!LIVESATELLITE EVANGELISMSERIES JUSTFORKIDS 0LANNOWTOJOIN0ASTOR$OUG"ATCHELORFORTHIS UNIQUE"IBLESTUDYSERIESDESIGNEDESPECIALLYFOR YOUNGPEOPLEBETWEENTHEAGESOFAND&ILLED WITHEXCITINGSPIRITUALDISCOVERIESAROUNDEVERY CORNER THISONE WEEKEVENTWILLGIVEYOURCHILDREN THESOLID"IBLEFOUNDATIONTHEYNEED3OREGISTER YOURCHURCHORHOMEGROUPNOWANDWATCHYOURKIDS MAKELIFELONGDECISIONSFOR*ESUS WWW!MAZING&ACTS+IDSORG Call 800-538-7275 for more info. Features 10 The World—Starting with Haiti 14 With Such an Army... 18 Evangelism in Your Own Backyard 20 Following the Mandate of Christ... Using DVDs 23 From the Desk to the Front Door 26 God Made a Way Cover image from DesignPics.com Also in this issue… 4 Officer’s Outlook: Evangelism at Another Level 5 By Knowing Him: The Fatal Mistake of Missionary Evangelists 6 In the Marketplace: Mentoring, an End-Time Marketplace Niche New to the Family ASI President: 8 Donna McNeilus Moving Forward ASI Project Update: Executive Secretary & 28 Treasurer: Ron Christman Your Story Hour Reaches Across Russia Vice President for Communication: Danny Houghton 29 Moving Forward ASI Project Update: Inside ASI Editor: Seeding, Weeding & Blooming Steve Hamstra Layout & Design: Mark Bond Copy Editor: Ann Parish Editor’s Note: Printing: vangelism is an integral aspect of Christianity. To L. Brown & Sons Printing, Inc. Estep out and share the gospel, to tell anyone and Inside ASI is published quarterly everyone that there is salvation, grace and by Adventist-laymen’s Services & endless love in Jesus Christ. Industries. Address and subscription Evangelism is the theme of this edition of correspondence may be sent to: Inside ASI, and herein we present stories ASI Corporate Office of how God has used ASI members to 12501 Old Columbia Pike reach out both abroad and close to home. Silver Spring, MD 20904 It is my prayer that these stories will not Telephone: 301-680-6450 only bless, but inspire you to join in the Fax: 301-622-5017 effort of winning souls for Christ. Email: [email protected] Online: www.asiministries.org www.asiministries.org | 3 —Steve Hamstra Officer’s Outlook Evangelism at Another Level BY VIOREL CATARAMA n 2000, the New Beginnings DVD project spear- lives were changed because of their involvement in Iheaded by ASI and It Is Written transformed the evangelism. How beautiful it is to see so many price- landscape of evangelism, empowering hundreds of less souls accepting Jesus. laypeople to hold public evangelistic meetings. This ASI continues to strongly promote evangelism, user-friendly evangelistic tool doing whatever it takes to put new meaning into the motivate and encourage a phrase “even a child could wide spectrum of laypeople to do it,” with everyone from make the connection between middle-school students to profit for shares and preach- seniors accepting the call to ing for souls. All around the preach the Word world enthusiasm for active “All around of God. witnessing is spreading like By design, wildfire on a dry, windy day. the world the training pro- ASI members have embraced enthusiasm motes perpetual the concept of training and lay participation Viorel Catarama (left) conducts a lay evangelist equipping laypeople every- for active in ongoing Bible training session in Tanzania. where, enabling them to studies conducted in communities share Christ with their friends, family and neigh- witnessing around the world. These Bible stud- bors. Requests for ASI volunteer training teams are is spreading ies are a lasting means of sharing the pouring in from around the globe, a confirmation of gospel, reaching out to the community the burning desire to learn ways for more effective like wildfire long after an evangelistic series is over. sharing of the gospel. At Spring Council 2007, the Gen- “Train Them Now” is not the only program on a dry, eral Conference affirmed its partner- equipping laypeople for more active service. Many windy day.” ship with ASI in their “Train Them outstanding tools are available to those interested in Now” initiative, and committed to becoming a greater personal witness. What have you produce the next generation of New Beginnings done in service to our Lord? How are you telling your DVD evangelism. This will catapult lay evange- neighbors, co-workers, friends or loved ones that lism to another level. With the support and active Jesus loves them and that He is coming soon? The involvement of the divisions of the world church, signs foretell the lateness of the hour in our world’s global participation in the “Train Them Now” initia- history. Sharing Christ in the Marketplace is our tive will not only result in an abundance of trained goal, and we must maximize our impact. The tools laypeople, but will bring exponential growth to the are there. The need is there. We must get involved, Seventh-day Adventist Church. and we must train others and invite them to join In this magazine, you will discover how thou- the countless number who are working diligently to sands of laypeople have been trained to hold Bible hasten Christ’s soon return. studies in their homes using the New Beginnings DVD. You will read many wonderful stories of how Viorel Catarama is ASI vice president for evangelism. 