qBoman-Art of War under the Republic. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1940 .e.i]rf.C.;Books of Joshua and Maccabees I and II. Buryr^J.3.-qt aI.t egs. - Thg cambridge Ancient Histonv. 12 volumes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Pre-s,-TSZ3:Tffi. Included in this massive collection of general historical works are extensive and authoritative accounts of many of the pninci- pal nrilitary operations of antiquity, and good descriptions of the techniques, stnategy, and tactics employed by most of the ir,ajor military commanders. Caesar, Julius. Commentaries. Diodorus Siculus. Bibliotecha Historica. Dodge, Theodore A. Alexander the Great. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin 6 Co., 1890. Most complete and reliable discussion in English of al-1 military aspects of the campaignrsof Alexander the Great. Julius Caesar. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin 6 Co., 1892. Comparable coverage of Caesarts campaigns in Egypt and in Asia Minor. Dupuy, Trevor N._ Th-e_\4ilitarv Lj_fq.of Ju1ius Caesar: Imperator. ItlewYork: Franklin Watts, 1969. The Military Life of Alexqnder the Great of Macedon. New Yo : Franklin Watts, 1969. Fuller, John Frederich Charles. The Generalship of ALexander the Great. New Brunswick: Rutg Not so exhaustive as Dodge; includes access to some sources not available to Dodge; the analysis is probably more perceptive" ,rlql-ius Caesar. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1965. See above comment. Gibbon, Edward. Decline and FalI of the RomanEmpire. 3 volumes. New York' M Excellent description of Romanand Byzantine campaigrnsin the Middle East. HaIl, H.R. The Ancient Historv of. the Near East, London: Methuen and Co., 1956. "Tosophus,Flavius. History of the Jewish War. Translated by H.St.J. Thackery and R. Marcus. Loeb Series. Cambridge, Mass.z 1926. Lamb, Harold. The Crusades. Garden City: Doubleday, Doran 6 Co., 193r. Livy. Historv of Rome. Momrnsen,Theodor. Historv of Rome. 5 volumes. Olmstead, Albert Ten Eyck. Historv of the Persian Empire. Achaemenid Perio{. Chicago: University of Chicago Press' 1948. Oman, Sir Charles. A Historv of the Ant of War in the Middle Ages. London: Methuen, 1924. Valuable discussion of operations and techniques of Crusader and Byzantine campaigns in the Middle East. Po1ybius. Histories. Robinson, Charles A., Jr. Alexander the Greg9. Providence: Brown University Press, 1953. Rlmciman, Sir S. A Historv of the Crusades. London: Peregrine, 1965. Smail, R.C. Crusadinq Warfare (1097-1193). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1956. Spaulding, Oliver L., Nickerson, Hoffman, and Wright, John W. Warfare: A Studv of Militarv Methods From the Earliest Times. Washington: Infantry Journal Press, L937. Authoritative analysis of selected ancient and rnedieval operations in the Middle East. Stark, Freya. Romeon the Euphrates. New York: Harcourt, Brace E World, 1967. Tarn, William W. Alexanden the Great. Cambridge: Cambridge Univer- sity Press, 1948. Xenophon" Anabasis. and Cyropa.edia-. Translated by W. Mi1ler g! el, Loeb Series. Cambridge, luiassachusetts: 1914-1925. Yadin, Yigael. Art of Wanfare in Biblical Lands in the Liqht of lrchaeoloqi 1963. Authoritative analysis and discussion by a leading soldier of. modernisrael. III . Northeastern North Africa World War II GeneraI Agar-l-{annilton,J.A.I., and Turner, L.C.F. Crises in the Desert Mav-JuIy 1942.'k Cape Town: Oxford University Press, 1952, . The Sidi Rezeq Battleso 1941.'t Cape Town: Oxford University Press, 1957. Aghion, Raoul. War in the Desert; The Battle for Africa. New York: Henry Holt, 1941. Barclay, C.N. Aqainst Great Odds. Liverpool: Blake and Mackensie, n.d. Barnett, Corelli. The Desert Genenals. NewYork: Viking, 1960, Well-written, interesting, but sometimes controversial assess- ment of leadinq British senerals in the Middle East in Wor1d War II. Blamey, Chooks. A CompanvCommander Remembers, Pietersmaritzburg: The I'latal Witness, 1963 B'5schleg, Hermann. Feldherrn und Panzer im WUstenkrieg. Neckar- gemUnd: Kurt V Caccia-Dominioni, Paolo. Alamein. 1933-1962. London: Allen and Unwin, 1966. xThese books were produced by the Union War Histories Section of the Office of the Prirne Minister of the Union of South Africa. CareII, Paul. The Foxes of the Desert. New York: E.p. Dutton, IYh I Carver, Lt. Gen. Michael. El Alamein. New Yor.k: Macmil1an, 1962. Tobruk. Philade lphia: Dufour Editions, 1964. Cowles, Virginia. The phantomMaior. New york: Harper, 1958. Cnichton-Stuart, M. G patrol. London: W. Kimben, 1958. cr:isp, Major Robert. Brazen ctc!&!_1. New york: Balrantine Books, 1961. Particularly useful for detailed discussion of armored warfare in the desert in World War II. De Guingand, sir Francis. operation victorv. New york: scribner?s, 1947 . Fair and objective account of Generar (rater Fierd Marshal) Montgomery?sreadership of the British Eighth Army in the Western Desert, by his Chief of Staff. Dupuy, Trevor Nevitt. Land Battles : Nolt[.Q_!r1gg,*qtgryr_ ilg ltaIvta Iv. The Military History offi-3- TEvt-%til Franklin Watts , L962. Edebeck, Hanns Gert. Afrikanische schicksalsjahre. wiesbaden: Limes,1950 Esposito, Vincent J., ed. The west point Atlas of American wars, Vol. II. NewYork: Praeger, 1959. Valuabre operations mapsof worrd wars r and rr in the Middre East; text is superficial, and mapsshould be usedwith other more detailed texts. Farrar-Hock1ey, Anthony. The war in the Desert. london: Faber and Faber, 1969. Guedalra, Philip... Middl,e_East. 1940-1942. A studv in Air Bower. London:'Hodde Heckstall-smitl-r, Anthony. Tobruk. New york: w .t,,i. Norton, 19sg.
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