Daugavpils University Vytautas Magnus University Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre MUSIC SCIENCE TODAY: THE PERMANENT AND THE CHANGEABLE Scientific Papers M˚zikas zin‚tne odien: past‚vÓgais un mainÓgais Zin‚tnisko rakstu kr‚jums 2 (10) DAUGAVPILS UNIVERSITY ACADEMIC PRESS SAULE 2018 Daugulis «., Ed. Music Science Today: the Permanent and the Changeable No 2 (10). Scientific Papers. Daugavpils: Daugavpils University Academic Press Saule, 2018. 182 p. Editor-in-chief Dr. art., prof. «valds Daugulis, Daugavpils University, Latvia Associate Editor Dr. art., prof. Baiba Jaunslaviete, J‚zeps VÓtols Latvian Academy of Music, Latvia Editorial Board Dr. hab. art., prof. Leonidas Melnikas, Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, Lithuania Dr. art., prof. Baiba Jaunslaviete, J‚zeps VÓtols Latvian Academy of Music, Latvia Dr. hab. art., prof. Georgs PelÁcis, J‚zeps VÓtols Latvian Academy of Music, Latvia Dr. hab. art., prof. Tatjana Mdivani, Institute of Study of Arts, Ethnography and Folklore, National Academy of Science, Belarus Dr. phil., prof. M‚rtiÚ Boiko, J‚zeps VÓtols Latvian Academy of Music, Latvia Dr. hab. art., prof. Romualdas ApanaviËius, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania Dr. art., prof. «valds Daugulis, Daugavpils University, Latvia Dr. art., prof. JeÔena œebedeva, J‚zeps VÓtols Latvian Academy of Music, Latvia Dr. art., prof. Juozas AntanaviËius, Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, Lithuania Dr. art., prof. Lolita F˚rmane, J‚zeps VÓtols Latvian Academy of Music, Latvia Dr. phil., prof. Christoph Flamm, Saarland University, Germany Dr. phil., prof. Vladimir Konecni, University of California, San Diego, USA Dr. phil., doc. Denis Collins, University of Queensland, Australia Dr. art., prof. J‚nis KudiÚ, J‚zeps VÓtols Latvian Academy of Music, Latvia Dr. art., musicologist Zhanna Knyazeva, Russian Institute of the Art History, Russia Dr. art., prof. Rytis Urne˛ius, –iauliai University, Lithuania Dr. art., assoc. prof. Nelli Macaberidze, Belarusian State Academy of Music, Belarus Dr. hab. phil., prof. Maciej Ko˘odziejski, Pu˘tusk Academy of Humanities, Poland English Language Editor: Dr. phil., assoc. prof. Ilze OÔehnoviËa Layout Designer: Marina StoËka Issue supported by Daugavpils University and State Culture Capital Foundation. LÓdz 2017. gadam zin‚tnisko rakstu kr‚jums M˚zikas zin‚tne odien: past‚vÓgais un mainÓgais publicÁts ar ISSN numuru 1691-6034. No 2017. gada kr‚jums Music Science Today: the Permanent and the Changeable tiek izdots ar ISSN numuru 2501-0344. Till 2017 the issue was published with the title M˚zikas zin‚tne odien: past‚vÓgais un mainÓgais and ISSN number 1691-6034. Since 2017 the issue is published with the title Music Science Today: the Permanent and the Changeable, ISSN number 2501-0344. ISSN 2501-0344 © Daugavpils University, 2018 ISBN 978-9984-14-842-7 CONTENT «valds Daugulis Preface. Music Science Today: the Permanent and the Changeable X ................................. 5 MUSIC HISTORY AND SOCIOLOGY EglÎ –eduikytÎ-KorienÎ Contradictions of Ideology and Tradition in the Lithuanian Organ School and Performance........................................................................................................................ 7 J˚ratÎ PetrikaitÎ Concert Activities of Latvian Performers in Lithuania (1918ñ1940) .................................. 13 Valda »aka Archival Documents and Oral History Sources on the RÁzekne Music Secondary School Managed by J‚nis ¤sÓtis (1956ñ1959) ..................................................................... 20 Leonidas Melnikas The Leopold Godowsky Phenomenon: Autodidacticism vs. Established Canons of Professional Musical Education .......................................................................................... 31 Urszula Mizia Jan Sztwiertnia ñ an Artist, Teacher, and Composer of Unknown Music............................ 38 Ewa Kumik The Culture-Making Activity of Amateur Choirs in Their Local Communities on the Example of the Cantilena Choir from Sieradz ............................................................... 45 ETHNOMUSICOLOGY «valds Daugulis Instrumental Folk Music in Latvia in the Second Half of the 20th Century: Styles, Types, Interactions.............................................................................................................. 52 Olesia Platonova The Marks of African Music in Salsa .................................................................................. 58 Elena Savitskaya ìSongs of the Northern Landî: The Origins of the National Identity of Swedish Progressive Rock ................................................................................................................. 62 MUSIC PERFORMANCE AND ANALYSIS Mantautas Katinas Tradition of Musical Performance: Some Thoughts on the Role of Time and Place ........... 