4 | Inside ASI The Fatal Mistake of Missionary Evangelists BY KEN NORTON here are certain terms used in Adventism today there were those who did this as a full time ministry Tthat immediately bring up mental pictures. (Eph. 4:11), but they in no way had exclusive rights as Take for instance the term missionary. For decades a the only ones who could share the good news about “missionary” has been seen as one trudging through Jesus (2 Tim. 4:5). Actually, it is quite the contrary. the jungle with a tattered picture roll, swatting mos- Ellen White, writing for the Review and Herald quitoes and living in a grass hut. in her later years, tells us, And then there’s the term evangelist. It con- “The members of God’s remnant jures up scenes of crowded outdoor canvas tents or, church in this our day depend too largely for the younger of us, packed church sanctuaries on the ministers to fulfill the commission or auditoriums ringing with words preached by a of Christ to go into all the world with the dynamic man of God. gospel message. Many have seemed to There is nothing wrong with these mental pic- lose sight of the fact that this commis- tures. What is wrong is that, for many Adventists, the sion was given not only to those who had term missionary always means someone who goes been ordained to preach, but to laymen “way over there” and evangelist means somebody as well. It is a fatal mistake to suppose who “is way up there” as a spiritual giant and procla- that the work of saving souls depends mation professional. This is sad. alone on the ordained ministry. All who Scripture and Ellen White paint a very different receive the life of Christ are called to work picture—one that comes closer to home in every way. for the salvation of their fellow men.” First, it’s interesting to note that the Bible never {RH, March 24, 1910, emphasis mine} uses the term missionary. The word “missionary” is The Great Commission of Matthew 28:18-20 derived from the Latin missionem, meaning “the act is for everyone who claims the name of Christ. We of sending.” By removing the “em” and adding “ary,” have all “been sent” to “share good news.” We are all we English speakers have created a definition for missionary evange- missionary as “the one who is sent.” lists. To our families So why doesn’t the New Testament mention and our communi- missionary along with other witnessing roles such ties here in the U.S. as prophet, pastor, or teacher? Maybe God never and to the farthest wanted us to think that being a missionary was just reaches of foreign the role or job of a select few. lands—this is our The term evangelist has an equally interest- mission field, and ing origin, one rooted more closely in the original you are the mis- language of the New Testament. Without going into sionary evangelist. any linguistic gymnastics, the term evangelist in the original language literally means “one who declares Ken Norton is director of LIFE (Lay Institute for Evange- the good news.” The scriptures do point out that lism) in Orlando, Florida. www.asiministries.org | 5 Mentoring: An End Time Marketplace Niche BY DENISE HAYDEN SI members have one’s life to make a dif- Abeen uniquely called ference in corporate and to serve. I started my own personal life management, business in 1988 because customer service, and my skills and personal- community fellowship. ity demanded more of “Go therefore and make a challenge than I was disciples of all nations…” getting from corporate Matthew 28:19 (KJV). employment. Fine Line God has blessed me Services, Inc. (my busi- over the years to ascertain ness) became an ASI that character and influ- member in 1991. Attend- ence are my best witness- ing the ASI ing agents. Transforming convention those witnessing agents Mentoring made all the difference in my think- into a practical marketplace sharing utility has been ing and approach toward witnessing. quite a blessing to discover. And, as the CEO of my is simply the “Sharing Christ in the Marketplace” own business for more than 20 years, it is apparent process of redefined my business motives, align- that God is blessing me with specific resources to ing them with my Christian aspirations. bless others – that is the mentoring niche. one person It began at the source – the Word of Perfect strangers have invited me to speak one- God. The Bible says, “We are therefore on-one with them regarding business ideas. They helping Christ’s ambassadors, as though God invite me to speak at professional business groups another to were making His appeal through us” 2 without asking for credentials or degrees.
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