
A Major Robert Stobo, rev., 48, 389-91 rev. of Point of Empire :Conflict at the Abbott, John Charles, 48, 118 Forks of the Ohio, 53, 387-88 Abbott, WilliamD., 53, 9 Albree, Joseph (1850), 49, 171 Abbott, W. L. (1888), 48, 4 Albright, Rebecca Gifford, "The Civil War Abercrombie, Gen. James, 44, 108 ;45, 297 ; Career of Andrew Gregg Cur tin, Governor 46, 23, 251; 50, 99 of Pennsylvania," 47, 323-41; 48, 19-42, Aber's Creek (1758), 46, 52, 53 151-73 Abingdon, Earl of, 53, 109-10 Alcoholic consumption (1792-1823), 46, 349 Abolition Alcoholics, 46, 355 letter, 51, 77-79 Alcuin, Warren Co., 49, 314-16 Academy of Science and Art (Pgh.), 48, 60 Alden, Frank E., 48, 9 "Account Book of General John Neville," ed. Alden and Harlow (1896), 48, 9 by James H.Moon, 52, 345-60 Aldrich, Capt. C. S. (1864), 47, 235, 342 Acheson, David, 45, 38 Alexander, Eugene (1861), 49, 48 Acheson, Thomas, 45, 38 Alexander, Mary (c.1825), 49, 102 Acheson family, 45, 38 Alexander Hutchinson and Company (1895), Acorn, ship (1896), 48, 48 48, 291 Adams, Ida Bright (Mrs. Marcellin C.) Alexandria, Va. church history, 48, 2 CivilWar, 44, 107, 127; 45, 162, 241, 242, "The Civil War Letters of James Rush 244, 246, 250, 252; 46, 4, 11, 12, 14, Holmes," 44, 105-27 15, 270 Adams, John Quincy, 44, 238, 239; 47, 292 colonial, 44, 384, 392 Adams, Michael (1801), 49, 53 Alger, Horatio, 51, 287-88 Adams, Mrs. S. Jarvis, 44, 106 Aliquippa Incline Plane Company (1891), Adams, Sarah Jane, 44, 105-27 46, 328 Adams, Thomas, 46, 162 Allanowissica (1775), 47, 145, 152n Adams and Yernon, 48, 191 Allegheny Arsenal Additions to HSWP Collections. See HSWP employees discharged, 51, 335 "Address at the Dedication of Town Hall, fire, 49, 53 Ligonier, Pa.," by Stanton Belfour, 52, Allegheny City 311-14 churches, 49, 53 The Advertiser (Iowa), 44, 92 commons and parks, 53, 235-57 Age, newspaper (1863), 44, 2 consolidation with Pgh., 49, 31 Agents and Merchants: British Colonial council, 49, 44, 45, 46 Policy and the Origins of the American description, 51, 33-34 Revolution {1763-1775), by Jack M. Sosin, 1823, 45, 101 rev., 50, 75-77 1873,47,289 Agnew, Sir Andrew (1864), 49, 322, 326 history, 44, 266; 47, 300-301 ;50, 113-24; Agnew, Dr. Daniel (1818), 45, 336 52, 141-51; 53, 227-42, 250 Agnew, Judge Daniel (1861), 45, 238 military units, 51, 246, 247 Agriculture (1800s), 47, 306-9 population (1880), 47, 293 Ague, 45 99. See also Fevers reminiscences, 51, 31-43, 165-77, 243-58, Ahl, Lt. Thomas, Jr. (1861), 45, 52, 53 389-403 Aigster, Dr., 45, 339 1789, 46, 67 Aiken, David, Jr. (1866), 44, 25 vandalism, 53, 233-34 Aiken, Henry (1862), 45, 158 Allegheny City College, 53, 341-42 Aiken, Thomas (1814-73), 44, 23-24, 25, 26, "The Allegheny City Cotton MillRiot of 27 1848," by Monte A. Calvert, 46, 97-133 Airbrakes, 48, 61-62. See also Westinghouse, Allegheny Conference on Community De- George velopment, 52, 266 Air pollution Allegheny County in Pgh., 45, 105 architecture, 49, 375-77 Akin, Elijah, 53, 9 atlas, 47, 62 Albemarle, ship (1864), 47, 84 charter books, 46, 327, 328, 330, 335, 336 Alberts, Robert C courts, 46, 121, 124, 371; 47, 15; 50, 118 "The Expedition of Captain Robert Stobo," deed