69 Ma˘gorzata Kaniowska The Art of Conducting from a Historical Perspective ......................................................... 75 Rafa˘ Majzner Reflections on the Musical and Literary Inspirations of Karol Szymanowskiís Early Song Opuses ....................................................................................................................... 83 Yaroslava Snitko Complete Experiment in Incomplete Opus (Benjamin Brittenís Variations for Piano) ....... 89 Baiba Jaunslaviete Collage as a Way of Conclusion of Musical Composition in the Context of the 20th/21st Centuries Music Aesthetics .............................................................................. 99 3 Regina MarozienÎ Original Solo Repertoire of the Concert KanklÎs: Specific Features of Texture and Performance (Second Half of the 20th Century ñ 1st Decade of the 21st Century) ................. 106 Irina Gornaya Intercultural and National Traditions in Victoria Sergeenkoís Works ................................ 118 Joanna Nowicka Henryk Jan Botorís ìStaÒ siÊ!î / (ìThy Will Be Done!î) ñ Composition Analysis: Between Theory and Interpretation .................................................................................... 122 MUSIC EDUCATION Lolita Jolanta NavickienÎ, Orinta BabilauskaitÎ Prenatal Music Education in Lithuania: Pregnant Womenís Perspective ............................ 138 Jolanta AbramauskienÎ, Rasa KirliauskienÎ Analysis of Some Aspects of Music Education: Approach of School Principals................... 149 Ewa Kochanowska The Preventive and Therapeutic Aspects of the Impact of Music in Work with Children Experiencing School Failures ................................................................................ 155 Maciej Ko˘odziejski, Miros˘aw Kisiel Music Education in the Light of the Contemporary Educational Transformations in Poland................................................................................................................................. 161 GiedrÎ GabnytÎ Works by Modern Lithuanian Composers for Children and Youth: The Aspect of Teachersí Viewpoint ........................................................................................................... 168 Vida PalubinskienÎ, Vaiva JuceviËi˚tÎ-BartkeviËienÎ, Edgars ZnutiÚ Ethno-Cultural Education in Lithuania, Latvia and Poland: Young Peopleís Activity in the Ethno-Musical Ensembles of Higher Education Schools ........................................... 175 4 PREFACE Music Science Today: the Permanent and the Changeable X Editor-in-chief «VALDS DAUGULIS The collection of research papers includes 23 A musicianís personality is considered also articles by scholars representing six countries in Urszula Miziaís research paper Jan Sztwiertnia ñ (Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Ukraine and an Artist, Teacher, and Composer of Unknown Belarus). The thematic scope of researches is Music, which discloses the composer Jan Sztwiert- broad and papers are organized in four sections: niaís artistic oeuvre, at the same time thoroughly Music History and Sociology, Ethnomusicology, evaluating the impact of the changing historical Musical Analysis and Performance and Music contexts and various national cultures on the Pedagogy. musician. The section closes with Ewa Kumikís The first broad section includes six research research The Culture-Making Activity of Amateur papers. The paper by EglÎ –eduikytÎ-KorienÎ Choirs in Their Local Communities on the Example Contradictions of Ideology and Tradition in the of the Cantilena Choir from Sieradz concerning Lithuanian Organ School and Performance the issues in the activity of amateur choirs in Poland. continues the theme discussed in several previous The section Ethnomusicology of this collec- volumes of the collection and concerns the devel- tion of research papers contains three articles. opment periods of organ culture in Lithuania. «valds Daugulis in his research paper Instrum- J˚rate Petrikaiteís article Concert Activities of ental Folk Music in Latvia in the Second Half of Latvian Performers in Lithuania (1918ñ1940), the 20th Century: Styles, Types, Interaction con- in its turn, touches upon the interaction of Latvian siders the typology of various forms of instrumental and Lithuanian cultures. The author analyses a folk music and introduces new notions into Latvian great range of the press materials of interwar musicology ñ authentic style and stylized authent- Lithuania and reveals new information about out- icity. Special attention is paid to the explanation standing Latvian artistsí concert activities at an and in-depth understanding of the terms harmon- international level. ization and arrangement. The researcher Olesija Valda »akaís paper Archival Documents
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