books, 49, 97-98 47, 177-97 — early government, 46, 388; 47, 251, 253 The Golden Voyage The Life and Times fair grounds (1861), 45, 230 Times of WilliamBingham, rev., 53, 69- Germans, 54, 58 71 incline planes, 46, 311-46 The Most Extraordinary Adventures of iron furnaces, 48, 81-82 1 ALLEGHENY population (1790), 49, 40 American Congressional Temperance Society railroad indebtedness, 48, 74 (1833), 46, 350 Allegheny County Bar (c.1900), 44, 220 American Copper and Brass, by Henry J. Allegheny County Courthouse and Jail, 44, Kauffman, rev., 51, 297-99 30, 31; 48, 10; 49, 51, 52, 54 American Furnace, 48, 82 Allegheny Co. Light Company (c.1880), 48, American furniture. See Furniture 62 American Glass Paperweights and Their Allegheny Democrat (1824-26), 47, 22 Makers, Jean Sutherland Melvin, rev., 51, The Allegheny Frontier; West Virginia Be- 71-72 ginnings, 1730-1830, by Otis K. Rice, rev., The American Heritage Picture History of 53, 390-91 the Civil War, by editors of American Allegheny Furnace, Armstrong Co., 48, 82 Heritage, rev., 44, 405-8 Allegheny Furnace, Blair Co., 48, 93 American Maps and Map Makers, by Peter Allegheny General Hospital (1917), 50, 105 J. Guthorn, rev., 50, 151 Allegheny Highlands, 45, 83-84 American Medical Association (1847), 45, Allegheny Inclined Plane Company, 46, 327- 334 28 American party, 47, 329. Sec also Political Allegheny Medical Society, 45, 336 parties Allegheny Observatory American Revolution. See Revolutionary established, 48, 61 War history, 52, 109-10, 112 American Society for the Promotion of time certification, 52, 60-61 Temperance. See American Temperance Allegheny Portage Railroad (c.1833), 46, Union 312 American State Archives, by Ernst Posner, Allegheny River, 45, 102; 53, 211 rev., 49, 159-60 "The Allegheny Story," by WilliamM.Rim- American Temperance Union, 46, 350 mel, 53, 227-42 Amherst, Gen Jeffery, 46, 233; 49, 134n; Allen, Ethan, 53, 136 52, 260-61 Allen, Hervey, Toward the Flame, rev., 51, "The Amiable Lady Charms the Iron City, 301-2 Adah Menken in Pittsburgh," by John F. Allen, John W., Legends and Lore of South- Krich, 51, 259-78 ern Illinois, rev., 48, 107-8 Amish Allen, Joseph, 49, 255, 256 in Pa., 53, 321, 327 Allen, WillS., 49, 256 Amish Society, by John A. Hostetler, rev., Allen, William, 47, 128, 134 47, 159-60 Allentown, Allegheny Co. (1869-74), 49, Amity, schooner (1803), 48, 43 251-62. See also South Side Ammon, Mrs. Edith D., 47, 19 Allentown, Pa. (1787), 44, 60, 64n Anabaptists (c.1787), 44, 61. See also Alliance furnace (1790), 48, 78, 271, 272, Mennonites ; Amish 276 "Ancestors of the Scotch-Irish," by Joseph Allison, Robert (1811), 48, 93 C McCune, 49, 319-29 Allman, C. B., Lewis Wetzel, Indian Fighter Anderson, James (c.1850), 48, 60 ..., rev., 46, 187-88 Anderson, Jane (1852), 47, 298 Almanacs. See Cramer, Zadok Anderson, Niles Alpha, canal boat (1834), 47, 312 "Bushy Run: Decisive Battle in the Wil- Alpha Lutheran Synod, N.C., 50, 188. See derness," 46, 211-48 also Black history "Grandfather Was a Forty-Niner," 50, 33- Altenburger, Christine, "The Pittsburgh Bu- 50 reau of Police: Some Historical High- "New Light on the 1758 Forbes Cam- lights/' 49, 19-37 paign," 50, 89-103 Altenburger, Mrs. ViolaL., 45, 79 rev. of Landmark Architecture of Alle- Alter, Forrest H., 46, 89 gheny County, Pennsylvania, 51, 61-63 Altman, Mrs. Lydia Hurst Irwin (1963), Anderson, Niles, and Edward G. Williams, 46, 74-75 "The Venango Path," 49, 1-18, 141-54 Altoona (1863), 49, 112-26 Anderson, Maj. Robert (1861), 45, 233 Altoona Conference (1862), 48, 19-20 Anderson Furnace, 48, 365 The Amusing Pennsylvania Canals, by Andersonville Prison (1864), 47, 85 WilliamH. Shank, rev., 52, 207-8 "Andrew Carnegie, Railroadman," by John Amberson, William, 47, 254n; 48, E. Higgins, 50, 291-300 82 Andrew, A., 48, 21, Ambulances Gov. John 22, 24, 154 War, 44, 119, 120, 123, 124 Andrew Jackson and the Bank War, by Civil Robert V. Remini, rev., 52, 201-3 police (c.1886), 49, 31 "Andrew Montour and His Portrait," by Amelia, ship (1832), 47, 205 Charles Morse Stotz, 44, 13-19 Amelung, Frederick Magnus (1805), 47, Andrews, J. Cutler 319 Pa. Historical Assoc, 47, 77 2 AXTELL rev. of Blueprint for Modern America, Armstrong, Col. John (1758), 47, 59 Non Military Legislation of the First Armstrong, William H., Organs for Ameri- Civil War Congress, 52, 199-201 ca :The Life and Work of Da-ind Tanncn- rev. of Forging a Majority. The Formation berg, rev., 51, 182-83 of the Republican Party in Pittsburgh, Armstrong & Co. (1884), 48, 53 1848-60, 53, 65-66 Armstrong Cork Co. (1901), 49, 54 rev, of President James Buchanan, a Bi- Armstrong County- ography (1962), 45, 273-76 court house, 45, 284 rev. of Soldiers' Battle, Gettysburg, 46, furnaces (1830), 48, 82-89 185-87 Armstrong-McKelvy Lead and Oil Co. rev. of The Struggle for Equality, Aboli- (1900), 49, 54 tionists and the Negro in the Civil War Armstrong's Camp. See Four Redoubts and Reconstruction, 49, 155-57 Camp Annadale Furnace. See Reed Furnace An Army Doctor's Wife on the Frontier, Annual tours. See HSWP ed. by Dr. Abe Laufe, rev., 45, 280-82 Another Day, Another World, Isabel Gard- Army of New France, 52, 332-33 ner Malone's Story of Her Childhood, by Army of the Potomac, 44, 109; 45, 247, Isabel Gardner Malone, rev., 53, 288-91 253; 48, 155, 163 Anshutz, Mrs. Alfred, 44, 106 Arndt, Karl J. R., George Rapp's Harmony Anshutz, George, 48, 82, 383 ;49, 100 Society {1785-1847), rev., 49, 361-63 Antietam, battle (1862), 48, 22 Arndt, Karl J. R., and Patrick R. Brostowin, Apple Tree (Big), Indian (1775), 47, 33, "Pragmatists and Prophets :George Rapp 40, 42n and J. A. Roebling Versus J. A. Etzler Appleton Brothers, 52, 158 and Count Leon," 52, 1-2, 27, 171-98 Appomattox: The Last Campaign, by Bur- Arnold, Gen. Benedict, 44, 272; 53, 123 leigh Cushing Rodick, rev., 48, 403-4 Arrick, Joseph (1854), 49, 47 Arbuckle, Thomas, 50, 118, 119 Arrott, James W. (1873), 47, 75n Archaeologists at Work, by Fred Kinsey III, Artillery rev., 47, 167 Braddock's campaign, 44, 131, 132, 389 Archer, Frederick (1896), 50, 125 CivilWar, 50, 183 Archimedes, ship, 50, 109 Fort Pitt exhibits, 53, 41-42 Architecture Thomas Rodman, 45, 264 Allegheny Co., 49, 375-77 War of 1812, 50, 141 Bellefield Presbyterian Church, 49, 213- Ascension Academy.
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